Newspaper Page Text
• Italian BaSwaia.
State rallwaja, accord-
report from Borne, will non
-era for 20<S locomotive, and
thousand freight earl.
f” 1 ? P°f ulM OO" bow known to
■adlealbaienltr. Catarrh being a eon-
Uoaal disease requires a oonatlfnttonal
H »J1» Catarrh Cure U taken Inter-
directly upon the blood and mi<
f^ssartsoca of the system, thereby destroy-
uff ta« foundation of the disease, and giving
thepatftent strength by building up theoon-
assisting nature In doing its
wore. The proprietors havo so much faith in
Its curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars forany coso that it falls to cure,
mm for list of testimonials. Address
P. J. Cujckrt A lo„ Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 76c.
i Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Oil In Trinidad.
On the Island of Trinidad oil Is
found amid a huge tropical vegetation,
and Is said to be of lirat*class illumi
nating power. •
i Rose Peterson, Sc
tary Parkdafe Tennis Club, Clil-
cago, from experience advises ail
young girls who have pains and
sickness peculiar to their sex, to
use Lydia E Pinkbam’s Vege
table Compound.
How many beautiful young girl, de
velop Into wom, llgtleM and bopeleu
women, .Imply bccansc .ufflclcnt atten
tion ha* not been paid to their physical
development. No woman (3 exempt
from physical weakness and periodic
pain, and young girls just budding into
womanhood should bo carof ully guided
phytioally as well as morally. Another
Miss Hannah E, Morshon, Col*
lings wood, N.J., says:
'* I thought I would write and tell
you that, by following your kind ad
vice, I feel like a new person. I was
always £hin and delicate, and ao weak
that 1 could hardly do anything. Alen-
atruation was irregular. •
'* I tried a bottle of your Veffetflbls
Compound and began to feel better
right away. I continued Its use, and
am now well and strong, and men
struate regularly. 1 cannot say enough
for what your modioine did for me.**
Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound will cure any woman
in toe land who suffers from
womb troubles. Inflammation of
the ovaries, and kidney troubles.
Thegreat pain extractor;cure,
r rheumatlera. neuralgia, coile
crampe and all achee and pain
Nothing like It. Try a bottle
Rave doctor's bills. Ask yemr
/ druggist to get it. cr tend U>
w. C. nuaUKM. Atlanta.
N wi u »- Agent* wanted; big pay
The flavor of TOBACCO may be in
jured by the use of stable and rank
organic manures.
In the form of sulphate, produces an
improved flavor and a good yield.
Tobacco muet have Potash.
Our little book. Tobacco Culture.” con
tain, much valuable information, and every
tobacco grower can obtain a copy free of
charge by writing for it.
v Atlanta, C*.-S«H So. Broad St.
Some Interesting Facts
Immense Value of the Promised Panuma
Canal to Commerce
By George Ethelbcrt Walsh
HE value of the Panama Canal to the commerce of the world can bo
readily understood by any boy or girl who will refer to a common
map of the world. Both the United States and Europe will reap
.great benefits from It. By the present route, steamers sailing .from
New York to San Francisco by way of the Strait of Magellan must
cover some 13,000 miles. Including the usual stops required for coal
ing. When the canal across the Isthmus of Panama is opened the
distance will be shortened to 5204 miles—a saving of nearly 8000
miles. Steamers bbund from European ports would find almost
equal advantages. Those sailing from Hamburg to Sou Francisco
would have their present route shortened by 6048 miles.
Steamers sailing from New York to Australia and New Zealand now go by
the way of Cape of Good Hope. By going through the new canal this route
would bo shortened between 3500 and 5175 miles, according to the port they
were boupd for. Cur ships from the Atlantic senboard must now pass through
the Suez Canal to reach China and Japan in the most direct way. The total
distance from New York to Yokohama, Japan, is 13,040 miles, and through the
Panama Canal It would he reduced to 10,088 miles. From New York to
Shanghai, China, the saving In distance through the canal would amount to
1330 miles. To the Oriental countries the saving la;thus not so great as along
our own const and to our Pacific Ocean possessions, owing to the fact that
China and Japan are nearly opposite us on the globe. But to Hawaii there
would be a distinct saving of 0581 miles.
