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AMD * ‘
Georgia Progress.
; l every Friday by the;
STmes-Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wilson M. Hards. Pratldsnt.
John O. MsCortnoy, sec. <S> trass.
At the Time-Enterprise Building.
Thomasville, Os.
Entered atthe postoffloo at Thomas-
ville, On., M second class mail
SDBsoiUPTtnn bates.
Weekly, One Tear.... 11.00
<> Six Months SO
•< Time Months 20
•illy, OnejpTear. .90.00
“ Six Months 2.6p
— Three Months 1.2jj
•< One Month
‘•The LaOmnge Reporter is baring lit
tle to say in the pnaldenUal muddle.
We trill support any good Democrat
whom the national contention trill nom
inate. We believe William B. Meant
the most ‘available’ man, notwithstand
ing there is great opposition to him.”
Strangely conservative for a Hearst ad
vocate. Most of them besr the enthu
siasm of gold.
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 3,350.
The farmer is now planting 18c hopes
sand will probably reap 10c realities.
Atlanta’s reformatory should bo a
fowling saccesi. Of course it will be
filled with “The Atlauta’Hpirit.”
the South is still solid, financially,
Antrllectually and morally; and tiqiccial
Ay that p*rt of the South which con
*«ius Thomasville and Thomas county.
Tim snccessful legislative candidates
tfrom this t ounty will recoive eapitol
If the executive committees of this
^ongressioiml district uppoiut delegates
■*> Atlanta in sympathy with Hearst,
tand tlie iwople are for Parker o$an tin*
i nstructed delegation to He. Louis, what
■sane yon going to do about it?
Instead of saying, “Money makes the
ware go,” the proper tlilug-to say is,,
•“Hoarst's money makes the delegate
tfin the singular) go.” %
Hotoor aud glory from mo condition
trto. Therefore do not ask money from
Jtiie Parker crowd.
"*^Qive*ud take” is a good maxim to
follow. Give h to your political on-
omlesand take care of yonr friends.
The “Cold Trust,” i. e. the ice man is
The papers all around are taking to
heart the statistics of some preacher to
tlq? effect that people are not marrying
these days like they once did. Isn’t
there comfort to be fonnd in the fact
that economists accept this sort of thing
as proof of the raising of the “standard
of life.*' •
“Little seeds of kindness are
Quito charming in their way "
But those sent oat by Congressmen
. Are the little seeds that pay.”
‘ —New Orleans Timas Democrat.
A bulldog had to be burned in Savau
nah Monday to make him tnm loose
his hold of another dog. Tim same sort
of urging is necessary to mafic* a sinner
turn loose his idols.
Noarly everybody wants to see Cap
tain John Triplett sent to the St. Louis
convention. .Tnhuisoue of the “sane
and dangerous” kind .of denucrats and
always picks the winner.—Darien Ga
“Fame generally comes to those who
are thinking of something else; sold
to him who says ‘go to *uow, let os be a
celebrated individual.’ ”* Respectfully
referred to William Randolph
The fact that his mother spared not
the rod is quoted as a reason of Jndgo
Parker’s greatness—which loads many
to remark that their expectations for
themselves are now doubled.
Louisiana will have nt the St. Louis
fair a sulphur statue of Satau. We’ve
heard of that advertising proposition
before. *
Henry Hoffman, a deep sea diver pro
poses to win a bet by walking 600 miles
down the bed of the Mississippi river.
Tho snoker.
snaking preparations,to get busy.
Utylwo men are playing rough and ore
4,1k ■mil and kills the other, is thatsui-
Wldef \ winn* Imvc iiassed Mill April
•aephers,-aklii -to Kaunas zepher., now
.Wave Ilia floor and the girl,’ Baxter
that a. X. Y. Z.
The state is indebted to the Savnnniih
"New,for working ont the comparative
distance* from Pauama to the throe
lirinelpal southern porta. It will come
- me a surprise to moat peoplo to know
What the autllng dialanco from Savnnnali
wo Panama ia 1,32(1 mile*: from Mew
-Orleant to Panama it ia 1,380 milea, and
St ia fnrthvr from Oalveaton to Panama
atian from Mew Orleans. • Chicago ia
■approximately 200 milea nearer Savan
nah than to Ctelveatou, and it ia no fur-
Wher from St. lamia to Bavannali than
to Galveston. Many Isolde talk of the
erf ill bimetlt the canal will work
, Sew Orleuua and Oulveaton. We
M MV now that Georgia both at Sa
moa) i£ and Brunawiek muat uceda
««> In for a linn’a almre.
