Newspaper Page Text
'Miss Whittaker, a prominent
club woman of Savannah, Ga.,
tells how she was entirely cured
of ovarian troubles by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Dxaj* Mus. Pintcham : — I heartily
Teoomsaend Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound as a Uterine
Tonic and Regulator. I suffered for
four years with irregularities and
Uterine troubles. JLv one but those
who have experienced this dreadful
rngooj can form any idea of the physi
cal end mental misery those endure
who are thus afflicted. Your Vege
table Compound cured me within
three months. I was fully restored to
health and strength, and now my
periods are regular and painless.
What a blessing it is to be able to
obtain such a remedy when so many
doctors fail to help you. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
la better than any doctor or medicine
I ever had. Very truly yours, Miss
East Whittaker, 604 39th St, W.
Savannah, Ga.” — *5000 forfilt If original of
obert let tor proving genuineness cannot bo produced.
The testimonials which wo
are constantly publishing from
grrateful women prove beyond a
sloubt the power of Lydia E.
SMnkliam’s Vegetable Compound
to conquer female diseases.
"ft was a mistake to ask that mad
If he thought America would fever pro.
dues a great composer. I am afraid
you hurt his feelings.”
"I don’t see why,” responded the
musical young woman.
"He is the inventor of a soothing
syrup.”—Washington Star.
PITS permanently cured. No fits ornervbur-
ness after first day's use Of Dr. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer.ta trial bottleAnd treatlsefree
Dr.Ik HvKtlnit, Ltd., 931 Aroh Bt„ Pbila., Pa
It's the love of the other fellow for your
money that is the root of all evil.
Ladloa Can Wear Shoe*
One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot-
Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes
easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching
feet. Ingrowing nails, corns and bunion*. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25o. Don’t ac-
cept anv substitute. Trial package Faas by
mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y,
One trouble with people who have Ex
cuses is that they can’t always think of
Teosint* and Pillion Dollar Grail.
The two greatest fodder plants on earth,
one good for 14 tons of hay and the other
8f tons green fodder per sere. Grows
every where, so does Victoria Rape, yield-
mg 60,000 lbs. sheep and swine food per
acre. [A.C.L.]
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis..
and receive in return their big catalog ana
lots of farm seed samples.
As the wise man knows he is a fool he is
miserable; the fool imagines he is wise and
is happy.
Tho United States furnished $80,000,
000 of the $295,000,000 worth of gold
which the world produced In 1002.
Colorado produced $28,000,000, Cali
fornia $10,000,000 and Alaska $8,000,-
Given Away
Writs ns or sak an
_ _ Alabama* dealer tot
|firtlcalar* and free sample card of
Destiortd.a^'cermsasd vermin. Nmi
mbs oraca!«a. You can apply It—mix witk
cold wiser. Eomiurul effects In whits and
delta*! tints. Motadlseaw4>rssdla(, eat.
of data hot-water etna preparation. Bay
■r/Hats sn Decorating/* and oar Art lata’
g Ideas (res^AUI^lB CLfirol tuUs, HO,
WANTED—In each stnto salesman to sell
argo lino tobacco; pi
Ceutml Tobacco Works
Saw mills
.o suit. DeLoach Sliingle Mills
JJdrers. 1 rimnter*. Planers; Corn and Buht
terllls Water Wheela. Lnth Mills, Wood Sawa
Our handsome new Catalog will interest you
DsLoaeh Mill Mf*. Co.. Bo* 834, Atlanta. Gs
Dearness Cannot Ss Cared
by local applications as they cannot reach tha
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to euro deafness, and that Is by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamod condition of the mucous lining of
tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed
Deafness is the result, aud unless tho Inflam
mation can be taken out And this tube ke<
stored to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever. Nine rises out of ten
ore caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but
inflamed condition of the mucous surface
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness ( oatarrh)tbat can
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars free. F. J. Chenky A Co/, Toledo, O.
Fold by Druggists, T5o,
'Take Hall’s Family Tills for constipation.