Saving in time and distance does not mean so much to sailing vcsstels, but
it Is very Important to ocean steamers. With coal at $3 or $4 per ton wholesale,
the saving In money from a trip through the Panama Canal would quickly
mount np into thousands of dollars. It Is estimated that from New York to
San Francisco the actual saving in coal for the average freight steamer would
be $3000. The saving in time would be even more important. A steamer on
this line makes only about two round trips a year through the Strait of Ma
gellan, but through the Panama Canal at least fl%e round trips n year prob
ably could be made.—St. Nicholas.
The Worst to Come
By the Editor of Collier’s Weekly
ECUI.IARLY clinracterintle of America I» Midi n
expression ns "Cheer up, the worst Is yet to oomc." It niny
be doubted whether In other countries It would be either un
derstood ns philosophy or appreciated ns humor. Indeed, of
the philosophy nnd the humor of It, neither would easily exist
apart from the other. We have seen the phrase defeuded on
the ground of common-sense,.ns Indicating that wlint we
might have to onduro at present Is not by nuy mentis so bad
ns It might be; but such an argument. If meant entirely seri
ously, would hardly take this form. In our early boyhood, undergoing n some
what painful operation, nnd being grimly informed by the surgeon that the
present pnln was nothing compared to wlint might shortly be expected, we
were. In spite of Indlgnntlon nt the heartlessness of It, forced into laughter at
the familiar species of native humor. American humor l» not often very deli
cate. It Is fantastic, lawless, exaggerated, and often seema to foreigners cruel
aud grim. The clever new English critic, Chesterton, has several times at
tacked It for lta lack of sympathy, preferring, on this grouud, Bret Ilarto to
what he deems the more characteristically American humor of Mnrk Twain,
because he thinks that Bret Ilnrte Is more Just nnd appreciative of the persona
at whom he laughs, and more llf[<&-to lnugh with than nt them. Reverence la
another quality which Chester^ r-nlasea In American humor, ns Matthew
Arnold and Ruskln missed It bl^tly In all American thought. It Is related to
fatalism, a jocose fatalism often, the recognition of relentless facts, not with
awe, humility, or fear, but with an amused sense of the helplessness nnd little
ness of man. Man's powerlcsaness nnd futility In the bands of fate lias
usually been taken as a tragedy. The Inexorableness of fate has even been the
essential ground of tragic feeling, until wo came along, and, Instead of the
terror and pity” of tHb Greeks at seeing the Inevitable, met with reckless
laughter the conception of man as the football of circumstance. Fcrbaps as
we grow older our humor will approach In quality more to tho temper of older
civilisations, but at present It has fatalistic Irony for a spcclnl attribute, and
It Is with c merry sarcasm, rather than with any serious encouragement, that
we Invito a fellow belug to cboer up because the worst Is yet to be.
Method of Hunting Much Like That of
Big Cota In Africa ,r India.
Mora deer are killed every year in
California by mountain. Itona Allan by
the bullets ef the hunters. Next to
tbe jaguar, our mountain lion ta tho
largest cat In the two Americas, and
he Is the champion doer slayer of the
world. Within thirty or forty mites
of Los Angeles he catches the fleet-
footed, graceful creatures, and waxes
fat on tho sweet flesh. He knows no
deer season other than all the time.
Whenever there la good deer coun
try In this or any other southwestern
state there also la tbe best place to
look for lions, and that la one ot the
reasons why the large herds of deer
are restless, seldom staying long In
one locality. There Is nothing they
fear more than the sight or smsll of a
mountain Uon. Not even the sudden
appearance of a hunter will ao quick
ly drivo them from a range of bills.
The lion's method of hunting the
deer Is not unlike that of the big
cats of Africa and India In the pursuit
ot the antelope and dyer at those coun
tries. Having found a spring or pool
where the desired game comes to wa
ter at nightfall, the lion selects an
overhanging limb or ledge of rock,
whence one leap will carry him to the
back or throat of his prey, and thereon
lays himself out la perfect accord with
the limb Itself. In the authoring dusk
the Imperfect eye of the deer has lit
tle chance against this .hidden terror,
and the wind, usually his faithful ally,
can holp him none now, for the lion
la far and away too old a campaigner
not to Ho up from the spring.
