Newspaper Page Text
and without
preminm at
bought one
farm tools
ators, Cot-
:ry Stocks,
m need for
iono which is bringing so mooli pleasure to
ils broad land of oars, and whioh you can eo-
ovsiTtliiDg that liavo been sold of them, alien-
of the newest models can be seen at
ISO Broad St.
• • T ■
' rrr ■ 7*
• '
rT- ...
Local and Personal.
v OF
Is located on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
is an up-to-date.Hospital for for sick horses, nuiles and dogs.
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing, all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost.
Mr*. A. Y. Maclutyre cauio home from
Quitman Tlmrs*luy afternoon.
Of Mrs. Frank Thomas at Residence
an Colton Avenus
Mr. O. B. Quinn wont to Whtgham
Friday afternoon.
Mi*#! Kona Bonohelle went to Cairo
Friday afternoon to visit relative*.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Braswell of
Mcigp were shopping in the city on Fri
Legal business called W. O. Suodgrass
to Boston and Foudren Mitchell to Cai
ro Thursday.
]. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Tliomasvilie, Ga.
Our Valentine,
H. W. Prosser, a prominent resident
of Boston waa greeted by many friends
here Thursday.
Miss Ida Gafisady has accepted n posi
tion with the Ramsey-Wheeler lumber
company iu Bainbridge.
Miss Olive Quattlebaum returned to
her home in Ochiockonee Friday after
a short visit to friends here.
Miss Cora Pittmann and A Miea Stella
McGoogan of Riverside were shopping
in the city Saturday.
• Rev. Alex W. Bealer will go to Mou-
I ticello next Sunday to preach the com
mencement sermon for the schools there
We furnish IT. either ROUGH or DRESSED, ami that too of the VERY BEST
This you already knew, the word* wo Speak are surely TRUE. We aro too
busy filling orders to look you up, hut if you want the best of any thing in our
line quick, ’Phone 264. and the old man will do the rest.
Out by the Crat* Factory ou Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Mr. W. C. Jackson of Greensboro, N.
C. who formerly taught iu the public
schools hero has gone to New York for
the summer.'
A number of Ohclockneo p ople pick-
nicked at Millers' Spring on the river
Friday. Miss Jessie Buiitin went up
from Thomasville to join them.
Mrs. Sallie Thomas, wife of Mr. W.
F. Thomas, and one of the best known
ladies of Thomasville passed from this I
earth into the rest of Paradise Thursday
morning, at half past two o’clock.
She was desperately ill for two w eeks
and her death though not unexpected
was nevertheless a sail blow to the com
munity iu which she had lived so use
ful a life.
She was a consistent, member of the
Baptist church and her fnueral was
conducted by Rev. Alipc W. Bealer pas
tor of that church. The coremouiea
took place this morning at half past nine
o’olock at the family residence, 22*3 Col
ton Avenue, and interment was made
at Laurel Hill. The pall Ijenrers wore
be Messrs. Barwiek. J. M Dekle, Jno.
F. Parker, W. E. Beverly, J. W. H.
Mitchell and W. A. Pringle.
Mrs. Thomas was a member of one of
the most promineut families in South
Georgia. She was u daughter of S. H.
S. Mash aud a sister of Messrs Henry,
Jack and Madison Mash, Mrs. Redden
Smith and Mrs. Chairs. She is sur
vived by a devoted husband and five
sorrowing children The latter are
Messrs. Jackson Thomas of Gainesville
Fla. Mrs. Frank S. Jones of Bainbridge
Miss Sadie Tltoum*. Mr. Frank Thomas
and Mr. Roy Thomas. All of her chil
dren were at her liodside when she pass
ed away,
It is a tw-horse riding cultivator
doubt the best one made. It took first
(ieorgia State Fair.
None of our customers who have
would be without it.
We also have a good supply of other
sucli as Disc Harrows, One-Horse
ton and Corn Planters, Chilled Plows, Avery
Dixie Bov Plows and iu fact anythiutr vou
We want your trade and are willing
low prices to get it.
Would Gall i*.
Miss Bessie Vann who has been visit
ing Mrs. O. H. Young on Gordon Ave
nue returned to her home in Boston
The Stuart Hotel yesterday looked
like an ocho of the war in the east. B.
Poamanaky of New York was one of the
names on the hook.
On Monday May tfOfch. the commen
cement exercise* of the Meigs schools
will be held. Judge W. A. Covington
of Moultrie is the orator of the ocea-
Mr. J. R. Halter is at home again,
from a trip of several days in Middle
Georgia. Ho says that section will pro
duce a very, small cotton < rop, one to
dry weather.
