Newspaper Page Text
eed aature’s warning! F*ln tells of
lurking disease. Backache Is kidney
iS>ain*-a warning of' kidney Ills. Urin
ary troubles, too,
come to tell you the
kidneys are sick.
Constant weariness,
headaches, dizzy.
sp:-;is, days of
paFn, nights of un
rest, are danger sig
nals warning you to
cure the kidneys.
>sUce Doan’s Kidney
Pills, which htfvc
made thousands of
permanent cures.
Frank D. Over-
baugh, cattle-buycr
and farmer, Catskill. N. Y., says:
“Doctors told me ten years ago that I
Si.ul Bright's disease, and said they
could do i»thi»jg to save me. My back
eclied so 1 conkl not stand it to even
irlvo uhr.ut, and passages of the kid
ney secretions were so frequent as to
annoy me greatly. 1 was growing
worse all the time, but Doan’s Kidney
Pills cured me, and I have been well
ever: since.”
‘A. FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Overbaugh
will be mailed cm application to any
part of the United Smtes. Address
Foster-Mi!burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents
per bos.
Columbus end the Gulf Stream.
It Is curious to note in the history
•of the gulf 3 It jam how groat its influ
ence has been on the fortunes of tho
View world. Ecfcrt the discovery of
America strange woods and fruits
were frequently found on tho shores
of Europe and off lying islands. Borne
of these were seen and examined by
Columbia, and to hl3 thoughtful mind
they were confirming evidence of the
fact that strange lands were not far
to tho wostward. r i neso woods were
carried by tlio gulf stream and by the
prevailing wind3 from tho American
continent, so that in part tho gulf
stream In responsible for the discov
ery cf flic new world.
1 “Well, Bmike.” mid -Mie blind man
♦to tho beggar, "how’s the world using
you ?”
"Rotten,*^ raid Smlke. "With a
brand-new MrJ-IticJc story, warranted
to bring tears to tho eyes of a rhino
ceros, oil I ’took In last week wan
«lxty-seven shares of United States
Steel common, and a pound of tho
certificates of the Shipbuilding Trust.
There ain’t nothin’ in beggin* theso
days.”—Town Topics.
"Their mnn:la*se waa a hasty af-
fair, I understand."
"Yg3, Indeed. I'ey told the min-
{ ' later to hurry, as had engaged
y a cabman by the hour.’’—Judge.
npl* nf
Wo choorfullv srncl It l*< .nil -arlororH ( ,f Kid
ney, l.ivor. Heart. Blnl<l«*r and lliivd dl
nr. request. It will .In All
Full direction* with Ann
aim fin
» Walt
. A i rAS I A.
Railroad Fere Paid. 500
FKJJE Ccuries Offered.
A Large Trial Bov and book of la*
(tractions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToslet Antiseptic
Poxtino U In i
form Co clfcfolve la
voter — non-poisonou*
undf.ireuperior to liquid
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritates
Inflamed surfaces, and
have no cleansing prop
erties, The contents
of every box makes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion—lerts longer—
goes further—has more
uses In the family snd
doevmoregood than any
on'.fscptlc preparation
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, forLeucorrhota, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Tliroat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female Ills Paxtlne is
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wo
challenge tbo world to produco its equal for
thoroughness. 11 is a revelation In cleansing
thoroughness. 11 is a revelation la cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
All leading druggists keep Paxtlne; price,50e.
a box; if yoursdocs not, send to usfor it. Don't
take a substitute—there lasothlng like Paxtlne.
Write for tho Free Box of Faxtine to-day.
B. PAXTCII CO., 7 Pcpo Bldg., Boston, Mass.
There Is no satisfaction keener
than being dry and comfortable
when out in tho hardest storm.
- 4R ,
mil?v uninr.
A5*t YOUR PKALftR. >
li he wfl I»t sw ^
r free cetatodoecf fl»rlf»nt* —dh
ton Ting, Indolent Existence ted by the
Went Indian Natives.
On market flay in the; West Incites
thousands of pearaut women and girls
< s'.u bo seen walking along the roads to
the town from their palm-thatched
huts in the mountains and woods. They
curry on their heads Immense loads
of bananas, oranges, yams, plantains,
brown sugar or tobacco, stepping along
r.t the rate of four miles an hour with
the gait of a princess.
