Newspaper Page Text
The petition of V. A. Adam*. l>- D.
reicock, R. H. Batwiek snd C. T.
Beggs all of (aid and countv re
spectfully showt:
First. That ttaeyldmiri- for them-clvcs.
their associates, soccc-sors and assigns
4o become Incorporated under the name
and style of "Psvo Telephone Com.
j.any." for the term of twenty y*ar_ with
the privilege ef renewal at the end of
that time.
Second. Capital slock to ue live bum
dred dollars, divided into shares of ten
dollars each, petitioners desire, how
ever, tho right to indorse ■ said capital
atock to a sum not exceeding fifteen
hundred dollars. The whole of said
capital atock has all been actually paid
Third. The object ol said proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its atock stockholders. Petition
ers propose to,establish a telephone
buainrss for local and long distance
connection and purpoees; they desire to
purchase such property real and person
al as may be necessary to establish and
operate auch businese; to build in the
town of Pavo and extend its lines else
where; to buy and lease Instruments and
other equipments. Petitioners desire
the right to borrow such money as may
-be necessary and execute security thcie
for, and auch other authority as might bo
necessary to a properjeonduct of the
proposed business.
Fourth. The principal place and of
fice of business shall be in the town of
Pavo, Thomas county, Georgia.
Wherefore petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid, entitled to th*
rights, privileges and immunities and
subject to tbe luhilities fixed bv law.
For Infants and Children.
[The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Promotes DigcstionJChccrful-
nessandRntContoins netlber |
Opium,Morphinc nor Mineral
S. A. Roddenbery.
Petitioners Attorney.
OEORGIA—Thomas County.
I, ]. W. Groover, Clerk Superior Court
Thomas County, do hereby certify thst
tbe foregoing lea true and correct copy
of petition filed In my office this day.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, title April 9,904
I. W. Groover,
C. S. C.
Applicalionjfor Charter.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
mid Ooonty:
The petition of Charles S. Hebard,
Daniel L. Hebard, Han O. Hebard.
Mary E. Hebard, and Julia H. Haraden,
respectfully represents to the Court:
1st. That yoor petitioner* desire to bo
Incorporated and made a body polltlo for
a period of twenty yean, with the privi-
lego of renewal at tbe expiration of mid
tettn, under the uamo of “Hebard Lum
ber Company.;*.and with a capital of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be
divided in shine of One Hundred Dol
lars cadi, nud with the further privi
lege of Increasing the amount of said
capital to Five Hundred Thousand Dot-
lan whenever to oh increase shall have
been authorized by stockholders renro-
t Throe-Fourths of mid original
• flMflttl I „ ■
capitalvoting at astoOkholder’emeeting
torn aailed for that parpoee.
2nd, Petitioners farther show that
tlio object of their AseooUtlon is the ac
quisition of pecuniary profit to I hem and
to their aseodates; and the bnalnem to
be carried on. that ol hoyint, selling.
leating and bolding timber and Umbered
loads. In thooonnthnof Camden, Chari
ton. Clinch, Echols, Glynn, McIntosh
and Ware, and in snoh other oonnttea,
mad attach other plaoei In nldSUtoM
may be hereafter selected by them; and
tbe manufacture, porohamaad sale of
mwed lumber; the emotion and opera-
Hon of steam mw-millt, tramways, dry-
kilns, lumber yards, and encii other
•trootana, machinery and applianoee as
may be necessary to the suoeeasful proa-
eontlonof said bosinesa; with the right
to mat and have a Corporate Seal, to
open Booka of Subscription, to adopt
by-laws, eloot officer*, to plead and ho
impleaded, and to have and exercise
anoh other powers and privilegna mam
incident to private bosinem corporation*
ander the laws of Georgia.
3rd. Tour petitioners farther allow
that their principal office will be located
and kept in the city of Thommville,
County of Thomas in mid State; Dot
they deaim authority to open branch,
offices for thadtanmetion of the brad-
Mas of the corporation nt each other
patnta in said State aa the stockholders
may hereafter eee fit to establish. .
