Newspaper Page Text
tVbat Happened to DebntntA'i Cn»t Mod*
by Paris Tailor*
It Is natural for a man who la the
possessor of au expensive hat to dig-
play it so that the name of the fasls-
ionable hatter may be seen, and ns for
the woman who owns an expensive
tailor coat, she can’t remove it without
showing the distinctive mark of the
maker Inside.
A Lincoli
hnimfii and vegetable creatures. And
when they are diseased they are dam
gerous to mankind; for if they are
made into tools, they may break, ruin
a laborer’s work, or perhaps put out
his eye; If they happen to be part of
a bridge, they may break and caust
accidents, perhaps destroy life. Pro
fessor E«. tteyn, of the Technical Ex
periment Station of the Royal Poly
technic School, Berlin-Charlottenburg,
writes on this highly interesting sub
ject—“Life and Diseases of Metals’’—
in Harper’s Magazine. The micro-
scopo has doveloped this branch of
modern science, as it has developed
the study of human diseases in the
hands of Virchow ahd his followers,
illustrations accompanying the article
show diseased copper and steel.
voman used to wear a
cloth suit at a famous New York
.establishment, and when she took .off
the jacket in church and carelessly
■turned back the lining over the back
of the pew, exposing the maker’s name
on the grny satin lining, not a woman
■for several seats behind could hear n
word of the sermon.
It does not seem
to have occurred to any of these ladies,
Similar case. A young lady had in her
debut outfit a handsome cloth coat
made by a Paris tailor duriug her re
cent visit to that city, the garment
bearing the maker’s name, perhaps one
by three Inches, made fast to the lin
ing. The feelings of this debutante
can be imaglued when a few days ago
she discovered that the tailor's mark
had been cut out of her coat, and in
such n way that it might be attached
to the lining of another garment.
Just when the clipping was done Rhe
is unable to tell, but she bad worn the
coat but three times since she Inst no
ticed the mark, and on these occasions
the garment was laid off* only in the
dressing rooms of her hostesses. The
jnnrk was evidently taken by some
member of the set that attends the
most fashionable and exclusive affairs,
and of course would be valueless to
people in general. — Nebraska State
The Care of the Eye*.
The eyes are the most wonderful
and delicate optical instruments In
the world, and easily subjected to
strain. There are few eyes that\are
not caused unnecessary and detri
mental strain. This produces the in
flammation that is the trouble of many
and which in turn is often the cause
of the unsightly puffiness under the
eyes. Although it Is not possible to
change their color or shape, the ap
pearance of the eyes can often be
materially improved by proper care,
and the surrounding tissues and fea
tures so modified as to add greatly to
the looks. Excellent Information on
the care of the eyes is given by Dr.
Grace Peckham Murray in the De
lineator. The use of glasses is a sub-
topic that merits special attention.
I To be a successful wife, to retain the love B
and admiration of her husband should be a
woman’s constant study. Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit
of all wives and mothers.
.'•Dear Mbs. Pi.vkham : — Lydia E. Plnlfhnm’n Vegetable Com-
Ipound will mako every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged
through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness.
1 then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful
results she had had from your. Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what
it would do for me, and used it for three months. * At the end of that time I
was a different woman, the neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in
Hove with mo all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suf
fering with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured
that and built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman. —
Sincerely yours, Mrs. Ciias. F. Brown, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark.,
Vice President Mothers’ Club/’
Suffering women should not full to profit l>y Mrs. Brown’s ex
periences; lust as surely as she was cured of the troubles enumer
ated iu her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles,
inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability,
and nervous prostration. Head the story of Mrs. Potts to all
mothers: —
^ 11 Dear Mils. Tinkuam : — During the early
part of my married life I was very delicate
in health. I had two miscarriages, and both
my hueband and I felt very br.dly as wo were
anxious to have children. A neighbor who
large number of
by Peruna.
Hon. Nelson Rice, of St. Joseph, Mich., knows aj
grateful patients in his county who have been cut
FlTSnofni&nehtly cured. No fits ornenrous-
fiwS after first day's use of Dr. Kltno’s Crest
Nerve Ilostorer.$2 trial hot tic and treatise free
Dr. It. H. Kltxe, Ltd.. !W1 Arch St.. Phils., Pa
Reciprocity is the art of exchanging
something you don’t want for something
you do.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forchlldrtn
1 r ©thing, soften the gums,reducesluflsmms-
liou allays psln.curcswlnd colic. 26c. sbottle
What a jolly old world this would be if
all men practised what they preach!
