Newspaper Page Text
TIM£S.£NTEHPifl8f3 "HOifASVILLE, GEORGIA MAT 27, 1904. "
South Georgia Progress.
Fohlished every Friday by the
Tiraes-Enterprise Publishing Co,
Wilton M. Hardy, President.
John D. McCartney, see. dk trees.
At the Time-Enterprise Bonding.
ThonuurvUle, Gn.
Entered at the postoffloe at Thomas-
Tille, Os., a. second class mail
Weekly, One Tear .*1.00
" Sir Months
" Three Months 86
Daily, One Tear *5.00
11 Biz Months 9.6o
Three Months...., 1.85
“ One Month 60
■■ ■■ • ■ ■ ■■■■■—
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation a,350.
The Athens Banner terms the present
system of bank examining a farce.
The Georgia building at the World’s
Pair wiftae opened on Jane 14 th.
If yon And three wishes, wlist would
the other two besides. the one for rain,
When we go to St. Lon is 4ro are going
to hunt op the man wlio li^cs 011 15
cents a day.
The Increasing scarcity of farm labor
makes tlio pecan grower patjijmsclf on
the back.
Don’t harden yonr £frieu>l« with yonr
troubles. It yon do, yon won't have any
friends eoou.
They call summer the silly season
Wonder how the ileoratlte* will recog
nise its advent.
Tiie w«Mcrmelon shipment from Flor
ida has already commenced. It is a
week ahead of last year.
Henry Wattareon told the World's
Press Parliament! how not to write edi
torials. Henry ought to know.
Therefore eight candidates in Georgia
for delegate at largo and four of them
will feel small after the eleotion.
A man whom her papa caught at it
admits to ns that the scientists are right
wbenthoy say kissing is unhealthy.
Those Odd Fellows will go home from
Booth Georgia declaring that tlila la by
all odda the finest section of the stale.
Doe of oar subscribers says he has
killed a doxenQtnakea aud£lmng their
skins up to dry ingthe^snn, and atUl it
doesn't rain!
It may ho a ease of; Horn Hoary G.
Turner vs.“tIon. James; M. Griggafcr
.delegate-at-large to St. Louis. Which
aounda bolter to yoaV
TiieJTmies-liuterpruo wants tone
every Thomas {county family represent
ed at the county picnic ou June Id.
And^tliojcrowcljwlll be the beat fed, beet
looking set of people in Georgia.
The Mobile Regis to ifis paiued bocans
the bill oolleutors lure uo|day set aside
for them at the World's Fair, bat may
be oomtortmi by tiie thought that biU
collector's have no day. They are to
call tomorrow.
In the ce.uetcry at Albauy, Us., i» 11
grav^touc bearing ftlie sUnple;tnecrip-
tlou. “Oar WUlie.” Inquiry develops
the feot]that it doei not refer to Politi
cian Hearst, bat wejtake it at an omen,
prophesying his political prospect.
Jost'now tue atteuuuu u she country
is directed toward the variousjeducs.
tional institution* The tremendone
importance of a good common schooled-
ecation is becoming) better nnderstood
every year. Mattbew)Arnoid says:
‘•The one to whom JyouJgivela drudge’s
training will do |only;a drudge’s work,
and)wili;do it in a drnilge'sjway."
Any)Imovemrut for better Jsolioo! a
should have tiie hearty>aii;>ort’ of every
good citizen.
For Infant* and Children.
n>Khd Yon Haye Always Bought
Sears the
1 of
Teat at the Lessen. Matt, snvl, IV-30.
Memory Vereee, 20-US—Golden Test,
. I Car. V, V—Cenasslsrr Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
[Ceprrlfht, UOS, by Aatrkta Prat Attodstin.]
Between the last lesson, on humility,
and this pataover lesson we have omit
ted nearly all the events of the last
week of HI* life and have com# fight
np to the very last evening before His
crucifixion. It seems so unsatlsfaetery
to get so llttlo where there Is so mtseh,
bat this is true of" even the smallest
portion of Scripture, and we most rely
upon the Spirit to give ns all that Bar
tecs we can receive. In a sentence, let
os glance at some of the things we
have passed over—the healing of the-
blind as he entered and left Jericho,
the visit to the boose of Zaccheus, the
supper and anointing at Bethany, the
pnbUc entry Into Jerusalem, the temple
cleansed, the fig tree cursed, the poor
widow's offering commended and many
parables and discourses.