Within the last few years the various
colonies of Europeans In Egypt have
built their own hospitals. There" are
now In Cairo French, Gerihan, Aus
trian, Anglo-American and Italian hos-
A Golden Rule
of Agriculture:
In thcfertillzer spellsquality f
and quantity in the har
vest. Write us and
we will send you,
free, by next mail,
our money winning
Mow York—9J N;
Avery & Company
avery & mcmillan,
Bl-flS South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga
Large Engines and Boilers supplied
promptly. Shingle Mills, Com Mills,
Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs,
Steam Governors. Full line Engines A
Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue.
Wouldn’t any woman be happy,
After years of backache suffering,
Days of misery, nights of unrest,
The distress of urinary troubles,
She finds relief and cure?
No reason why any reader
Should suffer In the face of evidence
like this:
Mrs. Almira A. Jackson, of East
Front St., Traverse City, Mich., says:
„„ "For twenty
years I never
* 5 ?r=siiTT' knew what It
ysip-' iSCEB .jr. was to have
good health.
Every physi-
clan consulted
said I had liver
trouble, but
their medicines
did me no good.
Just before I
began using
Doan’s Kidney
Pills I was al
most paralyzed. I could hardly staud
on my feet because of the numbness
and lack of circulation. Had a knife
been thrust Into my kidneys the pain
could not have been more Intense. My
sleep was disturbed by visions of dis
torted figures. The kidney secretions
were annoyingly Irregular, and I was
tortured with thirst and always
bloated. I used seven boxes of Doan’s
Kidney Pills. The bloating subsided
until I weighed 100 pounds less, could
sleep like a child and was relieved of
the pain and tbe Irregularity of tbe
kidney action. My circulation Is good
snd I feel better in every way.”
A free trial of this great kidney med
icine which cared Mrs. Jackson will be
mailed on application to any part of
the United States. Address Foster-
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
by all druggists; price 50 cents per box.
A Towri of Two Inhabitants.
Col. Bob Wilfley, of Hopkins, who
has been In the West, telfs of a town
he ran across In the West that had
Just two Inhabitants, but which, nev
ertheless, boasted the possession of
a post office and a newspaper. The
town was near Pueblo, Col. Gold had
been found near where It was sub
sequently located. The find was sup
posedly rich, and in no time a town
of perhaps 2,000 persons was flour
ishing. But ihe find didn’t pan. out
as expected, and the town dwindled
away faster than It had been built up.
Soon no one was left save the post
master and tho editor of the news
paper. The postmaster was prepar
ing bo leave and the newspaper man
could have done likewise but for the
fact that he had contracted to pub
lish hundreds of mining claim notices.
These notices had to be published
for six months before he could get
his money, which was on deposit for
him In a Pueblo bank, and which
amounted to $4,000 or $5,000, the cost
of each notice being $20.
The editor had three months to
publish them before he could ftilfll
his part of the programme and get
his money. He did not relish the
idea of being the only man in the
"city,” located in the mountains" for
ty mile3 from nowhere,” 10 he offered
tho postmaster $100 a month If he
would remain uhttt he could complete
the official printing. The postmaster
accepted the offer and the two young
fellows (both single men) were the
sole occupants of the town for three
long months, at the close of which
period they turned it over to the ten
der mercies of the owls and the bats.
—Hopkins (Mo.) Journal.
Horse Pride.
Ho was a fine looking bay, an ex
cellent specimen of horseflesh, and
he looked decidedly out ot place haul
ing a loaded coal sleigh. He was a
snappy fellow* like those animals one
somecltafei sees fet the circus. Ho
would have done credit to any good
fancier of horseflesh. He was merely
doing his duty hauling the load of
coal up one of the steep grades on
the East Side. He was forced from
the center of the roadway toward the
curbing, where the slush and snow
were the deepest. Like all good
hor3es, he knew when he was tired,
and of course ho stopped. His driver
appreciated the situation and allowed
the animal a chance to recover him
self generally. The horse was soon
quite refreshed and ready for work.
He tried to start, but he couldn't; his
sleigh runners were imbedded deep
in ihe slu3h. Another sleigh hap
pened along and, having no load, the
occupants tendered their assistance.
They tied a rope on to the forward
end of the coal sleigh and made an
effort to move It. Tho rope snapped.
This operation was repeated three
or four times with the same result.
The fine looker of course grasped tho
situation and eyed the newcomer
thoughtfully. Then, at tho word from
his driver, ho started up the hill and
brought tho load safely to tho top.