Old Sofas, Backr if Chairs, etc., can be
dyed with Putxau Fadeless Dyes'.
Love may intoxicate a man, but marriage
(sobers him.
X do not boliovo Tiso’s Cure for Consump
tion has nnoquol for coughs and colds.—Jon*
l'.Lotxn, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1000.
Two often ccasc to be company after
they arc made one.
Peace is too big a price t9 pay for
Gold crosses do not make golden
To be a man is to have a mission and
B message.
The consciousness of wisdom Is us
ually a dreum.
There is a deep spring of comfort in
every desert of sorrow.
Actions are the hands on the clock of
the heart—Ram’s Horn.
Many men deliberate at sixty miles
an hour and act at three.
The biggest sins are the ones for
:wlilch we have no appetite.
Hon. Nelson Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, writes:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen: “I wish to congratulate you on the success of your efforts to
win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine, i know
Peruna is a tonic for a worn out system and a speclflo in cases
of catarrhal difficulties. You have a large number of grateful pa
tients in this country who have.used Peruna and have been cured
by it, and who praise it above all other medicines, t Peruna has
my heartiest good wishes.”—Nelson Rice.
All these things are especially true of
those who have been suffering with ca
tarrh in any form or la grippe. A course
of Peruna is sure to correct all these condi
tions. It is an ideal spring medicine. Pe
runa docs not irritate—it invigorates. It
docs not temporarily stimulate — it
strengthens. It equalizes the circulation
of the blood, the nervous sys
tem and - regulates the bodily function*..
Peruna, unlike so many spring medicines ia
not simply a physic or stimulant or ner
vine. It is a natural tonic and invigorator.
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use olj Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will bo
pleased to give you his valuable »advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tht
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. ;
Why the Japs Are Short.
Why are the Japanese undersized?
Because they don’t use chairs. That
Is the answer to the conundrum given
by a number of Japanese army sur
geons and scientific men. Under their
direction careful measurements of sev-
eral thousands of soldiers were taken,
and it was found in almost every case
that the shortness of stature is chiefly
due to the shortness of the lower
limbs. The legs are short and stunted,
.because almost from the day it is
( born the Japanese baby is taught to
sit ou the floor, with its legs doubled
jttnder it at the knees. This posture
Lighting and Water.
It Is practically impossible to cause
an electric spark of high electromotive
force to leap'from one surface of a
liquid to another. For this reason it is
rare that lightning strikes the surface
of water.
gradually decreased and finally disappeared,
and my general health improved. I felt ns
if new blood courccd through my veins, the
sluggish tired feeling disappeared, and I be
came strong nnd well.
“ Within a year after I bccamo tho mother
~ -**- *- —' A% — -hild, the ioy of our heme.
, splendid remedy, and I
— Sincerely
’ 4 "3., Hot
Sweat. Itch, Bllstoy? ROYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Remove*
odors of feet, armpits, etc.; stops chafing. If not at druggist*,
send 25c to EATON DRUG CO., Atlanta, Oa., for full support-
ip. One application proves it* mer.t. Money back if not satuflod.
of a strong hca
vP You certainly
rjjf,wieh every mother know of it. — t—
S ours, MnA. Asxa Potto, 510 Park Avc.
prings, Ark.”
Hgy If you feel that there is anything at all
unusual or puzzling about vour ease, or*
If you wish confidential advice of tho
mo3t experienced, write to Mrs.* Pink*
2ham, Lynn, Mass., and you will be advised free of charge. Lydia E.
-1*1 nklmm’s Vegetable Compound 1ms cured and is curing thousands
bf cases of female troubles—curing them inexpensively and absolutely.
Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
h gjjj g price on on# of our popular J
Wfcar it Tmuaa, wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O,
Walouio, Kinsax A Minvis, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
jtime In standing up, working, or run
ning in the open air, the legs are no-
•Iticoably lorger than in the more
sedentary classes. It is believed that
the general use of tables and chairs in
tho empire of the mikado would even
tually result In adding several Inches
to the average height of Japanese sol
diers, which Is, at present, five feet
and four inches.—Chicago Tribune.
