Newspaper Page Text
Professor Powell, of Washington, D. C.,
Recommends Pe-ru-na.
Prof. W. B. Powell, of Wawhinjrton, 1). C. f In one of the bent known educators
In the country. For fifteen years he ban been Sui>crintendent of tho Public
Schools of Washington, which is considered tho best school system In tho United
States. Professor Powell is the author of-ft number of school books which are
used throughout tho United States.
This well known gentleman does not hesitate to recommend Peruna to his
countless friends and acquaintances all over the United States. In a recent letter
from 1410N street, N. W., Washington, D. Cl., to Dr. Hartman, lie says:
« Persuaded by a friend / have used Peruna as a tonic, and I take
pleasure in recommending your remedy. Peruna is indeed a good
medicine and should be in every household.”—W. B, POWELL*
S UCH straightforward evidence cap-
not be ovoriookod. What the com
mon peoplo say carries weight, hut when
a man of national prominence says “Pe
runa should be used in every household,
it is a significant fact to tho increasing
prominence and undoubted eilieacy of
Peruna is of national fame as a catarrh
remedy. It is the only internal sys
temic catarrh remedy known to the med
ical profession. It makes diseased mu
cous membranes healthy, whether it is
the mucous membrane lining tho nbso,
throat, lnngs, stomach, kidneys or pel
vic organs. It cures various diseases of
all these organs, because two-thirds of
tho ills of mankind are duo to catarrh.
With healthy mucous membranes cli
matic diseases lose their terror, tho sys
tem Is enabled to throw off contagion,
and health follows inevitably.
Mr. A. T. Wood, Mt. Sterling, Ky^
** For many years i have been a suf
ferer from catarrh, and have spent
time and money with physicians and
used many kinds of remedies which
were *guaranteed sure cures*, but In
every case It was money thrown away.
••I reaped no benefit whatever from
them. In my seemingly vain search
for relief i purchased a bottle of Pe-
1 runs, paving no confidence In It what
ever at the time. This was about one
year ago, and I began to Improve and
was able tq attend to my business
without being constantly hampered by
every kind of pain known to a human
being. My bearing, which was almost
entirety gone In one ear, got very much
better. The medicine not only seems
to sure, but to prevent disease.
•*This winter when every one was
suffering fibm la grippe, I stood like a
stone wall, absolutely proof against It.
lam not a believer in * patent medi
cines,* having found the majority of
them fakes, but I do not hesitate to
recommend Peruna as the best medi
cine for catarrh tho world has ever
seen. 1 keep a bottle of It at home
constantly and shall continue to do so,
because I believe It to be the best med
icine on earth. I never leave homo
that 1 don't put a bottle of It In my
grip." A. T. WOOD.
Mr. Evan D. Bowen, Dodge City, Kan.,
Conductor on tho A. T. * 8. F. K. It.,
writes: “I have had catarrh of the stom
ach fpr seven years, and I began to think
that l never was going to bo cured. At
the time I began taking Peruna,! was un
able to make more than one or two trip®
on tho road at a time, not being able to
koep anything on my stomach. I ,tbcn
weighed 168ponnds. I have boon taking
Peruna slnco that time and have never
lost a trip, and now weigh 200 pounds.”
—Evan D. Bowen. .
>mpt and satis
factory results from the two of Peruna,
wrlto at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your caso and ho will
bo pleased to give yon his valuable ad-
vlco gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
wagon and buggy tires *.o set cold,
•Wc do it while you wait, as t,
minutes to the wheel is all the time
we wanti W$ do not burn vour
wheel or sc dd vour rims, hut shrink
the tires tigl » i i.d quick and cheap.
And one cold retting is worth 3 hot
Farmers R^prl* Shop
T. C. Sparks Manager.
Stephens Street, near (srkson S*.
My pretty maid? I'm going toTybee, Sir, she said. And -3
that's the place whore tho jieoplo are going this yonr to
have a good time.
Witn its many attractions, its fine orchestra, its splendid ZS
imthiug ami its excellent cuisiun is tho most popular seaside Z**
resort on the South Atlantic Coast. Rates $1 50 per da- ; ZZ
$13.50 and $15.00 per week.
E The Pulaski House
Sr heath;
Ih tho most populnr p!ti'*e in Savannah and should be
rs when in the city. Wfit« for Illustrated hooklut.
fc CIIAS F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.
Handsome patterns, Ready-to-wear
' Hats, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments, Untrimmed and Lace Huts of
all the new and pretty shapes. Plets-
ant sales ladies. Experienced Trimmers.
All will be found at Mrs J. A. Emily’s
Millinery Store in Masury Hotel Block.
’Phono 171 Gentleman and ladies
straw and felt hats also cleaned «r Me.
