Newspaper Page Text
. Uongreszman Griggs is to be Memorial
Day orator at Bainbridge.
For Sheriff.
I I hereby announce myself m a candi-
! date for re-election to the oflice’of sher
iff of Thomas county, subject to the
(action<>f the Democratic primary. If
j re-elected f Will conduce to give the
i office uiy personal attention and will
discharge irs denes to the test of my
' t- T
C! thing
womans jsssKt
to her nature to love
Nightmare jgg
pure. The critical ordeal throueji which the expectant mother mutt
pace, hobever, is so fraught with dread, pain, auffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There b no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
er dangerous.-. The use of Mother** Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. Thb
great and wonderful
lEi&nS Mother's
of women through i _ _
tho trying crisis without suffering. , __ m
Columbus has a new cotton mill five
stories high and costing *200,000.
Is the Word
The season at Jekyl bland has closed,
and the millionaires have gone home.
For Sheriff.
I lieaeby announce myself aa a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the county. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the duties of the office and will
discharge those duties to the best of my
ability. J. J. Cosb, tf
Albany Odd Fellows Will start work
on a $20,000 building May the first.
A bad habit has. great force. Savan
nah is going to have another carnival.
Juo. W. Bryan of Whigham has gone
ioto bankruptcy with lisbilities of *28,-
580.30 with no assent*.
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. M
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
performance of all the duties of the offi
ce. My past record in the office is open
to inspection and relying upon-this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary
Vaidosta citizens have raised $100,000
to Imild a railroad from that city to the
Ocmulgee river, via Douglas.
Clothing manufactories in the world.
All Well Made, Stylish and Durable in Men’s Suits.
Pri«s~$4.50, 6.75, 7.25, 8.00, 9.50,10.00,
10.50, 12.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50,
What a North Georgian Thinks of this
Favored Section.
Hr. F. J. Analey Jr., of Valdosta spent
Sunday In the oity.
Miss Willie Bottoms left Monday for
• short, visit to friends at Camilla.
Mr. O. M. Smith is insuring the Pel-
kamitas in the Prudential this week.
The streets are again resounding with
the hearty “howdy" of Captain John
Hightower. Be has been to Atlanta.
Mr. J. M. Busliln of Boston was shak
ing liandawith his Thomasvilio friends
7.W, 7.50,8.00,and 150.
3,00, 3.50, m, 4.50,5.N and tM.
Juvenile-Two style, the Buster Brown and
Norfork, from $2.50 to $5.50.
500 High Art Shirts to go while they Iasi tor
$1.00 each]
Ml. V 0 .Mardre of Boston was in
town Monday.
Mr. W. B. Seymour of Oordele spent
-Sunday in town.
Dr. B. Ainsworth is back from a
short trip to Atlanta. He says Joe Jef
ferson to any man’s peer.
Mr. Charlton Jones wlio now has
■hindquarters in Birmingham Is send
ing a few days hero.
Mr. J, H. Smith and family of Monl-
trieare stopping at thoMasury. Mr.
Smith is a high official of the Georgia
IKorthern railroad.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Edward -Lonsburg re-
tamed to Alkauy Monday. Mrs t
Ionsberg lias been on a visit to her psjr-
CMsta here for two weeks. .
Rev. Chat. T.*Wright returned to Al
bany yesterday 'morning. He made
atsny friends during his brief stay in
Mrs. W. R. Milton and her two cliil.
droit have veturucil’frein High Springs,
Florida, whore they have been for some ft utt and business conditions
The olimate, business prospects and
general conditions of Sooth Qooigia al
ways make enthusiasts of people who
come to view them, The poet once
"■aid those who came to aooff remained
to pray.” That might be reviaed to
read for South Georgia. "Those who
oometo view remain to dwpU.’’ Mr.
Wm. j. Heel is no exoepthm to tills rule.
In a recent interview with the Rome
Herald he says.
"I returned from my South Georgia
trip greatly refreshed and strengthened.
The genial olimate. the pine breezee and
the artesian waters have agreed with
For several winters 1 have suffered
in Romo from indigestion and rheuma
tism. Cold weather seoms especially
trying on my system, and for more than
a yenr'J. have been considering a changt
to a milder winter climate.
“My trip to|Soutli Georgia waste the
nature of an ezperiment, and I hare
been so much improved b* the mpnth
apent tliero that I return feeling enthusi
astic orer the climate, health and re
sources of that rapidly developing
I am aware that most North Geor
gians consider South Georgia sickly, but
artesian water-lias wrought wonderful
changes in that regard, and it is note
considered as healthful us auy part of
the state.
