Newspaper Page Text
[To The Pe-ru-nn Medicine Co., of Colnmbna, 0.]
What You Cannot Afford
You cannot afford to do without Dr.
Bosclue’s German Syrup in the house
if any of your family have a consump
tive tendency, or if catarrhs, colds or
bronc hial affections are frequent visi
tors. German Syrup is a recognized and
i eliabie remedy for consumption and the
finest thiup on earth for the throat and
lungs. It will promptly check colds
and is an infallible remedy for cimp.
Gorman Syrup will keep the children
heal thy. Trial bottle 25c. Big bottle,
75c. S. H. Price Co. «*
To enjoy the bath or ovou tho daily
wash it Is necessary to jmvo good
Toilet Articles.
We arc just as particular about the
grade aud quality, of our Toilet Articles,
as about tho most costly drug in the
boose. Of course you know our Pro
scription Department |is well equipped,
“ Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It.”
Our Meigs Department.
By J. S. Searcy.
Solo Agent Jacobs Candies
Nino tim^-s out of ten, that mental
condition which results in depression,
despondency—the blues—is caused by a
torpid action of tho liver. In fact, the
conditions described above are usually
the first manifestations of a sluggish
liver. If tho attack coutinucs, sallow-
ue« will soou appear. Tho next time
yon feel “blue” take. Rydale’s Liver
Tablets. You will bo surprised to see
how quickly the blues will vanish and
how bright and cheerful you will feel.
Rydalo’s Liver Tablets make the liver
healthy and keep it healthy. They reg
ulate the bowels and keep them regular.
Fifty tablets for 2j cents. J. W. Pea
It is Up
To You.
I \ as surprised to find-so many
odds and ends of staple drnner
ware patterns on my shelf, 1 don't
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can have them,
fust come clown anfi get thtm.
What about the price you s*>;j
well I will sell them for so little 1
would hate to publish the price.
Don't you know what it in, well 1
will tell vou/itjs tho little house-
wile that has ’one -the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
Machine,. All sunshine and hap
piness where C. 0. XJuinn sends a
W. & W. or New Home,
Vr^lis _ ft-tt-d&w
Congressman D. F. Wilber,of Oneonta, N. Y., writes:
The Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio,:
Gentlemen—“ Persuaded by a friend 1 have tried your remedy and I have
almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced
that Peruna Is all you claim tor It, and I cheerfully recomriknd your medicine
to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble, "—David FfWIIber.
IVruimn Prevent! v* nnd Cure for Colds.
Mr. <*\ F. Given, Sussex, N. B., Vico
President of “Tho Past-time Boating
Club, ” writes:
“ Whenever the cold weather sots in 1
have for years past been very sure to
r.itch a severe cold which was hard to
throw off, and which would lcavo after
effects on my constitution tho most of
the winter.
“.Last winter I was advised to try
Peruna, and within five day’s the, cold
was broken up and in five days more I
was a well man. I recommended it. to
several of my friends nnd all speak tho
highest praise for it. There Is nothing
like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions.
It Is well nigh Infallible as a cure, and
I gladly endorse it."—C. F. Given.
A. Prominent Singer Saved From Low* of
* Voice.
Mr. Julian W^isslitx, 175 Sonora street,
Buffalo, N.-Y., is corresponding secre
tary of Tho Sangerlust, of New York ; t
U the leading second bass of the Sanger-
lust, the largest German singing society’
'd New York and also the oldest.
In 1899 Tho Sangerlust colebratod its
fiftieth anniversary wi'h a large cele
bration in Now York City. The follow
ing is his testimony:
“About two y-oars ago I caught a
severe cold whilo traveling and which
settled into catarrh ,of tlioV bronchial
tubes, and so nffoeted my voice that I
was obliged to cancel my engagements.
In distress I vas advised to try Peruna,
and althongli I had nevor used a patent
medicine before, I sent for a bottle.
“Words but illy doseril>o my surprise
to find that within a few days I won
greatly relieved, end within threo weeks
I was entirely recovered. I am nevor
without It now, and take an occasional
dose when I feel run down.”—Julian
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Peruna,
w’ritoatoneo to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your ease and ho will
be pleased to givo you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columlfti3,0
Rub the swollen, painful joiutor mus-
clo with Elliott’s Emulsified Oil Lini
ment. Relief will come in » few min
utes and a permanent care result if its
use is persisted in. Elliott's Emnlsified
Oil Liniment is very penetrating and
soothing. It quickly relieves inflama-
tion and disperses conjestion. It cures
lameness, stiffness, soreness of joint or
muscle bruises, swellings, contusion
and sprains. Fall half pint bottles, 25
cents. J. W, Peacock
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King’s
Han Discovery
. Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: 1 Lung Troubles.
