Newspaper Page Text
Bnb South CBeorflia jfe>ro0ress.z=
New Series, VoL XIV—No. 40.
The Official Proceeding* of Thla
(Month** Meeting.
Tbomasville, Ca., May 3, 1904.
Board met in regular meeting.
All present except Com missioned
Minutes of last meeting read and
Commissioner Barrow given further
time on turnpike matter.
Farther time granted committee on
placing electric light* in Jail. Com
plaint of roads in Boston district referr
ed to Com. Borrow, Hardy Godwin
was placed on pauper list and allovtal
$5.00 » month. Commissioners Pringle,
Barrow and J, S. Montgomery appoint
ed a committee to define the militia
districts of the county.
On motion the plau for the enlarge
ment of the jail as submitted by the
Pauly Jail Co., was adopted and ad
vertisement for the building of the same
On motion the chairman of this board
is hereby authorizedto borrow an amount
sufficient to meet tiie, obligations of the
county on the roads and bridges
count. On motion the road commis
sioners of Ways district are ordered to
be summoned to appear Indore this
board at the June meeting.
monthly repout ok county physician
Both jnil aud poor house are kept
cleanly. At tlie latter none have died,
none received, and one discharged —
sent to the Sanitarium.
L. B. Boachelle, M. D.
From balance on hand as per
ast report * 10 SS>7 36
From P. S. Hceth, T.C.T.C.
Gen'! Taxes for 1903. 53# f /°
From Chas. P. Hanscll, J. C.
O.County court cost • 18
Jail fees V 4 05
Convict hire 70 fio
Fines and forfeitures. 154 «*>— ?7(* ?5
$11,712 SI
For building and repairing
court house, jail, bridges,
ferries, and other public im
provements 7U
For Sheriff's, jailer's, and oth
er officers’fees 37*» 5#
For Coroner’s inquest 29 00
For bailiffs at court, non-resi
dent, witnesses in criminal
case*, servant hire, station
ery, and the like 28; 68
For jurors at court «j24 00
For support of the poor of the
county T. i?4 gl
For insolvent costs 154 00
For other lawful charges 180 80
Cash—Balance on hand 889388
*ii 7I2 HI
Respectfully submitted.
The following petition ordered pub
lished.: v
Tt.oinusvillc, Ga. Air. 27, ’04.
Giorgio. Thomas comity:
Application to change old road. The
undersigned respectfully ask tl*e chaug-
ing of the Diibn Public Hoad, running
from tlie three mile |x>st on Groomsford
roadtoJoner Bridge road, so that it will
begin at the 'same place as at present.
In the six hundred and thirty-seventh
(687) Militia district of said county, and
running tlience in a westerly direction
through the hinds of W. M. Smith,
and between the lands of J. L. Beverly,
Gandy & Mallette and Miss Rena Ddvis,
and terminating at the dwelling house
on the Davis land. The total length of
said proposed new road being about five
hundred aud fifty yards.
The petitioners ask that said new
road bo established with a right of
way at least twenty feet wide.
C. T. Gandy, E. M. Malletre,
C. F. Davis, Agt. Keua Davis,
J. L. Beverly. S. A. Roddeubery,
L. Vann, R. C.M. Thomasville dis.
Adam Arnold Road Com. 13th dis.
May 3, 1004.
This is to certify that same C. T.
Gandy and K. M. Mallette do agree
to put said road in good condition at
their own expense.
Gandy & Mallette.
In The Matter of Petition to Organize a
New Mialitia District.
To the Honorable the Board of Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues of
Thomaf county, Ga.
War* Problem* Discussed by County
Fathers Yesterday.
At the regular meeting of the county
commissioners Tuesday many pro
blems of public interest were discussed
by them.
One of the things which occupies much
of the time and attention of the com
missioners is the condition of the roads.