“Will 1 move to South Georgia?. I
enuubt stato with certainity just yet
whether I will or not; but my present
fooling is that I will more to Southwest
Georgia about the first of nest January,
making oitheir Moultrie, Thomasvilio or
Bainbridgo my borne.
The winters ate mild, the water is
First—They fit; if you
care to look well dressed, you
have first to get a suit that
Second—T 1i e workman
ship is the best that Can be
secured The material is of
the best that can be obtained,
and in style, they are
T. .1. Plight.
The cadets of the University of Geor
gia are camping this week at Gaines-
villa. They are getting a taste of tree
The great foot ball event of the year,
the Thanksgiving Day game between
Georgia and Auburn will take plaoe in
Macon this year.
The Ladies' Missionary Union of the
Macon Presbytery baa jut finished a
successful meeting in Albeny. Their
next convention will be held in Quit-
The latest entry in the race for speak
er of the house of 1905 it Hon. John N.
Holder of Jackson. This means one
more in the itot of “also rana” for it will
be Speaker Mituhell of Thomas.
Third—You can buy one
of these suits that will
as well, and that will last
than any tailor made suit at
The Knight* of Pythias hare organ
ized in Atlanta a temple of the “Dra
matic Order Knights of Khanuwan.”
This degree is to Pythianhun what the
Shrin9 is in Masonry. *
The Thirteenth Annnal Convention of
the Georgia Bankers’ Association will
be held at Lookout Inn, Lookout Moan-
tain* Teun., next Jane the 28th and
We take pleasure in showing them.
Louis Steyerman,
Corner Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
Justices Mitchell and Bibb Hear Mur
der Case of Mitcliells.
Preliminary trial was Tuesday given
to Jordan and Henry Mitchell, who
wore charged with t1»o murder of u ne
gro named Lurey on the ttth of March.
The prosecution was represented by
Singletary and Adkins, of Cairo and
Mr.W.D.Rsefe and fmotly left Mon- j Fu . nora , of Mr ,. w «y.
day fojftbebiliemein Cleveland,Ohio.' , „ . ...
They lmve”cccnpied their beautiful - ? Wa J’. Col. T. N. Hopkins and W. C. Snodgrass I S
residence on Park Front for several, 8r ” " ure h,id *° rest Laorel Hi “ cem ‘ j de,endod ,h * Schells. j S
months. * ' etery Saturday morning. Sho was the! The evidence teemed to show tlmtHhe j $
: Wife of Judge Addison Way, who is one! negroes >vcro the host of friends and j $
M^JJ. W. Bryan, manager of the of tho eouutv'.s phtriarchs. He is now i tlia * the three ate dinner together tho [ ft
8ofijft‘|N3Ynl{ Stores W»., of Whigham, over SO veal’s of‘age and has been for day the deed was committed. Both the j j*
was a visitor to tffe city SicudHv. The j ye&ts one of Thomas county's best I ■-itci.cU's plead not guilty and after; fj
Sofkce company ^is just* now applying : known citizens. Mrs. Way was a lady considering the 5^*0 Justices Mitchell
■ for a cluster, with an authorized capi-j cf high Christian diameter and had ' !ir ‘" Bibb acting together turned Henry
tat of t-JidCO. reared a splendid fa mil j, Dr. L, B. -dcoso and bound Jordan ever to the
||§E|fc *V_ * • Bom hello conducted the ceremonies m ‘d$herceurton thecharge of nmnriaugh-
Mr. W. R. Johnson of the Eoston dir- the grave. The members of the family tl ' r - Unless the grand
Directions for Waking GcoifBread:
Use one leveled teaspoouful
to a quart of sifted t flour; add
enough sour milk io knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Success Soda are the cor-
5 reefc properiious. ^
Best and Cheapest. *
The lumber yard of Weston & Co. at
Albany was destroyed by fire on Sunday
morning. The planing mill, two cars
and considerable lumber were dest royed
Loss 96,000 with no insurance
E. S. Ferry 1 , a former candidate for
sheriff in Decatur is contesting the re
sult of the primary. He charges illegal
voting in Bainbridge precinct. The first
count' palled Stegall elected by two
Coffee county grand jury recommends
that her representatives^ endeavor to
have a bill passed through the legislature
giving the grand jury pow6r to appoint
the board of county commissioners, the
Superior court judge to endorse the ap
The people of Wayeros* are alarmed
at the prospect of belug loft off the main
lino of the A. & ti. railroad, from Monte
zuma to Brunswick. At present they
aro on a side spur. The citizens will
meet ou April 15th,- to discuss tho build
ing of a road to Blackshear which will
put them back in the game.