The doer comes; one leap from the
limb or ledge, and the sharp teeth and
powerful paws soon break tbe tender
neck; and don't you belters It when
any one tolls you that a California
lion can't carry away a deer. The
writer has followed the plain, broad
trail of the heavy pads for over bait
a mile, and then come suddenly on the
place where the killer had stopped to
rest. There In plain outline was the
Imprint of the deer's body; but for
that whole distance the Uon had car
ried It well up and clear of the ground.
Such "portages" are not Infrequent In
the career of a hunting lion as these
animals never eat their game where
they kill It. Sometimes they hunt In
pairs, but In six or eight years spent In
the hills the writer has seen but one
such hunting pair.
Uko tho rest of the cats the world
over, tho mountain lion's mainstay In
hunting Is patience. He will wait for
hours on a narrow limb rathar than
get out like coyote and scour the
elopes tor his aupper; with feet as
noiseless as an owl’s wing, he will fol
low an unsuspecting rabbit or belated
spike buck until a favorable opportu
nity for help presents, and then It la
generally "all day" tor the bunted.
But of all things the Hon loves deer
meat, and while he will dare a great
many dangers tor young pig, hit lik
ing for deer la even greater than that
—Loe Angeles Times.
A Nurse Savs: “ Pe-ru-na is a
Tonic of Efficiency!
Avery & Company
1 AVERY & Me All LL AN,
B1-B8 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga
Tbs Great Eut
Vo trouble to answer question* S miles
shorten route Shreveport to Deliea. Write
for new book on Texas, rrae. E. P. TURNEKs
General Peeaenger Agent, Deliea. Texas.
84.00, 83.50, 33.00, 82.50
YV.L. Douglas shoes
are worn by raora
men than any other
make. The reason
is, they hold their
longer, and have
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
low Cmnrwtm.
■ Corona Colfskfn, which la
needed tobethe Uncut Patent
‘*83®S&tl8SS l ii
The Desire For an
Ornamental Education
Dy Herbert N. Cnsson
0 HUBERT SPENCER, In bii book on "Education,” which yon
can buy cloth-bound for twenty-five cento, saya that It abould
not bo the purpose of education to make aa ornamental, but
The education of soma people, be lays, to as comical as tbe
dotblng of those savages wbo go abont in cold weather with
nothing on but a string of bead* and a bracelet.
They know hoyjr to eay a few sentences in a language
which they think to French. They paint t few picture! which
no picturo dealer would bny at any price. They dance a little,
•lag a little, play a little and learn n Uttlo poetry.
Othere, who have still moro "accomplishments," as these little tricke are
called, bare stumbled through three or four Greek and Latin books. They
have learned logic, without becoming good reaeonere; psychology, without
learning bow to do tbclr own tblnklng; and literature, without being cured of
the habit of using slang.
In all countries most people have sought for an education,' not because,
they wanted to bo more useful and have more knowledge, but because they
wanted to meke n good‘Impression upon other people. They wanted to look ae
If they were diamonds, when they were nothing but common glass.
Until our grand public school system began education was not supposed to
be necessary to tbe laboring classes—tbe usefnl people of the world. It was
only tbe Idle few—tbe ornamental people—wbo were educated.
For this reason It Is bard to get rid of the old Idea that an education to
only meant to give polish We still h»Ve In tbe United States a large number
of people who believe that a nation ahonld be barred off. Into two claeees—a (
majority of people wbo are nsefal and a minority of people wbo are orna
A real education, saya Herbert Spencer, sbonld tcacb us bow to live In tbe
widest sense. The best educated person Is tbe one wbo lives tho most complete
life. The main thing la not to learn a few trlckf, as If we were poodles, but
to make the most of our powers—to grow, to develop, to ripen.
Here are the six most Important questions, says Spencer, which education
should answer: How to treat tbe body; bow to treat tbe mind; how to earn
an honest living; how to bring np n family, bow to behave as a citizen; bow
to be happy and to make others happy.