Hie, b.ckir it fail,. Trial Bottle, free.
If not, we ask you to try them. They are absolutely solid Icuther
throughout, nnd every pair guaranteed. Tho prices are right too. Como
and let n« show them lo you. We also carry a complete line of
Family Groceries,
- T. J. & H. Megahee,
Thomasville People Can See That
Frau J could net be Attempted
Residents of Albany which is near
enough lo Th masville so that any at
tempt to deceive would be futile, de
clare that Doan's Kidney Pills cure
kidney diseases and backache and they
standby what they say. It is easy for
any Thomasville sufferer to verify this
proof. /
Mrs. Annie Wo.dall, of 157 Broad
street. Albany, Ga., says: ‘I nave dc-,
A Thoughtful M3r,
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Itul,
knew wbat to do in the hour of need.
His wife had such an unusual case of
,-tomach and liver trouble, physicians
■ooald not aid her. He thought of and tried
Dr. King’s New Life Pills and she got
relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25c, at J. W. Peacock's Drug
Last Pullman.
Prospective travelers to the north will
be interested in learning that the last
through Pullman for New York from
Thomasville will leave here probably on
May second. This will be a fine car
with state rooms, and space can be se
cured from Mr. T. J. Bottoms, the effi
cient T. P. A. or A. N. Turnbull, ticket
agent at the Coast Line depot.
l bei
Doans Kidney
Pills. My back
Nothing <Eqnal to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera nnd D arrh *ea
Remedy lor Bowel Com-
\ plaints in Children.
“We have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," says J. H. Cooke, ot
Nederlands, Texas. "We have given it
to all of our children. Wc have used oth
er medicines for the same purpose, but
never found anything to equal Chamber
lain's. If you will use it as directed it
will always cure. For sale by J. W. Pea
cock,, dw
Cornu around to thin office and gut a
Parker button.
causing me almost continual misery
The pain was right across the small of
it—a heavy, dull, bearing-down pain,
and a wcaic ness. I used many different
medicines, without apparent resuit, and
also tried liniments, but the pain still
remained. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills^i
advertised and got a box and gave theq^j hi
a thorough trial. I^am very much pleas
ed with the results. Tde pain has left
me and I feel very much better in every
wa\. You are welcome to use my name
as a reference.”
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here In Thomasville. Drop in
to K. Thomas Jr’s, drug store and ask
what his customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Foster-Mil-
burn Co, Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name -Doan's—and
take no other.
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation in Lees-
ville, Ino., when W. H. Brown ol that
place, who was expected to die, had his
life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. He writes: "I en
dured insufferable agonies from Asthma,
but your New Discovery gave me imme
diate relief and soon thereafter effected
a complete cure." Similar cures of Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and
Grip are numerous. It’s the peer
less remedy for all throat and lung
trobbles. Price 50c. and $i.00. Gun ran-
~ .... “rial
bottles free.
Alabama has wiped out tho memory
of many a fault by her defeat of Hobson
A New York clergyman says evil ten
dencies ore not inherited. Score one
for Hearn's stock.
Serious Stomach Trcubla Cored
l was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
pells, andean truthfully say that Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
cured me.—Mrs. T. V. Williams,
Lainsburg, Mich. These tablets are
guaranteed to cur: every case of stom
ach trouble of this character. For sale
by J. W. Peacock. d w
| B.-st Cough Medicine for Children.
| When you buy a cough medicine for
I small children you want one in which
j you can place implicit confidence. You
j want one that not only relieves but cures.
I You want one that is unquestionably
harmless. You want one that is pleas
ant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Rem
edy meets all of these conditions. There
is nothing so good for the coughs and
colds incident to childhood. It is also a
certain preventive and cure for croup,
and there is no danger whatever from
whooping cough when it is given. It has
been used in many epidemics of that
pisease with perfect success.- For sale
by J. vr. Peacock. dw
Two runaway teams enlivened this
town last Saturday. One splintered'
buggy and a one-horse wagon rendered
useless, was the result. ^ ,
The boys about towu hare wagod war
on the town rabbit for the past few days.
