Newspaper Page Text
order we won’t
hear to much aboaf'the youngest soldier
to the late war."
A New York srioonlst ha» invented
the "musical cocktail.” Designed to
lay sharp men flat probably.
A' Portsmonth man ate thirty eggs on
on-Easter morning. We hare beard of
eackling chomps before.
wun no more chance of getting
tbe>omtostion than a mommy
At loaat one Georgia editor is a con*
Armed optimist. He is advertising foi
a printer wlio does not smoke, drink
chew or swear
to Now England one prrson in erery
1,7) is said to be orizy. Peculiar fact,
bat that is Just about the else of the
Hcarat following there,
During tho past month 87 banks were
establikhed in the southern states. This
la prosperity—and not of the hotair
kinds ~
•fne Tostlbuled flyers Imre been token
ont of sendee and we natives will now
o to our aocustomod place on the
Somo candidates might do well to en
g*are upou their memory the words
••Give not thy tongue too great a liberty
lest It take thee prisoner.” This does
not apply to Judge Parker, however.
The next Confederate reunion for the
state-will be held to Rome on SepFwth
and 18th. The gallant boye to gray are
sore to receive splendid trestmeut from
the liospitablo oitizensof the Hill Olty
lion. Jndsou L. Hand Is opposed for
She senatorsldp to tho 8th district by
Hon. I. Maples, the present representa
tive from Mitchell. The race will be
The professors of the Unlvorslty of
Chicago delight in shattering idols.
One of then* lias deflated that the Pll- Jblm .Banyan's Immortal Pil
grim's Progress* was "a religious cad
... rimply livingto savehUown dear little
selfish soul."
Hepreseutattve Jas. M. Griggs, our
Sunny Jim, has boon suooeeded .to Ills
position as Chairman of the Democratic
Oongresslon dommittco Hr a congress-
man named Cowlicrd. Let us hope that
be will prove a good rote hard.
The Atlanta girt is at her beet only to
Mia spring,.says John Temple Grave*.
The Savannah girl is at her best all
the rims.*—Savannah Press. We know
them both, and tin ThomasviUe girt it a
little'bettor than the best. ,
Roosevelt has been “flayed” again,
this time by Boorke Ooohrau about the
pulsion order. But Teddy has been
flayed so often that if each operation
ru|iUy removed any of his outna, nothing
bnt hie bones would be left.
Guard within yourself that treasure,
kindness. Kuow how to give without
hesitation, how to lose without regret,
how to aoqulre wtthoat meanness. Know
how to replace in your heart, by the
happine— of thoae yon tort, tho linppi
Bern that may he wanting in yourself.—
F. W. Faber.
The Greensboro Herald says in good
old southern style}”Durn the *mau who
can win.’ What we want is a man
that's a man.” We add that His qnxl-
itiea'most per force be opposite to those
of Roosevelt. For'heaven’s sake defend
ns from Boose's double, the aspiring
journalist. S
The Dawson News' reproduces an ar-
, tide from tho Timoa*Enterprise, con*
earning a recent visit of Judge Henry
Sheffield and heads it. "Tho Judge luu»
Boon Talking.” Indeed he has,*and tho
things he eaid^opened the oirtics'of a
good many people on this side of the
river, to tlio second congressional, di»-
A recent issue of the Roma Tribune,
referring to oar- editorial on
good natnredwnd not being a “damn
everything" man hits:
"No, indeed, the talented editor of the
Ttmee-Enterpriie is not, to any sense of
the words, u "ddmn-ererythlng 1
His paper is a distinct exponent of that
oommendabl] claae that differs without
intog. Not one of the Georgia pa
pers is more ably edited, more indepen.
dent to thought, more fair and manly
in oonflict than the ThomasviUe Times-
Enterprise, and thoae who read its pages
are furnished with a continuous demon-
Stratton of the f^ot that it is poatible to
be bright withb.4 being biting or bitter.
Hearns. Jack McCartney and Wilson
Hardy are setting a fast pace in Booth
Georgia journalism and while they have
the love of their friend* they aleode-
serve the entire good will and respect
of those who lore them not, if, Indeed,
there are any of the latter class. Here's
along and happy life to “Joyons Jack”
and "Wake-em-np-WUson!” "
There an thuny trials and tribula
tions in newspajwr life and many glow
lug compensations Chief among these
is the kind comment of good friends,
and such has always our deep apprecia
tion. The Rome Trilinue people edit
and know a good newspaper and praise
from them is praise indeed.