California will huvo at St. Lonia a
honae bnilt entirely of dried frnlta. It
will bo the email boye' palace.
We guess wo'll have to aapport the
nominee. That's the reaaon we an. bo
aotlve againat Hearat.
Wonder if we couldn't get the presi
dent to raiso our salary by executive or
IWhat Is Going on at tho Hub City.
Mrs. Maggie L. Wade left last Friday
for White Spring, Fla., for rest, recrea
tion and recuperation
Miss Aileen Wade, who has been at
tending Stanley’s Business College for
several months, is at home and will be
until her mother retains from Florida.
Bliss Aileen is a model housekeeper.
John J. Brantly, a leading citizen and
mercliant of Blackshear, Ga., and an old
friend of this scribe was a visitor to
Boston last Thursday and while here
brightened oar sanctum sanatorium by
his geuial presonce.
Capt. J. B. Roberts, one of Boston’s
good citizens, visited Monticello last
week. ^
M. E. Tisou and family left Boston
1 ist Tuesday for Leesburg, where they
will in future reside, Mr. Tisou having
bought out a newspaper iutorest in said
Mr. Tolar ami family, who have re
sided for several months in the old Cen
tral hotel building have moved to Perry,
Fla. Mr. Tolar is engaged in the naval
stores business at Perry and wishes tq
be nearer his business with his family.
W. B. Parish has moved into his new
and cczy residence on Main street located
where tho old Bennett store formerly
Mr. B. A. Norton ami wife liave moved
into the city and occupy Mrs. Hattie
Mosury's residence on Main street, for
merly the Methodist parsonage.
J. W. Taylor & 8ou, one of our lead-
iug mercantile firms shipped this week
to Hon. O. B. Stevens, Commissioner of
Agriculture/ Atlanta, two bairols of
choice syrup for Exhibition at the St.
Louis Exposition. Georgia syrup and
fritter^ will be dispensed gratis at the
exposition, so we editors had better go
and fill up once more.
Mr. J. 8. Nortdp, who has been reu-
dorod “horft do combat” on account of
lameness, is. we are glad to say, recover
W. J. Taylor, of Thomasville, was
J. T. Taylor, of Texas.
-Col. Theodore Titos, one of Thomas-
villa's legal luminaries was here last
Tuesday attending to business.
Paul H. Carson left last Tuesday for
Waycross to accept a position with the
A. C. L. railroad at said place.
Col. Wilson Brooks, F. G.Ivey, W. W.
Burney, W. B. Forester and others of
our city attended County court last
Mr. W. A. Taylor, wife and Bliss
Wessie Ansley took a piscatorial trip to
the county last Tuesday and brought
back something less tlian a barrel of
Our fanners are too busty preparing to
make 15 cents cotton to come to town,
hence the mercliant# are enjoying a
much needed rest.
As neyt Monday is opening day of
Saperior court for our county and the
grand jury wilL convene, it might be
prudent for evil doers to hide out awhile,
so if this scribe don’t send in his weekly
gatherings you can hurmise the cause.
Boston will soon be enjoying some
thing she has needed a long time, viz:
well lighted streets. Tho Boston Gas
Co. are now at work preparing to place
the lights, which will be in place short
ly. Now, so soon as oar waterworks
are put in we sure will assume metropo
litan airs. <
Our fellow citizen J. B. Everett, who
has been quite sick for several days at
liis homo on Adams street, is, wo are
glad to say convalescing.
Tl»e Battle House lately occupied by
31. E Tisou and family, lias been rented
by R. O. Me Murray. He moved last
Rev. Mr. Witherspoon, who has l»eeu
rusticating out at Wayville, returned
home last Tuesday.
Take Advantage of 3pl'ing^
And the Good Weather to buy a
Or some other piece of harvesting
machinery. Don’t wait until summer
when you will have wasted your time
with worn out Machinery
I have just taken up the machinery
business. Come and see my
Plano Machines
at my stables in Bos:on, Ga.
1ZS. X&.
Postmaster Fred Feltliam and wife at
tended the funeral in Thomasville of Ut
ils Kreyl May Parker.
Mrs. B. H. Foy assisted Robert Brown
iu the postottlce during Postmaster Pel
ham's absence at Thomasville.