Constant carrying of heavy loads
gives them a splendid carriage. They
trill walk forty miles to market to sell
thirty cents’ worth of produce. Often
they could sell the same stuff for a bet
ter price at their homes, but they enjoy
tho merry company on the road and
tho fun and gossip of the market place
too much to give up their weekly
jaunt. Most people thiuk such a tramp
hard work, but they regard it as a
picnic. Tramping along over rough
mountain tracks, fording swift rivers,
tuging fractious mules in the way they
should go, these women never let their
loads fall. They could dance a jig
without dropping them.
Meanwhile the men folk—who have
not even taken the trouble to sow or
harvest the crops, much less carry
them to market—are sleeping in tL„
palm-thatched hut or lying down In tne
yam patch outside and smoking the
strong native tobacco.
"Ou my estate,” said n coffee planter
to an American friend. "I employ about
COO people in the busy season, besides
200 or 300 children. The women out
number the men by more than two to
o::o, and do far better work, though
they are only paid eighteen cents a day,
as compared with the men’s twenty-
four cents. The difference In wages is
most unfair, hut it Is regulated by an
iron-bound cusloui.” — Kansas City
I Where Bhipe' Salle 8lng.
Some curious facts have been noted
with regard to the sound conducting
qualities of ships’ sails. When render
ed concave by a gentle breeze the
widespread sails of a ship are said
to be excellent conductors of sound.
A ship was once calling along tho
coast of Brazil, fat out of sight of
land. Suddenly several of the crew,
while walking along the deck, noticed
that when passing and repassing a
certain spot they always heard with
great distinctness the sound of bells
chiming sweet music, as though being
rung but a short distance away.
Dumbfounded by this phenomenon,
they quickly communicated the dis
covery to their shipmates, but non©
of them were able to solve the enigma
as to the origin of these seemingly
! mysterious sounds which came to
them across the water.
Months afterwards, upon returning
i to Brazil, the crew determined to
\ satisfy their curiosity. Accordingly
j thoy mentioned the circumstance to
their friends, and were informed that
, at the time when tho sounds were
* heard the bells in the Cathedral of
: San Salvador, on tho coast, had been
ringing to celebrate a feast held in
honor of one of the taints.
Their sound, wonderful to relate,
favored by a geptle, steady breeze,
had traveled a distance of upwards
of one hundred miles over the smooth
water, and had been brought to a
focus by the sails at the particular lo
cality in which the sweet sounds
were first heard.
This Is but one of several Instances
of a similar kind, trustworthy authori
ties claiming that this name music Is
often heard under somewhat Identical
circumstances, and especially in a
moisture laden atmosphere.
“I Have Every Reason fo Praise Pe-ra-aa,”
Stuck on T.ilr.
"The other day a friend of mine was
reading a few verses,” said a gentle
man who has leisure to note many
little things of Interest, "and broke off
to tell me a story about one tliue he
attempted to, ns ho said, dash off
something in an idle moment. He is
a great admirer of little children nml
of flowers, and In his mind constantly
associates the two. So he thought ho
had a subject for a rhyme that would
come easy and be nice, and wrote his
first lino:
" 'In her hand she held a Illy*—
"That looked all right and he was
pleased. Here was tho starter, only to
lie followed by a few other Hues, and
the thing was done. Then he put in
a second line, the whole thing read
"‘In her hand she held a Illy,
Pure as she, and pale and fair/
"He said that looked still better, and
he began to cast about for a nice
rhyme for Illy—he had one for fair In
some sort of hair, and was holding to
use as the last line of the stanza. The
first Jingle that occurred to him was
Billy* hut ho repudiated the Idea, he
said, because the word bore a double
suggestion of a gont and a policeman’s
club; but to save his life he could not
get that olie word out of Ids head. He
tried some mote, and silly was the
next word that struck 1dm. That
wouldii’t do, so he went back and be
gan to try down tho alphabet for a
partner to Illy, and happened to re
member that he long ago was sweet
on a girl named MiUlcent, who for
short was called Milly, he gave tho
thing up in dlsgmt, for he had re
ceived the mitten from Milly and even
after a long time found the remem
brance anything but pleasant. Not so
awful easy to make rhymes, is It?”—
New Orleans Times-Democrat
DrIde-MrMDrinK Day.
