Newspaper Page Text
m g' • m mm s
i t ” : - - •' ’ • fi * %v ' f \. { ^ ,..
to divide
the political ticket. *
Tlie Japs need some vineyard workers
3 teach them how to bottle up the
i doesn’t need 4>y utoot
j . fairs this spring, bnt it does need fair
Tl.e Albany Chautauqua is already
of conversaiiou among many
in so,utli Georgia,
If all the lost tempers daring the
were advertised for, the pub-
wonhf get rich.
“OM’Solplajmilhide”andseek"on EaT
tor day end the Easter bonnefa larked
in ;lc ir band boxes.
ih crop is safe. Let us hope
the hog and hominy crops will st
rike happy condition.
Stovods In reported as saying tiiat
two Hearst clnbsin Georgia,
nid Jim Griggs tlie othor.
w Yor£ World and the Hew
have bofl/doclarod for Par-
iiavo not organized rival
the A. & B. has purchased
let the big road begin to plan
a through ear set-
lyou drop yoar collar button
i know wlint rolled gold is.
seusou is here whon yonng people
ike to sit out in the moonlight and talk
about themselves.
That was a wise Westerner fftio said
that he’d rather be a cat with.niuo lives
i lion a Mormon with nine wives.
Progress and prosperity still eon.
tone.,. . i .
The liens relented in time for an egg
plantifnl Easter.,
And they are even opposing Hearst
for viee-pfesident.
There fo,a difference between earning
heaven and pining for it.
Well, havo'you' got over being mad
about that April fool jokeV ,
How about Parker pnd peaches for a
srunmer slogan in Georgia?
The Parker boom is spreading like the
proverbial untamed conflagration. j.
The nupiber of office holders who re-
quire vindication is really startling.
The candidate who gallops a hobby
does not always advance at a rapid rate.
Tlie political barbecue is not a relic of
barbarism. Lot’s have otioip TiiomsB
We are willing to wager that the fa
bled Maid of Athene did not wear the
Grecian bend.
■Warsand rumors of wars.” The
Inner arj in tlie majority in the present
If somo candidate will 1 run on tlie
plat form of segregation lor tlie town
knocker we predict Ills unanimous elec
Beware of the preacher who 'talks tf
anythiflg else than the gospel of love on
Easter day.
Those whoso work for God brings call
oosed hands may attain winged shoal,
Events of the year prove that Grover
Cleveland has the poworof attaching
his followers to him with a devotion
amonming almost to idolatry.
Things are not always what they
seem. A Sonth Georgia man used oar-
bolioacid for eyo Wator Inst wook.
Thomas couuty polities are qnlotjust
now, but—.
Tho Times-Entorprl60_ls in receipt of
the minims spooch of£Oougrcssmin Jos.
M. Griggs, in wlitoh ho poors hot shot
into tlie Republicans [about post office
affairs. It makes good reading.
The Hearst boom Is still alive bat bad
ly battered. Iu fact it is Just now be
tween "Oh Lord" aud "Thank God.”
But it will soon reach the first named
stage. _
The Savauuah Press gravely informs
ui that Charles lUrfusli, Shoky Sassen
and Farson Shehur were recently made
American oltiiens there. A few more
names like chat and America will be ful.
ly equipped to go to war.
The progress of the South 1in©m-
pressed the editor of the Buffalo Times,
- aud he writes: "A great deal of North
ern capital is going to different parts of
the Sonth on account of the nnmerons
attractive liuei of Investment which the
boomers down there have shown to men
with idle money. The Sonth is becom
ing more and more enterprising aud
pushing. There ia new Ufe iu its Indus-
tries, onto farms end in tlie mines.
1 Prosperity reigns iu'Unole Sam’s sunny
section. The people of tlie North are
glad of it."
The dlstriets of Clayton, of Alabama,
and Griggs, of Georgia, adjoin, says the
New York World. The two representa
tives are great friends, bnt there is con
siderable jealangy between their con-
One day last fall a Georgia man wan
dered over to a small village in Alaba
ma. He sat around in trout of the gen
eral store and bragged about Georgia.
He said everything in hlsjrtate was bet
tor than anything Alabama could pro-
dace. i j
“Bygravy!” ha Anally announced,
“I’d a might right rather be the mean
est man in Georgia, than the best man
l n Alabama." ^
“Huh!” said an Alabama men, "I
guess you’ve got your rather.”
The Russians seems to have a patent
oork-acrewshi to euable them to get ont
of the oorked-up Port Arthur.
There ore many alliterative combina
tions of desirable qualities but Urns-
llau cheerfulness is about the best oi
them uU.
Dr. J. H. Boozer has retired from the
race for representative from Brooks
county. He is editor of Quitman Grit
butthe Gritmauquit.
The citizens of Boston, Georgia are
going to organize a Parker clnb. Bos
ton may always be counted upon to ,do
the right thing.
The Greek Church; ,is tlie largest
Christian organization, exoept that of
Rome, from widely it seoeded It would
rank third, however, it the Protestnui
ohurchca were nnited. Its political im
portance dependi upon the foot that the
Czar ia to head.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott’s
Emulsipn restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott’s Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
Young women in their
teens " are permanently cured
f the peculiar disease of the
ilood which 'shows itself in
■alcness, weakness and nervous-
icss, by regular treatment
vith Scott’s Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and i
5 naturally adapted to the cure
if the blood sickness from
which so many young women
A Card.
