Newspaper Page Text
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce royeelf a> a candi
date for re-election to the office of sher
iff of Thomas county, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I will continue to give the
office my personal attention imd will
discharge its duties to the t est of my
B- & B. Railroad Company Now His
Two Receivers. _
Muslin Underwear
T. J. Hight.
For Sheriff.
I heaeby announce mytelf as a candi
date for Sheriff of Tliomas county, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the counfy. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the duties of the office and will
discharge those duties to the best of my
ability. J. J. Oosn. tf
You know and everybody knows that we have the most
beautiful Muslin Underwear ever shown in your city.
This week you will have the chance to purchase at great
ly reducedprices.
For Representative.
I hereby annonnce mytelf as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
performance of ail the duties of the offi
ce. My pest record in the office is open
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary
[■oLy sk,
1 Lot Gowns. Plain.....
1 Lot Gowns. V-Neck, worth $1.60
1 Lot Downs, Hemstitched square neck
1 Lot Downs, Square Heck, Embroidered yoke,
1 Lot Downs, V-Neck, Tnoked yoke
A full line of Boys’ Youths’ and Mens’
Just received. They are ALL WOOL.
1 Lot Drawers, Hemstitched Embroidered Bnffle, Open,
1 Lot Drawers, Hemstitched Tnoked Raffle, Open
1 Lot Drawers, Hemstiched Embroidered Ruffle, Open.,
Prices, $2.25,2.50,3.25,5.00,5.50and 6.00.
B. P. Smith was here from Boston on
sri— Rcu Bart has returnod toTliom-
asville after a two week's visit to Val-
Almost a Torrlblo Wreck.
The Coast Line train that Kft here
j Tuesday morning for Albany came
I very near being seriously wrecked. A
I switch engine was standing on the high
I trestle over the Flint river just tills tide
known cititen of of Albany and the train ran into the en
gine’s tender, badly damaged both en
gine and tender. Engineer Henry Mc
Gee was at the throttle of the passen
ger and wai running oxaotly on time.
AU blame seemi to attach to tlieswitoh-
1 Lot Skirts, Deep Flonnoe Tucked and Hemstitched 85c
1 Lot Skirts, Deep Flounce Tacked and Hemstitched . .$105
1 Lot Skirts, Deep Flounce Lace Insertion and Edge 1.33
1 Lot Skirts, Plain 39c
1 Lot Long Chemises, Embroidered Ruffle and Tucked yoke 38c
1 Lot Long Corset Cover Chemises, Lace Insertion uml Edge $1.03
I Lot Long Chemises, Embroidered yoke 89c
1 Lot 8hort Chemises, Lace Insertion and Edge 33c
1 Lot Corset Covert, 'Fagot Stitched 58c
1 Lot Corset Covers, Trimmed with Point De Paris... , ....39c
1 Lot Corset Covers. Plain aic
1 Lot Corset Coven, Embroidered yoke 47c
1 Lot Corset Coven, Val Lace yoke 58c
1 Lot Oonet Coven, Bettor Quality 79c
Lot Corset Coven, Laoe Insertion Back and Front 93c
None of these goods sent out on approval.
Mr. Douglas Harrell ofj Balnbrldge,
formerly of the Panacea Springs hotel
in Florida, to night clerk nt the Stuart.
J. W. Everett ol Pelham was in the
■dtixen Monday.
Mill Katharine Merrill had the mis-
fortus to frectun her forearm on Sun-
Mn. J. O. Lewis and Mn. F. O.
Smith are visiting Mends and relatives
in Lumpkin, Da.
Judge Robert O. Mitchell to In Quit*
vn«i this week where he to holding
Brooks Superior Court,
Mrs. James M. Rogers arrived from
Savannah Monday evening for a visit
With relatives in this olty.
Mr. Pringle's Purchase.
Mr. W. A. Prlugle • purchased Tues
day morning a lot at^Bartow aud South
streets, 80 x 154 feet. The lot was pert
of tho S. A. Smith estate sold by John
T. Finn to Jas. V, Pompclly. It wes
told at pnblie outcry yesterday by M. A.