The recent grand jnry ordered fcho com
missioners to begin to Work t he convicts
of the county on the roads as soon as
practicable. In line with this order, a
committee was appointed to correspond
with other counties in regard to methods
expense, Messrs. Smith, Pringle
and Barrow are the members of this
The road commissioners of the Ways
district have been summoned to appear
before the county fathers at their noxt
meeting and explain why the roads un
der their jurisdiction are not in better
Another topic of public interest dis
cussed, was the addition to the county
jail. It had originally been plauued to
convert the preseut residence of the jail
or into sells, and to build that officer n
house in the jail yard. A less expensive
method however will be tlie erection of
an annex to the present building and
this* has been decided upon. The plans
now under consideration provide for a
modern and hygenic building. Padded
cells for lunatics aud a hospital room
will be famished.
The advertisement for bids will bo
published in the Timcs-Enterprise. The
K]iecifications call for eight cells. This
will double the capacity of the jail
which now has eight cells, nod Will
also afford an extra bath cell.
Tax collector Hceth made his rejrfirt
to the board aud his remarkably flue
showing caused nmcli comment and
commendation. He collected daring
IV03 tlie imm of Of tills
anionnt $407.77 was not ou the digest.
The only insolvent tax reported is the
paltry sum of $27 1)0.
Other routine business was transact
ed and the board adjourned. All were
preseut except Commissioner, II.
Copeland of Metcalfe.
Mrs. J. W. Evans Passed Away Tuaa-
day Morning.
The news that Mrs. J. W. Evans,
formerly of Coolidge, passed into the
great beyond yesterday will be receiv
ed with much regret by many friends
in this community.
Mrs. Evans was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. C. Smith of Coolidge, one
of the best known families i* the coun
ty. Her husband was until recently
bookkeeper of the Vanderbilt >& Hop
kins Lumber Co. Only about ooe month
ago they moved to Tampa.
The remains will be brought to
Coolidge for interment, the funeral be
ing planned for Wednesday afternoon at
Knon church. •
Returns Show Slight Decrease But
ara Accepted by Comptroller.
Comptroller General William
Wright has decided to accept tlie tax-
returns from the Atlantic Coast Line
railroad, providedit is found that .they
contain no errors. This is the first re
turn of any of the large corporations in
the state to he accepted by the comp
troller general. ^
The acceptance of this return appar
ently means two things. It means that
no fight is going to be made by the state
this year to secure an increase fti tlie
corporation returns over those *of last
yeiy and it means that there is not go-
in j to ho much, if any, increase in those
The Atlautic Coast Line returned its
property at about $49,000 lesg this year
than lost, and this reduction is account
ed for by tlit* fact that more mileage
1ms been taken into the system iu North
Carolina, so that tho percentage of roll
ing stock falling to tho mileage in Geor
gia 1ms boon reduced to that extent. In
all other resects tho Cdast Line’s ro
ta m is the same as last year, its fran
cliiso return being $2,464,570 or $8,689
per mile aud its tangible property return
being $8,120,852, this last showing thq
reduction stated..
Petitioning Stone.
A political rumor which flew from
mouth to mouth along the kerb stone
yesterday is that Mr. J. F. Stone who
was mentioned as a possible candidate
some mouths ago, will soon announce
for the legislator*;, Mr. Stone lives in
the Cairo district aud the rnmor says
that his friends and neighbors over
there are presenting a petition urging
him to rnn.
High School Triumphant.
The High School and Stanley's Busi
ness College met in battle royal yester
day evening aud victory pended upon
the banner of tlie former to the tune of
14 to 10. The battery for the High
School was Sam Mitchell pitcher and
Mallette catcher. For the Business Col
lege Lilly and Taylor twisted the horse-
hide, while Balckom and Groover of-
11 iated as the reception committee.
Mrs. W. D. Sills and her younger
staler. Miss Addin Perry, were among
those who went to Albany last week.
Mrs; Dr. J. B. Palmer arrived last
week from Augusta, bringing their lit
tle tot. Dr. and Mrs. Palmar have
rented rooms from Mr. L, R. Sills and
they will reside there for the present.