It ia being charged by some newspa
pers in Georgia that the recent organi
zation of a Parker dub in Atlanta, com
monly referred to as “Parker Clnb No.
a,” was in fact intended to bring Mr.
Cleveland into the race for the presi
dency. Tlie writer’s name, together
with a number of gentlemen well known
in Georgia, ie coupled with this alleged
movement to boost Mr. Cleveland
under the guise of a Parker club. I was
not present and did not participate in
the organization of the clnb referred to,
and cannot speak for the sentiments of
tlemen present on the occasion,
(they are all eminently qualified to take
care of themselves) either collectively
or individnaUy, but it is due myself to
say that I am not masquerading as a
Cleveland man under Judge Parker’s
At the recent meeting of the state
democratic executive committee in At
lanta, tlie members (most of them) were
interviewed by a reporter as to certain
public questlous. To three of these in
quiries only did I respond As follows:
1st. "I am in favor of a strong con
servative candidate who can most like
ly carry New York, believing that the
carrying of that state* is essential to
democratic success.
2nd. Am opposed to the reaffirmation
of the Kansas Oity platform.
3rd. Am in favor of an uninstrncted
delegation from Georgia.”
This was my position then, and it is
my position now.
I have no apologies to make for haw
ipg been a supporter of Mr. Cleveland,
but I do not think it wonld ,bo a wise
thing to nominate him for a third term,
and have so expressed myself freely and
openly since the question pf a candidate
has been under discussion by democrats.
If the state of New York instruct)- for,
or endorses a candidate,"and it wiU do so
in all pr-bability, then, -in my opinion,
the Empire State of the South should
support the choicoof the Empire State
of the ' North, for the reasons before
expressed, tiiat the electoral vete of
New York it essential to democratic
John Triplett.
This would be a good day for those
newspapers tiiat have been carrying on
a campaign of villificaton and abase
against candidates for offloes large and
small to turn ovei a new leaf. The
Times-Enterprise never lias, aud nulets
it lias a remarkable change of heart,
never will indulge in any snob iplenltlc
exhibitions of IU temper and abase of
those whom it does not think worthy
to hold offloe. 1
It refrains from this because wc are
naturally good, hnmored and, we hope
fair kninded. Then too wo realise that
viralenoe defeats its own object. In our
humble estimation an ounce of ridionle
is more effeotive than a ton of profanity.
Sarcasm is a dangerous servant because
when need often it proves to bo master.
Sbme of onr erstwhile sunny contempo
raries havo turued into perpetual totere
ota plump grouch just because some
one told thorn tiiat their ill-advised
thrusts at everything and everybody
were "spicy.” The Rome Tribune
terms sncli people “Damn Everything
Men.” We are not a damn everything
man and we are pnrad of it. If yon
wans to lighten the world of any of its
whelming weight of wasting woe, -and
incidentally to succeed in life, we wonld
advise you not to be a “damn every
thing” man.
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, and barns like
Eczema. Beginning oitcii with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads, followed by pustules or blisters from which a gammy, sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap
pears on different parts of the body but oftenest upon the back, arms, hands,
legs and face, and is a ■
veritable torment at ul & ^
times, especially at u ranch diocomfort. A« time went by it.
night or when over- ¥T Vtow worse, end I wa. con-vino*? that
The cause of Ecze
ma is a too acid and
geheralunheal thycon
dition of the blood-
The terrifying itching
and burning is pro
duced by the overflow
through the glands and
pores of • the sjtin of the fiery poisons with which the blood-current is over-
loaded. While external applications, such as
washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hidg and
cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or
touch the real cause of the disease,' bnt S. 8. S.
does, and purifies,,enriches, and strengthens the
thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, when the
akin dears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears.
Send for oar free book on the Skin and its diseases. No charge for
medical advice.t THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATtAHTA, GA*
•light temporary relief.. In February
I decided to try 8.8. B-, and in than
a month I experienced a change for the
lEvsagsjKf prangs f
Manager Stockman's Advertising Agency.
Station A, Kansas Oity, Mo.
The boy or girl^
Has the joliiesy catioJlt
Capt. Jolm Triplett, in auother col*
umn of this paper, has a card in refer
ence id the charge tiiat “Parker Club
number is composed of Cleveland
masqueraders. Mr. Triplett states that
he was uo.t present aud did not partici
pate in tlie meeting, aud fully explains
liis position as to the presidential) nomi
nee. He is in favor of the man whom
New York wants, and does not think,
Mr. Cleveland’s nomination wonld be
Wc will k« glad to atad
a ismplc to any niffcrtr.
B« sure that this pktere la
the form of a label f* on tbs
wrapper of every beetle el
Xerawoe yea buy.
409 Pezii St, New Yoifc
Capt. Triplett ia a candidate to repres
ent the Second Congreasional District
at the National Convention and his
platform is of wide spread interest.