Measuring brides for legacies is tho
remarkable ceremony which annually
takes place In St. Cyrus, a quaint little
village in Kincardineshire, Scotland.
More than fifty years ago a native of
the village who hnd been Paymaster-
General of the Indian arriny bequeath
ed a sum of money the Interest of
which was to be disbursed in five
equal parts every year. One part was
for the purchase of meal for the poor,
while the remainder was set aside to
he divided among each year’s four
conspicuous brides—the oldest, the
youngest, the tallest and the shortest—
who were married Jn St. Cyrus parish
The administration of the fund is in
the hands of the parish minister, and
unhappy at times is his task, such are
the Jealousies which arise among the
competitors, for there is keen rivalry
for these legacies, which amount to
hardly more than $30 each.—Chicago
"Hello, Guflger; I’ve been looking
for you a week. Couldn't find you
blgh or low. Met a friend of yours
the other day. He’s been talking
about yon and I felt it my duty to
tell you what he said.”
"Ah! Well, I don’t care to hear
What he said. I know It waa some
thing disagreeable."
"How do you know that?"
"Because you are so anxious to tell
it. Good morning.’’—New York
"People nowadavs," enid the old
house cat "don’t know how to raise
fMJdren. They dot the youngsters
hav* their own way too imirih."
"That’s right." replied the old
brood-hen. "Now look at. thty?e chicks
cf mine. They wouldn’t, have amount
ed to anTthlnjr if fSty hadn’t been
•at upon.”—PblhutelpTria Press.
FITS permanently ear >d. Np fits or^ienrous-
it«w after flr»t day's use of Dr. Kline’s Ofcat
NerveBestorer.42 trial lx>ttlo and treatise free
Dr. R. II. Klim, Ltd., Ml Arch St.,Phila„ Pa.
Lots ef T><v>ple come to grief by meeting
To clean Adl.-nt* laces, take a large glass
»**•. rover with old cotton and sowed the ]nee
evefullr on It. Sr», the. bottle In warm Ivory
?rv> ends and leave for •n hour. If stains
arc difficult tn -nmove. pls-e in the sun and
and thev will disappear. Rlnso by dipping
fiddlti Can Wear Show
One sire smaller nfter using Allen'# Foot-, a powder. It makes tight or now shoes
easy. Cures swollen, hot, swoatlog, aching
feet. Ingrowing nails, corns nnd bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c, Don’t ac
cept anv substitute. Trial package Fbxx by
mall. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Leltoy,
After a man has been married about so
long be becomes acclimated.
Thorns Large.
Worried by the frequent appear
ance of typographical errors In bis
newspaper, a Kansas editor says that
a typographical error is a hard thing
to flhd In a proof, hut in the printed
and completed paper It looms up like
a fat lady In a group of vegetarians.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell nnd completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering It through tho raucous
surfaces. Sucharttolesshould never be used
A Chilly Male Tale.
A correspondent with the Tibet mis
sion tells a mule story: "Mules ap
parently, do not die from any cause,
and this mission has again proved the j
extreme hardihood of these animals.
When the mission first crossed the
Jolap-la, a mule slipped in the dusk
and fell into the lake at the bottom of
tho pass. It was thought to be (
flrowtlcd. Next morning n* convoy
found it with its nose Just above the
ice, the rest of its body literally frozen {
in. Pickaxes were brought and the ani
mal was dug out. It Is now working ;
as usual.”—St. James’ Gazette.
luqui. •••«• • Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0„ contains
no mercury, and Is takou internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
cf the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V.
J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by Druggists: price, 75c. per bottle.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Looks Suspicious.
A Chicago man refuses to testify
lu court whether he had a bank ac
count of $2,000,000 or not, on the
grounds that he might incriminate
himself. Must not have hod it. Any
man with that much money Is in no
danger of being Incriminated.
Any one can dye with Putnam Fade
less Dyes; no experience required.
Usually when two women quarrel they
ire both in the wrong.
Why He Wept.
[ The $30,000 school house had Just
' gone up in smoke, and the taxpayers
i In the crowd looked at one another
I and groaned, for the building was ir>
| sufficiently insured. A small paz-
t Ing upon the smoldering ruin suddenly
[ burst into uproarious grief.