Mrs. E. R. Singletary, who has been
visiting here for some days, returned to
her home in Meigs lost* Saturday
Mrs. McCall is visiting in Florida
this week.
Mr. Henry W. Jackson <vf Tannm,
Fla., was in town last week. His com-
iug was quite a pleasant surprise to ns.
He come Thursday morning and re
turned Sunday night.
Mr. J. R. Jackson of Valdosta was in
town last week.
Mr. J. H. Anderson and family are
spending the day on the river today
Messrs. Singletary ami Braswell,
whose mill and ginnery was recently
destroyed by fire, will be'reody to begin
running again in a few days.
Let me inform your readers, for their
convenience and also tlie agent repre
senting tlie Thomasville Steam Laundry
that tlie basket goes out only once each
month, tlie first week in each mouth.
Please bear that iu mind and you will
save mftch inconvenience for toe agent
aud yourself.
Quito a bit of mischief is being <loue
by unknown parties iu the vicinity sur
rounding this place. Some cattle have
been fouud dead in the woods, having
Been knocked in the head by some heavy
timbers apparently.
Imaging the astonishment of his
Executive Committee Decided in His
Favor Wednesday.
Atlanta, Ga. May 4, 1904.
(Special to Tlmes-EnterpiUe.)
The State executive committee met
here today to decide the contest for
Snperior Conrt Judge of the Bine Ridge
Circuit. The nomination of Judge
George F, Gober in the primary on
April 30th was contested by his op
ponent, Newton A. Morris. By a vote
of 22 to 14, the committee sustained
Judge Gober aud he is therefore the
nominee of the Democratic party. The
meeting of the committee was
lengthy and the pontest sensational.
Cspt. J. B. Way.
In this morning's paper, Cap*. J. B.
Way announces his candidacy for the
Legislature in a brief straight-forward
card. Mr. Way is a resident of the
Boston district, and is one of the best
citizens of that splendid community.
He is a Georgian, born and bred, and
has* for a number of years lived in
Thomas comity. He is an upright citi
zen, prosperous funner, and enjoys the
respect and esteem of all who kt o v
him. He has many frieuds throughcu
tho county who will use their utir.o&
biideavors to eloot him to the ) ion oral lo
office, which he seeks to fill, aud will
if elected, fill honorably nnd well.
Tl»e Times-Enterprise is in receptof
spicy littlo weekly known as the “Ar-
kansnw Thomas Cat” aud published at
Hot Springs Ark. It chronicles the
prenoe at tlie Great Northern hotel in
that famous resort of two well known
Georgians, John H. Davidson of this
city aud C. W. Pidcock of Moultrie.
friends when Lamar Pittman, sou of
Mr. W. R. Pittman, returned from a
three days trip to Atluuta, where he
had been entirely cured of stammering
in that short period of timo. Yonng
Pittman conld scarcely talk at all,
When sent to carry a .message he pre
ferred to have it written, so great a
task was it for him to talk, but now he
speaks as plainly as any one having
never stammered.
Mr. Warner Nelms made a business
trip do Albany last week. *
Mr. W. M. Story was a visitor to
Tbomasville Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Kennedy came np from
Touraine Saturday to visit her paneuts,
Mr. aud Mrs. W. M. Miller. Of course,
Mr. Kennedy accompanied her,
Mrs. J. C. Pope visited the city of
Monltrie one day last week.
Misses Mamie and Lottie Evans visit
ed their sister, Mrs. W. H. Crow, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Df. H. Jones’ many friends are (leas
ed to see him out again after an illness
of a few days.
Mr. W. A. Jones, Sr., lias boon con
fined bo his homo several days with la-
The Sunday school and friends will
picnic ait Itocky Ford bridge on the Och-
lockouoe river Friday of this week. Ar
rangements are being made for a big
time hy the young people.
Not Coming Here.
