Newspaper Page Text
of Albatty spent Sondayfo
20, 1904.
Clay Mauldin of Czlto wo* in the city
MinRoea Hartapcnt Sunday with
Sonday in
lira 0. M. RoMnzon apont Sunday
•with friend* In Pine Park.
Mica Rena Bouchelle ia back from
' trip to Tallahtenor.
Ur. J. X Sterena ia quite tick at I
home on Bartow street.
Ur. D. H. Maya ofcUcnticcllo waa
the Stuart Saturday night
Uiaa Stella (Pitman of Biveraide waa
•hopping in the city Monday.
Ernest Mallard and Claud Smith spent
Sunday in Cairo prospecting.
Mrs. N. J. Tenters of Ochlockonee
aaa shopping ia the city Saturday.
Ur., and Urs. Abe Simon of Montioel-
lo spent Snnday in the city with friends.
Ur. and Mrs. Cadar Parker have mor-
edinto their new home on Remington
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stevens and son
left - Monday for their home in Way-
Uiaa Nellie Stone returned Monday
from Cairo where the visited Urs. X B.
Ur. X B. Wight of Cairo stopped over
in thedty afew hoots Monday on Ida
way to Montlcello.
Mr. Lawrence Watt returned Satur
day afternoon from a trip to Savannah
and Waycroea.
Uiaa Williams of Tampa, Fla., will be
the attractive guest lot Miss pianohe
Ainsworth next week.
Uiaa Blaoktnan, of Live Oak, Fla.,
will be the charming guest of Uiaa Ln-
’ «Ue Analey next week.
Ur. W. A. Fuller left Monday
for Uilledgeville to takeJ|Mr. Robert
Bradshaw to the Sanitarium.
Mrs. 0. U. Forbes ia at home again
aftqr a several weeks visit to her
mother ia Sylvester Ga.
Kiss Ethel Camela expects to leave
- this week for a visit of several months
duration to Montgomery and Savannah.
Uiaa Lula Thompsou of Quitman
stopped over in the city Saturday with
Mrs. Joe Sparks en route home from A)
Ur. E. A. Smith from Meigs came
down Monday to meet Uiaa Esta Wle-
kin who passed through the, city en-
route to Meigs.
Ur. J. G. Connell a prominent lum
ber man from Metcalfe transacted busi
ness in town Uouday. Bis wife ac
companied him.
Ur. Joe Robison of Valdosta was
shaking hands with Ids many friends
here Monday. Ur. Robison reports
his town and his bueiuess as doing nice-
Miss Jennie Winn Dillon report* a de
lightful time. She is visiting Mrs. Jeff
Andrews in Deliver, Colorado, and will
lator go to St. Louis.
Hisses Lizzie Denham, Parkhill and
Girardeau who have been the guests of
Hiss Mary Aim Watt returned to their
homes in Mouticello Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. John Dean., Jr., and
eon of Thomasvilte, Ga.. Wert, in the
city last week, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Dean.—Montioello News.
Miss Hawkins who has been in the
employ of Neel Bros, dressmaking de
partment for the past :i months 1- ft for
her home in Live Oak Fla. Sal unlay.
Ur K.E. Mack is back froin-Columbus
where he wai initiated into the Shrine.
He repost- that lie and Mr. McCartney
ware fortunate enough to scramble iuto
a neat on the hand wagon and that they
are oouaequeutiy still able to atteud
kuplBim The orowd to lie initiated was
so long that the goat grew weak and
la-leu licforo their
Messrs. W. T. Dots and J. T. Martin
Loan Their Storee. Sualna Naves.
Mist Hattie <3. Blaokabear, who baa
been making an extended visit to Thom-
arrille', has returned home.
JudqeH. W. Hopkins aoootnpenied
by Col. Hightower, mime down Tuet-
d*y- j
Messrs. W. T. Dots and J. F. Martin,
both of whom afew yean ago settled st
Hinson, FIs., and went into the general
merchandise business, were burned out
recently. The store building of Ur.
Dost caught first, the fire spreading
the adjoining store occupied by Ur.
Hartin. Wo understand Ur. Doss had
lost of their girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children is oftam destructive
to the mother’s shapeliness,
AU of this can be avoided,
however, hr the ate ef Mather's Friend before baby comes, as this
liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Motif. Friend th.
dutger of child-birth, end carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It it woman’, greatest blessing.
c*usance on his stook and his lost will
be small. Ur. Martin tnoceeded in re
moving the greater part of hit goods un.
injured; and had no insurance. Both
of these gentlemen are Veil known in
this county.