! "Why. ray little man,” exclaimed a
! sympathetic bystander, "you must
have been very fond of your school!”
“’Tisn’t that,” howled the boy; "but
I left u nickel In my desk, and I’ll
never be able to find it In til that
mesa 1”—Woman’s Homo Companion.
H. H. Gbibk’b Boss, of Atlanta, Go., are
the only successful Dropsy Specialist* In the
■a.M Km thnfr 11 he ml offer in advertise-
ice omy successful vroynj Dpwawww ***
world. Bee their liberal offer In advertise
ment in another column ot this paper.
A lot of misery comes to the man who
sits down and waits.
Hrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forohlldren
teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflamma
tion allays pain, cures wind colic. 25e.abottle
Many a msn falls in love with a work of
art and marries it.
Pfso's Cure Is tfre beet medicine we ever used
for all affections of throat and lungs.—Wk.
O. EspeuiT. ▼anbnrta, Ind., Feb. 10, im
No woman is slways right aa
in’» husband lulvm urewn
J Mrs. K. Kane, 172 Sebor Street, vui- »
| cago, Hi., writes: J
'‘I'cwmtt has been used so long J
4 in our family that i do not Icn ..
f how 1 could yet along without It. J
* i have given It to all of thy chit- ♦
j drenat Uljfercnt limes when they $
2 suffered with croup, colds and tne *
\ many ailments t/nu children tire »
a subject to, and am ylcused to my J
I that it lias kept them in splendid »
1 health, l hare also usta it jura J
I catarrhal difficulty oj Long stand- I
4 ing and It cured me in a short g
♦ time, so i have every reason to *
I praise l‘erunu.”—Alrs. K. wane. J
******#**************************-» 4
Pe-ru-r.a Protects the liintire House
hold Against Uatarrnal
One ot the greatest toes with which
every litniUy has to contend is our change
able chnmle. io protect the lmniiy iroiu
touis uuU coughs 1^ ttiwuys a serious prob
lem, uml oUcu impossible.
booner or uUer it is the iuevitub.e lute
ol every one to catch cold. Cure in avow
ing exposure unU the use ol propel cunn
ing wnl protect trotu the frequency nuu
perhaps lue severity of colds, but with the
greatest ot precautions they will come,
ibis is u settled iuct ol humuu experience.
Kverybody must expect to be caugut some
where or somehow.
Perhaps it will be wet feet, or if draught,
or dump clothes, or it may be
thousand other tittle mishaps, but uo one
is shrewd euough to always avoid the inev
itable catching cold.
There is no luct of medical science belter
known than tnut Peruna cures catarih
wherever located. Thousands of families
in ail parts o. the United bthtes are pro
tected lrom colds u.nd catarrh by Peruna.
Once in the family' Peruna always stays.
No home can spare Peruna ufter the hist
trial of it.
We have on Hie many thousand tettimo-
*************** ******************* #
{ Mrs. A. liobsou, 223 Washington sit., *
4 Lansing, Mich., writes: {
J **l*cvunu has been such a bless- »
« Ing in my only mini, us util
J vigsely, inui jym »«MMue login t
4 mg testimonial. J.v uiuuys*
J suffered jtuiu catarrh oj the htuu 4
* and throat, ana a nuu to use tatra J
4 precautions so us not to ha te htln »
• exposed 10 uump or tot a uculher. f
I Lust year he was nun tut
I yrlppe, and as U uaoa fciuit cast, J
4 caused me unitit anxiety. Ao*
j meuicinv helped him na he look »
4 reruna, x noneea an improve- ♦
f mem at onye anu in in lev uechsl
f he was a diff erent cJiild; the grippe I
♦ nad oven completely cuieu uuu x ♦
* noticed iliut me cuiurrn uas maae 4
♦ better. lie uepi taking U mo *
4 weeks longer,uhett he ups eulli tiy 4
♦ well, A now use it ojj uuu on joi *
4 colds, cramps, indigestion or gen-
< eral indisposition, uAM Jit id it su- I
4 perlov to ung doctors or medicine *
J 4 ever ivied. A1 keeps me, us well 4
4 us my child, in perjevi health, J
\ and a gtudty recommend u 10 4
4,1 to there. ’’--Mrs, a. Lobe on, j
nials like the ones given above,
only give our readers u sngL. glimpse 01
the vast array ol unsolicited endorsements
we ure receiving every month. No other
physician in the world has received such
r*p rj 111 a Sweat. Itch, Dilator? ROYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Removes
hrrl MS Ik I odors of feet, nrro pits,.etc.; stops chafing. If not at druggists
I LL I IIUIl I send 2fio to EATON DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga., for full size, post
paid: sample for 2cstamp. One application proves it* merit. Money back if not satisfied.