The Prices'at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
Tliomasville, Ga.,—Mrr 20, ’04-
Eggs per do*., 12 1-2 to 15c. Best gutter
25c. Medium butter, 20c to —c. Chick
ens, fries, 35 to 40c; liens 35 to 40c.
Swoet potatoes, GO to 65c perbu. Fodder
per 100 lbs, iK)c to $1.00. Conntryhay,
per 100 lbs. 50c. to 75c; Now Syrup,
20 to 26c: country hams, 12 to 13c;
country lard, 8 to 9tfo.
Thomasville, Ga., April 15, 1904.—
Coffee, arbuckles 15c. Green coffee, fair
lOo. choice 12 l-2c. White granulated
sugar 6 l-2cents,Brown sugar 5 l-4c.Suc.
soda per lb. 5c; crackers 10 to 20c. stick
candy 10c; Kerosene oil 20c—5 gals 90c.
Side meat per lb 9 to II; Aloal 80c per
bn. Flour $5.?0£to$6.60per bbl. Western
bams 15c. Lard, compound 9c.,
Leaf 10 1-2; hay, ( per 100 lbs. bran
11.00 per 100 lbe. Cotton «eed meal 91.4O
per 100 lbe. cotton ieed holla «0c per 100
lbe tack. Velvet beau |3.00 par bn.
Sorghum teed 93.00 per bo.Gorman Mil-
letft.OO per bn.Field pea*. 93.00
Star Brand Shoes
We cun .how you almost any
style of Shoe you are looking for.
Pea onr line of Oxfords, tho
Shoes you wunt for tommer wear
and you know that
“Star Brand Shoes
Are Better.’
T. J. & H. Megahee,
New Livery Stable,
TK7~. ID- Barloer.
Special attention to commercial travelers.
Barber’s New Stable, : Cairo, Ga.
J. S. Ward Jr., In wall Written Card
Approve* NowIPlans.
Editor Times-Entorpririo:
'As tho road question is the most im
portant issue now ponding in our coun
ty, I wish to use your columns for a few
words. Jnst boro I deem if a waste of
time aud space to enter into an argu-
gument to prove the necessity of good
roads. That is a fact conceded by all,
every ono likes to travel them, but few
want to make them. That is where tho
trouble comes in with the old system of
working them. That this question is
one of absorbing interest throughout
the nation is shown by the spaco that is
given tho great metropolitan papers
of the United States.
The recent grand jury lias recom
mended that the county commissioners
put into opemtiou a now system, to-wit:
*To work the roads by couvict labor
and taxation.” A desire that the peoplo
have pationco aud time to give a fair
and impartial trial all over the county
before condemning it. prompts the writ
ing of this article.
There is always opposition (and it is
honest too) to any kind of reform that
is offered. As a rule tho greater t|ie ne
cessity for it tho more stubborn the op- j
position. For this roason good laws are
sometimes repealed before they save :
time to show -their / true effect. In the
lmmble opinion of tho writer the clam j
or of the public caused the legislature j
to repeal a good law several years ago"
Now it is to guard against this coutin-t
gency that prompts tliis letter. In my j
opinion the only reasou that can cause
a failure will Iks incompetent supervis-1
iou, and in a governmoufc in which the |
people havo tho ballot in their hands
they are iu a position to redress any
wrongs inflicted upon them.
Now, one of the objections that has
and will arise against the new system
is, that remote parts of the county will
have to wait aud bo last served by the
authorities in road buildiug. Now let
us be reasonable men on this subject. I
am one of the remote r ones. Thomas is
a big county and of course all can’t eat
at the first table aud because we can’t
lot’s not play tho baby act, pout and not
eat at nil. If properly managed we will
havo hotter roads at much less cost than
tho present system. I for one am tired
of being palled oat of my crop at the
busiest soasou to work tho roads while
somo sections near the county scat do
comparatively nothing to thorn.
80 let’s give the authorities a fair
show in this matter. Of course there
will Ik) many obstacles to overcome In
tho outset of this work. Tho citizen
can aid in overcoming by encourage
nieut or ho can make thorn harder to
overcome by arousing prejudice to the
This lottor is already too long. If it
docs not find tho waste basket I may
write another on this all important sub
ject, Iu the meantime lot us patch uj
our roads this summer so that they will
not get impassable before tho author,
hies cau get ronud with tho now syt
tem. I would like to hoar from other
farmers on this subject as they arc di-
rcctly interested, and all othor profes
sious incidentally. J. 8. Ward, Jr.
Ochlockonee Ga., May 16,1904.
Notice to Jail Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
Thomasville, Ga , by the Board of Com-
missiouers of Roads and Revenues of
Thomas county Ga., until 12 o clock
noon Tuesday Jcly 5 for an addition to
the Thomas county jail. I Ians and
specifications now on file at the office
ot the Chairman of Board.