Hsppy are the believers who pan
find time to meditate mneb upon these
uud upon sll Scripture. Tbe events or
our lesson era recorded by Mark and
Lake as well at by Matthew, and Luke
zzll, 8, says that He sent l’eter and.
John, saying, "Go und prepare us tbe
passover that we may eat.” Then they
aaked Him, “Where wilt Then that we
prepare for Thee to eat the passover?”
He sent them into the city, telling them
that a man bearing a pitcher of water
would meet them and by following-bin.
they would find the bouse. Then they
were to ask tbo geoduian of the bouse,
and he would ahuw them u large upper
room, furnished und prepared, and
there they were to make ready. They
found as He bad said and did as He
had appointed them (Mark xlv, 13-10).
There is a word in i’rov. ill, 5.0. which
baa Iwen a blessing to me for fall forty
yearn, having taken hold of me when I
was a young man. a clerk In a store.
Do not fail to look it up and eat it, and
may the “where wilt thou” of this
lesson and tbe “what wilt thou” of
Acta lx, 0, be onr continual attitude to
Him whose we ere and whom we serve
(Acta xxvll, 23). who bus all onr good
works prepared for us to walk in and
who will guide us as sorely and defi
nitely n» He guided tbe apostles on
this occasion and when He sent them
far the ass' colt (Lake zlz. 30-32). See
for your comfort and assurance In tbo
matter of guidance Eph. II. 10; Phil, iv,
0. T; Ps. zxxil. 8; Isa. xzx. 21; xli. 13:
but bo sure you never lean to your own
understanding nor want yonr own way
in anything; bo good clay in tbe poster’s
hand (Isa. Ixlv. S; Jor. xvill. 6).
Now let us visit tbo npper room and
see our Lord aod the twelve at tbe
passover. This also had been foreseen
and arranged before tbe world was.
Of nil tbe possovere, frpm tbe first in
Egypt (Ex. xli). this was the greatest,
for It wns tiie last, tbe consummation
and fulfillment of all the others. Con
cerning this one He sald s “With desire
I hare desired to eat this passover with
you before 1 suffer; (or 1 any unto you.
i will not any more eat thereof until
it lie fulfilled In tiie kingdom of God"
(I.ukc xxli. 15. HI). Thus IIo points
us on to a greater deliverance for Is
rael than ever Egypt bad witnessed
(.Ter. xvl, 14. 15; xzltl, T. 8). All the
steps in the great atonement whereby
Israol should be redeemed, the church
gathered and the kingdom of God es
tablished on this earth bad' been ar
ranged In tbe eternity past, in due time
unfolded, foretold, foreshadowed to
man, and ns tbe appointed time comes
all Is fulfilled, for “tho Scripture can
not be broken.” and "every purpose of
tho Lord shall bo. performed” (John
X, 85; Jer. 11,20).
The Institution of tho passover (Ex.
xli) should lie carefully studied, and
the lessons of the lamb, tho blood, the
Miter herbs, the unleavened bread, etc.,
lie prayerfully enforced. The feet wash
ing and the teaching connected there
with (John Mill. 1-17) should be consld- 1
ered before Jadns Iscariot la pointed
out us tho betrayer. How awful the
words, “One of you shall betray me."
"It had been good for that man it he
had not been born" (verses 2t, St).
Jesus knew from the beginning who
they were that believed not and who
should betray Him (John vl. (H), but
that did not In the least excuse Judas,
for he bad every opportunity to believe
if bo hnd only been willing. In John
xlll, SO, we read that Judas, having re
ceived the sup, weut immediately out.
and It wns night. It Is still night with
him who betrayed Ills Master, ihc
blackness of darkness forever, and
there Is no escape (Job xxxvi, 18; Luke
xvl, 20; ltev. xxl, 8).
The passover being fulfilled, or about
to be, but not for tbe national benefit
of Israel at that time, because thoy
knew not the time of tbelr visitation
and would not have tbelr Messiah, He
Instituted a new ordinance to continue
till He shall come again, ns it is writ
ten In I Cor. xl, 28, “As often ns ye eat
this bread und drink this cup ye do
shew tiie Lord's death till He conic."
Then shall begin that phase of the
kingdom when Christ shall reign till
tic hntb put all enemies under His feel,
after wbleb He shall deliver up the
kingdom to God the Father, that God
may be all in all (1 Cor. xv, 24-28i.
During the time of Ula absence we arc
to be wise and faithful stewards occu
pying till He come (Luke xlx, 13).
