Newspaper Page Text
'Waycrcts Journal think* llie
■ method of electing superior
court judges good enough for thorn.
Brother Greer makes out a first class
etae, but he lows eight of the foot that
the Qober-Morria contest was a climax
and not an incident. Wo grant that at
least one of those gentlemen miglitho
easily able to contaminate the poll-
tloa of Florida or even Pennsylvania;
bat granting this, wo do not grant them
to be pioneer* in tho field of judicial po-
littoid filth. We, too, ore opposed to re
ferring the election of judge* back to
th*legislature, hot the supremo bench
•afar hold* it* reputation for purity.
Why not try them?
"Said til* Japanese Admiral Togo,
To the Randan Admiral Volganovorcm-
' ‘If you thlink yon can chew
Up the gnilelea* Monchn,
Yon will jolly »oon find it Is no go.”
(^Pronounced "Vogo.” ’
Jno. M. Bayne* i* plaving with fire
when lie undertakes to handle .Indgo
Political pronitue* "aro, like popples
spread, yon seize the boom the.flower is
It Is said that Amerlcau publisher*
are In need of humorists. We here
with submit our application.
Ldoks like tho Russian* are ‘ndvano-
fn backards’ and the Jups ‘retreatin
forartU', as said the resonrcefnl negro.
Preserve your own self respect and
“it follows as the night the day” yon
will then hold the respect of your asso
ciate*. _
Let's liaTO the Superior court jndgos
appointed by the Supremo bench whether
ths Utter la elected by tho people, or ap
pointed by the governor.
Now we oan see tho Rnsslan objeot in
all their self destruction—to got in prac
tice for gracefully blowing up their
Port Arthur squadron. -
Mr. Payasonx, the man who fonnd
tbs ksy on Monday says he is something
•f a predictor too. Ho predicts that cob
MB will bo Belling at 25 contg next Pol-
Ths Washington Post lays that "one
of those days” the president will touch
a golden button that will open tho Pan
ama canal. Bet that president will
spoil his name P-a-r-k-e-r.
Tile Savannah News says a contest
for the supremo bench botweon Judge
Dick Russell and Judge John Candler
would bo something oxhiluratlug—«x-
•rucUtiug, as are all these judicial races.
You ouu murk it down as a prophecy
or a guess, whichever you cliooso, but
see if those folks who arc insisting upon
an unlnstrneted dolegatiou to St. Louis
don't turn out to bo of that "sickly ycl-
•low" hue.
• An advertisement in a neighboring
' paper soya the nearest way to a girl's
heart is down tier throat. We know
sons youths who would interpret this
as meaning it eonlil ho clinked out of
WIU tho time ovor come when politi
cians will cease to oppose good legisla
tion beoause of its origin? Once in a
long timo a republican can stumble on
to a good idea. Don't choke it Because
*f its discoverer:
The following clipping from the Uni
versity of Georgia weekly paper, pub
lished by the student*, vs ill work * reve
lation to some people.
“An Jdoal college wnn is not only
MD»d and active and trained in body
and mini, but he is also a man of f-ound
Morals and wide influmieo. Ho j s tho
man who is not only free from the press
▼ice of dissipation, but also clean of
thought and speech, truthful (even in
•oUflgO politics) honest in all his rela-
▲ college boy’s ideals are not so low
after all; tho ideal portrayed bore is a
real one* and any student who lives up
W> U U to be a lender among his col-
lag* mAte*. worth and work tell in
aa&aga just aa they sreryw ban- alia.
Qovornrpont Report Shows How
Much Rain wo Hava and How Cold
it is. Last September Highest Rain
fall Ever Recorded Here.
Strangeis have sometimes doubted
the word of» Thomaavillhui when he
told of how 11 inches of rain fell here
last September in 86 hours. ‘ The latest
issue of the Georgia climate report off
ers at least an aid to faith.
In tho report, for tho past three issues
has bot-n running an excellent, resume of
the climate and natural advantages of
TliomusviUc. A statistical table appear*
giving both the maximum, mini
mum an i avera; s uinfall for each month
for the past 57 years. Tills table shows
the avorn»fO precipitation f<Jr Septem
ber to be font* and tliree quarter incht s
and the greatest ruiufqll for any Sep
tember in the entire 27 to lw that or
1908, when a total of >1 78 inches
deposited. The next highest record to
this was September 1903, when only
9. 53inoheH wpro recorded.
The impmtnncG of this variation from
the not mal can be bettor appreciated
when one considers that iu these 3tf
hours Imir, full wo received almost ouo
fourth of the entire average annual
rain fall.