Each bidder will bo allowed and ex
pected to furnish with his bid specifica
tion for steel -aU iron work describing
material and construction he proposei
to furnish conforming to size of cells
.hown in plan. ... ,
Bidders must furnish with proposal
a certified check for $500 made pa* able
to E. M. Smith Chairman to assure said
county if his proposal is accepted, that
he will furnish with his contract a se
curity bond for double amount of his bid
fas the law directs). Same to be satis
factory to the Board otherwise said
check will he forfeited to the county.
The right is reserved to rejmt any
and all proposals.
K. M. Smith. ' . _ „
Ch’r’m. Board of Com. of Roads & Kev
tiOne, one-pounder Sent From Mer
rillville This Week.
After several weeks of suspension
owing to a break down, the' large ^saw-
mill of,Vanderbilt aud ^Ifopkitis,^Loca
ted at Touraiue lion begun operation.^
The farmers in this "aectioiyof *the
county are sticking closely to their work,
aud the appearance of nice crops ia evi
dence of the fruits of their labor.
Tho mclou growers of this vicinity are
making arrangements for the movement
of tho melon crop to tho northern cities.
One melon has already been shipped
from this station. Mr. F. N Carter^of
our town sent to Mr. H. C. McFadden
General Freight Agent the A. *fe B.
R. R. Waycross, Wednesday inoruing a
water melon of the Kobb Gem variety
which weighed one pound.
That was a glorious rain which fell
hero Tuesday evening. It did an abuu
dant amount of good to the crops gen
Miss Abbot, a lady who is afflicted
with blinduoss arrived iu oar town last
week from Meigs, Ga. and while here
treated the citizens to a concert. Each
one present expressed thomsolves os be
ing highly pleased with tho occasion.
Miss Abbot is a worthy lady and should
receive a hearty support wherever aha
Tho celebration aud picnic at Big
Greek church lias boon decided upon and
next Friday is the appointed time for
tlie uniou of four schools at that place
to enjoy a good picnic, and all are invi
ted to come with a well filled basket, a-
Mr. W. B. Thomas visited Thomas*
villu yjdagr.
Messrs. J. M. Dykes and J. H. G.
Johnson wont to town^yeistefdayi'and
took a wagon load of vegetable* for
^Marshal J. B. Floyd ^and Mr.“ C. J.
Stephenson wore ^miuglingj'with their
frieuds in Tliomasville Thursday,
aMts. Lch Evans,'jtfter_ soveralJdajB
visit witli relatives,' left Friday morn<
iug for Cairo. cTSfitl
Prof. Matthows transacted business
in Tliomasville Saturday, j
Miss Bell Daren spent Sanday with
her parents.
Mr. nd Mrs. N. E. Tamer, Mrs. J.
N. Donaldson, Mr. aud Mrs. J. B.
Floyd, Mr. aud Mrs. H. Young, spent
tho day on tho Ochlockoneo river Mon
day fishing and gathering May haws.
Ono of tho party declared ho was going
to qait tolling how many fish ho caught
every time he went fishing, but all tho
same he 1ms been again since and hud
good lack too. Thoy had plenty of fish
for diuuer and haws to bring home.
Ono of the greatest blessings a modest
man cau wish for is a good, reliable set
of bowels. If you are not tho happy
possessor of each an outfit you can great
ly improve tho efficiency of those you
havo by tho judicious use of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tublets. They
are pleasant to take and aggreeable in
effect. For sale by J, W. Peacock, d.
& w. •
To tho-jndfgent^ and Widows.
Tho blanks have boon received and I
am now ready to take their applications
for pensions. May 18, 1801. J
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Summer Colds.
Summer colds, usually hang on stub
bornly and are hard to cure. Kydaie’s
Elixir speedily cures summer colds and
lingering coughs This modern scienti
fic remedy is a prescription, especially
adapted to the successful treatment of
all chronic. throat or lung diseases. If
you are afflicted with a sumizer cold or
a lingering cough, get a trial bottle bf
Kydale’s Elixir. You'll be surprised at
tho result. Trial size, 25c. Family size
Wonderful! Wonderful!
Dr. G. W. Randolph, that noted
specialist who is caring so many stam
me mm in Atlanta, Ft. Worth and his
othor voice schools is now at Wavoriy
H )uw), Thomasville, Ga. curing many
stammerer*. They are coming from oth
er states an well. We havo conversed
with several who imdlieon cured. Load
ing ]>apers are loud iu his praise. See
him at once or wnte.
ThereWs no one who does not need a
Liver- Medicine occasionally.
The symptoms ot Liver Complaint art
well known to every one, snch as consti
pation, dyspepsia, loss ot appetite, sleep
lessness, headache, a tired feeling and
many others of a similar nature.
Thousands die annually by not heeding
the warnings of nature.
Many acquire sonic chronic disease
from which they never recover.