"Merely horso pride,” said one man
who had watched tho performance.—
Hartford Courant.
1 understand Miss Passay is sotTy
now that sho asked Jim Lorrlmer to
marry her."
"Because she has found out that
there Is another man who would havo
asked her If sho hadn’t asked Jim. 1
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Blrt. Winslow's Soothing Syrup forohlldren
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma
tion allays paln,oureswlnd collo, 26c. abottla
Only after repeated failures to catch on
docs a girl announce her decision never to
All creameries use butter color. Why
not do a> they do — use Junk Tint But
ter Color.
Nothing worries & woman like forgetting
i secret the wants to tell.
Write u* a postal card for a free sample of
We cheerfully send it to all sufferers of Kid
ney, Liver, Heart. Bladder and Blood diseases
Addreu BTvIkT
CO.. 5» YV.ll Strut. ATLANTA. OA.
drug srra.
Millions of tl.M.C. Shot Shells
are sold each year. They are
made In the largest cartridge
factory In the world.
Yomr dealer
Catalog cent
Plso’a Cure for Consumption Is an infallible
mediciuo for coughs and colds.—N. W.
baxcEL, Ocean Prove, N. J„ Feb. 17, 1900.
Some women will believe any kind of
story if there is a scandal connected with it.
me uonn a. aaizer aceu co., la urosie.
Win., mail postpaid 15 trees, consisting of
Apricots, Apples, Crabs, Cherries. Plums,
Peaches and rears, Just the thing for a city
or country garden, including the great Bis-
mark Apple, all hardy Wisconsin stock,
tre sent you free upon receipt of $1.65.
vou get sufiicjent seed of Celery, Carrot.
Cabbage. Onion, Lettuce, Radish and
Flower Seeds to furnish busheis of choice
It was probably some married man who
first discovered that troubles never come
The great pain extractor; car**
rheumatism, neuralgia, colic,
cramps and all aches and pain.
Nothing like it. Try a bottle.
Save doctor’s bills. Ask your
•druggist to »et it. or send to
W. C. HUGHKJV. Atlanta,
nn, Asian
nted; big p
This is What Yon Want!
Hare You Any Malarial Troubles?
-SSIV«TX. 0 o , aw’7o u ,S5f,*S.TS! , a!?’
RESAL MEDICINE GO.,of Stanford, Conn.,
tor msdjclas and directions. A quick and certain
sungnsrsoteedinsll cars* of malaria, chills sod
vwe.’inob a#nr mH ln*#rmlttsnt toon.
Removes all swelling In 8 to m
days; effects a permanent cure
in 30 lo 60 days. Trial treatment
giveu free. Nothlngcan be fairer
Write Dr. H. H. Green's Seas.
tscciiMtti, Sot b Atlanta, 4a.
Ida Bn>h Suffered With Syitemic Catarrh-Woe Herronr, Had
No Appetite, Grew Tifin and Emaciated. She How Looki Like • Hew
Woman After a Course of Pe-rn-na.
A Large Trial Box and book of In-
•traction, absolutely Free and Post-
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToilet Antiseptic
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great mutual • Vaginal
Wash, forLeucorrheu, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat Son Eyes, Cuts,
and all torenen of mucut membrane.
In local treatment of female Ills Paxtinels
invaluable. Usod as a Vaginal Wash we
challonge the world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a rt relation in cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and dischargee.
All lesdlng druggists keep Pax tins; price, 60*
abox| if yoursdoqsnot,sendtousforIt. IMS’S
take a substitute—there is nothing like Pax tine.
Write for the Freo Dos of Faxftlae to-day.
B. PAXTON 00., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston.Kase.
writing to advertisers—(At14-04)
Give (he name of this paper when
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer
From Extreme Lassitude, Loss of Appetite
and Nervousness—What They Need Is
■uccb, x lusourg, x a., Dupcnnicnaeut ju
nior Society of Methodist Protestant
church, and leading soprano of the choir,
writes: "Word* cannot describe my thank
fulness to you for Peruna. I was a sufferer
from systemic catarrh for years sad was in
a very much run-down condition. I waa
extremely nervous, and had the most fool
ish fears over nothing. I waa ttilii Slid
"My physician advised me to leave this
climate, but as it was not convenient to do
so at this time, I took the advice of a
friend to use a bottle of Peruna. I took it
faithfully, and when the first bottle was
gone I felt so much better that I bought
six more and took them faithfully, after
which I looked like a new woman.