Prom the Pltssernld t ilcrprt.e.
Tiie Hearstitee an conducting a kind
of "the-people-be-damned” campaign in
Georgia—In Southwest Georgia, at
least. Knowing that the people an not
for their candidate, these emiseariee an
trying to fix the Democratic executive
committees in each oonnty, and with
them have a tacit understanding that
whatever else liappeus at the primary
that on April 81st when the executive
oommltteos undertake to make up the
delegstiou to the etato convention, that
Hearst men be named as delegates.]
The trick may work iu some oountle*,
and in some it may not; tlrntromains^to
be seen. At any rate the himllngs of
the Hearst campaign an working it for
all it’s worth. They an not going to
the people at ail.
It might be interesting to know the
names of these political wtmpollers, and
The Enterprise proposes to give them at
the proper time.
President Roosevelt ho* warned the
preee of the oountry against a "spirit of
undue levity and national boaitfnlneee,"
all of whloh brings to mind the saying
Physician heal thyself.”
The matter of feed is d
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens t»
•-rt the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children;
\ro they fed according ti
HRice,bone food if
e soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia ?
Scott’s Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
m ikes flesh, blood and rriuscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
id brain. It is the standard
ientific food for delicate
The late lamented Stuart Robson,
was eels well known here, a brother of
Mr. 0. T. Stuart of this city. He
equally skilled ss a speaker and actor,
fa 1806 be gave a benefit performance
for the widows and orphan* of Confed
erate veteran* at which the reocipt*
were about ItOOO. After the perform,
once he made the following eloquent
speech which we take pleasure fa re
"A grave purport underlies the mer
riment of this afternoon. The humor
of the performance, the mirth of the
audience, am only the smoke of the sac
rificial offering—an offering of deep and
serious patriotism.
"It is not for me to touch upon the
feature* of that patriotism. It is not
for mo to analyse it, to disease it, to
defend it. But I shall always feel a
thrill of pride thereafter when I recall
tho share you have let me tote in pay
ing tiie debt of the Confederacy to its
Veterans and its Velemns' children.
"Why not? Surely the most bigoted
of your foes will not deny your right to
assume the one great obligation left yoi|
by the war! Yon make no appeal to
Congress. Yon pat no ravenous hand
into tho National Tieasnry. Yon take
nothing from tiie Nation's surplus
wealth. All yon do t» to confess yonr
debt to your itorpes and pay It. as best
you can, with your own money.
"Not only to those who liave surviv
ed tiie hissing bolts of war, tiie fatigae
and tiie exhaustion of tiie weary match,
the torment of pestilence, tiie waste of
famine, do you stand indebted! They
arc (tillamong you. Tlieir necessities
you call still alleviate, while with eul- i
dtery patience they listeu for the fluid
Is Not
Most people have an idea that rbeumatiun is contracted like a cold, that tba
joints and causes the terrible aches
disease to be subbed away with lini-
_ _ Rbuematism originates in the blood and is
canned by Dies, or Uric Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that settles to mus
cles, joints and nerves, producing iaflsmmstion and and the sharp, cutting
pains peculiar to this distreasingaisesse.
Exposure to bad weather or sodden
drilling of the body wilt hasten on at
tack of Rheumatism after (hr blood and taeubslow thskp~. X could aMzalss rig
system are in the right condition for it «rm to g*"* ?/** !*?V*
which are internal and not external. msnssditsmoelfeSbetter, andyoiuavkmj
Liniments, piasters and rabbiag nss2nd3a
will sometimes reduce the Inflsmtaa- entirely wetlT I wuiiuwmfMl deeply
tlon and swelling and earn the patofM- tnrereidedta the seoeeee ets. U. B. stooe
a time, but fall to relieve permanently Udldmeaoameheood.
SS they do not reach theeeet•« **»*• KBS - ALIO* BORTOV,
the trouble. 8. 8. 8. cures Rheumatism because it attacks it in the blood, and
the Uric Acid poison is neutralized, the sluggish cir
culation Stimulated and quickened, and soon the sys
tem to purified and cleansed*, the aching muscles and
joints ore relieved of all irritating matter ends lasting
cure of this most painful disease effected.
