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It you had a ho <se that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t you
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Or tLat after a certain period, 4 f you are still living, you can get back all you
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Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
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§ 0. M. & E. H. Smith ^General Agents, The Prudential Z
z Ins. Co. of Amorioa. Thomasville, Ga.
i Dear Sirs: 5
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i tion as to insurance policy on my life.
I wa* born ou the
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Yours truly,
Drunk, Dressed up and Don't Caras Will Be Hald at Montlesllo on Chaplain
ara Flood. May Oth.
Wright Entartaina Tha Ico Cream Foatlval la Arranged for A Fourth Candidate Turns up for Dem-
Next Week.
ooratle Convention.
Called Meeting of County Fathera on
Friday Will Probably Settle upon
Methods of Enlargement Building
of a Cottagcf Likely-
A special meeting of the Hoard of
•county commissioner* will lx* held on
Friday to consider the question of en
larging rho county jail.1
It ha* been realized for a long time
tlmt the prison facilities of the county
wore inferior to the needs of the case.
List, summer the question was taken up
the commissioners mid was approaching
a head when the September storm came
and washed the bridges away. H«ch an
expense was necessitated by the rebuild*
ing of the bridges that the jail matter
was postponed.
The idea now is to convert the part of
the jail now used as the residence of the
jailer into prisoii'quarters and to build
a cottage on the lot for the jailer, inti
mates for the carrying out of this idea
have been called for and Mr. Landrum,
of the Paully Jail Co., of St. Louis, will
appear before the meeting Friday with
definite figures.
There are now four cells on the first
floor of the jail and four on the second.
It can be easily seen that the doubling
up of whites and negroes is some times
made necessary. There are not even
separate quarters for women.
Them are five rooms in the residence
portion of the jail, and a conversion of
tliis section would at least double the
cell room, and give all the space needed.
White and black wards, a ward for le
ant! a place for the isolation
ners afflicted with contageous
could then he observed. ^
m Smith says this plan will
bly be carried out Friday.
Mr. Sin. u Woolen, of Waukeeuab,
Florida, is i . the city prospecting. Mr.
Wooten eond .cted tb^iargest merchan
dise store in i s town until recently,
when he was burned out. He expects
to locate in a larger town.
The usual run of fight* and drunks The heart of many ft Thomaaville The sermon to the Guard* on Sunday LlbrarT inlereBt ls 8,111 koepinK Judge W. D. Klddoo, of Cnthberthu
were aired in police court Monday, child will rejoico today at the news that h( . c j mpIlllll chaB T . Wrj - Jlt a " ake - The ice cream festival which announced his desire to go to St. Louie
RriHtitin o nolne tllA SuilflfW School nicilic 1111*1)0011 JIT- * llSS bCUU lUSCDfSOd tOT SOVefal weeks is fl.Q ('itnwMuuIntlal rll.t-wl-A
Lilia Burdiue, a lady of color, grew the Sunday School picnic has been
jealous of one of her friends and fought ranged for,
it out. *r,.00 andcoete. Henry Jones Tho committees from the Bapiisi, « n 'di«rBand their friends.
i (Uscursod 1
of Albany wiih greatly enjoyed by the now arranged (or. Below are found the
mhmtosof a mct-litig of tho ladies yes-
fell out with his wife and “laid on Mac- Methodist and Presbyterian schools are Mr. Wright is a torcetnl speaker Unit tertbvy 1° arrange for the affair.
from the Hocoud Congressional district.
Judge Kiddoo was formerly a judge 6f
the Superior court, and is one of the 1
b^th” to what seemed to tho mayor respectively: J. F. Mitchell, J M. Mas- wins the love of an audio
*10.00 worth. Susie Moore' justqnar- «\T anil D. O. Barrow; T. P. Walton word His voice is
relied a little” and Ed Brown “throwed and Homer Williams; O. P. Hansel), fnU
a rock” at another fellow. Ho acci- W. M Hardy and Will Watt,
dently hit him.
paid 4 $l 00; ’ Tom
a plain drunk.
Tho following Indies met at the libra- test lawyers in all this district, lit is a
ry at 4:110 p. in. Monday, to orrauge for member of the congressional executive
an ice cream festival for beueflt of the committee from Ills county and is in
an organ melody, and his ji> jra ry: Mesdamcs A. P Wright, H. W. very deserving of tho houor he aspires
Both Ed end Susie At a joint meeting of theso committees tl,on K ht8aro of ,ho k ‘“<l Hmt sink into Hopkins, J. L. Turner, Jesse Stringer, to. Judge Kiddoo is ft Parker man from
Jordan plead guilty to Monday it was decided to hold tho R. Wolff, K T. McLean and T. N. the core. He was a Bryauito in yearn
Celebration of St. Gregory tho
Great Pontiff says mots.
picnic tide year at Moutirollo Honda T1,e0oard8 »«' 111 ‘Iresanni- Hopkin*. gone by, but time hue enabled him to
on Friday tho (1th of May. The rail- form a “ <i , ‘ eado ' i by tlleIr com P a »y The time for the festival whs fixed for see the error of hi* way and he now
road* guarantee u round trip rato of ° m “” aurt two of ,heir WRlmental Thursday afternoon and evening, the wishes to miiko amonds, supporting a
not more than BO cents for adults nml tbey presented a nplendid 21st, from 4 to 11 p. m., and tho court man that everybody can depend on.