We are to be His faithful witnesses,
preaching repentance and forgiveness
of alns among all nations and not
shrinking from fellowship with Him
even in somewhat of a Gethsemanc
and Calvary experience a* tar aa He
may see fit to grant it to ns. As Hia
body end blood wen given for ns we
roost bold oure, thus redeemed, wholly
at His disposal as HI* witnesses (Rom.
xU. 1.2; II Cor. lv, 11; I Cor. vl, 19, 20).
Merrillville People PatreMze tho tlmH-
road* and Visit EaaR Other.
Merrillville, Ga. May *4:
On last Friday Prof, W. J. Mathews
closed the spring term of the Merrill
ville school and the school children will
now enjoy a few numtns vacation.
In aweek or so melon shipping will
be the order of the day, and onr north
ern friends will be the recipient of a
great many car loads of kolb gems.
Mr. J. M. Dykes lo wearing a broad
smile these days tho result of having
won a year's subscription to the Times
Enterprise by carrying in tbe largest
eantelonpe to that office. Mr. Dykes
is a successful farmer, sad we hope all
the farmers will follow hto example.
Miss Nettie Sane retained so her
home a* AutreyvlUe-last Sunday, after
avisitrto her friend to-Mite Fannie
Prof.- W. J: Mathews was minging
with hit friends in Tkomsevdle Satur
The picnic at Big Creek ehaieh on
lost Friday,, was a complete ■
A large crowd attended) • good asm-
ber being from Merrillville.
Mr. Carl Lane la busy those day* prat
tiring for hto initiation into Ben Hill
Lodge No. 3678 010 M. A. and he assy
be teen any afternoon riding a fence
rill to get in trim {or the- goat, wish
which he has a spetial appointment i-eit
Friday rffght at the Merrillville school
boose. When the goat gets through
with Mm he will boa moch wissr
ban before,
firs. M. C. Sheffield and children oi d
Mrs. Thomas Lanier attended the cion
ing exvrcisea of the Norman Park In-
atitntolast Monday evening.
Mrs. N. K. Turner after a weeks stay
with her eon Mr. W. B.. Tomer return
ed home Monday.
Mrs. Joseph Jordan and hor daughter
lisa Vaiaie spout tiie day here Monday
the guests of Mr. E.' C. Jairett.
Rev. A. Stephenson attended tie
closing exercises of the Hwtitute asNor.
man Park Monday evening. ——
Dr. D. O. Montgomery, Mr F.N. Car
ter and Seward Gandy formed a party
of excursionists from our town to Tampa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mathis returned
home Tuesday after a few days visit to
relatives at Oolilockonee.
A Wonduful Invention
It is interesting to note that fonunes
are frequently made by the invcaxiou ot
articles of minoi importance. Many ot
the more popular devices ace Ihisc de
signed to bo. efil people and meet popu
lar conditions, and one ol the most in
teresting of these that lias ever been in
vented is the Dr. While Electric Comb,
positively cure dandruff, hair falling out
sick and nervous headaches, and when
used with Dr. While'. Electric Hair
Brush are po-itively guaranteed to make
straight hair curly in 2$ days’ time.
Thousands ol theie eieclri* oornbs have
been sold in Ihe various cities of the
Union, and the demand is constantly in
creasing. Our agents are rapidly be
coming rich sailing these combs. They
positively sell on sight. Send for sam
pic. Men’s sire 35c:, ladies’ 50c.—hall
price while wc are introducing them.)
The Dr. White Electric Comb Go, De
catur, III. 5'"
Sick headache results from a disorder
ed stomach and is quickly cured I y
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. For sale by J. W, Peacock. <LSw
Low rates, shortest route, quickest
time!* Choice of three routes via At
lanta Montgomery or Birmfegbam.
Sleeping can all tbo way. From Albany
season tickets tScrOfi. 60 day tickets
*99.8915 day tickets *84.00. Coach Ex
cursion tickets good only in coaches, on
sale from all points except between Ope
lika and Birmlngham.May 16th and 81st
good returning ten days from date of
sate, *17.1*. Proportionately low rate*
from other voint*.
For full particulars. World’s Fair Lit
eratae, m*p«, etc., call on or write year
nearest ticket Agent or I. O. Brinson,
commercial Agsnt, Albany, Ga.
Makes A Clean Sweep.
There** nothing like doing a thing
tberonghly. Cl all the tzlrtm yoa ever
heart of, Booklen’s Arnica Salve is the
best. It sweeps away and cores Borns.
Sores, Bruises, Oats, Boils, Ulcers, skin
Emptieswand Pile*. It's only 35c and
ruar—led to give satisfaction by J, W
Peacock Druggist.
