Newspaper Page Text
Keep Well.
you possibly can, or get well ns quick
ly as you ccn. Don’t expect
The Miraculous
to happen. If you are out of sorts you
need doctoring and the right kind of
Medicine. We have many reliable rem
edies to relieve your ills. And can fill
your doctor s prescriptions with abso
lute accuracy.
Sole Agent Jacobs Candies
Handsome patterns. Ready-to-wear
Hate, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments, Untrimmed and Lace Hats of
all the new and pretty shapes. Pleas
ant sales ladies. Experienced Trimmers.
All will be found at Mrs. J. A. Epply's
Millinery Store in Maaury Hotel Block.
’Phone 171. Gentleman and ladies
straw and felt hats also cleaned at 60c.
The Journal of Commerce says:
“A strictly preliminary estimate of
the cot#m acreage of the*United^States,
especially prepared by this journal, indi
cates an increase of not less than 10 per
cent, over 1903. This increase*is'smalh
er than anticipated. Last year thd cot*
ton acreage of the United States, ac
cording to the Department of Agricul-
tqje, was 28,907,000 acres, and on in
crease of 10 per ceutjwould mean an ad
dition of about 2,900 acres.
“The increases by states are as fol*
“North Carolina, 14-48; South Caroli
na, 8; Georgia, 8:4; Florida 18:1; Ala
bama?^; Mississippi, 8.8; Louisana,
14.2; Texas, 6.; Ajkans, 7.8; Tennessee,
13.9; Missouri, 19.4; Iudian Territory,
30.4; Oklahoma, 25.7
It is Up
To You.
1 v as surprised to find so many
odds and ends of staple dinner
ware patterns on my shelf, I don’t
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can have them,
fust come down and get them.
What about the price you say;
well I will sell them for so little I
would hate to publish the price.
Don’t you know what it is, well 1
will tell you, it is the tittle house
wife that has one—the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
Machines. All sunshine and hap
piness where C. B. Quinn so.ids a
W. & W. or New Home
My pretty maid? I’m going to Tybee, Sir, she said. And ^3
that's the place where the people are going this year to 3
have a good time. t
“ *2
S£: have a good time. , -3
gHOTEL tybee I
y Witu its many attractions, its flue orchestra, its splendid ZS
£* bathing and its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside 3*
p resort on the South Atlantic Coast. Rate* $2.50 per day; «3
y $12.50 and $15.00 per week. 3
ErThe Pulaski House. 2
Zr- 3
SE; Is the most popular place in Savannah and should bo yonr~g
£ headquarters when in the city. Write for Illustrated booklet.
§= CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. =5
Star Brand Shoes
We can show you almost any
styleof Shoe you are looking for.
See oar lino of Ogfords, the
Shoes you want for eptnmcr wear,
anti yon kuow that
"Star Brand Shoes
Pe-ru-na a Prompt and Permanent
Cure for Nervousness.
Mrs. Lulu Larmer, Stoughton, WJs.,
“For two years I suffered with
▼ous trouble and stomach disorders until
it seemed that there was nothing to mo
but a bundle of nerves.
44 1 was very irritable, could not sleep,
rest or compose myself, and was certain
ly unfit to take care of a household.
44 1 took nerve tonics and pills without
benefit. When I began taking Pcruna
I grew steadily better, my nerves grew
stronger, my reet was no longer fitful
and to-day I consider myself in perfect
health and strength.
44 My rocovery was slow but sure, butl
persevered and was rewarded by perfect
heal th.”—Mrs. Lnlu Larmer.
rs. Anna B. Floharty, recent Super
intendent of the W. 0. T. U. headquar
ters, at Galesbnrg, 111., was for ten years
one of the leading women there. Her
husband, when living, was first Presi
dent of the Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
versity at Lincoln, Neb.
In a letter written from 401 Sixty-
seventh street, W., Chicago, 111., bhe
44 1 would not be without Peruna for
ten times its cost/ 4 —Mrs. Anna B.
44 Summer Catarrh,** a book written by
Dr, Hartman on the subjeotof the i
vous disturbances peculiar Jo summer,
sent free to any address by The Peruna
Medicine Co., Colnmbus, Ohio.
Old worn out cross cut saws.
Will pay cash for them.
Wertz & Son, the Repairers.
131 East Jackson street.
Thomasville, Ga.
T. J. &. H. Megahee,
New Livery Stable,
TX7". ID. BsurToer.
Special attention to commercial travelers.
Barber’s New Stable, : Cairo, Ga.
For the Legislature.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative in the legisla
ture from Thomns county, subject to
he action of the Democratic priina. If
1 am elected I will give the duties of
the office my most careful attention,
and will conscientiously endeavor to
serve the peop e to the best of my abili
ty, I respectfully solicit the support of
thevoters of tho county.
