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- •' :: .
South Georgia Progress.
Published every Friday by the
Titnes.Enterprise Publishing Co,
Wileon M. Hardy, President. 7=
John D. McCartney, sec. A trees.
At the Time-Enterprise Building.
Thomasvillo. Ga.
Entered at the poatoffloe at Tliomaa-
Tillc, Ga., at second class mail
Weekly, One Year *1.00
« Six Months 60
“ Three Months,.,. 26
Dally,One Year L..\
" Six Months - A)
• mine Months 1.25
“ One Month. 60
Official Paper of Thomas County
Qiiarai.teed Circulation 2,350,
Vest •( the I.Pisen, I.ub* all, 35-48.
n*e«r Verses, t, 3—olden Teat,
Lake all. 3T—(•■■ralarr Prepared
by Her. U. M. steerae.
(Cwrlskl. lax. br AJarrlcss Pim AMOctltlos.]
There la n vast amount ot religion or
reUglouineat which Is not real. It is
merely outward form, like the chaff
which has the form of the wheat, bnt
there Is nothing within. Tbo scribes
and the PhnriM-es of our Lord's time
bad an abundance of that kind, and Be
called them hypocrites, those who play
a part, like actors on n stage. In Matt
xxlll he so culled them seven times,
and In the first Terse of our lesson
ebapter He said, “Beware ye of tbe
leaven of the Pharisees, which la hy
pocrisy." Leaven In Scripture la in-
variably something evil, corrupt aud
corrupting. Even In Matt, xlll and
parallel passages It refers to the tor-
rtlptcd food of Iho church In this pres
ent age called the mystery of the king
dom. tbe teaching which, acifipdlng to
tbe last part of our leiuon, encourages
those who profess to b?servants, bnt
moff at tbe coming of Christ and min
gle with the world.
A true child of (Jod and aervunt of
'’Chrlat Is heartily “with Him," hears
the word of Uod and keeps it, has a
single eye to the glory of Uod, hiya up
tivaaiiro In heaven, In all things scaka
tbe kingdom, has no anxiety about tem
poral affaire and no fear of death. The
man of tbe world and the hypocrite, on
the contrary, arc always seeking more
, of this world and living unto them-
' aeIres. .See chapter xl 1211. 28, 81) and
the portion of chapter xll up to where
our lesson begins.
As the redeemed nf the I-ord, risen
with Christ., our affections arc there
where lie is, at the right hand of Uod.
We believe that our life Is bid .with
Christ in Uod, that He has given iis
His kingdom and glory and that wo
are here aa His witnesses to testify of
His grace anti tbow forth Hla praises,
ministers of Christ and stewards of the
mysteries ot Qod (Col. Ill, 1-3; I Tbeas.
II, 12: I IVt. H. 9f 1 Cor. iv, 2). As ancli
wo are decidedly not of thin world, but
with loins girded and llghta burning
we wnlt for our Lord from heaven—
“waiting for the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ," “aervlug the living and
true Uod and watting for, His Sou
from heaven" (I Cor. 1. 7; I Thcsa. I,
P, 10). See also I I’ot.
In verses 37 and 38 of onr lesson tbe
attltnde Is not only walling, but watch
ing—that Is. expecting, for wo will not
be apt to Wutcli tor what wo do not ex
pect It Is written In Hob. x, 12, 13,
that after Ibo Lord Jeaus had offei
one vsnerlficd for sins forever He psl
dawn on t ho-right hand of Uod, fi
henceforth expecting till Ills enemies
be uindc Ills footstool. In Item, vlll,
r, But
to His redeemed, keeping In new that
wo must render an-account of onr
stewardship. He wants a people rooted
nod grounded In love, rooted and built
up in Him and established In the faith
(Epli. III. 17; Col. II, 7). and tbla can be
iK-couipllslicd only by tbe word of God
faithfully ministered by the Holy Spir
it Ihrutigh Ills servants. Dreadful will
lie the loss of those who have given
stones for lirend, . things Intellectual
and ethical Instead of meat la due
sou. The stripes will lie In proportion
id knowledge and opportunity abused.