4th. Your ^petitioners farther show,
that of the capital to be omployod by
thorn in the pmweentionot mid bosineas.
non tlum Ten Percent lias already
been mbaerihed and actually paid in;
Apericcl Remedy forConslipa-
lion, Sour Siomach.DianMea
Worms .Convulsions, Feverish
■■ Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Over
Thirty Years
For glS.OO, **0.00 and <*0.00. Sererml hun- '
dred Diets to aoleot from; olio a good selection of
Mndosl Merchandise, Sheet Musio lOo. npj A
No. 1 Guitar for **.75. Mandoline **.00 op.
Banjos *3.50 op, etc., cattle found at z
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
Thimosville. Georgia.
, ‘BIakeslee^r i &
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
Application for Support.
| GEORGIA—Tiiomam On'sty:
Teat «t Ik. Lm.., Lab. it. U-K
Imarr Venn, 17.lfW.old,.* Text,
■tom vl, Mtountirr Pt.j.t.4
tor Bar. D. to. a tear*..
iOtfflKM, UN, br lulco Tnm Amctottoa ]
The lesson today Is only one part of
the threefold parable ol this chapter,
the whole setting forth the great Me
ol God, the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, for lost, helpless, erring human
ity,' and the sympathy of the angels
with God In HI* joy over tbe Miration
of tbe ioat. Tbe lost sheep suggests
ear inclination, because of sin. to go
astray from God (Pa. ivllt, 3; cxlx, 176;
Isa. Ull, 0; I Pet. U, 2S>; the lost piece
of money indicate* our helplessness,
our Inability to restore ourselves snd
cur dcaducs* tu u seuxe of our rendition
(Bom. r, d; Epb. U. 4. 5), while tile sous
of tuday’s lesion Illustrate the selfish*
ness, Ingratitude aud reheiJlon of sin
ful sum, uud also the self righteous
ness and lack of sympathy with God
of tuauy'tvlio profess to be His.
It is very plain that neither of tbe
ions In our lesson knew bis father;
they neither trusted nor enjoyed him. It
wxs Gnu's constant complaint of Israel
tbut notwithstanding nil He had done
for them they knew Him not (Isa. i. 3:
let. rill. 7; Hoc. ir. I. O; v. 4; Mlc.'lv.
IS). Musi touching is our laird's ward
to Philip on tbe night heron- the ernei-
fixlou. "Have I been no long time with
you und yet hast thou not known Me.
Philip';'* (John xlr, I).) It uinst be n
great grief to Hint when we talk or
act as If we knew Him not Ail fear
or anxious rare or fretfulness, scything
hot the rest and qnlet of culm confi
dence. Is an Indication that we know
Him not na we might.
Tbe younger son lllnstratea those who
prefer tled’s gifts to God Himself-a
present selfish enjoyment rather than
tie lore of God and tbe comfort of Ilia
presence. Cain, who went out from
tbe presence of the Lord to do as be
pleased; Esau, who preferred tbe pres
ent enjoyment of o mess of pottage to
his God given birthright, and Israel
preferring Egypt and Its ground fruits
to the hetven sent manpa and tbe
promised In ml am lllustrationa of aome
phases of the prodigal son. When we
torn swsy from God, who la tbe foun
tain nf living waters, and seek to sat
isfy ourselves with aught else, even
with Ills best temporal gift*, we are
hewing opt cisterns, broken cisterns,
that cun hold 00 water, and sooocr or
later we shall surely come to went (Jer.
U, 13: John. ir. 13. 14). For further
comment qn this line of conduct, or
misconduct, see Bed. 1,1, 8; II, 10, 11.
There \u phase nf tbe yonnger son’s
experience seen In tbe llvis ol those
believers who make mere of the bless-
Ings of Justification, adoption ami sitin'
tlfleation than of Jeans Christ Himself.
In whom dwclletli ail flic fnlhn-ss of
the Godhead bodily, and while sueli
hive their happy seasons they ofteu
begin to be In wunMf a new blessing,
whereas Jesus Christ Ulmaclf would
always satisfy.