Un. J. O. Shaw of New York City,
and her neioe Mite Grace E. Beach,
reached here last Thursday evening.
Hits Grace hat been attending school in
New York doring the past eight months
aid la glad to be home again. Mrs. Show
who is a sitter of Mr/ S. U. Beach, will
spend several days with her brother be-
fora returning home.
This it splendid picnicing weather,
and tlio young people are taking ad
vantage of it. Full are biting too.
“My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism,"says W.
H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. “At times
she was unable to move at all, while st
times walking Was painful. I presented
her with a bottle of ChainberUnTs Pain
Balm and after a lew applicants she
decided It was the most wonderful pain
reliever she bad ever tried, in fact, she
is never without it now and is at all times
able to walk. An occasional application
of Pain Balm keeps sway the pain that
she was (ormerly troubled with." For
sale by J. W. Peacock. d&w
Mosers. Ed Lake and Fred Jones have
gone to St. Louis for a, two woekt’ out
ing. They form the van guard of the
army of TbomasvilUans that will travel
to the big fair.
From the Ohapin, 8. O. Newt: Early
in the spring my wife and I were taken
with diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for ns, bnt Ids medicines
failed to give any rollof. A friend who
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each nf us a dose and we at once
felt the effects. I procured » bottle and
beforo using the entire contents we
were entirely cured. It is a wonderful
remedy and should be fonud in every
household. H. 0. liailey, Editor. This
remedv U for sale hy J. W. Peacock.
Tlie Atlanta Oonstitqjion of recent
date chronicled the arrival of a daugh
ter at the home Of Dr. and Mrs. D. A.
Shumate in Decatur, Ga. They were
former residents of ThomasviUe.
Mrs. B. Edwards is visiting her daugh
ter, Urs. OjW. Stapleton iu St. Angus-
gustinc, Fla. She will return to Val
dosta on Wednesday to attend the
meeting of the Rebqkah*.
Thousands Hits Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
S^nXg^f3ly"SnrfSTbreSaT^TreH*derived f£T£
sm of this wonderful _
SaMsI® Mother’s
book, telling all about
this liniment, trill be sent free.
You are cordially invited to attend
person or by proxy, the great
annual Linen sale of
Louis Steyennan.
F. C. Blockmer of Jacksonville Will
do ftho Work. Building to bo Three
Hundred Foot Long With Two Hue
dred and Fifty Foot Platform.
May i6
ay 21
Given for the purpose of reducing our most beautiful
line of Table Linens, napkins, Towels and bed Spreads.
Huckaback Towels 12 1-2 cents each. - Huckaback Towel* 15c.
17 1-2 cents Hemstitched Tov els 17 1-2 cents.
Damask Fringed Towels 23c. Extra Size Fringed Towels 25c.
28c. Fancy Figured Hnckback 18c. „
5-8 All Linen Napkins *1.63. dor. Better qnality napkins fli.7qc.
$2. iu 3-4 All Linen Napkins.42. IQ
3.4 All Linen Better Grade (2.27. Better Grade Napkins »2 47c.
73 inch Unbleached Table Linen 48c. 72 inch Unbleached Best Grade 66c.
3qc. 64 inch Union Table Linen 2qp.
66 inch Silver Bleached Table Linen 59c 78 inch Bleached Table I.inen 68c
93c. 78 lach Better Grade Table Linen 93c.
50 White Marseilles Bed Spreads 97c. 80 Fringed Bed Sp1eads.81.53c
50 Marsaillis Bed Spreads—Extia quality*
From 88.23 to 8;.oo.
At the above prices you can well afford to stock your
linen closets and at the same time save money.
None of these goods sent on approval.
The long looked^ for, earnestly be
sought Coast Line freight depot is
about to be a realized fact. The con
tract for putting up the building has
been let tn F. 0. Blackmer of Jack
sonville Fla.
As was announced in the Times-En-
te,prise many month! ago, the plans
01U for a structure 800 feet long by 30
feet wide. A ten foot platform will run
the entire length of the building, and at
its western extremity will be extended
an open platform 880 feet long and some
30 feet wide
The new depot will be located between
the present main lino tracks and the old
Virginia house. Its eastern end will
be about Jackson' street, allowing en
trance to the offices >o be from the
Thomasville people being unacquaint
ed with Ur. Blackmer will only hope
tliat he is no less good at getting a job
completed than he is at getting a con
tract signed under hard competition.