The mean rainfalls for tho different
months in tho year are;
January 8.50 inches.
February 6.01
March 4. <2
April 8.50
May 8«9
.mile £.j» ;;
July 6 *85
August «•&> ti
September 4.7n
October 8.44
November 2. <8
Decemlter 8.91
Aunuul average 63.8 >
The average annual precipitation 53.
85 inches, Bays the report, t» slightly
abovo the average for tho southern sec
tion of the state. The wettest part of
tho year is from June to August,ami the
dryest is during tho autumn. Both the
wiutor*aud spring seasons afford but
little more rain than tho fall.
Under normal conditions, July furn
ishes the greatest monthly rainfall,
averaging 0.83 inches. The dryoat mouth
is Novoluber, which has, as a rule, less
than three inches of raiu. Tho smallest
monthly fail on record however, was in
Docombnr 1889, when not a sufficient
amount of rain foil during tho entire
31 day a for it to be measured.
The uverugo number of rainy days
per year is 103, distributed through the
several seasons as follows: Winter, 33;
spring 21; summer 41; autumn 20.
“Tho record shows that Thomas coun
ty snffeis little from sevoro and prolong-
drought," says Mr. Marbary. Private
observation will bear out tho state
meat too.
Wldle the present drought scorns hard
to boar, it is nothing compared with
what otjier sections of the state undergo
every summer
Taking up the matter of temperature
the ropo.-t gives tho following tempera
ture averages for the <yftoivut mouths.
Nature's Gift from the Sunny South
No matter how faithful and hon
est your cook may be, she is behind
tho times if she uses lard or cooking butter for frying and shortening.
The great medical and cooking authorities of tho country say so; they
endorse Cottolene as the most palatable, healthful and economical cook
ing fat on the market. Tho following names of Cottolene endorsers
are household words:
Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, Marion Harland,
Mrs. Eliza R. Parker, Lida Ames Willis, Mrs. Janet M. Hill, Dr. Mary E.
Greon, Miss Margaret Wister, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller, Mrs. Helen Arm
strong, ChristineTcrhune Herrick, Mrs. F. A. Benson, R. Ogden Doremis,
M. D., LL. D., J. Hobart Egbert, A. M., M. D., Ph. D., and hundreds of
others, prominent in household economy and the medical profession.
USE $$ LESS. Cottolene being richer than either lard or cooking
butter, one-third less is required.
TrDTTT? Send ui a 2c stamp to pajr postern and well man you a copy of our book
rXUVIV " Home Helps. - edited by Mrs. Rorer, which contains 300 choice rodpes;
Made only fay THE N. K. FAIRBANKS COMPANY. Dept 625 Chicago
Weekly Times-Enterprise.
| Weekly Tiinet»-Euterprifce 1 year and
a splendid mao of Georgia, the United
Static and the world, $1 00.
(The map alone is worth the money.)
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
lorn:-Weekly Atlanta Jonrnal, both one
year *1 40.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one
year 30.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Three Times-Week New' York World,
both one year 91 50.
Weeklr Times-Enterprise and the
Jo.-ton Times, both one year $1 25.
Weekly Times-Euterprise and the
Sunny Sooth and the Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, ail one year $3 00.
hnofct any other combination you
want at a price to suit yen. If one
of these combinations doesn't suit write
ghat von want.
Thomaaville, Ga
j Florida’s Famous
■ “Chicago & Florida Limited. '
i St, Augustine, Jacksonville to Ctiica-
go. and St. Louis.
Tin, train is operated over the short-
j est line between St. Augustine, Jack
sonville, Chicago and St. Louis, and af
fords the quickest schedule hy nearly
two hours.
This train is the standard of perfec
tion in passenger service, consisting of
Pullman Vcstibuled Drawing Room.
Sleeping Compartment, Dining and
Observation Oars.
Leaves St. AuxaitmcdzoM. m., Jack
sonville 8.40 a. m. Arrive Chicago 4:10
p. m.. St. Louis i;35 p. m.
Febroan ..
August —
Septemb -r
Novouib r ,
Annual i.voi
.. 5 J0.
Dr. Harris of Pavo Appointed a Modi
cal Examiner.
Dr J Frank Harris of Pavo has been
appointed by Governor Terrell on tho
state bo ird of medical examiners, to take
the plnro of Dr. M. T.. Johnson of Law-
Dr. Harris is one of tho best known
physicians in the county, fit- has hold
many positions of public trust, ami is
oven now one of tho alternate delegates
to the state Democratic convention.
The position to which ho- has been
appointed is one of great honor and res
ponsibility. lie is well qualified to fill
it, mid will do so with honor to him
self anil the county.