Japanese Bombard Coast and Make a
Dash Into Interior—Russiane Be
To the Columbia Disc Graphophono
thousands of homos throughout this
joy just ns well; they nro proving
tortainer itt^Jic home. A number
Get Prices from
him before
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EQOS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ga.
Evans & Son
Sell the best
The best
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Berry t ame over
from Bainbridge Saturday Mrs. Ber
ry will visit her mother. Mrs. Car
sady for several days, while Mr. Berry
is in Jacksonville on business
A lot of people attended the big Huu-'
day School picnic given by the Oak
Hill folks Friday. Among thoao
who drove out was Alderman llamble-
ton aud he enmo bock looking as if he
had hud a good dinner aud h good time
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jeinison, nnd
Messrs. Will and Hansell Wait will oc
cupy the Watt residence on Hansell
street during the absence of the family
in Scotland this snmmor. Miss Emily
Williams of Mncou, u sister of Mrs.
Jemison is their guest.
Messrs. C. M. and E. H. Smith will go
to St. Louis the latter part of this month
as the guests of the Prudential Life In
surance Company, on a two weeks’ visit
to the World’s Fair. This trip was of
fered to all the agents of the great com
pany who wrote a certain amount of in
surance in a given time, and these two
Thomasville men were among the num
ber of fortnnates. Though this is their
first year with the Prndcntia} they have
made a remarkable record.
NewChwang, May ID. —A oonrier.of
the Associated Press, who arrived just
before miduight, rci>ortod that a Japa
nese fleet was sighted from Tower
Hill, ten miles north of Knicho. Bom
bardment of the coast by the fleet
was extensive, covering twouty-live
miles. The fleet landed a force of ma
rines, which marched several miles in
land, destroyed four miles of railroad
and other property, captured a Russian
commissary train and returned with a
number of carts, animals nnd native
drivers, aud then re-einbarked aud left
the vicinity at the lauding place. The
transport soon after could not be seen
from Tower Hill, but its rnnrse was
It is liolieved that the lauding was a
feint to cover movement* elsewhere.
A regiment of Russian infantry re
turned here yesterday. The Russians
seem bewildered and disheartened and
unable to form lasting plans.
Tin la the kind p-opl, want WJ
1, worth ot hi, mono, ho l« oatlilod
Our Work
Uust pleuo onr
mem who "know hoW.’“
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmedo
154 251 SOUTH BROAD,
Opposite Finer
Woods Hotel
Sudden Death or Much Btloved
Young Women Thursday.
(Sttnlebftkpr anil Tenm-mre.)
The best
.1 Mr. Charles T. Beavers was in the
j-cifcy Saturday receiving the congratula-
J tions of his many friends here. He is
! notr a resident of Thomasville. and on
April 26th he married Mrs. E. J. Blythe
I of that city. The bride was the dangh-
; ter of Mrs. Ward, of ThomainriUe, and
I a very excellent lady. They will make
if-heirhotne in Thomasville.— Waycroa*
- Journal
The whole community war inexpress- j
ibly shocked and saddened Thursday !
afternoon hr the death of Mis. Laura j
Drydeu Blnek*hear, wife of Dr. T. E. J
Blaekshear, which took place'about two;
o’clock at the family residence on Daw- j
hod street.
Mrs. Blaekshear had been ill only
iuey last Friday, and that her life
should be cut off in t ie flower of young
womanhood causes deep sorrow to the
many friends of her family nud hus
She was horn in Missouri and had
passed her twenty-fourth birthday only
last month. Three years ago she was
married to Dr. Blaekshear, and a little 1
daughter, Mary Louise Drydeu Black-
shear is left motherless. She is surviv
ed by three sisters, Mrs. Wm. H. Ham
mond of Tliomasvilie; and Mrs. Harry
Gwynne Smith and Mrs. C. D. Me- ;
Gibcuyof Kalamazoo, Mich. An nn-i
cle Hon. John Dryden of St. Louis, •
lives to monm her Joss.
Boy’s Blue Serge Coats, Youth’s Blue Serge
Coats, Men’s Blue Serge Coats, Preach
er’s Coats, Boy’s Stockings, Men’s
1-2 hose in plain lace Stripes
and Fancy Colors.
J. H. Spivey of Moultrie wa* here Sa*
ter day.
River and Northeastern
Call on us before buying.
Jas. F. Evans & Son.jr
Club Dl.banil.d.
The Every Wednesday Club did not
meet I art week on aeoonnt of the 111 new
of Mm. T. E. Blaekshear who wmi .
member of the club. Since her death
itlonhae die banded.
Effective April 6, 11)04.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham 10:30 a m
Arrive Tickner 11:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00 p m
Arrive Pelham, 4:10 p m
D. M, Rofcrt, Cen t Supk
Tbe $1.25 High Art Shirts
the BEST in the World |$1.0*.