8.8.8. is a harmless vegetable remedy, unequalled
as s blood purifier sad an Invigorating, pleasant tonic. Book oo Rheumatism will
be mailed free. ( THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GAa
The boy or girl with a
Has the joliiest vacation.
Boiler Works
■VMM Mrs yeses, Sire SntfbMIse Sprat Pampt, Mpmarm. Makaa. SpparaSeea
Be uM Bsks It is Year Merest Is Fliers uUb Us.
Shops and
bngle-coll that nl ml I bid them breast the;
water* of the lest chirk ford. Bat there | MOTT’S PENNYROYAL PIUS
are others, whose ears tho dost lias
stopped, wiio will uever hear another
sound. Rank upon rank, regiment af
ter regiment, brigade upon brigade—
they lie as they fell, eyes front, facing
the heavens. Never forget them! Let
yonr gratitude, shine on their graves
with the sunlight! Lot your tears keep
the dew company at night-fall. Duti
ful and devoted sous of their several
commonwealths were they, and now
eaeli sleeps again in tiie, bosom of tiie
mother that bore him. Virginian, Flo
ridian, Kentnckiau, Georgian, Texan,
Alabamiaa, the mail from Missouri, tiie
boy from Maryland, the sons of Louis- \
iaun, of Mississippi, of Arkansas—each
asleep in Ilia mu-row cell—ia your silent
creditor! He is far beyond money!
Pay him witli the coinage of your mem
Happy aloeper* are they—whose
hands are folded on their unheavlng
breasts, whose labors are over, whose
tasks are done, whose slumbers will
never more be broken—not even by the
dawn of the new day of prosperity that
smiles upou their beloved Soutliland!
they sleep sweetly and soundly, tolls-
bled no longer by tiie boom of the oan-
non, the rattle of musketry, the wail of
bereavmeut and despair. The sacred
•oil to which they Ue, throbs with new
energies. The jubilant song of the new
Ere of the South, drowns the dirge of
tli* Teat Cause. They, to their grevee,
tiie Conquorors-and the golden
hour of 'their mother-land is the tri
umph of their valor—the reward of
their heroic sacrifice. They staked
everything bat their honor, and the
spirit that animated them flowers at
last in tiie victory which crowns their
native Statoa with imperial wealth and
"Go South, as 1 have been South this
winter, and see for yourselves whether
it could have been a Lost Cause that in
its setting woke so great a people to
sncli magnificent achievements! Tho
ringing picks of Southern miners, tho
roar of Southern engines and machiuc-
rv. tho rejoicings of Southern trade mid
commerce—they are the symphony of
triumph—not the sound of defeat!
They overcome Wear:
ness,increase vigor and
banisb "pains." They
.. ody. No known remt
becomes a pleasure, (i.oo PER BOX BY
1)R. MOTf'S CHEMICA - CO.. Cleve
The Best Cow Fo d to be
Cost less and is > he g. eate*t
milk and butter producer
on the market.
Put up by the Ralston Pu
rina Co
Come down and let us talk to you.
We have just rectived a car of Woold-
bridge Jellico.
The ThomasviUe Ice Company
Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain.
James H. Brown,
Interior Decorator.
Paper Hanging, Painting, Etc.
P. 0. BOX 288.
/ 180 K. BROAD ST
The second district will send Captain
Triplett and Editor McIntosh to the 8t.
Louis convention. Hard to Had better
men —Darien Gazette.
Capt. John Triplett will be a delegate
to St Loais. John was a member of
the two former conventions that nomi
nated the only democrat president we
have had in fifty years.—Darien Ga
The Herald would be pleased to see
Capt. John Triplett, tho veteran ex-ed-
“No! No! No! All of us,'The man of ! itor of tho ThomasviUe Times-Enter-
the North and tho man of the Sooth- j P" 8 ®' clectcd “ ° dele * at * from the
we owe to the soldiers of both armies- j stat0 at lar 8* to tho St ' tonis coaTon '
the soldier of the Union and tiie soldier tiou - Ho has Ubore<l in se “ on and out
of the Confederacy- a debt which none I of K9UKm for the 6ncccre ot ,he rt “ mo '
of us has yet measured-a debt which cratic Party.-Waycross Herald.
| none of us can never pay in its entirety, j
Send for free Each, unwittingly, died for ihe other |
. LltKl
and ail of them died for till of us. Each j Wo see it stated that at least one of
sleeps in a grave on which falls equally i the ca^tdidater, or one of tho men men-
the benedictions of h re united people. | tioned as a delegate from the Second
Deep-rooted in their dust there sl all j district to tho National convention ia
blossom over them and of them forever j not an advocate of any particular caudi-
i nud forever, the ^pses that staud for date for president.