Cantaloupes Nearly Ripa and
Watermelon* Booming.
A good tanner, whose modesty with
holds his name, has brought into town
a oantaloope as big as a pint cup. By
Times-Enterprise measurement it is live
inches in diameter. Considering the
time o'ysar and Uie drv weather that's
pretty good. The Times-Enterprise will
give a years sabacription to the farmer
who can beat it by Saturday night.
Another enterprising farmer, Ur. J.
P. Cheek, comes op with the statement
that he has watermelons big enough to
show tire stripe. How big this is you
will knew if you ore anything of a far
mer. These melons were too valuable
fora -ample to be spared, but Mr
Cheek's word doesn’t require a sample
that is, until they get ripo.
For Sheriff.
I hereby aunoonce myself as a candi
date for re-election to t ire office of sher
iff of Thomas county, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I will ooutiuuo to give tire
office my personal attention and will
discharge it* dories to the test of my
• WU * T ' T. J. High*.
For Sheriff
I heaeby announce myself as a candi-
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the ▼<*
ters of the counfy. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the duties of the office and will
discharge those duties to the best of my
ability. J.J.Ooct, ti
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself as » can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
eafrfll f
tire dories of the offi
ce. My post record in the office is open
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my cla ‘ ‘
my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary
For The Legislature.
I hereby annonnce~myself a candidate
Legislature '
for re-election to tire
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very best of
my ability in the last legislature, I feel
that I can confidentially and conscien
tiously solicit their support iu tire -■>•
preaching primary.
J. B. Rountree«
For the Legislature.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative in the legisla-
i Thomas county, suhject to
tore from ...
the action of the Democratic primary. If
I am elected 1 wilt give the dutie* of
the office my most careful attention,
and will conscientiously endeavor to
serve the people to the beet of my abili
ty. I respectfully solicit the support of
the voters of the county.
J. B. WAY.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas conn tv:
Appreciating the past honors you bar
conflrmed upon me I take this methor
of announcing that Isms candidate ftr
reflection to tlie House of Representa-
discharge of
rives of Georgia. In the discharge of
my dories in tlie past as your represen
tative I have to the beet of my ability
worked for your interests and the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia.
I again ask yon- support. My candi
dacy is suhject to tlie action of the
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector. .
I most respectfully announce myself
as a candidate foe re-election to the of •
flee of tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary, ln
making this announcement I beg to ex
tend my thanks to tire voters of Thomas
ooanty for their kindness to me during
the post and to solicit a continuance or
their support. \ P. S. Hkkth.
Louis Steycrman.
The Airship is on the way.
gS^-This store closes at 6 o’clock. -^*50
Russians Leave Cities end Jape
Continue to Advance.
Bow To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ,
a sediment or set-
tling indicates an
unhealthy con
dition of tlie kid
neys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire
to pass it or wain
in the lwt?k is
also convincing proof that the. kidneys
ul bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr, Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism
lUinilS CiVM iniuii.. S ...v»..»...»
pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladd
every part of the urinary jmssagl
. .. jU f wate
corrects* inability to ho .
1 scalding pain in passing it, or ha
effects following use of liquor, "Vine 0
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant iv
cessity of l«ing compelled to go oftei.
.1 ,Sav .111,1 til iTs*t Hit iiinttv
times during the night.
lesuuriuK ut>- **•*■•»• :
e extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
soott realised. It stands tlie highest
its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases.
need a medicine
Mug *» ,*—• ••—- ~
vou should haveflthe best. Sold hy drug
jpsts in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and a
hook that tclts all *****
nlwut it, both sent free
by mail- Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N, Y. When
New Ohwaug, May 17.—Mouday
night Russian evacuation' of this city
had heeu completed. Nothing remains
but the destruction of the gunboat Siv-
ouch, which is expected to take place in
the morning.
Tfio Associated Press correspondent
has received exclusive information from
I the highest Russian authority that
! the Japanese advance will lie re-
; sLsted at Hai Chong, where tlio
i Russian forces will fall hack upon Liao-
j yang where they will make a determined
I stand with a fighting force of soveuty
thousand men. If defeated no stop wi^
j be made at Mukden, but the retirement
- will he continued to Thiliug 200 miles
i north of New Ohwaug.