They had become so numerous that gar
dens, fruit trees and the like guttered at
their hands. In two drives that the
boys made, they killed 48 uud allowed
many to escape. A few’ years since,
there was an influx of 'possums into the
towu. They became very bold aud en
tered dwellings, aud were pften seen
about towu. It was my good fortune to
find a fine fat fellow iu my diningroom/
and another citizen invited one out of
his bod room.
Stale Seliool Commissioner Merritt, a
short time since, tout out questions to
tiro various schools to servo iu an exam
ination. The questions weroalriKht but
tho examination was to ho hold on Fri
day. Commissioner Merritt forgets that
when ho taught a little country school,
Friday was the worst day in the week.
All the girls must stay at homo to' help
get things ready for .Sunday, anifaU the
hoys must Btay at homo to help get
tilings ready for Saturday meeting, Give
us some other tiuy for sncli work.
Speaking of examinations—they tell
iu uo uncertain way, the difference be
tween u pupil who attends school regu
larly aud one who does not. A parent
who docs not boliuvo that a day or two
out of school detracts nothing from, the
child's progress, should touch Bcliool a
week. Iu fact, I -think it would be a
flue thing to compol ovory patron to
teach at least two woeks. Ho would
ever afterwards bo willing to "’sense
bad wrltiu'," or any other short Coming
which tho nvorage teacher may.'possess
In a few days Mr. G. W. Rogors, of
Pelham, will take charge of tho big
mills of tho Meigs Lumber aud Manufac
turing Oo., situated about threo miles
Boutli of town on the railroad. Mr.
Rogors will make a number of improve
ments and will put on a locomotive en
gine for logging purposos.lHo will have
qomplete control, and will pat tho fin
ished lumber on the cars for a consider
ation. He will move his family to tho
mill uoxt week.
Mr. Dock Sntton speuti Saturday and
Sunday in Cairo, rotnruing Sunday af
ternoon, accompanied by his brother,
Ham Hatton.
Mr. J. J. Parish, cashier of the bank
was much indisposed for a few days last
week and Mr. W. H. Van Landingham
bolted the strong doors of tho bank for
the while. I am glad to state that Mr..
Parish’s genial face is again peering
through the bars of his window at the
Mr. R. T. Lewis, who is at present en
gaged at work near Cairo, was at home
Saturday aud Sunday. Mr. Lewis',
family reside here and we are always
glad to see him.
Mr. J. R. Lasse ter and handsome like
non, Jim Arthur, of Wldtosburg, are
visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boswell went up
to Leland Sunday.
Mlf* Edna Meigs, of Norman [Park,
stopped over Monday on her re tarn from
a visit to her parents at Leland.
Mrs. H. O. Ramsey, of Quitman,
* pent Sunday with relatives here.
Messrs. J. D. Robinson, Sam and
Daniel Miller spent Sunday ill Ochlock-
Daniel Wadsworth is not very old—
perhaps *44- -but I10 has lived on the line
of the railroad all his life, but not uutil
last Sunday did I10 liecome possessed of
a desire to try its merits. Ho went all
the way from this point to Thomasville
on that day, unaccompanied, aud got
back. He is high iu his praises of tho
railroad and thinks riding on the car
brats a bicycle to death.
Misses Emma and Kate Hinson, Liz
zie Lloyd aud Mrs. Lon Dickey, of
Thomasville, visited Mrs. R. T. Lewis
j Sunday.
Mr. Chan. Hurst, of Williams, was a
visitor here Saturday aud Sunday.
Mrs. W. A. Waldorf of Pelham was a
visitor here a few days siuce.
Miss Ella Do Wolf of Pelham was the
guest of Mrs. T. E. Walton on Quality
Square Sunday.
The children of the Meigs Graded
School will picnic near town today.
Beaus, English peas aud Irish pota
toes are in the swim, and the early gar
deners are happy.
The first copy of the Eufaula Daily
Daily Progress, edited by S. R. Blan
ton at Eufaula, Ala., is ou our table.
The headings looked familiar, the name
was all right, and it seeded that I had
a copy of the old Weekly Progress ol’
Thomasville. I read it—every word—
advertisements and all. Verily my
friend Blanton is a born newspaper
Mr. Joshua Morritt of Cairo is visit
ing his son, Mr. Bob Merritt, a few
miles from town.
Judge Z. E. Norton "was here Tues
day. I can only surmise the judgo’s
business A handsome little widow
might give some information.
,Mrs. M. H. Atkinson and Mrs. Carrie
Hall will spend a few days at Norman
Park tins week.