"I gained in flesh, my appetite returned
and all my old symptoms had disappeared.
I am more than thankful to Peruna.”—
Miss Bertha M. Rush.
Everybody is Tired-Spring
Weather Does It—Every One
Should Be Cautious.
Depression of the nervous system at tye
approach of spring is the cause.
General latitude, dull, heavy sensations,
continual tired feeling, with irregular ap
petite, and sometimes loss of sleep. Pe
runa meets every indication and proves it
self to be perfectly adapted to all their va
ried peculiarities. Peruna invigorates the
system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores
the normal appetite and produces regular
That tired feeling which Is the natural
fresult df the depressing effect df watm
weather immediately after the invigorat
ing cold of winter quietly disappears when
Peruna is taken. Thousands are daily tes
tifying to its priceless benefit.
Mrs. H. Kassalt, 1309 W. 13th street,
Dea Moines, la., writes: "1 am happy to
rive. my endorsement for your valuable
medicine. Peruna, as I consider it a valu
able medicine to take when the system is
run down from overwork. About two years
ago 1 felt that I must tako a long rest, as I
bad been unable to work for over a month
and could not regain my strength. 1 could
not sleep at night and was in a very ner
vous, high strung condition. I decided to
try what Peruna would do to build up my
strength, and am plcnscd to say that I be
gan to improve very shortly, and in less
than two months I was able to take up
my work, and felt better than I have for
years. I take it now twice a year, and find
that it keeps me in perfect health.” Mrs.
Kassatt was for over ten years the mana
ger of a plant furnishing ladies’ wear and
employing hundreds of women.
Tired, Nervons Women.
There are thousands of them everywhere.
A few bottles of Peruna would do them
untold benefit. As a tonic and nerve in-
vigorator it has no equal. It builds up the
nerves, it gives strength to the circulation
and at once restores the appetite and di
gestion. No feeble woman should be with
out Peruna.
If yon do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use °f;I
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your
case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman, President df The Hartman Sanitarium t
Columbus, Ohio. ,
»Y A $5,000 free to WOMEN
Sweat, Itch, Blister? ROYAL FOOT WA8H cures them. Removes
paid; sample for 2cstamp. One application j loves It-* inert. Money back If not satisflod.
" It’s the shots that hit that count. ’* Winchester
Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that la,
they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene
trating blow. This la the kind of cartridges you will get,
If you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make.
elite CbOTHIM
TU best natafch Mulled mortanen ted
shAy-wenmo experience kse rede
TOWCR*y3kten G»ben4 hab
fexao the «wril over Thy are nadeift
ttaa or yeOoMrfor all of wet work
rtaegfernert bwinfl tbe 5IGN Of
TMC rl3h 0 Guaranteed to cive xi
infection All rtfiaMe dealer) sen then.
*3.= &*3 SHOES 9
W. L. Douglas
shoes have by tlielr
excellent stylo,
easy-fitting, and
superior wearing
qualities, achieved
the largest sate of
any shoes In tho
They are lust as good
as those that cost you
64 to $3—the only
difference is tho price.
Sold Everywhere.
Loolc for name and j
prico on bottom. j
Dougins uses Corona I
Coltnkln, which IsnvsrywL..
both* finest Patent feather yet produced.
Fast Co'or Eyilets need. ftk*M by Mall.ttr. extra.
'Trlls for Catalog. W.L.Doailis. Brockton. Hass.
.krnnla Maod di**sa*s sad Css*
ZSS2SZS Z S2SZS2 sa eg, m m. u H* Hfc » tab p M
±£±2SZ 40s. High, 40 Cob per hi 72i& R%h, 60 Cm(s p« bd
10 Rods or 165 feet in one roll. Mo order taken
for less than 10 Rods. Thb Li not a cheap net
ting, bat is a strong Fence made oat of No. 19
heavy galvanized wire reinforced every 12Inohee.
Poultry and Rabbit raising pays better than oot-
ton. Send cash with order for S Rolls, men
tion this paper, and wa will prepay freight.
Ice. start with caacarsts today andw absolute guarani