Tla- servaot who I* east out with un
ite tioveM never was a true servant, but
oae like JutlnM Iscariot, who was only
of lie nufnberof flip twelve, for n true
child of Uod can neviV perish (John x.
27-211; I’hll. I. Hi. All are lost, whether
professors of religion or openly ungod.
iy, liccanse they have not received the
Lord Jesus Christ ns tlirlr Saviour, bnt
punishment shall Is; according to de
sert. All are saved who are redeemed
by Ills precious Idood. and all equally
saved, for there arc no degrees in safe
ly, Init rewards shall lie according to
faithful service, even as He said, “Be
hold, i come quickly, aud my reward la
with me to give every one according aa
his work shall he” (Rev. xxil, 12). See
also II John 8.
Atlantic Postal Tel. Gable,.,. 10 IS
Commissions rs Report
(CuDiiaaea from first pssco
GentlemenThe subject matter of
tlio petition filed In tlio above applica
tion I laving been referred to me for ex
amination and report, I beg to state
that the petition fall! short in some par*
Honiara of tlio exactness required by
law. (See Sec. 388 of theCode of Ga.)
1. It fails to show from what exist,
ing militia district or districts the tei-
rltority that la to constitute the uew dis
trict is to be taken, or how much terri
tory is to be taken from any particular
district or districts. The necessity tor
setting tills ont is manifest from the
fact, that yoor Board must appoint
three commissioners from tlio district or
districts ont of which tlie uew district
is to be made, and the moat inportunt
duty to be performed by tlio commiss
ioners when appointed, will be to de
termine what effect U|»n oxistlng dis
trict Hues the proposed change would
2. The petition falls to show, where
the west lino of tbb proposed new dis
trict is to be located. The petition
does name “Big Greek" aa the north
line, aud defines the northwest lino aa
being tho “Ochiookonee River,” bnt
does not attempt to define the west line.
8. The petition falls to show in what
land district of the county the Iota en
umerated are situated.
There questions are dealt with iu the
case of Howell vs. Keuuey, With. Ga
Reps,, 644-64. In which case it Is laid
down tliat, “tlio-commissioners appoint
ed to define and lay out tho lluoa of the
uew district cannot possibly perform
their duty unless they are informed
with reasonable certainty, either by the
petition itself or by the ordor appointing
them what offoct on oxistlng district
linos the proposed change wonld have,
and where the new lines wonld ran ”
I therefore rcoommend that the peti
tion be returned to the petitioners with
~ " that it bo made more definite in
By cash paid county Tress.
Errors In Digest
One Voters Book...
Execution Docket...
Recording Defaulters
Registering Voters
Insolvent Tax
By Coma
19804 69
18684 111
112 10
8 76
8 00
0 28
168 40
27 98
464 97
19304 69
Most respectfully submitted to the
honorable Board of County Commission
era of Thomas Co. Ga.
P. 8. Heeth, T. C.
10-23, net only the whole i-remioir,
believers nl“o who have the first fruits
of tlie spirit, are said to bo wnitlng
eagerly and gmaiiiug for thnt reilemp
tion time A lien He slmll Come again.
We imisi non- the illfferoneo between
Ills teaching to Israel In the gospels and
tlie teai-blng to the church In the epis
tles eooee-- Ing Ills coming again
. the g, -pel - It Eh generally Ills milling
in glory, ns In Hie Old Testament, with
special reference to Israel and the na
tions, hut 111 the epistles It Is His com
ing to the air for His church (t,ho first
stage of His coming), or, if it is the
list stage. Ills coming in glory, then
the chureh Is represented as cornlug
with Him. Verse 30 of our lesson can
not he a message for tho church except
In so far as the “waiting” Is concern
cd, for when onr Lord returns from the
wedding the church will be with Him
The last part of our lesson Is derated
to tbe ‘faithful and wise steward" or
the opposite, and the matter of person
al responsibility Is set forth. Four
times we have tbe phrase “that serv
ant," referring both to real servants
■ad to liypocrltcb whose portion will
bo with unbelievers. The wise servant
it exemplified In the fire wise virgins
of Matt, xxv, and the faithful •errant
is seen In the men with the five and the
two talents In the same chapter and In
the men whose pounds gained ten and
five pounds In Lake xlx. Tbe faithful
servant is not only rewarded, but who
ran tell bow much Is Included In the
words “ruler over all that be hath?"