The far country Is this present evil
world which llelli In tbe wicked one
(Gal. I. 4; I John v, IP) and which ul-
Ittres us away from God. It Is oil shout
us on every side. Vain Is tbe help nf
man. tins citizen of this world, when
Mrs. C. A. Alccrn, having iiiacio np
plication for twelve moots support out
of the estate of W. M. Alcorn, aud ii|s
praisers duly ap|»inted to set u|«rt the
same, having file 1 their return. All
persons concerned am hereby required i
to show cause before the court of 1 irdi- i
nary of said county, on' tin first Mornlay
in June, 1004, why 'said application
should not bo granted
This 13th day of Apnl 1904.
4-16-4 W. M. Jokes,
Application for Support.
Gfoorgia. Thomas County:
Mrs. 8. Alex Smith, having made ap
plication for twelve months tmpjiort out
of the estate of Dr. S. Alex Smith, and
annrofsers duly appointed to set apart
the came having filed their return, ol
pi‘4n».» t oucerned are hereby required
to show oauae before the Court of Ordi-
Stl igna) DR snrti keen vnur re. 0M ''" ,,ul begin, to banger for God, and; keep you, re- but llftUuw , , bcre mmt nento lic ,
deeper humiliation ere tbe soul will
whole hcartcdly and persistently turn
in June 1004, why said application
should not be granted.
This 29th day of April IWtt. Wm. M.
Joaes. Ordinary. .><5-4
Application for Support.
GKOKOI A—Thomas County :
iV rs. Carrie G. Hall, having made ap-
j llca turn for twelve month’s support
our of the ent»fu *>f D. .1. Hall, and ap*
praisern duly appomreq jo set apart the
hhme. havin': fi!o«l their return. All
perm iw concerned me hereby required
to * how cause before the ordinary of
said county on the first Monday in Jan
1904, why Mid application should not be
granted. This April 21st 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
Some oi us at least.
For two weeks we have been
offering our line of Men’s
Oxford Shoes ■ worth and
sold up to $2.50 for the
ridicuously low price of$i,as
O-n-e D-o-M-a-r and t-w-e-n-
t-y fi-v-e c-e-n-ts a pair, and
still only a few have availed
of the opportunity. These
gShoes cost as high as‘$i.85
a pair and we offered them
solely to see if people were
reading our ads.
Notice to Dpbtors and Credit*?.
loan account ,
within the time prescribed by lav,
properly mode out. Aud all persons in-
debted to mid deceased are hereby
requested to make immediate jxiyment
to the undersigned, Tills 13th day of
April 190.4
4-16-6 James M. Ri kiitk,
Administrator Fisncix M. Groover
Application I cave to Sell.
Georgia, Thorns* County:
Notice is hereby giveu tint tlw under-
signed has applied to the Ordituny of
said ooonty for leave to mil land belong
ing to the estate of Joseph Moore, for
tiie jisymeiit of debts and distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
n-gnlar term of the Court of Ordinary
for -alii county to be held on the first
'i.—day in June !D04. Tills May *nd.,
1904. M. A. Fleetwood, Administra-
t -r upon the eetutu nf Joseph Moore.
W.\v IT. I>—Agents, Hustlers, Sale*
cn, Cl rksund evcijbody who wants
»» enjoy a good hearty Jaugh to send
50c for "Tip* to Agents." Worth S50
to any perron who >ellsgoods for a liv
ing. It not satisfactory your inomn
back. Circular for itatr.p. The Dr.
White Electrii Cotnb Co, De:atur HI.
5-11 dw.
lifioo. No profanity necessary.
Stationary. Portable, Pnmpiiti
led ConnectioD Outfits.
Yoo can see every movement Nothing hidden or complicMed abouil the
BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly taighSjrade.
