Newspaper Page Text
Is located on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
is au up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, rallies and dogs.
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost.
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thoraasville, Ga.
Our Valentine.
We famish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST
This yon already knew, the words we speak are sorely TRUE. We are too
busy filling orders to look yon up, but If yon want the best of any thing in our
line quick, 'Phone 2(14, and the old man will do the rest,
Oat by the Crate Factory on Boston rood. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Miss May Manning is here from la-
E. A. Smith of Meigs was in town on
J. O. Bell was down from Ooolidge on
business Thursday.
L. D. Berry, of Baiuhridge, is risiting
Thomasville relatives.
D. M, Rogers of Pelham was a Friday
visitor to Thomasville.
Dr. J. B. Palmerof Ochlocknee spent
Satnrday in Thomasville.
Mr. ,1. Anderson the Whigham drag
gist was in town Satnrday.
The Misses Bottoms came how* from
Oamilla Saturday evening.
Miss Clifford Copeland spent Satur.
day witli relatives at Metcalfe.
Miss Irma James of Cordele is the
gnest of relatives in Thomasviite.
Mr. Charles M. Robinson is at home
again after a business trip to Atlanta.
Mr, Frank Walker, of Metcalfe, was a
business visitor to Thomasville on Sat'
Bad" Blaekshear, of Snsina was cir.
onmambnlatiug about the streeta Sat.
11. Maclean,
Thomasville *
i --SELLS—
Get Prices from
him before
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Kock and White Wyandotte
EGGS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Qa.
Mrs. H. S. Lite, who has been visiting
Mrs. John Slater, has returned to Iter
homo in Savannah.
Mr. H. O. Quartorman returned to his
home near Iamonia Saturday after spen
ding a few days in town.
Mrs. J. K. Anderson and Miss Donnie
Anderson, of Whigham were here Sat
nrday on their way to Oohlookonee.
Mr. J. M. Fosporman of Wayoross
who is well known here, is confined to
Ids home by an attaok of appendicitis.
Quite a crowd of Thomastllle gentle
men are planning to attend the St.
Louis Exposition, together, daring the
first week in Jane.
Miss Meo Yoang who lias been the
guest of relatives here for several days
returned to her home in Valdosta Thor/ •
day afternoon.
Mis. Max Nnssbanm returned to her
home in Bainbridge yesterday evening
after having spent several days here
with relatives.
Mrs. J. O. Lewis and Mrs F. O.
Smith who have been visiting at Lump
kin, Ga., for several days came homo
Saturday evening.
ThomatylUs's Attractions and Thom
as County's Advantages Should ba
Set Forth.
Editor Enterprise:
We all agree that. Southwest Georgia
is one of the very best sections of the
8odth, and we have been endeavoring
through the "Greater Georgia" move
ment and other agencies to make this
fact known to the people who lire in
less favored sections Would it not. bo
a good plan to get op in a condensed
form of advertising matter,setting forth
the advantages of Thomasville as a
"winter resort" and the advantages of
Thomas coanty as an “agricultural
county,” and engage the services of
some man suitable for the purpose to
distribute this literature and talk the
matter over face to face with the thous
ands who will attend the St. Louis
Fair. The city and coanty conld to
gether share the expenses of snoh a
movement. The expenses would be
nominal. We should do something
along this line. If there are better
plans let's have them. “M.
At Vlce-Prealdentfor Cane Growers
and Makek Speech.
W. B. Roddonbery of Cairo lias been
re-elected as vice-president from Geor
gia of the Inter-state Dane Growers’
The selection was made by the con
vention at Its session jnit c osed at
Jacksonville. The principal address of
the last day’s session was made by Mr.
Roddenberr who is a practical cane
grower and tyrnp producer. Mr. Rod-
denbery spoke of the diJHoultii'S of mar
keting the low and inferior grades of
syrnp, along with tlie pore artiole, stat
ing that the only way in which the
standard could be kept np was in the
selling of only flrst-olass syrup in at
tractive paokaget; that no syrnp would
temain good In barrels longer than four
mout hs, and the only solution was in the
hermetically sealed can or battle.
Thomeevllle Wine.
The Thomasrille team started ont its
season In good shape by defeating Mon-
ttceilo Friday. The score was 6 to
The features of the game were the
pitching of Hopkins, the natching of
Williams, end the work of Groover a 1
Dr. T. J. Taylor wiio lias Is-en the
guest of relatives in this county for
several weeks left Thursday for his
home in Texas.
Among the recent visitors of prominence
was Mr. W. A. Oovington of Monltrle
who was recently elected to the legisla
ture front Colquitt coanty.
Evans & Son
Sell the best
The best
(Sfinlebaker ami Tennessee.)
The best
Call on us before buying.
Jas. F. Evans & Son,
Rev. A. J. Qnattlebanm of Oclilocko
nee was in town Friday. He says
Ills neighborhood is prosperous but that
liks every place else, needs rain.
Mr. John F. H oward the popular tax
receiver was in town Saturday. Mr.
Howard is just recovering from a severe
Illness and oar friends are pleased to see
him out again.
The engagement of one of Thomas-
vilie’s charming yonng women to i
prominent holiness man of a neighbor
ing city, is rumored bnt has not been
publicly announced.
The representative of the Franklin
Life has written an application for a
very large policy in Valdosta. As is the
case in all cases of very large amounts
the services of more than one doctor are
necessary. Dr. A. P. Taylor went down
to Valdosta yesterday morning and con
ducted the examination with several
other doctors in Valdosta. This is said
to be the largest policy written in Sonth
Ga. in some time.
Sold Five Harvesters.