Fleetwood, administrator of tho estate
Of William It. Moore. The price ju’.il
was »520.
If the tram had been running bat very
little fester the collision would have
thrown everything from the forty foot
trestle to the river bank below.
Rub the swollen, painful joint or mas
th Elliott's Emutoffled Oil Lini-
cle with Elliott 1
meat. Relief wUtoome In a few min
utes and a permanent ante result if its
use to persisted in. Elliott’s Emulsified
Oil liniment to very penetrating and
soothing. Uquiokly relieves inflame-
tion and disperses oonjestion. It cures
lameness, stiffness, aoronaas of joint or
mnaole braises, swellings, ooutnsions
and sprains. Full half pint
cents. J. W. Peacock
bottles, S3
Post Office Improvement
Not very many days ever pass with,
out witnessing some improvement to
the post-office building, .Tbst at pres
ent the interior walls are being repaint
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news-
|»pers is sure to know of the wonderful
K. P. Celebration at Pelham.
Tuesday night was n red letter time
With tiie lfnights of Pythias In Booth
Georgia. It marked the installation of a
lodge uf that ord. r at I’olliam. Ik -
Mens from the lodg , at Cairo, Doornn.
Camilla and Thomasvilhi wore invw.t
Among tho ThomnsriUe Knights who
attended were Mtesr-. ,1. th Seliwuneke, |
vjno. And-hhok and J. ? Archileilfl
Way May Run.
A prominent citizen ol v
was in Thomasville on Tees
fihority fir tliPjsietemont that J. 11. Way
Of tho Boston: district will enter the
xacfefcr the legislature and will fo - wi
ly announce his candidacy on Saturday.
Xf Mr. Way should decide to ran his en
try would elicit strong suppoit and
-w.irr. decidedly mere Interesting the
gn" for the three representatives
cures made by Dr.
k Kilmer’s Swamp
I Root, the great kid-
[t ney, liver
er and blad
der remedy.
It is the grent med-
t[iH ical triumph of the
"’ll nineteenth century;
.aJ discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
einiuent kidney and
pccialist, and is wonderfully
I in promptly curing lame back,
l. catarrh of the bladder nud
Disease, which is the worst
ridnev trouble.
lojcr’s Swamp'P.oot is not rec-
ud for even thing but if voubuve
vgr or blscWer trouble U m ill be
o- the nunc.'.v yon trecl. It bar
Ai in t-o uuiiv v.avu in hospital
Louis Steyerman,
Corner Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
*S=»This store closes at 6 o’clock. -350
Satom church hold its annual Sunday
•chool oelebration last Saturday.
Rev. J. M. Shepard, Mr. Vt. B. Ruth
in and wife and Him Agnee Owens, the
oommitlSr on arrangement,, lied pro*
pared a very interacting program for
the oocarioo. Prof. Bautin had charge
of the muiio. Mr. O. W. Stephenaon
delivered the Thanktgiving addree, in
an earnest and thoughtful manner.
Mailer Bomeflell Vann delivered the
addnee of weloomo and acquitted him-
eelf with honor aa did all the net. Af
ter toveral recitation,, Rev. A. O., Ste
phenson delivered a very eloquent ser
mon that wan highly appreciated by the
audience. Bro. Stephenson preached
hto first sermon at Salem thirty five
years ago and his comparison of the
state of rcllgibn at that time and uow
was very interesting. At the close of
Mr. Stephenson’s sermon an elegant re
past awaited us. Salem has amputa
tion for her hospitality and on this oc
casion she fully outdid herself. The
large audience was well fed nud from
the looks of the table a good many more
could have boot eared for.
Dinner being over, the evening yvas
spent in songs and recitations. “A
Wayward Life” by Miss Cora Lee
Brown, was beautifully rendered. Site
The com of E. C. Maclien against the
Branowick and Birmingham railroad
company, has been continued owing to
the illneu of Mr. Maclien'a attorney.