"'Beautiful, DvorlaBting
r “‘"
SOUTHERN FOUNORY CO., Ow.nsboro, Kontuoky
Trice, 75c. nor bottle. Hold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Tills tor constipation
Has ltlght to Pray For Japan.
At least one roan in Missouri piously
prays that victory may perch on the
banner of the Jap in the war now be
ing waged. This is Colonel John So-
bieskl, of Richmond, lineal heir of
King John Sobieski, of Poland.
Cotton Gin
Malsby & Co,
4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga.
The great pain extractor; cures
rheumatism, neuralgia, oolic,
cramps and all aches and pain.
Nothing like It. Try a bottle.
Hate doctor's bills. Ask your
^druggist to ret It, or send to
W. O. HUOIIKN. Atlanta,
iim. Agents wanted; big pay
A Largo Trial Box and book of In.
Xtructioos absolutely Free and Port*
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToilet Antiseptic
Xt& Pcxtlr.o Is In powder
/SsS. form to dissolve In
water — non-polsonous
AfflBBlgBfkX and far superior to liquid
/HFjllh antiseptics contain lag
/MOlHbAA alcohol which irritates
fgy V ■JM'l Inflamed surfaces, and
F^VkSa l havs no cleansing prop-
ertles. The contents
A Dog's Fidelity.
Last week a gamekeeper named
Henry Osmond, In the employ of Lord
Falmouth, was fatally shot in a poach
ing affray at the Tregothnan Woods.
The evidence shows that Osmond
must have died between 0.30 nnd 7
o’clock on Tuesday wening, January
20. Ills body was not discovered until
C o’clock on the following Wednesday
afternoon. All these hours, during
which it rained pitilessly, n retriever
puppy remained immovable by the side
of his dead master nnd in her fierce af
fection would not allow the search
party to touch the body. At last It
was secured and fastened to a tree,
but the faithful animal gnawed
through the rope and returned to its
He—I think I ought to take a hot
foot bath. Where Is the mustard?
She—Out In the pantry.
He—Pshaw! It’s dark out there, and
I haven't got a match.
She—You don’t need a match to
locate it. It’s right alongsido of
the Llmburger cheese.—Philadelphia
Pres*. «
Write UR a postal card for a free Ratnple of
We cheerfully send It to all sufferer* of Kid
ney, Liver, Heart. Bladder and Blood dleeaeec
Q,n request. It will do all that we claim for It.
Full directions with sample sent. Mention
this pa per. Address STUART DRUG U'W'Q.
CO.. 18-Wall 8treet. ATLANTA. GA.
8nff^ ertles. The
'jmR <u HD) °* every box makes
\kML «o* Ftnfir morc Antiseptic Solu-
\yg./ ttofi — lasts longer—
aH goes further—has more
al uses In the family a«d
doei more good than any
antiseptic preparation
• you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great successes a Vaginal
Wash, for Leucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female ills Paxtine is
invaluable. Used os a Vaginal Wash wo
challonge tho world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
All leading druggists keep Tax tine; price,COc.
. a box; If yours does not, send to us for it. Don’t
take a substitute—there is nothing like Paxtine.
Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day.
B. PAXTON CO., 7 Pop. Bid,., Boston, Hu.
Portable and Stationary
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Complete line carried in stock for
IMMEDIA TE shipment.
Best Machinery. Lowest Price* and Best Taras
Write us for catalogue, prices,
etc., before buying.
ft BUIS®
W, HUI tk. moot compltu bu ol u,
toDMra in tkt woild.
a* teu everything needed abftt a Cettoa Gin.
Write lor Illustraisd Catalogue.
Continental GinCo.,
Birmingham, Ala.
Sometimes women drift Into a con
dition of “half Invalid.” Continual
languor—all tired out, run down, back-
ache, nerves shattered,
headache, terrible pain,
no appetite, poor dlges-
tion. In nine cases out of
rip JgVB ten it’s because the kid-
KflSjj neyr fall todotbeir work
filtering the poisonous
astern waste from the
The kidneys are
and need the
guardianship of the dead.