(Verse 44.) We cannot but think of
“with me in my throne" and “we shall
reign on tbe earth" (Rev. Ill, 21; v, 10).
Thnt which our Lord gives us He ex
pect! us to use faithfully in HD serv
ice, giving the gospel to every creature
and rightly dlybttag tbs ward at Hath
abovo mentioned. When
aud tho petition returned to
be your dnty under the law
three commissioners, who
oitixena of the dDtrlct or dis-
out of yrlitoh It is proposed to make
tho now district, whose dnty it will be
to lay ont and defluo tlio lines ot tlie
proiKieed new district, and to rpport the
same to yonr Board. In discharging
this duty the commissioners will hare
authority to have a competent, surveyor
t> assist thorn.
When tlio commissioners have repoii-
o J, (lie question of establishing tlio now
district wiU rest wholly within yonr
Wliilo the question of tlio right of
yonr Board to establiah'more than one
polling place, or precinct, iu a single
Militia District has qot boon referred to
me, yet as it seems to have been dii-
enssed by Borne persons interested in tlio
organization of a now district with a
polling place at Merrillville, I bog leave
to state that our law expressly declares
that there can be but ono precinct in
each Militia District, except where such
districts lie iu whole or in part iu in-
corporeted cities, towns, or villages;
and in these as many precincts may be
established as may be necessary.
April 29th 1901.
Rory respectfully.
W. M. Hammond,
Tlie thanks of tbD Board D hereby
tendered Mr. P. 8. Heeth for the splen
did showing made in above report,
Tlie following resolution was adopted
whereas.—The Grand Jury at ID last
session did order thD board to pat into
exeontfon at tlie earliest opportune mo
ment some plan by which our convicts
can be used to improve the condition of
the public highways.
Be it resolved that the chairman ap
point a committee of three from this
board himself to be one of the three to
obtain some information from otliqr
counties, which have had some exper
ience in using their oonvlcta for snch
purposes,as to the best manner to provide
and formulate tome plans lor the early
remodeling of onr system of working
the public roads, and report to tills body
at next meeting. Chairman appointed
in accordianoe with resolution, Pringle,
Barrow and Smith. ,
Yonr Committee appointed to invest!
gate the boundary of the Hall road touch
ing tho Hawkins lands, bog leave to re-
port tliat we have had the tame survey
ed and attact hereto the plot of same,
(which wo ask that it become a part of
tilts report and be recorded in this part
of the report). Wo can find no record of
grout of right of way from Hawkins but
from aU tlia evidence relative to this
grant Mr. Hawkins told the commis
sioners if they needed more land to
move the fence back and occupy it.
Mr. W. O. Snodgrass makes the same
proposition which if accepted will cost
tlie county from 28 to 60 dollars.
We wonld recommend that tliU ques
tion be refund to Rond Commissioners
of this list.
W. A. Pringle, Com.
Report op Road Coxhiksioxehs.
TliomssviUe, Ga., April 111984.
To W. A. Pringle:—We the road
commissioner! for 18th dptrict, in re
gard to Mr. W. O. Snodgrass' fence on
Hall road beg leave to report that we
find folly 20 ft. In the rend from Hr.
Snodgrass' fence to ditch on eech side
and we wonld recommend that ditch on
west tide be cat to conform to the above
mentioned fence, wherever tlie two con
flict at present.
Adam Arnold,
W. T. Smith,
per A. A.
Road Corn's. 13tb. district.
