Newspaper Page Text
ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business
Woman’s Association, is another
one of the million women who
have been restored to health by
using Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vege
table Compound.
'* Deaji Mb* Pixxbaii:— I was mar*
riei for sercral yours and no children
blessed my home. The doctor said I
bad * complication of female troubles
and I could not have any children uop
less I could be cured. Ho tried to curs
®-» but after experimenting for sev-
feral months, my husband became dis
gusted, and one night when we noticed
the testimonial of a woman who had
been cured of similar trouble through
the use of Lydia E. P!nkham*fl
Vegetable Compound, ho went out
*aad bonrrht a bottlo for me. I used
Cyour medicine for three and one-half
months, improving steadily in health,
and in twenty two months a child
came. I cannot fully express the joy
and thankfulness that is in my heart*
Our homo is a different place now, ft#
we have something to live for, and
all the credit. is due to Lydia
3R. Pinkham’s Vcgotablc Com
pound. Yours very sincerely, Mrs.
L. C. Glover, G14 Grove St, Milwaukee,
AVIs.” Vico President, Milwaukee
Business Woman's Association,—$5000
forfeit If original of about loiter proving genuine-
neoo cannot be produced.
WANTED—In ench state rale/notm fosell
largo lino tobneco; permanent position;
Central Tobncco Works Co., Penlcxs, Va.
The great pain extractor; core*
rheumatism, neuralgia, colic,
ip* and all aches and pain.
. Jnglikelt. Try a bottle.
flav« doctor's bills. Ask your
w. u. uvuiies, Atlanta,
(•B. Agents wanted; blf pay.
A Large Trial Box and book of In.
(tractions absolutely Free and Post*
paid, enough to prove tbe value ol
PoxtineToilef Antiseptic
Paxtlne Is la powder
Jorm to dlacolve la
water — non-polsonoas
•nd Car superior to llqu id
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritate*
Inflamed surfaces, and
have no cleenslng proa*
| ertlca. The contents
of every box make*
! more Antiseptic Sola-
tton — teats longer—
. goes further—hat non
I uses In the family end
j docs more good than eny
antiseptic preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, for Leucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh. Nasal
Catarrh, Sort Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female Ills Paxtlne is
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wo
challonge the world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
All leading druggist* keep Paxtlne; price,BOe.
a box; if your* doe* not, send to us for It. Don t
take a subatituto—there is nothing like Paxtlne.
Write for the Free Box of Paxtfne to-day.
B. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mas*.
Saw Mills
Th. DiUuli Pelent Friction Feed
SiM 4 i&“ , ss53Mas3
Kdirers Trimmer*, Planers; Corn and Buh*
Mills Water Wheels. Lath Mill*, Wood Sews.
Sir hend*)me new Cicelo* will Intel** Jon.
DeLoech Mill Mts. Ce.. Bo. »M. AtlenU. C.
_ Relief.
Remove* ell ewelllng In Stow
d,v, • effect* e permanent cute
In into today*. Tri.ltre.ttn.nt
given free. Nothin,-can be fairer
* write Dr. H. H. Creen'e Sons.
“ SpediUeU. Box B SUeete.**.
Cive the name of this paper when
writing to advertiser#—(At164)4)
Q affairs
Says this beautiful young girl.
Large Engines and Boilers supplied
promptly. Shlngla Mills, Com Mills,
Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Doqs,
Steam Governors. Full lln* Engines A
Mill Supplies. Send for. free Catalogue.
I with Hege's Universal Log Beams,Rectilln-
fear, SlrmiJtsneottufiet lVorksand tbe Hea-
Irock-Klng Variable Feed Work* are nnex-
jrollef. for ACHCBACV. SIMM.ICITT. M'BAfttf-
|itv and r\sr. of npRSATios. Write for full
Moncrlptive circulars. Manufactured by the
[8A USX f RON WORKS,Wln$ton-gaIems?f.C.
GUARANTEED CURE for sit towel treoUee, epoeodlelUe. MUoneo.-ee, toO.^*?!
