Newspaper Page Text
Local and Personal.
Mr. Jtimet* P. Bolin of Pelliam war in
Mr. G. W. Parker of Boston was in
I the city Friday.
Is located on Broad street, opposite
-v ' | :
"O ttt ^ ^ J ~ tt vx-i Mrs. Willie Moore and Mr. Louis
Pmey w oods Hotel,, , M(wn> WBre 0VM from ^ Thnm .
is ati up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules aud dogs. ! da> ’' '
TJp-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost.
| Miss Cora Brown, sister of Dr. Brown
| wilts shopping in thn city Thursday.
Mrs. J. A. Horn of Boston it risitiug
I her mother Mrs 8. G. Covington on
Warren Ave.
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga.
Mips Julia Dawkins of Monticello, is
visiting hor brother, Kuftu Dawkins, at
Mrs. L. B. Rogers.
Our Valentine.
Judge and Min. W. M. Jones went to
! Boston Thursday to i pend several days
I with relatives
' Mrs. Ford who has been speudiug the
! winter in Thomasville left yesterday
! for her home in Chicago.
Mr. R. T. Green, one of the leading
i lumber men in all the Pavo district, was
j a business visitor to town Friday.
j Miss Eta Bell who has been attend-
j ng Stanley's Business College left for
! her home in Fowlton Thursday.
We furnish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST
This yon already knew, the words we s|>esk are surely TRUE. We are too
busy filling orders to look yon up, hut if you want the best of any thing in our
line quick, ’Phone 2tt4, and the old man will do the rest.
Out by the Crate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Mr. Geo. Crawford who lias been in
the employ of Jas. Gribbeu, left for his
home in Boston Mass., last night.
Mr. C. C. Batey, the pecan man, is in
Baconton for a time. His wife was al
ready there and he went up Thursday,
Mr. Tom C. Davenport and Geo. ,W
Wilson left Friday night for Montgom
ery Ala. where Tom goes to prepare for
his future happiness.
air. E. E. Mack loft yestenlay morn
ing for Columbus to attend the lost end
of the Knights Templar conclave. He
was initiated into the Shrine last night,
a id he is now entitled to wear a fez and
do other peculiar stunts.
Get Prices frrm
him bet ie
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Ruck and V'hile Wyandotte
EGGS. Price Ci.oo per setting 15 eggs.
Mime* Rom Bell Girardoan, Emms
Purkhill and Elizabeth Denham of Mon
ticello am visiting Miss Mary Ann
Watt on Hansell street.
Colonel Irwin McIntyre could not re
sist an invitation to join the Sawanee
river boatiugpurty. He in not critloizedfor
yielding to the allurements of the trip.
He left Tlinreday morning.
Mr. aud Mm. Kbydou Mays left
1 imrriay for Jacksonville. Ttiny will
spend about ten days there aud will
t!,on probably go to North Carolina for
summer, retaming to ThomnnvlUe in
the early fall.
Onr county snrreyor, A. J. Stana-
laud, who has worked very hard all the
winter and spring is taking a needed
restat hlsconutty homo this week. The
rest is of a kind lie does not appreciate
much—he is sick.
Thomasville, Ga.
Evans & Son
Mr. 8. 8. Bennett the democratic
chairman from Mitchell parsed through
town Thursday. Mr. Bennett
j there ih no doubt but that the action r f
j Mitchell's mas* meeting endonring Caj •
! t*»n Triplett will stand, as against the
scratch appointments made beforo.
. the best
The best
(Shulebnker and Tennessee.)
The best
Call on us before buying.
Jas. F. Evans & Son,
| First Lioutcnaut Wilson of the Val
dosta company baa been appointed by
Major R. L. Wylly aa his battalion Ad
jutant to take the plaeo of Mr. E. H
Smith of this place. Who recently re-
Pittman Lot on Corner of Jackson and
Crawford Streets Purchased and
Provision Made For Immediate!
Building of Club House.
The Thomasville lodge of Elks will
have a home, and that right quickly.
The Pittman lot at the corner of Craw
ford and Jackson streets, has been pur
chased and bids for plans and specifi
cations are advertised for today.
TheElkfl liave been figuring for along
time ou the aoquiBition of a home. An
enthusiastic meeting of the order was
hold ou Mouday night. At this meet
ing, after lengthy discussion, it was de
cided to purchase the Pittman lot at
$1850 and to lmiid thereon a home if
satisfactory arrangements could be
made. A building committee was ap
pointed with power to a£*.
This committee did not ; allow their
ardor to cool nntil these aforesaid ar
rangements had been coucluded. They
announce that the balloon has begun
to second and that the honse is an ns'
sured fact. Their announcement takes
definite shape in an advertisement for
The lot purchased is * 5x104 feet in
size and is the most desirable lot in all
the city for the purposes of the Elks. It
is uow occupied by the Thomnsville
Marble Co.