Mrs. R. J. Ballard, of Pine Park, is
visiting her grandson, Mr. Will Ballard,
near town.
Mr. S. H. Parish, of Adol, dame ovor
Sunday to see his son, Mr. J. J. Parish.
Miss Lilia Forest, who teaches school
attl '9Whito school house, will snspcu l
her school next Friday, until some ium>
in June.
Mr. J. W. F. Cook has added milli
nery to his stock of goods. This depart
ment is presided over by^MrsT Cook.
One thing has become apparent in re
gard to the new school books, the price
is cheap; the hooks are cheap, very
Curod 'Many Serious Cases of Catarrh.
J. W, Peacock Will iKefund Money if
.It Fails.
No other medicine or treatment for
catairh has ever achieved such quick
and remarkable success in ThomasviUe
as Hyomei. The fact that J. W. Pea
cock when he first introduced Hyomei
sold it under a positive guarantee to re-
fandjthe money in case it, did [not'cure
contributed largely to its successful^-
traduction. A guarantee from a firm
like J. W. Peacock gave people confi
dence at the start.
/Those who obtained a Hyomei outfit
found.tliafc the treatment did all that
was daipttd for it; that the first few
breaths of Hyomei cleared the air pas
sages' 1 aud gave an exhilarating and in
vigorating effect Its 'continued use
freed the system from all catarrhal
germs, soothed and healed the mucous
membrane, add made a complete aud
lasting cure.
Compared with the dangorous stom •
n-h drugging that had been used here
tofore in the treatment of catarrh, the
balsamic air of Hyomei created a most
favorable impression. And. the medi
cine itself did even more than was
claimed for it. Iu fact, to make a sue.
cess, it was necessary that Hyomei
should euro, nearly every case of ca
tarrh iu which it w as used, for every
outfit was sold on a guarantee to re
fund the money incase it failed.
If if had not posessod unusual merit,
an offer like this would have resulredin
au enormous loss. But curing 11s it did
Hyomei soou gained an enviable repo
tutiou and made many friends w ho rec
ommend it far aud uoar. Its succest-
liere in Thomasville has boen remark-
uble, and J. W. Peacock is still polling
it on his personal guarantee to refune
the money in case it does not givo satis
If you have never tried thia
great remedy
for ft free sample and state
your symptoms.
II c simply ash you to try it
at our expense. We know what
it will do,
Ttiacher Medicine Co.
Registlon Notion.
; I will be at:
Coolidge, April, 25.
l’avo. April, 26, a.
Patten, April, 26, p. m.
Boston, April, 27.
Glasgow, April, 28. #
Metcalfe, April, 29.
Thomasville, April, 80.
Dnncanville, May, 2. ' -
Cairo, May, 8.
Spence, May, 4.
Meigs, May, 5. *— —
Ochlockonee, May, 6. V*
Pine Pork, May 7, a. m.
I will have with me, as provided by
law, a book for people to register their
lands on wliioli hunting la forbidden.
John F. Howard, T. R. T. C.
n -
River and Northeastern /
Railroad Co.
KCfectivc April 6, 1904,
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham ...10:30am
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00 pm
Arrive'Pelham 4:10 pm
D. M. Rogers, Gen'l Supt.
2}4 Tons of bar iron, all sizes, l-ton extra fine’ carriage and wagon
bolts, all sizes. 2000 feet rubber and canvass belting, 2 to 12 inches.
2000 feet piping, all sizes.up to 2 inches. 1000 feet yi inch 8-8 inch
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on the
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanks for syrup
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Carts, Lumber Trucks, farm
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Send in your
ZZX'SSSZ T.-E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga.
A New Scleitnic Discovers
lor Ike
It purifies the blood by eliminating Jbu
waste matter and other impurities andfay
destroying the germs or microbes that
infest the blood. It builds up tho blood
by restoring and multiplying tho red car*
pusclcs, making the blood rich snd rod
It restores and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full free flow of nerve force
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily euros unstrung nerves, nervous*,
ness, nervous prostration and nil disease*
of tho nervous system.
RYDAI.ES TONIC is a specific for all
forms of Malaria. .It acts on q new prin*
riple. It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. The cause being removed the-
disease quickly disappears. RA’DALES
TONIC is guaranteed to cure fee most
obstinate case^of Malarial Fev^, Chills
and Fever,die. We authbrize ail
dealers handling our remedies to refund
the purchase* price for every bottle of*
RYD ALES TONIC that docs not glvs
IHe Radical Reinadg Comps,