Stood, wtod on the eteniieh. bleated towel*, (nul tnontli. byteeh*. IniUceePes. Sj
pelna after rattr.,. liver trouble, ■allow able end hleelneee. When roar towel*dw
regularly yon ara atek. ComUpetten Mile inorj peopla the. ell ether (It***.* “*<*
a tarn ehrontc ailment, end tone Tests efeoffeHnc. *•■>««« J—• "”*
Think of Your Berber,
A man In Philadelphia who had
been proverbially fretful and Insult
ing to the barber who shaved him, and
whose only excuse was that he was
very nervhne, fc&s finally led to re
lieve htfi uhcomforlableneas by count
ing the number of strokes that It took
to shave him.
To his great surprise he found that
It took 459 strokes to shave him when
he was fairly calm, and more when
he was in a more nervous mood.
The barber informed him that ho
had frequently shaved men so rest
less and nervous that It took nearly
COO razor strokes to shave them, and
no thanks at that.
The gentleman has been counting
the strokes ever since, and by this
simple device hao great)? belteflttei
his nervous system to the great (id-
light 0? hia faithful barker. Thcrd
is ft© slhgle remedy for nervousn»«*
10 effectual as counting.—Ec*roh
It Was Altio Salt.
A burly old skipper and his mote
went Into a restaurant at Southamp
ton, says the Ing’.cnook, and ordered
a “table dott” dinner. Tbe waiter, with
considerable flourish, placed a plate of
thin, watery-looklng liquid before each
of them.
“HI, me lad, wot’s this stuff?”
shouted the captain, gazing in amaze
ment at the concoction under hit
“Soup, sir..’ replied the waiter.
“Soup!" shouted the old sea-dog.
“Soup, Bill,” turning to his mate, "just
think of that! ’Bfc'fi you and me
been sailin’ on soup all our lives and
never knowed it till ttow.”
Oc'wiona’ly a girl marries because she
wants to marry, hut the majority many
because they don't want to remain single.
Ask Tonr l»ea»er Knr Allan** Foot-Ease
A nowder. It rosts the feot. Cures Corns,
Bunion*. Swollen, Sore.Hot, Cal Jous,Aehlng
Sweating Feet nnd Ingrowing Nalls. Allen's
Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores, 35 cents. Ac-
eant no substitute. Sample mailed Face,
Address, Allen fl. Olmstod. LoBoy, N. Y.
A married man who owns an automobile
in in a position to acquire a lot of exper
Th* Wonderful traam Separator.
Does its work in thirty minutes and
leaves less than 1 per cent, butter fat.
The price is ridiculously low, according to
site. $2.73 to $6.00 each, and when yor
have one you would not part therewith
for fifty times Its cost.
with 5c. stamps’ for postage to the John
A. Salter Seed Co., La Crisse, Wis., and
get their big catalogue, fully describing this
remarkable Crsam Separator, and hun
dreds of other tools and farm seeds used
by the farmer. [A.C.L.]
If people were compelled to give voice to
their thoughts few men would have tht
nerve to sing in public.
Louisville and Nnahvillc R. It, Short-
out. Line, Ilrst Time nnd Service,
Bound trip season, sixty-day and fifteen-
day tickets will ho sold da'Jy from all points
beginning April 25th. Very low rate Coach
F.xcurslon tickets sold May ICth and Slat.
Special rates m«do tor military on nppllca-
tlon. Don't miss the Greatest Fa r the world
has ever known. Ask for tickets via tho L.
A N. B. K.
For World’s Fair literature, with Hat and
rates of hotels and boarding houses, sched
ules. cost of ticl-ets, slot ping car spnoe and
full information, apply to
Dlst. Fass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga.
After s yuan* man has called
It Te**t three tinres she frnnghes there is
in odor of orange blossoms in the air.
Mrs. Winslow’s 8ootbIng Syrup forehildren
tcelidng, soften the ^.ums,reducesinfiamma-
lioii alia)*pain,curesulnd colic.25c.abottle
is u cougn cure.—j. vt. u i-nixa, om imru
Avenue, S., Minneapolis, Allan., Jan. (j, I000.
People who come to high words are apt
to indulge in low ones.
\\ rile us a postal card for a free sample of
We cheerfully send It to ell sufferers of Kid
ney, Liver, Heart, Bladder and Blood diseases
on request. It will do all that we claim for It.
Full directions with sample sent. Mention
this paper. Address STUART DRUG U'K'O.
CO. M Wall Street. ATLANTA. OA.
Small Potatoes
result from a lack of
in the soil. Potash pro
duces size and quality.