A German professor toys “beer drink
ing fits the mind for reflection.” Like
wise remorse.
The more provisions the farmer make,
the greater will be his profit on ihe cot-
tea crap-
J Equipped
Boiler Works
MILL Shops and
SUPPLIES 7 Foundry
Wopo» tVtro Fonem. Firm Proof RoottPg, Sprap Pumpt. M.mmr., Uokop. ftpotptmm
Wgwnr Bate «t«Tsar Mwest to Ftp.™ wit* Us.
W-.-. MACON. CA.
Need Anything in Our Line?
Rough ai.d Dressed Lumber,
And we Manufacture Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles; all kinds of
Mouldings and Railings,
And everything needed for. building and repairing.
Spend your money with as and keep it in eireulation here at home where yon
can get some of it back.
Come to roe us when needing anything in onr line.
Thomasville Variety Works,
’Phone 130.
Thrv overcome Wear-
ness,increase vigor end
..... -- . — banish-pains." They
are “LII- E SAVERS," aiding development o( organs and body. No known rent*
dv equals them. Cannot doharm—life becomes a pleasure. ,1.00 PER BON BY
Mail. Sold by Patterson' Drug Co. DR. MOTTS CHEM1CA'. CO.,Cleve
land, Ohio.
Safe Transfer and Luggage Service
Established 1885. Landaus, Nice Close Carriages lor parties oi Sea.
Meets All Trains, CAREFUL HANDLING, Prompt, Polite and Relia
ble Service. ANY HOUR, day or night. Terms Reasonable.
Telephone 362
Comer Stephens St., and Ireks Lane
Ute Porter Pinev Woods Hotel. THOMASVILLE, GA,
The Best .Cow Food to be
Cost less and is the g/eatest
milk and butter producer
on the market.
Put up by the Ralston Pu
rina Co.
Come down and let us talk to you.
W e have just received a car of Woold-
bridge Jellico.
The. Thomasville Ice Company
Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and drain.
William R. Hee^zt, bit newspapers
and Ids cartoons conld make a campaign
more picturesque than useful.
There were knockers In ye olden
time. A hammer one hundred yean
dd baa been found in Savannah.
The London Lancet, a prominent med-
,cai journal ask* “It Love a Disease?"
Hit is none of us want to be vaccinated.
The latest movement in the political
oirizthe breezy boomlet of Henry G.
Turner for vies- president.
in mnscle mind and mor
als is a good tiling to teach the Ameri
can boy.
High Shoals is going to organize a
Bacon dob. This ia almost aa good os
a bog and hominy club.
Ever tried making\, tures
from start to finish?
with the right material!
us show you!
$1 and $2.
Brownie Developing Machin
10 Copies ofRev.T DeWitt Talmage'i
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—WiU be—
In the Times-Enterprise “Dot" Contest.
These books arc on exhibition now at
our store. They are splendid works,
which sell for $2.76 each and wiU be an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co's.
Book Store,
Brood Street, - Thomasville, Go;
;—•■■■■•— * i
Qmint, Queer and Curious Salt Lake
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said "There are three uni
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City." It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but qjuaiot
in appearance, with its wide streets* im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particulaviy
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is "deader and denser'*
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts hear by*
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs
Pishing and hunting can be had in every-
direction, The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Dcn-
jr & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
w estern, is one oi unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfallk’
and picturesque yalleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudettr of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Sale
Lake City and contiguous country. It
Is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Pcnvfer, Colo„
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules ‘
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 6-cont packet is enongli for usual
occasions. Tlie family bottle (fiOcts.)
contains a supply for a year. All drag-
gists sell them.
This is not a gentle word—bnt whi
yon think how liable yon are not to
rarohase the only remedy universally
mown aud a remedy that haa bad the
largest sale of any mediaine in tlie
world since 1868 for the cure and treat
ment of Consumption and Throat and
Lung troubles without lasing its great
Xtpnlarity all these yean, yon will b,
hankfnl we called your attention to
many ordinary cough remedies made by
druggists and others tbat are cheap and
good for light colds perhaps, but for se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and
especially for Consumption, where
there is difficult expectoration and
coughing during the nights and morn
ings, there is nothing like German Syr
up. The 26 cent size lies just been in
tro dneed this year. At 8. H. Price O
inch Cane Mill,
inch Cane Mill,
inch Cane Mill,
inch Cane Mill,
$14 00
18 80
24 60
28 4
We can furnish the above id iron
frames at a small cost. It will pay yon
to call on us before you buy.
Works near A. O. L. R. R. Depot|
P. O. 102; Telephones 134 and 210.
Mow Kioto |
Disturbances of strikers are notiuear-
as grave as an individual disorder of
ie system. Overwork, loss of sleep
nervous Aenton will be follow d by
utter colupse, unless a reliable r reedy
msmately employed. There’s no
thing to efficient to core diaord in of
the Lirer or Kidneys as Electric , titter*
It's a wonderful tonic, and el active
nervim and the greatest all 1 round
medidJe for ran down systems. It dis-
sis Nervousness, Rheumatlsn and
earalgia and expels Mai.
art:'6O0, and satisfaction ,
by J. W. Peacock, druggist.