Write for our catalogue and pricea.
and they desire the tirivllage of accept
' * * nberriptions to tlielr
- - Ala.
log payment of sal
capital to timber and timbered-lauds in
such proportion, and at snoli valuation,
os may bo fixed sod determined by tlie
stockholders voting at any meeting or
ateetlnga tint may bu called aud held
for thst purpose. |
5th. Petitioners further show, that ,
itiathelrparpose in good faith to enter
upon snd prosecute the business afore
said sa soon aa the powers herein preyed j
for shall hare hern conferred npon them: i
and they as in duty bound will ever
prey. „ ....
Carries a complete line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Combs, Brushes
The only up-to-date Soda fount
in town, serving all kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream.
A Tine line of Tobacco and Cigars,
Fancy and Family Groceries.
Thanking you for past, patronage
and soliciting same in future.
Hatumotid & Hammou<l,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
True copy of the original now of file!
la thin office.
J. W. Groover. Murk. j
4-28-4 )
Ocklockonee, Georgia.
Notice to Jail Contractors.
Application Administration.
Qoocgta, Thomas County.
To aU whom it may oouoern: 8. II.
Price haring, in proper form, applied to
me for permanent Letter* of Adminis-
t ration on the estate of Misa Awov
Mnrphey, late of mid ooonty, deceased,
WHO a* 10 cite oil and singular the cred-
iton and next of kin of Amey Mnrphey
Ip ho and appear at my office within the
tims allowed by law, oad show cause.
1 proposal, wi" be "received at
ville. Ga , by tlw Hoard of Colli
ers of Roars and Revenues of
1 not be granted to 8. H.
i Amey Mnrphey's estate,
m my hand, ana official signa-
■ tad day of May 1904.
. M. JoSFMjOnli nary. 5-4*6
Thomas county Ga.. until 18 o'clock
noon Tuesday July 5 Cor an addition to
ihe Thomas county jail. Plans and
specifications now on file at the office
o' the Chairman of Board. 2S
Each bidder will bo allowed and ex
pected to furnish with his bid specifica
tion for steel iron work describing
material and construction he proposes
to furnish conforming to slae of cells
shown in plan.
Bidders must furnish with proposal
a certified check for $500 ntwlc jvuable
to E. M. Smith Ohairman to assure said
county if his proposal is accepted, that
he.will furnish \with Uis’ 4 contract*a^se-
cunty bond for double amount of his bid
tas the law directs), hante to be satis
factory to the Board otherwise said
check will be forfeited to the county.
The right is reserved 10' rejoct any
and all proposals.
ill pm
ChVm. Board of Com. of Roads & Rev
A£golden opportunity' for^en-
ergetic boys and girls to get aa
18 karat Solid Gold Watch ab
solutely free with pay besides.
Address, wHhTstamped envel
ope.] {Matthews£Medkine Co.
Aroericus, Ga.
to God. Flint a sense of want* then
aeeklug help from the world, then a
beastly appetite—these are often the
developments ore a man begins to see
himself as he reaffj is. We read in I
Cor. v. 5, of one delivered to Satan for
the destruction of tbe fleeb. that the
spirit inuy be saved In tbe dajr of tlio
Lon! Jeeur*. In Job xxxJII. 14-30, we
read how Hod docs everything that Is
poeslbtc to lead men to turn to Him.
for we must bu brought to tbe end of
ourselves before we will think lightly
of our Father'll bouse snd love sod
Uaviti),' reslixed by bitter experience
something of fils own heart and of the
cold world Into which be had wandered,
his thoughts and then his feet turn
homeward to tlie love and plenty of
his father's bump*. But he does uot
yet know his father, and thinks only
of the (tosslhlllty of obtaining a serv
ant’s place in his father's house, lie
did uot dream of the webxmie and the
fall restoration that awaited him; nei
ther cin th.» slmejr mulcrstuml the
heart of Gpd anil the free justldcatioii
and the full acceptance which await
him If he will only return (Rota, v, 8;
Ul, 34; Eph. I. 0, 7). Our I.ord in this
parable tells out the heart of Ills ami
our Father in heaven and teaches us
that God set's the first motion of the
| heart toward Him aud meets tbe re-
• turning one more than half way.