Tlie club houso will be exclusively an
Elk home. No arrangements wlmtevor
will be nude for commercial accommo
dations, or Stores of any kind. The
house will be planned to ideally accom
modate its occupants. Reuding rooms,
baths, lodgo room and possibly a gym
nasium will be among the conveniences.
The building committee, and a num
ber of other activo Elks have labored
hi rdnnd unceasingly for this consumma
tion, and the crowuing of their efforts
with success reflects the greatest credit
on thorn.
It is a tw-horse riding cultivator aud witho-'
doubt the best one made. It took first premium
Georgia State Fair.
None of our customers who liave bought
would be without it.
We also have a good supply of other farm tools
such as Disc Harrows, One-Horse Cultivators, Cot
ton and Corn Planters, Chilled Plows, Avery Stocks,
Dixie Boy Plows and in fact anything you need
We want your trade
low prices to get it.
and are willing to
Would Gall A
To tilt Columbia Disc Gmphophnnc which in bringing so mncli pleasure to
thousands of homes throughout this broad land of ours, and which yon can en
joy just ns woll; they are proving everything that have boen said of them, an en
tertainer in the home. ’ A number of the newest models can bo soon at
0HA8. G. GOEHRIVG, Jeweler,
130 Broad 8t.
rvloe la the kind people want When one Bt<te
the vrerth of hie money he Is satisfied and come* a|Ua
Our Work
Must please our cuftenars.
teas who "know hoW.“
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
' S64-266 SOUTH BROAD,
Opposite Plnoy
Woods Hotel.
Mr' S. B. Von Dyko Hos Hod Peach
es For 12 Days.
Everybody knows that Thoraao
count? la a land that flows with milk
a'd honey, but its best friendj would
hardly have suspected it of producing
ripe peaches on the first day of Maj.
However, Mr. S. B. Van Dyke is the
authority for the good news. He says
that Ids family has been enjoying the
delights of peaches and cream for uearly
tl»roe weeks, all from a young peach
tree in Ids beck yard. He says all
lie fears is that this tree, like other
good trees, will die young.
No other ripe peaches have beeu re
ported to the Tiincs-Knterprise man, i
and this tree, bcarifig for the first tinje,,
slipped upon him aud caught him twolve
days overdue. Mr. Van Dyke is either*
unkind enongh or politic cnought to
hay that the crop will he entirely ex- i
Iriustod with this morning's yield.
A few oamples are on exhibition at ’
the Times-Enterprise office and anybody
is welcome to inspect them from a dis-
l-mee of not less than throe feet
Midnight Firs Supposed to be Out TWO PIECE BATHING SUITS
Starts Up Again.
Mrs. J. B. Hall of Union S. C. left
j Friday for lier home, She had been
| visiting relatives in Cairo anti stopped
over for a day with Mr. and Mr*
| Owing* at Youngs college.
A parte ootnpo«d of Mr. aud Mm
Frank Gochrmu, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
. Cochran, Ur. aud tin. Paul Milton, Ur.
| E. B. Jones, MMe Laura Cochran and
' Mamie Parker spent Friday at the
river fishing. They ri-|iort plenty of Hsh
and a big time.
Adding Rooms.
Ur. Charles Oocbrao is bonding e
two room addition to his house on Sew
ard street. The honse is already a
large one aud the property is a valuable
rooms will
place and
one. The two
add to the
-lust after midnight Thursday morn
ing an alarm of fire was turned in from
the neighborhood of the A. & B. depot.
Sensationalists thought it to be the Pi-
ney Woods, end many was thn nm-asy
head tlutt grew anxious. *
The trouble was found, however, to
be from a car load of .wood atandiug on
an A. A B. siding Tlio tire company
was quickly ou the scene, and after a
little work went home thinking they
had put things in security.
A larking spark must have ts-vu left,
for 4 hoars later, not only this', but an
other, to which it was joined, e on 1 seen
by a passer to be in a bright bts/.e. The
pesser Iiappeuod to be on a bicycle and
by the grace of his haste the department
was soon ou the scene again. The cars
ware moved from th»ir position very
near the depot to a point of safotv fnr-
tlier down the track.
Ths wood was all charred and the
body work of the care badly damaged,
but farther that) this the ruin did not
Boy's Blue Serge Coats, Youth's Blue
Coats, Men's Blue Serge Coats,
er's Coats, Boy's Stockings, Men
1-2 hose in plain lace Stripes
and Fancy Colors.
The $1.25 High Art Shirts
the BEST in the World $1.00.