I with Heps’* Universal Log Beams,Rcctilin-
fear. Simultaneous Set Works and the Hea-
I cock-King Variable Feed Works are unex-
Icellei. for acocbact, simplicity. duiabil*
[descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the
[SALEM IRON WORK8.Wlnrton-8fll*m.K.C.
Sfeiike all our waterproof
coats, auiU aM kata
for oil kind. of wot work,
it ia often imitated but
never equalled. «~
Made in black or yellow
and fidtyouarantecd by
jioweiuJ. Bra turn* m.
fflaaBSAoiiW blood.
]BHKn weak
atreiigthenlng help of
'SHF Doan’s Kidney Pills.
■RhGhi Mead bow these pills
repair a weakened pljj-
figgSa* ileal condition when
this condition is caused
by tick kidneys.
Mrs. Sadie Mettles, of 304 W. 4th
Ave., Columbus, Ohio, says: “Prior to
the year 1808 I suffered considerably
from backache, pain In the head, lan
guor and depression and weakness of
the action of the kidneys. The pain
was always worse in the morning and
I felt miserable. I was Induced to pro.
cure a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and
I began their use. They proved prompt
and effective. They cured me, and
there haa been no return of tbe trouble
since taking them. I owe all tbe credit
to Doan's Kidney Pills.”
A FREE TRIAL of tbls great kidney
medicine which cured Mrs. Mettles
will be mailed on application to any
part of tbe United States. Address
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. V. For
sale by all druggists, price SO cents
per box. _
The Great East
and West Line
Aeroes the En
tire States of
<54.00, S3.GO, 83.00, S2.S0
Wt'g? SHOES thV^lo.
W.L. Douglas shoes /
are worn by more f yk,
men than any other I; ig
make. The reason ral
is, they hold their (• / V* TfJ
shape,fitbetter,wear iajafl Py
longer, and have AaHgaL
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes. /MBwiSfc
Sold Eoerfwkere. 1
Douglas uses Coroiin'caltskln, which Is
everywhere conccd*«l In be the finest Patent
Leather yet produced. FattCo or Eyelets used
Shoes l»r nisu.K cent* e\ir». Write r«>f CsInIoit.
W. L. DOUG LAN, Brockton, Mona.
both bride and groom. White is the
best color to get married In, but a wid
ow may-get married in any color save
yellow. Should n bride drop one of
her gloves woe betide her! She must
exercise great care la getting In and
out of her carriage, and a false step
Is an ill omen which brings misfor
Cotton Must Have
M Ucrcer St, JmifCUf, X. J*
k Best For
' Th» Bowels
Potash is an essential plant Food
which must be added as a fertilizer
or the soil will
aw become ex-
hausted, ap is
\l jfjsB&alt true of so
many cotton
'!| fields.
r The Dowel# m
/ England'* First Railroad.
The traveling on the first railroad in
England was not very comfortable un.’
doubtcdly. The coaches were at first
only coupled with chains, as wagons
are now, so that they Jerked the un
fortunate passengers nearly off their
seats at starting und clashed violently
against each other when the driver put
on his brake. When fairly Iu motion,
if tbe speed was Any but the slowest,
the very short wheel base produced *
pitching action so trying that If the
journey bad not been a short one it
would have seriously affected the •—
tdsrity of the railway as a means of
passenger transit.
No trouble to answer questions. IS miles
shortest rontc Shreveport to Dallas. Write
for new book on Texas, free. E. P. TURNER.
General Passenger Agent, Dallas. Texas.
Removes all swelling in 8 to so
dsys; effects a permanent cure
in to to 60 days. Trial treatment
given free. Nothingcan be fairer
Write Or. H. H. Orson’s Sens,
Soecl illsts. Bax B AtlantaTflt.
This is What You Want!
Hare Yon Any Malarial Troubles ?
Do you went to get well end get well qnlck f If so,
send a Postof&ce order for tt/ty rents to the
REGAL MEDICINE GO.,if Sfuford, Conn.,
for medicine and directions. A qnlck end certain
j Give the name of this paper when
[writing to advertisers—(At17-04)
them free to osy farmer who asks ns for
Jf*w Tsrfc-M Kwm Burnt, ev
» —-- a. seif mm. Bm