Buys Business.
•. W.S. Brown who has been associ
ated .with Dr. Cocljryiu since Sept-. IP( 3,
ias low bought him out. l)r. Oochnui
retires from tho practise of dentistry,and
ill devote his timo to tho stock business.
Dr. Brown will continue his prnrtie in
tho old office ovor tho National bank.
Dr. Brown has made many friends m
both a professional and a social way
In Themnsvillo, and he is making a
tnlcndiil success of his business.
Coroner'* Jury Report* Mr*. Evan*
Died at Hands of Physician*.
(spdclal to Tlmefi-Kntcrprluc.)
Tampa, Fla. May 12 —Coroners jury
return verdict today that Mrs. Lnvenia
Evans, wife of J. W. Evans came to
her death on Hafcurdify May the
third unlawfully at the bauds of Dr*
Ohas. A. Stafford a ml Hiram J. Ilamp-
to 1 as a result of malpractice iu surgery
in exorcise of gross aud culpable negli
gence and lack of ordinary skill iu
performance of surgical operation.
Both physicians have been placed under
lis action was predicted in Thurs
day’s Tiraos-Enterprise. Mrs. Evans
the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. T. O.
Smith of Coolidge and until a month
> lived there. The case is creating an
nemo sensation.
Both F oors of Merrill Building Leased
From June.
Oochr-m Brothers liavo leased the
Morrill i.tore on Broad street and will
conduct a cigar stand in it withiu a
short while. Messrs. A. W. Ball and
Perry Strickland have leased tin* second
flour of the building and will use it as a
business college.
Tho Merrill building lias just been
completely remodeled ami is now one of
tho most. desirable business stands in
the city. The second floor has been es-
.x. , ,, . . , . .. peoially improved.
It purifies the blood by eliminating tht
vvH«te matter and other impurities and by Tho Cochran concern will lie u new
destroying the germ a or microbes that and a welcome ono. The Batl-Strick-
infc:it tho blood. It builds up the blood , htud hcliool will be greatly enlarged iu
Ivttcr quarters and will enter
A New Scleetille Discover!)
tor the
ng and multiplying the
pusdes, making tho bloo<\ rich and rvd-
r t restores and stimulates the nerves,
•musing a full free flow of nerve force
throughout tho entire nerve 8>>tcm. It
ipeedilv cures unstrung nerves, nervous
n<*ss, nervous prostration and all disease*
of 1 he nervous system*
Directions lor Makinq flood Bread:
T T <«e one leveled tcaspoonful
to a quart of sifted flour; add
enough hour milk to knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Success Soda are the cor
rect proportion*.
Worthy Lady Die* at th* Dawning of
the Day.
Mrs. D. R. Tits worth closed her eye*
in eternal sleep at snnriae Friday
morning. Mrs. Titsworth had been on
a bed of sickness for many months and
her death was not unexpected.
The deceased had been a resident of
Thomnsville for a good number of year*
and had made many warm friend*
amoug her adopted people. Her ho*-
band preceded her to his eternal home
about three years ago, aud she leave*
her mother and two brothars, Messrs.
Robert and Clyde Bradshaw, to mourn
hor loss. She was 31 years old.
Tho funeral took place eleven o’clock
Saturday morning from the home,
number 125 Calhoun street. The inter,
ment was at Laurel Hill. Rev. 8.
McCarty performed tho funeral
rites. And Messrs. 8.A. Jones, W. M.
Reese, J. H. Merrill and J. W. H
Mitchell acted as pall bearers.
VILLE, TFNN„ MAY 12-18, 1903.
To Delegates and Their Frien:is:-
Your attention is called to the offi
cial route, tor the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Carolina
and South Carolina has selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry, from Atlanta to Nashyille as the of
ficial route (The Battle Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:20 May i Ith.
I he Florida delegation can toin this
party in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May 10th . via the "Dixie
Flyer Route”; through sleepers Jack
sonville to Nashville; no change of Jcars
or transfer via this route. Tickets on
sale May 10th.. nth and 12th, returning
limited to ten days. Tickets can be ex
tended until jnuc 6th, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rate
from your city is one fare (first class)
plus 25 cents.
Ask the Ticket Agent to sell you a
ticket via the "Dixie Flyer Route.
E. J. Walker, Fla. Pass. Agt.
Jacksonville, Fla.
Mercer Bagg* Goes Free
The highest temperature ever reeor-
od hero Vue 106 degree* in July 1901
Tho average summer temperature is
eighty-oiio degrees; winter average fifty
three dtq roes. Spring and autumn both
average 6S degrees. The widen day ou
record w.isou tho ftmioua 13th of Keb- j ryDALES TONIC I* n specific for all
raary ’99. when the government ther* j forms of Malaria* It nets on a new prin-
mometer rd>owed only 3 degrees above j kills the microbes that prodi:-*.