409 Pearl St.. N. Y love and hope—tho lillicfTThat staud for j The man who made the statement iA
50c. and $h all pe\ce! ‘entirely too innocent to he in Second
district politics.
There has been some fixing done over
in that country.—Exchange.
IT may be that some “Axin’’ has been
going on in the good old Second, but we
have too much faith in the common
sense and reason of the good people of
this district to believe they will refuse
\o send Captain Triplett to St. Louis.
The county chairmen are arbitrary
rulers in this matter, it is true, but they
will not all have the nerve to brook pub
lic disfavor. It is a pity that the dele
gates to the state convention could not
l» chosen throughout the district as
they were in Thomas. Our brother
from the side lines would then be re
lieved of uvud, suspicions pf *.‘fixiu.”
On a popular vote Captain Triplett.
would carry the Second district over-!
whelmingly. There will hardly bo a‘
delegate, by whatever “livin’’ appointed
who will deny this. Acknowledging it. J
he nAst needs be simple to fly iu its'
face. Captain Triplett is “right,” but
ri^ht or wrong, the Second district
could And no man who would more ‘
faithfully'represent them at St. Louis, j
,,! i -
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with the right material. Let
us show yonl
$i and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
, $2.00.
10 Copies of Rey. T. DeWitt Totouge'i
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—Will be—
to the Timos-Entorprise "Dot” Contest.
These hooks ore on. exhibition now at
our store. They are splendid works,
which sell for $0.76 each and will be aa
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co’s.
Boole Store,
Braid Street, - ThomasviUe, Ga
Quaint, Queer aad Curtonx Suit Luka
The Isle Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan Mid "There are three am-
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City." It is not on!y jiu-
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, bnt quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial raws of shade
trees.- It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in Ihe
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Suit
Lake, with its magnificent Sal lair resort,
where the water is "deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There .arc many
cool mountainand lake resoru near by.
also numerous very pretty canon aad
park drives, and hot sulphur springs
Fishing and hunting can be had in every
direction, The trip Irom Denver M
Salt l-ake City and Ogden, via the Dea-
:r & Rio Grande and the Rio Graadc
,'cstern. is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in hfr stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfals
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in grandeur of
scenery. Daring the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Sak )
Lake City and contiguous country, it
it on the road to the Pacific coast, si
that be yonr destination. Write S. K.
Hooper. G. P. & T, A.. Denver, Cole.,
for benutilully illustrated pamphlets,
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The S-cent packet is enough for usual
stone. The family bottle (OOeto.1
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them. 6-3
This Is not a gentle word—hut when
you think how liable you are not to
purchase the only remedy aniVenator
known and a remedy that has had tjm
largest sale of any medicine to n
world sinoe 18(8 for tha cun and treat
ment of Consumption and Throat and
Lung troubles without losing Its great
popularity all these years, you will he
thankful we called your attention In
many ordinary coug ^remedies mads by
druKista and others that are cheap sad
good for light colds perhaps, ho* far se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup and
especially for Oonsumptioa, whose
there is difficult expectoration and
couffhinK during the nights and mom-
toga, there is nothing like German Syr
up. The 36 cent rise has just been to
tro dneed this rear. At 8. H. Price O
12 Inch Cane Mill,
14 inch Cane Mill,
16 inch Cane Mill,
18 inch Cane Mill,
$14 00
18 9$
24 SO
29 4
'Which Parker club is the opposition?
Tiie other one.
We can funitah the above in iron
frames at a small cost. It will jiay yon
to call on us before you buy.
Works near A. C. L. R. B. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephones 134 and 210.
Mow to keep Youthful.
“Thou shalt not grow old” is an un
written law which every sensible man
and woman aims to observe. And liow
do they accomplish it?—simply by keep
ing the system it perfect trim through
the use of a touic medicine like Green’s
August Flower. They keep tlieir blood
pure, tlieir digestion goofi. tlieir liver
active, their vitality normal and their
spirit bouyant by the regular and judi
cious use of August Fl -wer—and than
keep youthful and imppy. Trial bottles,
25. Big bottle, 25c. S. H. Price ^Jo.