Tlie Russians admit the advance of
the Japanese army to fifteen miles of
jHai Cheng. Many of their -wounded
are entering hjjre.
uainiun, iii »• »* is*-** —
writing mention this paper and don’t
make anv mistake, hut remember the
^atnc, Dr. Kilmer * Swamp-Root, and
Jic address, Binghamton, N. Y.
The many friends of Mr. C. G. Goeh-
, ring will regret to learn that he contin
ues sick. He has heeu removed from
i his room at Mr. Cochran’s, to the city
hospitid whore better medical attention
can be giveu him.
Lightly of the important of
elegance in a wedding present.
In the month of June when
the flowers are in bloom you
are likely to be getting invi
tations. Let us help you se
lect the response.
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
elry Store.
Sooth Broad Street. ThomasviUe
Eggs For Sale.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sale. $1.00
per setting of 15. Address Mrs. J. O
Neel, Boston, Ga. 3-24-5
Ottomans Kill Armenians and Burn
Paris. May 13.—Au official dispatch
to the foreign office from Constanti
nople, confirms the report that Tnrl> *
ish troops have burned the villages
throughout the Sassonm district of
Armenia, killing the inhabitants, The
French, Russian and British ambas
sadors joined ia feuding their consuls to
Kzroum, hoping to limit the destruction
of bloodshed.
Jap Ship Sunk.
Tokio, May 13.—A .Japanese torpedo
boat was destroyed while removing
mines from Koir bay, uorth of Tilienwan
near Port Dalny, yesterday. Seven
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas couuty subject
to the action ot the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give the office the
same careful attention in tlu* past.
I solicit the support of the voters of the
John F. Howard.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commie-
missions of Rnards and Revenues of
Thomas county, subject to the action of
the Eemocmtio primary, and ,olict the
support of the Toter*.
d&w J. D Barrow.
For Ordinary
Desiring first to thank my old com*
ratios, and friends generally, for their
four years gift of the office of ordinary,!
hereby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to the tlie Demo
cratic primary, promising if elected, to
do my utmost to perform all the duties
of the office faithfully in fntnre as I
hare tried to do in the pa*t.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the office of Commis
sioner of Reads and Revenues of Thomas
couuty, subject to the action of the
. . , * , j m. i t Democratic primary. I solicit the sup-
were killed and seven wounded. This I J10rt 0 ' f the TOlmty
M. I). ftedfoam.
is the first warship the Japanese have
lost in the war.
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-eieo-
Elevcn Sales In One Week. . . —
„ m . m * | tion to the office of county surveyor of
Mr. T. A. Tate sold for Neel Brothers , Thomas counter subject to tlifc action of
last week eleven sewing machines, i the Democratic primary. If re-elected
• ,, ..... , .. .! I will continue to give the office my best
They were all White’s machine*, and ; attention. I solicit the support of the
among tho'purchasers were F. \V. Boy- voters. A. J. 8TAN ALAND.
er, Lee Neel, Joe Adams, Nelson Iia- f —
nier, Gillie Vann. Mary Miles and Mrs ! r-„
idoii coat* or ThomasviUe, and o. j . P° r County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that- I am’ a
Canady, Win. Pierce, Win. Grayson | candidate .’or re-election as Treasurer of
and Jake Ivy of Ooolidge. A reran, of th * “ ttiooof
the Democratic Primary.
eleven sales in cue week by one sales- ' I am verv thankful to the people for
not often made,, and it *how* |'
man is
the prosperity of the county, as well r»:
the worth of the machine.
For County Commissioner.
the past, and pledge, if elected," my
very best and most conscientious efforts
to give them faithful, efficient, and sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit your support and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully vours,
ivn v * ti A DTJI
I hereby announce myself u candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roods and Reveuue of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the !
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup- , j take tiiis means of announcing for
port of the voters of the^eounty. ’-e-election to the office ot coroner of
For Coroner.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-eletion to the office of Commis
sioner Roads and Revenue of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of tlie voters of tlie county.
H. C. Copeland.
j Thomas county suhject to the action of
1 the primary. If elected I will give the
j duties of the office the same careful a*t-
tention that -they have heretofore re
ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
support that my friends have always
given me and their many kind expres
sions of satisfaction. Thanking all my
supporters and hoping for a renewal of
the support. I am faith “
dug. <