The'Valdosta Sunday schools Wjiich
considered tlie advisability of picknick-
ing here tomorrow have made other
plans. They will have their celebration
at Lock Laurel near Valdosta.
For Sale-
House and lot, Hanscll street, house
hold, school and office’furniture, includ
ing piano, roll-top desk, tables, chairs,
hhow cases, etc., also buggy and har
ness. Call at residence or school any
time next week.
G. W. H. Stanley.
Tax Receiver. *
I will bo at :
Merrillville, May 9, a. m. 7 to 11,
Chastain, May 10, a. in. 7 to 10.
Coolidge, May 10, p. m.
Coolidge, May !i, a. m. 7 to 10.
Pnvo, May 12.
Patten, May IS a. in.
Thomasville, May 14.
Boston, May 17.
Glasgow, May 18 p. in.
Metcalfe, May 19.
Duncanville, May, 20.
Cairo, May, 23.
Akridge, May 24 a. m. 7 to 11.
Spence, May, 24 p. m. 1 to 4.
Meigs, May, 25.
Ochlockonee, May, 26.
Chasou tichool House, May 27 a. m.
I will be in Thomasville Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday aud Saturday up to
the 20th of June when mv books will
John F. Howard. T. R, T. C.
News-and Cpmmant From our Stator
City to the East
Rev. Lee Hanks of Pelham was here
last Thursday.
Miss Sallie Neel aud Lee Neel and
wife of the county’s capitol visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Neel last Sunday in south
edst Boston.
Rev. J. W. Arnold of Waycross was
in Boston last Thursday and Friday.
Ed Stone of Valdosta was visiting
frieuds aud relatives here since our last
Mr. Barnett of Valdosta it visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Lnla Clark at her home
on East Jefferson street.
Rev. J. B. Wight of Cairo was a visi
tor to Boston lust Friday.
Rev. J. M. Bushin, who has been in
attendance on the Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masous at Macon returned
home last Friday a. in.
Mr. Olivett of the firm of Olivett Bros
of New York, largo commission meu,
was here last week looking at tho pear
crop. Tho Arm of Olivett Bros, handle
largo shipments of pears from our sec
tion and are reliable.
Auexciiangosays, “iin^ alcoholic rub
at bedtime will go far toward breaking
np insomnia.” Bnt what about the
headache in the morning! What is go
ing to break that np? 'That’s, the rub.
Jus. M Jones, vice president of the
Merchants,aud Farmers,Bank spent tev
oral days las* week at the county’s capi
tol tho guest of his father, Jadge Jones.
Mr. aud-Mrs. R. A. Jones of Thomas-
ville were visiting iu Boston last Snn-
day ami while hero the guests of Mr. ,J.
M. Jones at his home on east Jefferson
D. G. Mallory of ferry Fla was here
Hince our last epistle looking after Ids
turpewtiuo and other interests.
W. W. Wade visited Albany to at
tend the chautauqua and returned last
Mrs. M. 8. Groover, Accompanied by
Mn*. J. W. Proptf, of Birmingham,
Ala„ left last Friday for Qaitman to
visit Mrs. Yates, a relative. From
Qaitman Mrs. Propts will visit Atlanta,
Cedartownand other places before re
turning to her home. Mrs. Propts has
been on a visit to tlie family of Mr. aud
Mrs. M. S. Groover and is delighted
with our Motion of country and people.
Mrs. J. R. Carson accompanied ny a
bevy of Boston's moat select ladies and
gentlemen attended a fish fry at Dixie
last Thursday.
Mrs. J. B. Eason spent several days in
oar-city the pMt week, the gneet of Mr.
and Sirs. N. L, Btanaland at their home
in Edgeviood asubnrb of North Boston.
Mrs. H. B. McCormac and daughters,
Misses Leua and Mary left last Friday
for Hammond, Louisiana, accompanied
by Mr. L. H. Holloway, a brother of
Mrs. McCormac. Mrs. McCormad and
daughters will remain several weeks in
the Pelican state.