J. B. WAY.
Kydale’s Elixir cures weak lungs. Il
you think yon have a bronchial affec
tion, or, if you fear you huvo consump
tion, rely on Rydale’s Elixir. *l!tis
modern scientiffc discovery kills ;he
germs that cause chronic throat and
long diseases and assists nature to re
store these organs to health. Rydulo’s
Elixir is also u certain cure for ucuto
throat and lung trouble, such as coughs,
colds, hoarseness, etc; Rydale’s Elixir
is a splendid family remedy for yonng or
old. J. W. Peacock. •
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes, but that is not al
together true. Dr. Kind’s New Discov
cry for Consumption is a sure cure for
all lung and throat troubles. Thous
ands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B
Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says
“I had a severe case of Bronchitis and
for a year triep everything I*heard of
but got no relief. One bottle of Dr,
King’s New Discovery then cured me
absolutely." It’s infallible for. Croup.
Whooping Cough, Grip Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It’s guaranteed
by J. W. Peacock, Druggist. Trial hot
ties free. Reg. sizes 50c,$i .00.
Eggs For Sale.
Brown Leghorn eggs forjsale. $1.00
per settingjofjlo. Address Mrs. J. C
Neel, Boston, Ga. 3-24-5
One of the greatest blessings a modest
man can wish for is a good, reliable set
of bowels. If you are not tho happy
possessor of such an outfit yon can great
ly improve the efficiency of those you
have by the judicious use of Chamber
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
are pleasant to taxe and aggreeable in
effeot. ForsalobyJ, W. Peacock
& w.
Lightly of the’importaut of
elegance in a wedding present
In the month ofj|June when
the flowers are in bloom you
are likely to be getting [invi
lations, Let us help you 'se
lect the response.
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
South Broad Street, Thomasville Ga #
Hade Young Again;
One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my ’teens’ again" writes D, H. Turner
of Dempsey town, Pa. They’re the best in
the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow
els. Purely vegetable. Neker gripe.
Only 25c. at J. W. Peacock's Drag Store.
A Startling Teat.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Meboopany, Pa., made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure.
He writes, *’a patient was attacked
with violent hemorrhages, caused
by ulceration of the stomach. I hhd
often found Electric Bitters excellent
for acute stomach and liver troubles so
I prescribed them. The patient gained
from the first, and has not had an at
tack in J4 months’” Electric Bitters
are positively guaranteed for Dyspep
sia. Indigestion, Constipation and Kid
ney troubles. Try them. Only 60c.
at J. W. Peacock’s.
J. A. Gulledgeof Verbena, Ala. was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 25 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflamation and cured him. It con-
.quers aches and kills pain. 25c. at J.
I W. Peacock's, Druggist.
I Merrillville J3eruion.»
Merrillville is aif all riglit^litHo town
and she is bound to ^'o\v. Good
water and natural draimge’is'withiu it*
self suftHent attraction,Jfbnt it is baok-
e 1 up by a good farmiugjeonntry around
her to support the town.
That was a titaolyJIsho wer^wInch fell
here Monday audjit did a" greatfdeal cf,
good to the growingferops. 1
Mrs. Mary Garnet after a fow daj a J
stay with her son, Mr.JgE. O. Jarre It,,
loft Thursday^ moruiugJ|for her home |
near Boston. I
Mr. M. C. Sheffield^ spent the day in
Thomasville Friday. 1
Miss Bell Daren cawe'ap from Thom-!
asvillo FridayJIafteriioon "and spent|Sat-
urday aud Snuday^witli herjparents, Mr,
aud Mrs. P. F. Dnron.
Quite a largo crowd^of^our|*citizens
took advantage of|the low, rates on tie
A. &. B. R. R. uudJ(si>eutXthe day at
Mrs. M. J. Evonsjjvisite duller daugh
ter, Mrs. Dr. W. H. Crow at Ooolidge
Mrssrs. E. O. Jarrett, J. B. Thomas,
P. F. Duron and Mayor N, E. Turner
spent tho day in Thomasville ^shopping
Several offorts have been put forth to
get our county commissioners to estab
lish an election precinct at Merrillville
but from some cause it has been put off
at their meetings. Gentlemen, let us
have the district. We need it aud we
ought to have it.
That was a jolly crowd of yoking peo
ple who enjoyed the day Saturday at a
fish fry out on the Ochlocknee river
tendered them by Prof. W. J. Mathews.
Everyone had a good time and an
abundant amount or fish.
Mr. F. M. JOarter attended to busi
ness in Thomasville Tuesday.
Mr. J. B. Floyd and family paid Ills
mothor, Mrs. Nancy Woody, a visit last
castor 1A
for Infants and Children.
The kind You Have Always Bought
A Remedy That No One k
Afraid To Take,
Dr. Thacher’s .Liver and Blood Syrup
has been used in thousands of homes for
fifty-two years with perfect confidence
aud the most remarkable results.