A Startling Teat.
To *a*re a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Mek—pany, Pa., made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure.
He writes* ns patient was attacked
with vioteat hemorrhages, caused
t>v ulceration of tbe stemacb. 1 bad
often found* Electric Bitters excellent
for acute stomach and liver troubles so
I prescribed't&cm. The patient gained
from tbe firsthand has not bad an at*
tack in lr months*” Electric Bitters
are positively guaranteed for Dyspep
sia, indigestion* Constipati— and Kid
ney trouble*. Try themi. Only Hoc.
at J. W. Peacock's.
* Sore Thing.
It »»»aid that*nothing is sore except
death and taxes*, but that mi not al-
together true. Dr* Kind’s New lhscov
cry for Consumption is a sure cure for
all lung and throat troubles.- Thous
and* can testily* to that. Mrs. C. B
VanMetrc of Shepherdtown, W. V»., says
*1 had a severe case of Bronchitis and
fora year triepeverything lheard of,
tart got no relief:. One bottle of Dr.
Kmg*s New Discovery then oared me
absolutely.” It’s infallible for Croup.
Whooping Cough,.Skip Pneumonia and
Cor **u in prion. Try it. It’s guaranteed
by J. W. Peacock. Druggist. Trial bot-
rks Iree. Reg. Stzas 50c. $1.00.
flado Voting Again::
One ol Dr. King’s New Life Pills
each night for tan weeks haspue me in
ivy ‘terns’ again” writes D, H» Tarner
of Orrop>eytown. Pat They’re the best in
tiie'world lor Liver, Momach and Bow
els. Purely vegetable. Neves gripe.
Only 25c. at J. W. Peacock’s Drag Store.
uulck> Arrest,
). A. Unlledgeof Verbena, Atot was
twice in tbe hospital:from a severe case
oi piles causing 25-tumors Alter doc
tors and all remedies failed, Buckler*’*
Arnica Salve quieloly arrested farther
rnftaraation and cored him. h Con
ner* aches and kills paii
L Peacock’s, Druftgi»t.
Atlantic Hi rating batik
l. Louis, Mo., Account Leuis.iana
Purchase Exposition, May tv Novem
ber yo, IQ04.
Season Excursion Tickets will be sold
daily, beginmg April 26th. and continu
ing during the period of the Exposition
ith final limit December »$ 1904 Round
trip rate from Thomasvillc $37,35.
Sixty day excursion tickets will be
sold daily, beginning April 25th, and
continuing during the period of the Ex-
losition, with- final date to leave St.
.ools. returning*sixty (60) days in addi
tion to date ot sale. Final date in no
case to exceed December 1
-j exceed December 15, 1904.
trip rate from Thomasvillc $31.20
rn day exctirrion tickets will be
..old April 25tb and continuing during
period of Exposition, with final date to
leave St. Louis returning fifteen (15) days
from date of sale. Round trip rate from
Thomas ville $65,45.
Coach excurson tickets will be sold
May 16th and 3U!, with final date to
leave St. Louis returning ten (lo) days
from and including date of sale. Round
d rate from Thomasvillc $18.15.
For schedules and full information
apply to
A. I.. Spicer Agent,
Thomasvillc, Ga.,
our Ice Cream Soda has won is su
due to the fact that we giv^
The Best in Town.
In every department of our .tore we
exceL We carry a fine assortment of
Sponges, Bath Brushes, Toilet Powder,
Perfumes, etc. Our Perscriplion De
partment is perfectly reliable.
The Light Running ^
has revolutionized the harvesting busy
iness. Save your mules and get a
machine that will last you a lifetime.
The binder that has a record 391,
000 bundles without missing a single
bundle, and without perceptible wear
of any of its parts.
A mower that for speed, light draft
and durability cannot be equaled.
For sale und on exhibition at my
stables at Boston, Ga.
Planete Jr.
It is the verdict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that the
is the- greatest labor savor aad grass destroyer that ever
went into the field.
It does the work thoroughly, quickly and with ease to
the operator.
IS you are not. already using them get yourself right and
call on or write
Way’s. Building.
“For what is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring;”-Butler.
We desire to caU.attention ot our customers this week to a large
line ofi
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
-r—We handle the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
We-have the beet line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever taw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per sere.
We olio carry a full line of two horse riding und walking cultivators
and weedere.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet seme select North Carolina Seed Pinders.
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket eu-
titliug you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about cu
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be the
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.
Sole Agent Jacobs Gandies.