2QJO' j Malaria. The causo being removul t!•.•--
. I Usu.’ifco quickly disappears. KYDAl K.
The rowrds show that, for the past ten j IONIC is guaranteed to cure the n.«v
years the 100degree point hasbeonroach- j ’>,?inat.' cases of Malarial Fever, Chi'.L
od but eleven times, averaging bur little
more than ono per year.
. „ I .UV I UIVIUSC PIIIC *W* tvi-1 V
not giv
The Baggs-Hunter shooting affray at
[ Baiubridge is still fresh in tho minds of
wide advertising cam,*»„». Butt, s c U -1 Thomascotmty people. It will be remem.
tlcmeu ateexiterioncod in tlieir line and
know Inr.v to rnn n business school.
senator embezzles.
Do -d of the Forty-third District
Found Guilty of Embeztlement
bored that in the affray Mr. Hnater wm
killed and Bajrgs wounded.
At the preliminary trial Bagg* was
bound over, but at the session of the
Decatur county grand jury just finished,
no bill tva* found and Boggs is now a
| free man.
The young mau i* a member of the
| Thomnsville lodge of Elks and ha*many
tor W. | friends here who will rejoice with him
•ict was ■ in h * exhrnoration. Mr. G. B. Bagg*, a
brother, from Camilla passed through
ver, Ague, etc. We authorize
handling our remedies to ret;
, . .w . ..rchase price for every bottle
TI»o m erage da'e of the first killing UyiuLES TONIC that does
i Atlanta, May 12.—8tnte 8our
P. Dodd of the Vortv-third dlat
found guilty in Gordou county yester
day of ti e crime of t nibezzlemeut grow-1 Thomnsville Thursday on his way
ing out of the alleged misappropriation j home,
of fund* over a year ago while holding
frost in fall is November 21st and of the
last killii g frj.d* iu spring, Mar. 2nd,
thus giving an average of 3»13 growiug
season days to the year. Tho date of
rhe earliest killing frost is November 8,
*99 and tho latest Mar., 49 ’02.
Taken altogether, *nch a climate is
i‘isf action.
the office of school commissioner of
Gordon canty. Tin- case was tried at
at an adjourned term of the superior
court of Gordou county. The jury in
returning its verdict coupled with its
finding a recommendation for mercy.
.Senator Dodd it was alleged made away
W. PEACOCK. j with about #1,300, but the jury found
i that he was sho:t iu his account* *ifO.
mi Radical Remedy Corps.
Test your eyes
Fit them with the
proper glasses end
adjust the frames
to your taco properly. Good* aud work
guaranteed by S. R. Salter, proprietor
of the Eclipse Optical aud Medicine
Company, TiiomasriUe, Ga. Next to
; Timee-Eutorpriss Madison strsst.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California,- Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana. Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
A Wonderful Savlnc.
The Urgent Methodist Church in Geor-
gia, calculated to use over one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
tn painting tneir church.
They used only 32 gallons of the Long
man 3c. Martinez Paint mixed with 24
gallons of linseed oil. Actual cost of
paint made was less than 9i.2o per gal-
Saved over eighty (|8aoo) dollar* in
paint, and got a big donation besides.
EVERY CHURCH will be given a
liberal quantity whenever they paint.
Many bouses are well painted with
four gallons of L & M. and three gallons
of linseed oil mixed therewith.
Wears and covers like gold.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
C. W. Cochran, Thonusville, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga.
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
From September 15 until November
30, 1903, the Burlington make* very low
one-way colonist rate* to California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana.
The redaction is from 25 to 40 per oent.
from the regular rate*.
The Way to Go.
Ths Burlington, with it, strong msio
line* and free chair can, host reaches
the West and Northwest vis Denver.
Billings or St. Paul.
“The Burlington-Northern Pacifio
Express" is the great daily through train
wifh chair cars and tourist deepen via
Billings, Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermedUto points.
Homeseekers’ Excursions
These are ran the first and third Tues
days of each month at approximately
half rates for the round trip.
It will bo a pleasure for us to give you
an accurate and informative reply to any
J. N. Morrill, Gen'l. Southern Agt.,
Atlanta. Georgia.
L. W. Wakeley, Gen'l. Psa Agt*T
St Louis. Mo
Thoroughbred Leghorn Eggs, Sl-00
par setting. OsnUTordsn by e
8-4. E. Leon NssL T