Following accounts ordered paid:
E. M. Smith....
H. C. Copeland
J. D. Barrow..
J. Q. Bryan
W.A. Pringle
Judge C. P. Hansell
i ot Callaway
. S. Montgomery
85 00
5 00
4 00
5 00
5 00
83 33
IJ 00
_ 10 00
E. Brown \ 6 00
Gordon Hattiway pauper.
P. A. Adams, pauper..,
E. Carter, pauper
Redden Carter, pauper.
5 “>
7 00
5 00
5 00
» S
38 91
10 60
68 70
30 00
Mrs. Wright
Taylor* Watson
80. Belt Tel
A. W. Palin....
Watt Supply Co
Win Hurst guard 20 25
L. B. Bouchellc prof, services 21 44
lames Watt & Bro 38 49
.1 K Robison A- Co 3 jo
J F Parker -. 75 90
J. T. Pittman & Son, p'r house 42 23
W A Pringle. 571
H Singletary 212 qo
T J Hight 6 jo
T | Higbt *3 78
A J Cumbest 25 75
Giles Ganu/ 2395
ItGtiDin 3; 00
J. W. McQoay 6 86
W. T. Madre 60
Mallory Bros. * Hughes 9 42
Hansell Merrill 91 80
Jell Davit 4 SO
Foote* Davies 18 18
ChnrchweU & Co 8 79
Hadly and others 14 30
C. L. Wards 20 82
Singletary* Slanflll 124
Geo. E King bridge Co 3,147 00
Wertx* Sou 1 50
Mao Davies 26 00
8. L. Kent 9 66
J. D. lewis 20 90
J. T. Groover 67 40
T. J. Hight 273 16
J. J. Hancock 9 08
Redden Smith 66 60
Hardy Godwin 6 00
T. 8. Singletary 4 75
Board adjourned,
J. S. Montgomery, E. M. Smith,
Secretary. Chairman.
From Factory Direct
To Consumer
And a story of Commercial opportunity
The Light Running
has revolutionized the harvesting bus
iness. Save your mules and get a
machine that will last you a lifetime.
The binder that has a record 391,
000 bundles without missing a single
bundle, and without perceptible wear
of any of its parts.
A mower that for speed, light draft
and durability cannot be equaled.
For sale *nd on exhibition at my
stables at Boston, Ga.
9E3E JE*
Base Ball Goods
J. have afu 7 l line of all grades of
Mits, Gloves, Belts, Bats, face masks,
Body Guards, Indicators etc.
All out ot town teams wruld do
well to write, ’phone or call on me.
Way's Building.
A comprehensive Lace Operation, such a one only’the
largest business houses in the country could engage in, was
closed by us several weeks ago, but on account of Custom
House Entanglements the Laces did not reach us until now.
The largest buyers of celebrated Americau 3tores envied us for
this transaction, because Laces in this tremendous purchase
are uot alone owned cheaply to the point of incredulity, but
more so they are the pick and cream ‘of "Fashion, and not a
yard auioug the ten thousand of dozens is anything but the
season’s choicest productions.
“For what is anything
But so much money as 'twill bring.”-Butler.
We desire to call attention of our customers this week to a Urge
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle tlie
Weber Wagon aud the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination com and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and com drills.
We have the best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
cun put out with there from one hundred,to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
t P. S. Heeth in account wil
ot Thomas for the year 1903.
To General Tax on Digest.
Collected not on Digest —
Tax collected from R. R...
Son. Bell Tel
Western Un. Tel
Son Ex. Co
Cairo Tel. Co
County Atty.
til county
• 16876 68
407 77
3157 44
17 80
92 97
9 18
2 94
We also carry a full line of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weeders.
An exceptional combination purchase through au Eastern White
Goods trust, placing us in the possession of the most startling white goods
value ever recognized in this section of the country. Never before was
there brought under this roof such mountains of snowy white wash materials.
The opportunity of a life-time is here presented.
We have just received u line line of VOILE in all colors.
Roval Worchcster Corsets best on earth.
We are-still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on baud vet some select North Caroliua Seed Pindera.
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
display iu our window, which will be given away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be th«
lucky oue. COME to see us. >
Comfort Trading Co.