Themes county is a prosperous agri
cultural district and her farmers make
use of t lie latest and most improved farm
machinery. A* a sign of the timet it it
an interesting feet that J. J. Gone sold
five fine Dearlng Harvesters of the la
test pattern daring the week jut pass
The Program of Its Commencement
Exercleeeln May.
The commencement exercises of All
en Normal School will be held from
May 97 to May 31 and promise to be
especially attractive.
Below we give the General- Program.
The small admission charged for Fri
day and Monday evenings will be de
voted to tiie fund that ie being raised
fora new school building, bnt then will
be no admission fee on Tneaday even
Alien Normal is fortunate in haring
secured for the commencement address
Rev. H. H. Proctor, pastor of the Fint
Congregational church in Atlanta Ga.
He ia an able man, a strong thinker and
an eloquent speaker.
Friday evening Mar 37, at 8 o'etoek.
Entertainment by Grammar, Interme
diate and Primaiy Grades in Bethany
church. Admission 10 cents.
Sunday morning May 39 at 11:80
o'clock. Annual sermon by Rev. W.
H. Holloway in Bethany church.
Monday evening May 80 at 8 o’clock.
Dramatic entertainment by Normal De
partment in Betliany church,
mission 10 cents,
Tuesday morning jlay 31 at 9;80
o'clock. Closing exercises of school in
the Chapel.
Tneeday evening May 31 at 8 o’clock
in Bethany church. Commencement
Address by Rev. H. H. Proctor, Atlanta
Tneaday evening May 81 at 9:30
dock. Alumni Reception.
It is a tw-horse riding cultivatof. and without
doubt the best one made. It took first preminm at
Georgia State Fair.
None of our customers who have bought one
would be without it.
We also have a good supply of other farm tools
such as Disc Harrows, One-Horse Cultivators, Cot
ton and Corn Planters, Chilled Plows, Avery Stocks,
Dixie Boy Plows and in fact anything you need for
We want your trade and are willing to make
low prices to get it.
Would Cull Attention
To the Colombia Disc Graph ophono which is bringing so much pleasure to
thoneands of homes throughout this broad land of oars, and whioh you can en
joy just as well; 'they are proving everything that have been said of them, an en
tertainer in the home. A number of the newest models can be seen at
190 Broad 8t.
■errto* I* tie kind people weal Wfcea eee
tie trerti ef kle money be Is satisfied aa*
Our Work
■tea wke "knew
cuetojjwn. We keef asee |
Carriages, Buggies a fid Wageiye
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
811-168 SOUTH BROAD,
Oppoilte Piney.
WeoJe Betel.
Rev. McCarty who ie t
Springe tor the benefit of bit health ie
recovering eteadily end hix congregation
here have aeked him to May until be 1*
entirely well.
Enioyable Fish Fry Given by Qenlnl
Trio on Tneeday night
The delighte of a South Georgia flah
fry are fabled in long end itory, bat
they were very real to a party of yonng
people who enjoyed tho hospitality of
Meaere Jim Dillon, Tim Ohiaholm and
Charlea Smith on laat Thursday night.
This genial trio of yonng gentlemen
had been in camp at Miller’a Springs on
the Ochlockonee for several days, and on
the date mentioned, they invited a num
ber of their friends to enjoy a fish sup
per with them.
Among thoee present were: Misaes.
Davie of Macon, Yonng of Valdosta,
Ida Tomlinson, Eva Gardiner, Sara
Yeagley, Louise Hayes, Blanche Ains
worth, Fannie Chisholm, Lncile Ansley,
Evelyn Voso, Nellie Pringle, and An
nie Pringle. Messrx, Dillon, Chilholtn,
Smith, James Hopkins, Will Hopkins,
B. M. Earle, Fraxer Driver, E. H. Smith,
McCartney, Hansell Wall, Ayer, Em
mett Mitchell, Walter Hammond, Clyde
Neel, Fred Jones, Ed Jerger, George
Neel and others. The return to the city
Wat made in tiie moonlight and the oo-
casion was declared to have been "per
fect” by the eothnsiastio guests.
ae Maymie Belle Cnlver, a student
of Stanley's Business College, who was
suddenly called to Boston recently, on
aooonnt of the serious illness of her
cousin, Mrs. Joe Heeth, has returned
with the encouraging news that Mrs.
Heeth is much better.
Methodist. News.
Local Methodists will be Interested Id
learning that the next conference of
South Georgia Methodists will be pre
sided over by Bishop Dnncan. The.
conference meets at McRae on Novem
ber 3rd. He will also preside over the,
North Georgia conference scheduled to
convene at Marietta November 28rd.
Bishop Candler of Atlanta will pre- 1 ,
side at tiie North Carolina, Florida and'
Mexican conferences.
Teachers Will Not Return.
Those interested in the jmbllo schools
of Thomaeville will learn with {surprise -
that Principal H. F. Lawson and Mr.
F. B. Watkins, will not be applicants -
for their present positions next year.
Mr. Lawson will go to Macon and
will enter the law offloee of Davis and .
Tuner. Mr. Watkins will return to
the University of North Carolina for a
year of study there. This new* will be
a source of regret to the friends oi the
two gentlemen, who are loath to eee
them leave Thomasrille, Many , good'
wishes will follow them in their future
A Day at the Lake. „
Mines Hartley Settee, Lcoil* Ansley,
Carrie Jones, Louise Hayes, Messrs/'
George Neel, Ed Jerger and Fred Jones
firmed s congenial party who spent -
Friday at the lake.
The Tampa Excursion.
One at the Mg events of tho you in,
South Georgia ie the annual Temps '
excursion which it always a huge no-'
oeee under the management of T. P. A.
Bottoms. This yew it will ran mi Mon4
day May 33, and the round trip rate ft*
*8.60. Many ThomasriUiaus will at-