The professor wbo gets off a street car backwards needs n better education
Jnst aa much as tbe motorman wbo baa never read the playe of Shakespeare.
The society lady who does not know bow to breathe needs to be tougbt as
much as tbe athlete wbo eats pie with bis knife.
A learned man such ns tbe late ProfeAor Mommsen, wbo was so absent-
minded that he put his baby Into the waste basket bad a flaw In his educa
tion jnst as much ss the great ruler Charlemagne bad, wbo never could learn
to apell the simplest words.
It Is more important to know how to swim than to know wbo Xerxes was,
or bow the Wars of tbe Roses began. Self-control and presence of mind nre
not taught In any of onr colleges; yet tbe man wbo lack! these two qualities
to handicapped all through life.
A complete education should be like a dinner. It should not bo all pie and
ttike and Ice cream and wine. First of all must como the soup and the meat
and tbe vegetables and the bread.
To say that a certain class of people shall learn tbe necessary things, while
another class ot people learns the refined and ornamental things, Is a social
superstition that has been Imported from European courts. Every boy should
learn bow to be useful to tbe community, no matter wbo bis father Is.
By the time the present generation of school children growa up the man
wbo hss not learned to earn bis own living will probably be ranked with tho
defective classes and treated accordingly.—New York American.
Increase Traveling Man’s Expenses.
The change In the method of operat
ing hotels from tho American to the
European plan has Increased the ex
penses of traveling men 22H per cent.
"I have made tbe teei and I know that
such la tho case,” remarked a man
who to at the head of a large number
of traveling men. "Tho Increase Is
startling. Any one will notice IL If
he stops to think. Traveling men
pay ss much tor thnlr rooms Slone
ss they formerly-paid for their roome
end metis, In many Instances, and the
charge Is Invariably higher—Just 22U
per cent, according to sctnsl test.—
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Ned—It took me « long time to
make up my mind If a man who Specu
lated in Mocks Is a fool.
Ted—How did you flntlly determiner
Nod—I speculated.—Town Topics.
oeee after first dey’s nseot Dr. Kline's Orest
Nerveltestorer.f 2trlal bottleand treetlsetree
Dr. B. H. Suss, Ltd., Ml Arab Bt.. Phils., P»
Mrs. Kate Taylor, a graduated \ of prominence, given her ;
experience icllh Peruna in an ,
open letter. Her pout Ion In so- j
cfety and professional .landing
combine to give .special prom
inence to her utterances.
■1HICAGO, ILL.. 427 Monroe St.—
, "A, f ar as J have observed Peruna
is the Unfit tonic any man or woman
can uae who ia weak from the alter effect*
of any aertoua illneu.
"I have seen it used in a number of
convalescent cases, and havo teen aeveral
other tonics used, but I fdund that
those who used Peruna had the quickest
“Peruna liens to restore vitality,
increase bodily vigor uiul reneic
health andatrength In a wonderfully
short time, ’ —&1118. KATE TAYLOR,
In view of the great multitude of women
suffering from some form of female dis*
ease and yet unable to find any cure,
Ur. Hartman, the renowned specialist on
female catarrhal diseases, has announced
his willingness to direct the treatment of
as many cases as make application to him
during the summer months, without
charge. Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
■Mm warns
A reputation extending <
rs and
slxty-slx years afid our
itee or* bock, of
guarantee ore bock, of
eveiy garment bearing the
■There ere many Imitations.
' Be sure of the name .
•vTOWER on the buttons
This is What Yon Want!
Bare You Any Malarial Trimbles ?
JS VDSStSSfi?' “ *•
■end 11 ottocjcB oracr tor ony cent* to tat
REOll MEDICINE CO.,if Stanford, Bonn.,
for medicine tod direction*. A quick end certain
cure guaranteed In all ram of malaria, chilli and
layer,dumb ao# and intermittent layer.