: The great success of this remedy is due
to the fact that its formula (which con
sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake,
Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla,
Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium)
has been freely published. *
Doctors and Druggists everywhere do
not hesitate to recommend a preparation
winch they know contains the best-
known remedies for correcting all irreg
ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood,
and the diseases caused by the failure of
these functions to perform their proper
work. •
Thousands of sick ones to whom lift
has been a burden have written grateful
letters thst others might profit by their
Bloomino Gaova, T*x., Nor. 13,1902.
Il was suffering terribly with indigestion and
kidney tronble and sent to my druggist for
something to relieve me.
As he sent me a package of Dr. Thacher’a
Soars the
Signature of
Saw Mill For Sale.
One Saw Mill complete, consisting of
one 80 H P Boiler, one No. 86 H P En
able Saw Mill, Frick make. Three Log
Carte; 8 yoke oxens. Mill now in ueo
Can give poMeeion May let. This ma
chinery lias been in nso only ten moths.
4-88-10t M. Wilkes, Meigs, Ga.
From tho Chapin, 8. O. News: Early
in tho spring my wife and I were taken
with diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for ns, but his medicines
fatlodtogive any relief. A friend who
had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of ns a dose and we at once
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using tlio entire contents we
were entirely enred. It is a wonderful
remedy and should be. fonnd In eveiy
household, H. C. Bailoy, Editor. This
remedy Is for sale by J. W. Peacock.
Nothing has. ever equalled lb
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
Money back ir It rails. Trial Both*. fro*.
and now I ntn deeply fretcfnl to my drug,
as well as to you. .
I bed been . sufferer from theee thing, and
. general run-down condition for ten year.,
and bed only received temporary teller from
other medicine* But after ualng not quite two
packages of your Liver snd Blood Syrup I feet
ss .toot and hearty as I ever did in my lire, and
X am satisfied that X am entirely cured. X feel
no symptoms whatever of kidney trouble, nod
my digestion is at good aa any living maa’a.
I can now eat whatever I choose.
I never had any remedy (tva me such quick
and permanent relief, and I can not nut n cor
rect estimate on the value your medicine haa
been to me. I would not take any amount of
money for it. Vary gratefully your.
If you rurd a mrdlrtn, trr-ifs to-day Ore •
Aw sample »oK/. and "Dr. ffkaeher'e
Uralth Book.”
Of vs oymplomo for adefeo.
XT# limply aok you to try 41 ul our mm
ponoe. Wo know what U will do.
Wor sols hu all Druoolotl—two sisss—gO
oonUand $1.00.
CA.ffotsoopo, TsrsQ.
Property Transferred.
E. M. Malleite, the real estate deal
er, lias sold to W. O. Snodgrass, that
portion of the Jim Blnckshear planta
tion near Snainn. owned by the New
England Mortgage Socnrity Company,
and comprising I860 acres.
These s Just Much Proof as in Ntarby
Fully as many cures st home
By Doan's Kidney Pills,
As in Albany and other nearby towns.
But Thomuville people shun pubii.
Proof is pasted from mouth to moutlt
Many cases here like this.
H. Y. Ferrill, veterinary surgeon,
living at t7 State street Albany, Ga.,
says. “Although I have never been
laid up by kidney complaint I havo
suffered a great deal with a lame and
aching back, and felt like going to bed
on tbat account often enough. The
dull, heavy pain was witb me for sev
eral years. The urine was alto very
dark and sluggish and contained a thick
sediment I tried all kinds of reme
dies, and used prescriptions of my own
but without success. Nothing teemed '
to take hold until I procured Doan’s
Kidney Pills. They were exactly suited
to my case. Since using the PilD I have
not been bothered with thoee pains, and
the kidney secretions have been restored
to a normal color and consistency."
Emphatic endorsement can be bad
right here in Thomasville, Drop into
R, Thomas Jr’s drug store and ask what-
hit customers report,
For sale by all dealers. Fosier-Mil-
burn Co, Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for
the United States. Price 50 rents,
Remember the name—Doan’s—and-
take no other.
2}i Tons of bar iron, all sizes. 1 ton extra fine carriage and wagon
bolts, all sizes., 2000 feet rubber and canvass belting, 2 to 12 inches.
2000 feet piping, all sizes up to 2 inches. 1000 feet # inch 6-8 inch
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on the
m arket. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever
b rought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanks for syrup
c ooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Cirts, Lumber Trucks, farm
a nd Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Send In your
T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga.
Will positively cure any case of Kidney
or Bladder disease not beyond the reach
of medicine. No medicine can do more.
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 6O0 and $1.00
Paieed Stone and Gravel With Excruciating Faina
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Villa Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes;
, "I bare been afflicted witb kidney end bladder trouble (or yean, pass
ing gravel or stones witb excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE the result was
surprising. A few doses *tsrte<ybe brick dpst, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain scrota inf kldneya and I feel like a new msn.
FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE haa done me $l,000vorth of good.”
le Other Remedy Can Compare With It
Thoe. V. Carter, of Atbbora, N. C., bad Kidney Trauble and,
one bottle of FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURB effected a perfect cun, and
be eaya there it no ramedy that will eompan with It.