Machen placed the road in receiver-
•hip a few day, ago, alleging that as
a stockholder of the toed he was not
appraised of the fact that a sale was
contemplated, and that he was doe
18.000 from the Brunswick and Bir
mingham Railroad. J. R. L. Smith,
receiver, filed his statement of the af
fairs of the road yesterday.
Another development of the case was
the appointment of another receiver, C.
D. Ogg, by Judge Parker of the Bruns
wick* circuit, This was done at the
instance of tire Knickerbocker Trust Ck>..
who hold' mortgage bonds, on which
they claim the interest has not been
The Knickerbocker people are in fa
vor of the consolidation of the Bruns-
wick and Birmingham nud the Atlantic
and Birmingham, ond it is believed if
Judge Speer throws the Machen case
out of Hie United States court in Macon,
the receiver appointed will only serve
to bring the matters of the old com
pany to n dose and will not in any way
affect the consolidation of the two lines.
In case;Judge Speer rules with Moclieu,
it to not known what will he dong.
For The Legislature.
Missing Links in Dixie Boys’ flag
Story are Supplied-
The letter from Wrigtitsville regard-
ing the flag of the Dixie Boys haa arous
ed a great deal of interest among the
few survivors of that loyal hand. Be
fore the ink had hardly dried on the
first article, Mr. T. J. Humphries, a
Dixie Boy, was ready with all missing
details of the story.
It waa Mist Mattie Seward, now Sirs.
Johnson ol Lot Angeles, Cal, that lire
seated the flag to the Dixie Boys. Mn.
H. W. Hopkins is a sister of Mrs. Jolin-
Wm. Bircaloo of Brunswick waa col
onel of the regiment and Bence Dayton
wns its Lieutenant Colonel. Lndus
Bryan one of the fathers of the Times-
Enterprise, commanded tin Dixie Boys
as captain.
Mr. Humphries says that tho story al
ways accepted about the saving of the
colors was to the effect that ’.they wete
brought out by Mr. Underwood be
tween tin folds of an offloers saddle
blanket. The point that everybody to
interested In however to that tiny were
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
J. B. WATKINS, - • • Manager
Office at Williams’ Stable 228 We»
Jackson St., Thomasville, Ga.
Much improved.
Patera by on Broad street scarcely
wcognuo tho Merrill building. It has
been remodeled, fitted up with a plate
glass front, and n new cement sidewalk
completes tho list of improvements.
itig more about Swamp-K.<x
1 le. When writing memtio
generous offer iu ibis pa;*r ami send you.
n -idress to Dr. Kilmcr n
Hi CV., limchamton,
N. V. The regular BflliijlBWaaflfiB
fdtv-cent and one- -
dollar sue bottles arc. Horn? of
sold by all good druggists. Don’t make
any mistake, but rcnu-cdfr the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root.
and Ute address, Binghamton, on
everv Ixjttle.
was followed by Mi*
with “L Home iu Hon
alf>o beautifully render
ed. R*?ie Kiiigry, a 1
years,brought down
“NeVe? I.cok Behind
Sherrod, Kdmt Shey
StamUaud and Mo.' r.
and Wiley Yamt del
firms. The day wns
tell Kingry j
” That was
uul applaud*
tot ofrfour
house with
8 Mar*
Mist*. Susie j v
O. TSaiford
[ fine
Thiiford j d
> reeita* j
Oon’t Llko Tho Idea.
The card from Col. S. G. McLendon,
in a recent iisne of the Timee-Knterpiiee.
suggesting tliat only such ballots be
coanted is vote for all three representa
tives’ places has created considerable
comment. A well known citizon said
yesterday: “Ido not like the idea at
alL It really interfores with the voter's
privilege. If he does not want to vote
for all three men the county committee
oaghtnot try to make him. He does
not have to vote at all, if he Jdoes u >t
wish to, and it should be left to his
own judgment to vote for as many
or as few as lie likes for the legislative
places. Let the voter do as he pleases."
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very best of
my ability in the last legislature, I feel
that I can confidentially and conscien
tiously solicit their support in the ap
proaching primary.