We have
books which
explain more
fully the fer
tilising value
of Potaah.
We wil
s*nd then
farmer who
New T*vk-9«IS
Too much cannot be said against the
use of fleeced cotton or flannelette for
either grown people or children. * '
Many accidents and even deaths are
due to Its use ns a material for wrap
pers. A mere spark will set it aflame.
Once started, the fire cannot bo
cheeked, as flannelette burns with
great rapidity. It Is especially dan
gerous for children, who are poweclest
♦o kelp themselves In case of fire.
^ Variety in vegetables.
A pleasant change In the dinner
menu can be made by cooking tho
same vegetable In different ways. For
instance, carrots cut in disc-shaped
pieces and served with a rich, white
sauce are delicious. The same dish
may be changed by adding u liberal
covering of bread or mustard cracker j
crumbs and browning in the oven for
a few minutes. This plan may be
followed with a number of different’
Put Into n pan three ounces of ful
ler’s earth, one ounce of soap, the Juietf
of three large onion*, anil one and a
half breakfast cupfuls of vinegar, boll
til these Ingredients together to the
consistency of paste*, spread the com
position thickly, over the damaged
parts, and if the threads be not ac
tually burnt, every trace of scorching
will disappear after It lias been al
lowed to dry on, and the place has
subsequently been washed once or
One of Hie Most Successful Was iS
Faint In Presence of Wedding £arty.
A fraud on a lady has Just come td
light, on the details of Which much
time and must have been expend
ed, and yet tho profits amounted only
to 3b. *
. A man, who described himself as a
ship’s mechanic, called on the lady
at her residence at Putney. He dis
played a most intimate knowledge of
the family, and stated that two .^-t-
terR had been found In a berth on a
German liner addressed to her two
brothers, who were In Australia. He
said that be had been to tho London
office of these gentlemen; the address
es of whom he mentioned, and added
that he had been told to call on her,
as a telegram had come asking for
the letters to bo forwarded at once.
He said that the third mate of the
liner had the letters, and gave tbe
lady an address in Hamburg to write
to. He added that his expenses hr.d
been 3s., which the lady gave him,
promising to communicate with hlxn
| later. Inquiries afterward proved that
there was no such third mate and no
such liner.
It is perhaps due to universal edu
cation that frauds of this nature are
increasing, as opposed to crimes of
violence. There Is one man, for ex
ample, known as the “champion faint
er.” He never asks for money, he
merely faints oil your doorstep. He
Is almost invariably taken in and
fciven ft good meal, and In many case3
tnoney Is pressed upon him.
One of his feats was to faint outside
a house in which a wedding party wa3
assembled. Ho was tenderly looked
after, was given champagne, and
wished the newly married pair good
luck in a neat speech.
A man who lived on his wits noticed
that lamps were being used in a house,
while all the others In tho row were
burning gas. Ho deduced that some
thing had gono wrong with tho meter,
and called early next morning “from
the company.” Under his directions
the family distributed thomselves in
If bedroom furniture Is old nnd
shabby, n clever woman can make it
look fresh nnd nttractivc with a coat;
of enamel. Nothing is prettier for tho
sleeping apartment than white, nnd a
dainty room enn be made by having .
nil the furniture, woodwork, picture | the various rooms ready to apply
frames and hoses painted with while ! matches to tho burners at a signal,
enamel, then cover your cushions with \ while he stood at tho meter,
a pretty little rosebud spotted muslin, 1 Experiment after experiment ended
with curtains, bed spread ami dresser i In failure and tho family were moved
covers of the same. You wilt find . from room to room, while the “gas-
thatvWlth very little trouble nml small j man” made the most of his opportun-
expenee you can make a fairy bower f itles. He eventually left with a good
that anyone might envy you.
Sometimes the only wny to get a j
piano suitably Into a room la to turn
It with the back facing out, nnd then ’
cornea the question of a suitable drape 1
or decoration for the back of It. XI
very bright woman has thought of a !
way out of the difficulty. You can pur- ,
chase In almost any shop one of those 1
old fashioned red felt table covers, j
stamped In nn all-over design of black.