The weather prognosticator for tho
Ladies’ Birthday Almanac is non pass
ed at oar fickle weatlier and cant make
a satisfactory diagnosis of the situation
aud surroundings.
Pointers and Personals About Mom*
Folks and Strangers—You and Your
Paopla and Whan You Ar* Going.
T. J. Capers of Bostou was in the city
A. Deyerle 1 of Boston spent Wed
nesday in town.
Mr. J. ^ Way was here from Boston
oti Wednesday.
Mr, L. B. Bnutiu of Pavo was iu the
city on Wednesday.
Mr. I. N. Joliusou of Qair-mau was a
guest of the Masury Wednesday.
0. It. McRae came over from Boston
aud spent Wednesday iu town.
Mrs. Lee Neel came home Wednesday
afternoon from a visit to Blakely.
blood, red bone breed. $5.00 per pair.
Apply W. C. Thomason, Cairo, Ga.
4 22-4
Mr. M. N. Wertz is in Jacksonville
attending the Cane Growers, Conven
t, /a.,
Mr. Walter Lester of Shreveport,
is spending a few days, with his father,
Col. R. E. Lester.
Mr. Jeff White a popular Cairo in
habitant bought goods from Thomas*
ville merchants Wednesday. ,
Mr. John* Grant came home from
Quitman Wedn slay mining, tie hai
been there at work for several days.
Mr. Mae Wilkes of Meigs is being
nrgod to make the race for representa
tive. / He is a strong man and would
ruu very well indeed. v
The Masons of the second cougresj
sional district, are plauniug a big Tally
at Albany on June t5tli. and many of
the Thomosville brethren will attend.
Miss Erie Butler of Stanley's Busi
ness College lias accepted the position
of cashier of the enterprising firm of A,
F. Churchwell and Co.
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Berkshire
pigs, sired by the celebrated boar, "Co
lumbia's Lee" from the Vanderbilt herd
at Bilnnore, N. O. Apply to J. B. Tal
bot, Sonina, Ga, 1
Mr. L. J. Sturdivant will represent
Star lodge No. 81, of this city, at the
Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias which
meets in Albany on the 17th and 18th
of this month.
It is a source of gratification to Thotn-
asville people that Co K. came out al
right iu the recent inspection of troops
by stotd officers. Ten companies were
placed on probation and four dtiband-
ml. I
Major R. L. Wylly who has been in
tlie city for several days leaves for .Sa
vannah this morning.
Captain John Triplett spent Wednesday
iu Atlanta attending thejueetiug of the
State Executive Committee.
Baseball fanatics jrill be interested to
learn that the Boston team which train
ed here iu March now stands fifth in
tho National League race with a per
centage of 500, having ;iost six and wen
six games. )
Hog^ Strayed.
Sow and six pigs. Mark on sow is’
split iu right ear. Pigs 'unmarked, 2
months old. Will give as reward the
choice pig 6t the bnneh. 5-6-3
Pavo, Ga. W. M. Drew.
The uew issue of Exposition stamp*''
have beenf placed/tin salo in a number
of the larger cities. Tho stamps are
said to be unusually handsome and elab-
OMte.TlieThomasviUo postoffle© has Qtfb
yet received auy of the new ones, and
will not do so until the present supply
is exhausted.
City Texas.
The city tax books will be open from
April 1st. to July 1st. I will be in my
office on Mondays, Fridays and Satur
days during that time,
f. K. T. Maclean, City Clerk.
black mare mule with split in one ear.
Answers to the muse of Kit. Return to
Cochran & Son and receive reward.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCattaey left
Wedesday morning for a trip of several
months duration through the north and
west. During their absence Mrs. I. E.
Moore aud her nephew, Mr, W. If,
Hardy, and Mr. J. D. McCartney, iHU
oconny g»e McCartney residence on
Hau^*ll street.