For The Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic yrimarj. Hav
ing served the people te the very beat of
my ability in the last legislature, I fail
that loon confidentially and conscien
tiously solicit their support in the ap
proaching primary.
J. B. Rood tret.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomaa county:
Appreciating the past honor* yon hare
confirmed upon me 1 take this method
of announcing that I am a candidate for
re-election to the Home of Representa
tives of Georgia. In the disenarge of
my dalle* irethe pest JU your represen
tative I have to (lie beet of my ability
worked for yoor interest* and the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia,
I again ask your support. My' candi
dacy to subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector.
I most respectfully announce myseii
as a candidate for re-election to the of
fice of tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making this announcement I bc« to ex
tend tny thanks to the voters of Themta
county for their kinc ness to me during
Die past and to solicit a continuance of
their sapport. P. 8. Heetii.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself os a^oan-
didate for re-election to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject
to the action of the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give the office the
same careful attention as in the past.
I solicit the support of the voters of the
John F. Howard.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
county, subject to thn action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit tlie sup
port of the voters otthe county.
Secretary of State Cook will be called
upon in a few days to decide a contest
election between the towns of Isabella
and Sylvester, in Worth county. At a
recent election the people of Worth
county voted to hove their county she
transferred from Isabella, where it lias
been for many years, to Sylvester. The
people of Isabella are complaining that
the election was not fair, and as a result
they have appealed thecas© to Secretary
of State Cook. Mr. Cook will make a
decision and will submit a report to the
Augusta—Ice fttetory.
Moultrie—Land company.
Cnthbert—Oil mill.
Wrens—$20,000 oil mill.
Ocilla—$o,000 electric light plant.
Adel—Planing mill.
Greensboro—Electric light plant.
Camilla—Ice factory; grist mill.
Waycross—Mattress factory-
I hereby annonnoe myself a candidate
for re-election tothe office of Commis-
mtssionarof Jbianto and Rcvi nuos of
Tlnmas county, *4l>j eol to the action of
the EemoonOSg primary, and soiict the
lit of thf votersi* r -v
J. D. Barrow.
For ordinary,
Desiring lti-st to thunk my old com
rades, and friends generally, for their
four years gift of the office of ordinary,I
hereby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to the the Demo
cratic primary, promising if elected, to
do my utmost to perform all the duties
of the office faithfully in future- as I
have tried to do iu the past.
For County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election as Treasurer of
Thomas county, subjtot the action of
the Democratic Primalv.
I am very thankful tci rhe* people for
tho favors and coutidcuce »hown me in
the past, and pledge, if elected, my
very best and most conscientious efforts
to give them faithful, efficient and sat
isfactory service. f|
I earnestly solicit your support and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully yours,
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-elec-
tion to the office of county surveyor of
Thomas county subject to tho action of
the Democratic primary. If ro-elected
I will continue to give the office my bett
attention. I solicit the support of the
voters. A. J. STAN ALAND
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the office of Coramis-
riouer of Roads a nd Revenues of Thomas
Frr Cnrnn^r I county, sublet to the action cf the
rtr Luronor, Democratic’primary. Uor ^thc «np-
I take this means of announcing for port of the volers of the county.
w -eleciiou to the office of coroner oi i M. D Redfearn,
! Thomas county subject to the action ot:
jvulc a : ... v.,,, • the primary. If elected: I will give the'
i j s s - cx» veep j duties of the offiea tho same careful at-
Tho.-e’s nothing like doing a tiling 1 ten tion that they have heretofore re-
thoroughiy. Cf all tho salv-s you ever \ ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
fluds a kill; heard of, Bucklen s Arnica tstilve is tlie j support that my friends* have alway
For County Commissiorifir,
I hereby annonuce mveelf a candidate
for re election to tlie office of Commis-
krlct w .IMonda-r *W,or to tin, conn- amt revond frkmd* accompmfiecl the re- - Hsnry is now » freo man. j
L »r Eruptions and Piles. It’s only 2cc and supporters and hoping for a renewal of Dtmirv*’r- •’ T lU3
ty metropolis.^Mr. Johnson
<eent comer to^the w county.
is a re- mains here from the home iu the Patten l The negroes were all fro
section of the county.
! lower Eruptions and Piles. It’s ouly 2"c and j supporters _
I guarauted to give satisfaction by J. W. ] the support.'
, Peacock Druggist.
lam faithfully,
Cnxs. Gandy.
a renewal of Democratic primary. I solicit tho sap-
port of the voters of the county.
H. O. Copeland