Follow these lines with a gold cord
and fill In the spaces between with ,
gay embroidery silk done in over- j
lapping stitch. This gives a very .Tap- _
ancse effect. It is finished by cutting
off the border or not, as you choose, 1
and slipping In its place If you do, !
one of black molro silk. This, of. j
•ourse, makes it very handsome, hut it
'Its tbe purpose just as well without
this extra trouble nnd expense. j
haul, and Instructions to wait until
he sent the workmen.—T>ondon Mall
“And was the ^foney—Title wed
ding a success, Judged from the latest
“Yes, Indeed. It took seventy-five
policemen to keep tho mob from tear
ing down the exterior decorations as
nouvenlrs.” —Cincinnati TimiasrStar.
Much In n Name.
The newly-nppolnted postmaster at
Keokea, Hawaii, is Mr. David Kapo-
bokohonklmokeweonnb. We regret
that we cannot give any guide to the
pronunciation.—Civil Service Maga
An actual breakfast in a working- j
man’s family in IndInq.apolIs was nn- •
alyzed by the State Board of Agricul
ture and only one of the seven articles
of which It consisted, namely, the po
tatoes, was found to be normal. These
and the bread were the only articles'
’.iot colored, and tho bread, which was!
•5oggy nnd Insufficiently baked, con-;;
tained glucose and mnlt extract. Thd
other articles were unnylzed ns follow# j 1
Fried fcausngc—Colored, like thd
greater pro»fortlon of sausages on thel
market, with nnnllno red and adulter-*
ated with about ten per cent, of flnkoil
corn grits.
Apple Butter—Colored with anallnd
red and loaded with glucose. |
Butter—Colored with azo—dye— ami
adulterated with water. This butter}
reach the seat of tho dl-waie. Catarri
blood or constitutional disease, and In order
to cure It you must take Internal remedies.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and
nets directly on tho blood and mneous su r faoo
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It was proscribed by one of tho boat physi
cians In this country for years, and Is a reg
ular presorlntlou. It Is composed of the
best tonics known, combined with tho best
blood purifiers, acting dlreatly on the rau
cous surfaces. Tho perfect combination o?
tho two Ingro llents Is what produces suoh
wonderful ro^lt-j In curing catarrh. Bend
lor testimonials, free.
F. J. CffExxr A Co,, Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, price, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
“But why did he marry?”
“So as to have some one to help
him live within his Income. Ho
I couldn’t do it nlcno.”—Chicago Post.
It’s tho neglect of backache, §lde*
contained tweniy-sevezi per cent. oS ache, puin In the hips or loin# that
water; the legal standard Is not to ex-*
ceed fifteen per cent, of water.
Coffee—The coffee had been glazoit
with a glazing mixture composed or
dextrine and starch, colored wltll
brown nndline dye.
Gravy—Made of flour, milk anil drlpj
from the colored and adulterated sau^
Rice Cakes—Eont two eggs until
light; add one pint of milk nnd twd
cupfuls of cold boiled rice, one tabic-
spoonful of salt and one cupful of flourj
in which is n^xed two level teaspoonl
fuls of baking powder; bent thoroughly!
nnd bake on a hot griddle.
Chancellor’s Pudding—Cut a roll in(
thin slices, well butter a mold, and
stick raisins, stoned nnd opened, all
around it. Put the bread lightly In'
and pour on it n sweet batter of three
or four eggs, flavored. Let it soak well?
bake or steam an hour. Sponge cake
instead of bread is nicer.
Gingerbread Pudding—Two ounce*
finely chopped suet, three ounces bread
crumbs, two ounces of flour, one table
spoon ful of molasses (made warm), onf|
tenspoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful
of baking powder, half a cupful of
ruilk, one ounce cf brown sugar. Mix
Ingredients and moisten with the milk
and warmed molasses. Put into but
tered mold and steam three hour#.
Serve with lemon sauce.
finally prostrates the strongest body
The kidney wurnings are
serious — they tell you
that they are unable to
filter the body’s wa*te
and poison from tbe blood
—tho sewers are clogged
nnd Impurities* are run
ning wild to impregnate
nerves, heart, brain and
every organ of tbe body
with disease elements.
Doan’s Kidney Pill# are
quick to soothe and
strengthen sick kidneys,
and help, them free the
system from poison. Read
how valuable they anf,‘ even in case#
of long standing.