215 cents for children, with a possible a,>pcaranTO ' house square as the place. Theontryof Judge Kiddoo into the
lower tigure than this. Special music was reudored by tlio The following young ladies wero ap- arena makes of tho fight a. four cornered
The May j icuie is iho most irapor- VCK,od Episcopal choir. Their music is pointed to canvas for contributions of affair, where two will have to be left
taut event of all thu season with tho “ l ' Ttty " ROod aad ou 11,18 occasiou 14 ice cream, enko. etc: Misses May Hop- out. Copt, Triplett and J. B. Norman
Rome, April ll.-For the first time children, and it is determined that every was more enjoyed than usual. kius, chairman, Lucilc Ansley. Eva of Colquitt are aspirant* from thi* side
since his coronation last August the «WM >nust think thatthi* is tho '‘best „ A . , r< ™ P,i0n wa8 hcld la ,b ° Gardner, Pauli,ie Mitchell, E. Husou, tho Flint river, while Editor McIntosh
yet; I, Pariih House immediately after the Marion Haye», Nellie Pringle, Elizabeth nud Judge Kiddoo hold tlm field ou the
Monticello is a very attractive place ' erT ‘ Ce *° 11,8 ab °PP° 8 - Read, Fannie Cl.isholm, Mary Jorger, other side.
for such a gaia affair, and the Monti- ,n ' , l i,yoymG0,ln F ,ds mt,u of Company K. .Mamie Hansell, Julia Wright, Lucy
Parker, Ida Tomlinson Jennie Winn Dil-
LOOKS LIKE BANKHEAD. lou and Stella Williams. These young
' ladies, also, to have charge of tables
cello people will most probably co-op
erate toward* making the picnic a sac-
Pope went thi* morning to St Peter's to
say mass in celebration of the thirteenth
centennial of St. Gregory, The Great,
who died 604 A D.
The immense Basillica wa* thronged,
more than seventy thousand persons be
ing present. St. Peters presented a mag
nificent spectacle. The Sistine choir
had a box near the throne, and grouped
near it were twelve hundred youth* of Methodist* Will Repair Their Church
every nationality, race and color from Roof,
the ecclesiastical colleges of Rome.
Majority of Hobson'* Opponent Cut at fc8tivaI ’ with “ n " ,or j ty nf eadl t0 Port Pilot* Refuse to Reepond to Slfl-
Down, But he Still Win*.
select an assistant. Liberal contributions
of ice cream, lemons and cakes were
made by the member* present.
nal* of Steamers-
Che h oo, April 11.—A Chinese steamer
Birmingham, Ala,, April 12-Fnrtbcr On motion,ho committee adjourned ^ w Kewc
return* from yesterday's Democratic to meet mat Mouday afternoon at 4:S0 p Qrt pUp,. rafoM a tnro.,u».d ro .,,^.1.
stato primaries iudicate that a major-
nati -
of p.
muhc pr
Boston Beaten U a -^ uouuced to t,,e Methodist ity of the delegates elected to tho stato
• The'Bostou Nationals suffered their co»ffre«a«0!i Sunday that was convention favor sending an uuiiistruct-
lirst defeat of the season at the hands needed to-repair the roof of the church, cd delegation to the national conven-
of tho Nashvilleites ol Saturday. Tho A collection was very quietly gone- tlou/ It is geuenUly understood that
day was cold and Bostonians didn’t ex- about with tho result that of the t i l0Se who favor no instruction are aLo
ert themselves, fearirfg “Cholly horses.” amount was raised at once, has beeii
They are playing a rattling good game work bo^un < n the needed rep.drs.
of ball. Thouinsvillo people go down in their
. pickets when tho time of need comes.
o’clock at the library.
Mrs. A. P. Wright, Clim’a.
Mrs. J. L. Turner. Secty.
Annual Moet*ng Will Be Held on Me
morial Day.
to take the vessel up the river. Two
British steamers found themselves in
the same predicament. The port of
Newchwai g is p actually closed to com
Tim members of \V. I). Mitchell camp
against Bryan, Cleveland and Hearst.
Additional returns from the Sixth
Congressional .district sho?? that tho ap* No. 428 Confederate. Veterans are hero-
Keoalr Shop ' "“IL " parent majority for Cougimsimau Bant: by notified to meet at-tho court house #t
Mr. J. J. Rarnelli* opening up a re- Hnbarfi* Lusve. head beuu cousidarably reduced H o'clock. April 20. Every old veteran
pair nhop in the Grantham bailSng on Mr. 0.8. Bcbsni end family loft Mon- fronewhat it\eemod lost night. Bank- whether ho be a member of the camp or
lower Jackson street, jlr. PaxncU has terday for A*hv]Iie, N. C., win m ti.oy bend appears to liavo carried foar coon- not is earnestly requested tobopresent. Aon*- ais-xy. .-vnnwriAfcf
been engaged in the machine repair busi- wdl remain for a few weeks, after tins, imd Hobson three, and two are a Lot's shako lumds once more this side of
ness with Messrs. Wertz & Son tor a which they will go to Europe for tho stand oil. Tho nearest estimates now tho river. The election of otlieerefor
number of years and is a skilled work- summer. Mr. Morgan Hebard will en- show Bankhead'* majority as in tho tho ensuing will bo held ou Hint SSSL/ ‘
man. He will no doubt meet with *cc- tar Bingham school at Aehvillo for the ueiglihorhood of 400, with chance* of day. * Cha*. P.Hnusoll, Com. ^Sohbst** oaBKtOAt oo.
cess in thi* independent venture. remainder of tho session. further returns itiil fmther reducing if. John M. Dokle. Adj't, eiev -ausiw* seam. pniti.