For Dainty Luncheons $"•
There are many delirious ways Libby’s Peerless Dried Beef, Potted and Deviled Hi
Chicken Loaf and Veal Lon! f — - • —
can bo served for Luncheons. Libby’s (N>tam Flavor) Food Products
Send for our book, "How to Make Good Thfngs to Eat."
Libby t Atlas of the World sent postpaid (or five sc stamps.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A.
A Golden Rule
of Agriculture:
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
in thefertlllserspeliaquality f
and quantity in the har
vest. Write us and
we will send you,
free, by next mail,
our money winning
Nsw York—M Noam St.
B AUbsattoeV*
| particular* and free «unpj«*d « _
I bsl ted, of point, hurdwoni onddSf dMim.
W id^LV'rto. Tuy^’S'co, uuuy:!!, tc£,
IjtM Mr
Removes aU swelling I a 8 to so
days; effects a permanent tin
In 30(0 60 days. Trisltrystmeot
given free. Nothlngcsn be film
•'«' •"uwCL
The Great East
No trouble to answer questions. M miles
shortest route Shreveport to Dallas. Write
This is What Yon Want!
Bare You Any Malarial Troubles ?
- Do yon want to ret well end f«t well quick f If so,
mnd a PoatoflSc# order for fifty cents to the
REGAL MEDICINE 00.,of Stamford, Conn.,
for medicine end direction*. A qnlek end eertetn
core ruerenteed iu ell ceves of melerie, chill* end
wver,dumb egu* sod Intermittent fever.
Give the name of thfe paper when
writing to advertiaers—(At20*04)
And light dressings
of CUTICURA, the
great Slcjn Cure and
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff,
destroys hair parasites,
soothes irritated, itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair fol
licles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
N. B. Complete External and Internal
Treatment for every Humor from Pimple* Co
Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, conflidnf of
CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pill*, may
now be had of all Druggist* for One Dollar.
Av*. Fotttr Drat ft Ch«m. Corp., Sol* ProprUjon.
•J"9rnd for “ llov to Pr««trve, Putty and BMUtify
tha fktn, Scalp, Unix and llanda."
avery & mcmillan,
01-03 South Forayth St.., Atlanta, Ga
Large Engine* and Bollere supplied
promptly. Shingle Mill., Com Mills,
Circular 8awe,8aw Teeth,Patent Doga,
8team Governora. Pull line Englnea A
Mill Supplies, send for free Catalogue,
lar Saw Mill*.
with Hep•’* UntvpniAl Lor Beam*,R<eetf!fii-
ear. Simultaneous Sat Work* and tho Hea*
coelc-Klng Variable Peed Work* are unex-
lea tor acoubact. intrLiciTT, doi
or opkbatiox. Write f<
descriptive circular*. Manufactured by
SALEM *— *
I ■
i IRON WORKS.Wlneton-Salem JLC.
Bore Eye*. Barry Co, Iowa city. I*., have a taro our#
GUARANTEED CURB for #11 bowel trouble*, appendicitis, t
9 the stomach, bloated bowel*, foul mouth, headache, tnd/geaHon, pimple*,
■■nog, liver trouble, ullow skin and disstaeee. When your bowel* don't move
regularly you are sick. Constipation kill* more people than all other diseases together. It
itfert* chronic ailments and long year* of angering. No matter what alia yen, Wait taking
CASCARBTS today, for you will never get well and Stay well until you get you? bowels
tflfllm Take our advtee, start with Casearet* today under absolute guaranies to cure or
suldjn balk* Sample and
lea tablet stomped O C
ing R*iedyCem#*ay, C
3 lira