Bee God clothing Ills sinful Adam
I aud Kve with routs of skins which He
j had made ((Jen. Ill, 21). See the robe
j of righteousness uud garuicula of sal-
! vntiou of Isa. Ixi, 10; II Cor. v, 21; the
j ring ntul royalty and authority of Gen.
xli. 42; the shoes aud precious promise
of llout. xxxiii, 25. nud consider what
u welcome Is here described as being
ready for every tvturning penitent
—not only forgiveness of sins, with
righteousness and full restoration to
position aud iuberitaued and authority,
which was Inst in Adam, byt also true
fellowship und great joy, foretastes of
the kingdom. See Eat viil, 15-17, aa
a helpful Ugbt ou this. Tbe elder
brother remibds us of those Christians
who feel envy and Irritation when God
blesses unworthy ones. He had a
distinct appreciation of his own mer
its, tslked of stem performance of
duty, but did not enjoy the privileges of
a son. He neither knew nor enjoyed
the father’s love, yet see his father's
wonderful word in verse 81* snd lay
it to heart.
Land for Sale.
For sals 500 sores of land iii tlie istli
district of Thoms* county lobe (Object
to a lease to Ed aud Sam Lprry, sod
Henry Mitchell, Sodom, Ga. Expiring
Dec. 31st. 1907, price *3,500.00. All per
sona interested will please communicate
with The Southern Mortgage Co.
34 Sooth Brand St. Atlanta Ga,
Flint River and Northeastern
* RailroadjCo
Effective April 6,1904.
OBSttuly except Sunday. CZT ZZZL
Leave Pelham 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 13:30 p m
Leave Tick nor 2:00 pm
Arrive Pelham 4:10 pm
I). M. Rogers, C»en’l 8upt.
Fromj9 o’clock a. ui. • till i
o’clock p. in. We offer all
Oxfords, now selling at $1.39,
$1.49, $1.48, and $2.48 for four
hours ofilyj'-tiot before and
not after, at pair $1.25.
$3.50’Oxfords $250
Don’t come early, and say
yoifcan’tjitay till time opens
or come late and say you
could|not possibly get here.
We have nothing to do with
that.'^If you want a pair of
Shoes, cheaper^ k than manu
facturers cost, come get them,
when we say so.
In Next Week's Paper
We a
j offet a list of prizes .for agri-
i cultural products. They will
The Pricesfat Which Things Buy j be worth working for. Look
and Sell--CorrectediWeekly. [forlist.
ThomasTiUc, Ga.,—May 13, '04— 1 1
Eggs per doe., 13 1.2 to 15c. Best bntter; ,
Medium batter, 3Cc to —c. Chick- !
ens, fries, 35 to 40c; hens 35 to 49c. ’
Sweet potatoes, 60 to 65c perba. Fodder Bargains all til* tiffiC,
per too lbs, 90c to *1.00. Couutrjhsj, i
per 100 lbs. 50c. to I5c; New Syrnp, |
20 to 26c: country hams, ;I2 to 13c;'
country lard, 8 to 9!4c.
Thomasville, Ga., April 16, 1901.— I
Coffee, arbncklee 16c. Green coffee, fair;
10c. choice 12 l-2c, White granulated!
sugar), l-'.'ceute,Brown sugar 5 l-4c.Sac.!
soda per 1]>. 5c; crackers 10 to 20c. stick ! ——_
candy 10c; Kerosene oil 20c—5 gols 90c. ‘
Side meat per lb 9 to 11; Me«175c'per
bo. Flour *5.7({tot8.50per bbl. Western
ISO. Lord, compound 9c.,
Leaf 10 1-2; hay, *1.25per 100 lbs. bran
*1.00 per 100 lbs. Cotton send meal 41.4O
per I0O lbs. cotton reed halls 60c per 100
Velvet beans *3.00 per lm!
, seed*53700 per"bu.German Mil-
i'00 per bnrileld pro*.
A. F.
& Co.
StarkfCorner/’T^ '
. .. l. Thom*s*ille,lGa.
certainly needing a pair of
Shoes, or will need a pair
soon, and we are going to
give you one more opportu
nity—one more test.
New Idea lOc otpe patterns.