J. B. Rountree.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas county:
Appreciating tlte past honors you have
continued upon me 1 take this method
of announcing that 1 am a candidate for,
re-election to the House of Representa
tives of Georgia. In the discharge of
ray duties .a the past as your represen
tative I have to the best of ray ability
worked for yonr interests and the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia,
I again ask yonr support. My candi
dacy is subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector.
I moot respectfully annonnce myself
as a candidate for re-election to the of
fice of tax collector subject to the no
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making tills announcement I beg to ex
tend iny thank, to the voters of Thomas
county for their kindness to me during
the past and to solicit a continuance of
their rapport. P. S. Hekth.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby annonnce myself as a 'can
didate for re-election to the offloe of
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject
to the action of the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give tlie office the
same careful attention aa in the past.
I solicit the rapport of the voters or the
John F. Howard.
For Commissioner.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commte-
mtoakmerof Hoard, and Revenues of
Thomas county, subject to the notion of
the Eemocratio primary, and aolict the
support of the voters,
draw J. D. Barrow.
♦ For Ordinary.
Desiring first to thank my old com
rades, and friends generally, for their
four jews gift of the office of ordinary,I
iby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to the the Demo
cratic primary, promiring if elected, to
do my utmost to perform all the dntiea
of the office faithfully in future aa I
have tried to do in the past.
For County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate .’or re-election as Treasurer of
Thomas county, subject the action of
the Democratic Primary,
I am very thankful to the people for
the favors tuid confidence shown me in
tlte past, and pledge, if elected, my
very beat and moat conacientiona efforts
to give them faithful, efficient, and sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit yonr support and
friendly cooperation."
Gratefully and fititltfnlly vonrs,
jno. f. Parker.
For County Surveyor.
Taxes Paid.
Tho taxes on the Davis property ou
Stevens Htreet were paid Tuesday
moruiug before the legal sales hoar.
Consequently the property was not put
uuder the hammer as had been sched
I announce my candidacy lor re-elec
tion to the office of county sarvevor of
Thomas county subject to the action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will coutinno to giro theoflico my best
attention. I solicit tho support of the
voters. A. J. STANALAXD.
For County Commissioner,
Nine tirnvs oat of ten, that mental
condition which results in depression,
despondency—Thu blues—is caused by a
torpid action of the liver. In fact, the
conditions' described above are usually
the first manifestations of a sluggish
liver. If the attack continues, sallow-
ness will scon appear. The next time
you feel ‘‘blue’’ take Uydale’s Liver
Tablets. You will be surprised to see
how quickly the blues will vanish and
how bright aud cheerful you will '-feel.
S | Kydate’s Liver Tablets make the live-
It healthy aud keep it healthy. They ivp
rt nlate tlie bowels and keep them
§ j Fifty tabletG for corns.. J. W
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the ofiico of Commis
sioner of Roads and Eovemies of Thomas
county, subject to tho action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit tho sup-"
port of the voters of the cocnt-v.
M. D. Redfeam,
For County Commissioner.
3 myself a candidate
i'e-eiecuon. H' tiie office of Conimia-
nor ol Roads aud Revenue of Thomas
mty, subject to, tho actkfci of the
mocrati? primary. I solicit the sup.
*t of the voters of tho county. :
For Coroner.
Saw Mill For Sale
For County Commissioner.
Best and Cheapest.
Thereby announce myself a candidate
i for re-election to tho office of Commit-!
j Eiouer of Ronds and Revenue of Thomas 1
! county, subject to the action of the j
i Democratic primary. I sdlictt the sap- !
j lxjrt of tho^voters of the county. j
i * H. C. CopeUnd, i
I ta£e tl*is meanj of announcing for
• election to tiic office of coroner of
Tliomas counfy subject to the action of
the primary. If elected I will give the
duties of tho office the same careful at
tention that they have heretofore re
ceived at my hands. I appreciate tho
support that my friends have alwavB
given me aud their many kiud orpree-
fcions of satisfaction. Thanking all my
supporters and hoping for a renewal of
the support. i am faithfully,
Cius. Ga.ndy.
indistinct PRINT