Many of these could be spared for rears
of usefulness, by keeping in the home
some reliable remedy.
Wc believe that we can convince any
fair-minded person that there is no bet
ter remedy tor the Liver known, than
Dr. Thachcr’s Liver and Blood Syrup.
The formula is known, consisting of:
Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow
Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian,
Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You
know just whutgrou arc taking. How
many other formulas of a fiver medicine
are published ? A9k your druggist about
this. It is already prepared and can be
token immediately.
The strength is extracted in the most
skillful manner, certainly superior to any
powdered preparation known. (We also
manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow
dered form, with which any druggist cau
supply you, but this, like all other dry
Liver Medicines requires preparation.)
Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
is pleasant to take, does not lose its
strength, as Liver Medicine in dry forus^
and will keep in any climate.
Your doctor, however skillful, could
prescribe nothing better.
There is no opportunity for a doctor
to make a mistake in writing a prescrip
tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake
in compounding tlie same, (besides a
doctor’s bill and the cost of the medi
cine.) You can be absolutely sure of the
proper proportion being in every dose.
Dr. Thacher'8 Liver and Blood Syrup
has lieen used with the greatest confi
dence and success in thousands of homes
for 52 years, and is prepared by a phar
macist of 2ft years’ experience, in a labo
ratory equipped with the most modem
appliances tor the most perfect safety.
If you do *9*4 understand your cm**,
writ* today for a Free namvtr bottlo and
••lhr. Thacker’* Health Book.” Ww
symptomi for adriee. We ttmply ash that
you IrjM* at our mrponee. He know tekui
SO cent* and $1.00.
Chattanooga. Tran. ■
V/i Ton* of bar Iron, all sizes. 1 ton extr* fine carriage aud wagon
bolts, all sixes. 3000 feet rubber ainl canvass belting, 2 to 13 inches.
2030 feet piping, all sizes up to 2 inches. 1000 feet ft inch 8-8 Inch
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on the
market. I have the largest and boat line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tank* for syrup
cooking by steam orotherwise. Also Lon Carta, Lumber Trucks, farm
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Send • in,,your
order for Syrup Tanks
before it u too late-....
T.E.Dysoo, Meigs, Ga.
A Chinaman’s “Howdy.”
In China, the customary greeting it
"Howis yourlivei?' li Kydale’s Live*
Tablets were as well known there as m
some parts of America, the answer would
be; My liver is all right. 1 use Rydale’a
Liver Tablets. The tablets cure coasts
stipation, biliousness and all liver trou
Mr. Albort Riley, who has charge of
Neel Brothers’ store at WayoroM is se*.
rionnly ill. He is suffering from an at
tack of pneumonia.
To Farmei
nd stockman.
For farmers and stuck owners, use
Elliott’s Emulsified Oil Liniment—is the
best ever produced. You get* a lull
half pint for 25c. and you'll find it a very
satisfactory liniment for use in the fan»%
ly and on animals. •
(Ailck Arrest,
J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala, was
twice in the hospital from , severe case
oi piles causing 25 tumors Alter doc
tors and all remedies failed, Uucklen's
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
mflamation and cured him. It con
quer-aches and kills pain. 2JC. at j*.
W. Peacock's, Druggist.
MAY. 23rd.
Train leaves Thomaavillo 0-30 p. m.
Faro from Thomaavillo 93.80 round
trip. Similar low rates from all other
stations. Five days limit on tickets ad
ditional to date of sale. Stop-over priv
ilege allowed at Jacksonville returning.
This train will consist of elegant ooacb-
es and Pullman service.
For all information see Ticket Agenk
or writs T. J. Bottoms, T, p. A. Thom-
Seville, Ga.
A Sara Thing.
it is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes, but that is not al
together true, Dr. King's New Discov.
cry for Consumption is a sure cure for
all lung and throat .troubles. Thous
ands can testily to that. Mrs. O. B
Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says
"1 had a severe case of Bronchitis and.
for a year tricp everything IJheard of,
but got no relief. One bottle of Dry
King's New Discovery then cured me
tbsoiutelv.” it's infallible for Croup
Whooping Cough, Grip Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It’s guaranteed
by J.W. Peacock, Druggist. Trial bob-
ties free. Reg. sues50c.91.00.
Sick headache results from a disorder,
ed stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tal—.
lets. For sale by J. W, Peacock, d. &
Miss Etta Perlson lias returned to hear
home in Chicago after spending a me*|.
pleasant winter here.
"In«thc spring oi 1901 my children
ii whooping cough,'' says Mrs. D. VC.
Capps, oi Capps, Ala. “I used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy with the most
tslisfactory results. I think this is the
best remedy I have ever seen for whoop,
ng cough." This remedy keeps the
tough loose, lessens the severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
ounteracts any tendency toward pneu
monia. For sale by J, W. Peacock. . .