Capt. J. B. Way, one of Wayviilc’s
most progressive and highly respected
eltizeus was in our city last Tuesday
attending to business.
W. H. Brandon, of Thomasville, was
here this week expatiating on the merits
here last Monday to see his brother, Dr. j ot hi* fllie hue of groceries.
From Factory Direct
To Consumer
New York for Parker.
Cf us.
Barwick People are Chopping Cotton,
Pointing up, Eto.
Oottou chopping line commence'!. Wo
see some fields of ootton around Bar
wick already chopped.
Mr. J. L. Beaty is liaviug au exten-
tion put on the rear of his store.
Elder R. H Barwick, of Pavo, visited
Barwick Monday.
Main street has been recently worked
>. It is quite an additiou to the ap
pearance of our town.
A large delegation of Pavo’s young
men came down to Barwick Sunday af
ternoon. T!u*rc must be some attrac
tion for them nure.
Tho Sunday ^chool at the Baptist
church has been re-organized with
large attendance. The school went into
winter quarters during the cold months,
duo to the uucomfortable condition of
Wtuns Ui ■? AO win New-.
J. D. McCartney, editor of the Thom-
uua’Uie Times-Enterprise, and oue of the
icKost; brilliant young news|ia{)er men of
•thestate, was iu Atlamu Tuesday. Mr
AtrOartney was graduated from the Uni
versity of Georgia iu 1002. A short
*irae after leaving college ho and Wil-
rsou Hardy, a elass-ma»c. purchased The | t * ie no provisions liaviug been
'Times-Entcrprise from Colonel John I m,M *« for bating. It is hoped that a
Triplett, who had conducted it for many j ,ieater will be provided for before aii-
3foare. Their success has been remark- otlior winter aud that tho Sunday school
;-tblo. will not lx* frozen out..
- - 4 ) Messrs. G. W. Holloway and J. \V
TSie Home Herald is a ttood paper, hi t j Chapman made flying trip to Moultrie
cvTtaaadiug iu Monday’s issue “Right Sunday.
^Oute** makes us wonder if they are talk-! The western part of our town shows a
■tag about mules. | marked improvement. Messrs. J. T.
’■ , Barrett and R. L. Redfearn are having
! their residences painted,
j Mrs Tolar, of Ozolle, visited Barwick
; Monday.
-~i/2/g#-And a story of Commercial opportunity.
For Infanta and Children.
Ill Ktad You Haro Always Bought
r —
Egga For Sal*.
, per setting ofr 15. Address Mrs. J. C.
Neel, Boston, Ga. , 3-24-5
A comprehensive Lace Operation, such a oue only the
largest business houses in the country could engage in, was
closed by us several weeks ago, but on account of Custom
House Entanglements the Laces did not reach us until now.
The largest buyers of celebrated American stores envied us for
this transaction, because Laces in this tremendous purchase
are not alone owned cheaply to the point of Incredulity, but
more so they are the pick and cream of Fashion, and not a
yard among the ten thousand of dozens is anything but the
season’s choicest productions.
An exceptional combination purchase through an Eastern White
floods trust, placing us in the possession of the most startling white goods
value ever recognized in this section ot the country. Never before) was
there- brought under this roof such mountains of snowy white wash materials.
The opportunity of a life-time is here presented.
We havejust received a line line of VOILE in all colors.
Royal Worchesler Corsets ties! on earth.
All like Ice Cream—It’s a treat to most people—a Sun
day dish. Have it every day in the week if }‘ou like and twice
on Sunday if you use a
Peerless Iceland Freezer
It'e easy to keep clean. Cream can make no lodgment on dasher*
Scrapers are not attached to arms by iron clasps which allow create ta
•oak in between wood and iron and become putrid and sour.
Dauber is thoroughly cleaned by simply scaldiog. It will freeze cream
l« 3 minutes by tbe watch Will pay for itself in one season by Btyiif
in freezing material over all other freezers. For sale by
Wny’a Building.
“For what is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”-Butier.
We desire to call attention of onr customers this week to a lure*
liue of *
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
-We handle the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McJarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
We have the best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. You- 1
call put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
We also carry u full line of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weeders.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Binders.
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase' a ticket en
titling you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick s-at run about cn
display in ouy window, which will be given away on .May 28th. Oua
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You mav bo th.
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.,