■ora Eye#. Bat rjr co., Iowa city. la., hava a ear# cure
Large Engines and Boilers supplied
promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills*
Circular 8aws,8aw Teeth,Patent Dogs,
Steam Governors. Full line Engines &
Mill Supplies, send for freo Catalogue.
ter Baw Mill*
w 11 h^Hege ’a U n i v e real Log Beam *,R8etill n
Simultaneous Sat Works and the Hea-
cock-kin* Variable Feed Work* are unex
celled for ACOUBAcr, iiMrucrry. dubabil-
itr and ea«x ororiBATioN. Writ# for fnll
descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the
SALEM IRON WORK8.Wlnrton-«aleoi,N.C.
A Large Trial Box and book ol In
structions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove tbe value of
PextineToilet Antiseptic
Paxtln* la la powder
form to dJaeolv# la
water — non-polsocooa
•ad far superior to liquid
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritate*
Inflamed surfaces, end
have no cleans Is gprop-
“he content*
erttes, The coi
ol every .box. ouuccs
moro Antiseptic Mo
tto* — teats longer—
goes farther has moro
uses la tb* family and *
does more good than any
antiseptic preparation
you can hay.
The formula of a noted,E
and uied with great mat** as a
Wash, for Leucorma*, PeMeCstsiriv Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyer, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female ills Paxtlnefa
Invaluable. Used aa * Vaginal Wash w©
challenge the world to produco ita equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation In cleaning
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
AU leadlngdrugglsts keep Paxtlns; price,60c.
a box; If yours does not, send to us for it. Don't
take a sy bstitute—there Is nothing like Pax tin*.
Write tor the Free Box ot Pmxtlno to-day.
B. PAXTON CO., 7 Pops Bldg., Boston, Voss.
Jte given free. Nothlnecan be fairer
m Write Or. H. H, Green'* Seas.
Specialists. Box B Atlanta. 13.
Give the name of this paper when
writing to advertisers—(At18-04)
Hwrat. Itch, Blister? ROYAL FOOT WA8I! cure* them. Remove*
odors i
send 26c t
pppT HURT odors of feet, armpits, etc.j stopa chafing. If not at druggists
I LL I IIUIII send 26c to EATON DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga., for full sixe. post
paid: sample for 2cstnmp. One application pio^es 1U mer.t. Honey back If not satisfied.
by A 86,000
Use Allen's Foot-Knee.
It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting,
Tired, Aehlng. Hot, Sweating Feet,Coma and
Bunions. Aak for Allen’s Foot-Base, a powder
to be shaken Into the shoes. Coxes while too
walk. At aU Druggists and Shoe Stonte, l6o.
Don’t accept i
Fan. Address,
On# way tor a young man to make a bit
with the girl's father » to strike him for a
Putnam Fadnlkss Drzs color more
goods, brighter colors, with less work
than others.
e excepti
«,'aU the
world tolerates a lover.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forehlldrea
teething, soften the toms, redooesInflamma
tion alleys pain,cnreswlnd coUe. 26c. aboitte
Borne girls had rather flirt than eat and
omc do Doth simultaneouaty.
Write us a postal eerd for * free sample of
We cheerfully send It to all cofferers of Kid
ney, Liver, Heart. Bladder and Bleed dlssaset
on request. It wHl do sll that we claim for 11
Full directions with sample sent Mention
this paper. Address STUART DRUO ll’FU
CO.. Is Wall Street. ATLANTA. GA.
Put > variety into Summer living—it’s
not tbe time ot year to live near tbe
kitchen range. Libby’s
Veal Loaf, Potted Turkey, Deviled
-—Ham, Ox Tongue. &c.==
quickly made ready to terve.
Libby. McNeill & Libby. Chicago
GUARANTEED CURB tor alt bowel trouble*, appendicitis, bntouaacas, bad bmtt
HMfeiliMlla'f Wwote, toml mouth, headache. Indigestion, pi*
•Allow si in and dltilne**. When your bowels don't
fclood. wind ca the itcmech, bloat-d
pains after eating, liver trouble, aaild
regularly you ere a!ck. Ccnatiraticn killaE ., Jfl - J
■tarts ehrcnlc ailment* and lone years of auffertne. No 11111
CASCARET9 today, for ym wflf never get well and atay well until you get you
your bowel*
«r dlaeoees together. __
what alls you, otart taking
until you gut your bowels