L. C. Lovell, of 415 North First St.,
Spokane. Wash., says: “I have had
trouble from tny kidneys for the past
ten years. It was caused by a strain
to which ! paid little attention. But
as I neglected the trouble It became
worse and worse until any strain or a
slight cold was sure to be followed by
severe paJu .across my back. Then tho
action of the kidney secretions be
came deranged and I was caused much
annoyance, besides loss of sleep.
Doan’s Kidney Pills were brought to
my notice, nml after taking them a
short time their good effect was ap
parent. All the pain was removed
from tny back nnd the kidney secre
tions became normal. Don n’s Kidney
IMlls do all that is claimed for them."
A FREE TRIAL of this great remedy
wUah cured Mr. Lovell will bo nmiled
on application to any part of the Uni
ted stales. Address Fostcr-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all
druggist*, price 00 cents per box.
J Alisa Marjory Hampton, 3C19 Third Avenue, New York City, write*: :
• u Peruna Is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. Taken •
J in the spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic, strengthening "
• me more than a vacation. In the fall and winter I have fot+nd that it $
• cures colds and catarrh and also find that it is invaluable to keep the £
• bowels regular, acting as a gentle stimulant on the system. In fact, I «
• consider it a whole medicine chest. "—Miss Marjory Hampton. n
DV ID P III OOB I tic snd constipated; sometimes he is weak,
i vl\J> DwvvV* nervous and depressed, and again he *nay
have eruptions, swellings and other blood
Blood Impurities of Springtime
—Cause, Prevention
and Cure.
Dr.’ Hartman’s medical lectures are eag
erly scanned by roanj; thousand readert.
One of the most timely and Interesting
lectures he ever delivered was his recent
lecture on the blood impurities of spring.
The doctor said in substance that every
spring the blood is loaded with the effete
accumulations of winter, deranging the di
gestion* producing sluggishness of the liver,
overtaxing the kidneys, interfering with
the action of the bowels and the proper
circulation of the blood.
This condition of things produces what
is popularly known as spring fever t spring
malaria, nervous exhaustion, that tirca
feeling, blood thickening and many other
Sometimes the victim is biilious, dyspep-
humors. Whichever it is, th* cause is the
same—effete accumulations fir the blood.
Nothing is more certain within the whole
range of medical science than that a course
of Peruna in early springtime will perfectly
and effectually prevent or cure this Almost
universal affection.
Everybody feels it in some degree. #
A great majority are disturbed consider
ably. while a large per cent, of the human
family are made very miserable by this
condition every spring.
Peruna will prevent it if taken m time.
Peruna will cure it if taken as directed.
Peruna is tho ideal spring medicine of
the medical profession.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac*
his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartr.-an, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
iiv a $5,000
■pT 1111 flT Sweat. Itch, Blister? BOYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Bemovea
!■ I* !■ I HIIkI odors of feet, armpits, eto.s stops chafing. If not at druggist«
I L L I 11 U R I send 25c to EATON DRUG CO., Atlakta, Oa., for full size, post-
paid; sample tor So stamp. One application proves JL mer.t. Money back If not satisfied.
, DC, 00, iC, SC, VO, 100, PIC.,
pies. One lot show cases
idieap; small safe, $ao; larger one, $85; desk, |lo.
$4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.60
W.L. Douglas shoes
are worn by . move
men than any other
make. The reason
is, they hold their
shape, titbotter,wear
longer, and have
greater intrinsic
value than any
otheT shoes.
8o/d tvtrywhtn.
■ T.onk fi»P liump am. ,
Dongln* uses Corona Calfskin, which Is
•very whore conceded I abet he finest Patent
Leather yet produced. Fact Codr Egoists used
Shoe* hr innll.fft rent* pkim. Write for CaUIor.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Alas*.
for new book on Texas, free. E. P. TURNER,
General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas.
This is What Yon Want!
Hare You Any Malarial Troubles ?
Do von want to get well snd get well qnick ? If so,
stttd a Postofflce order lor tUty cents to tbs
REBAL MEDICINE CO.,ef Stanford, Con*.,
for medicine »nd directions. A quick snd certain
guaranteed In *U cnee* of malaria, chill* and
’.dumb a true and intermittent fever.
Avery & Company
01-53 South Foraytli St., Atlanta, Ga
Reliable Frick Engine#. Bollere, elf