Newspaper Page Text
Stata roa.hoi-Ladbu nrar life
ITa matter bow faithful and hon-
tot your cook may be, she. is behind .
the limes if she usee lard or cooking butter tor frying and shortening.
The great medical and cooking authorities of the country say so; they
endorse Cottolena as the most palatable, healthful and economical cook
ing fat on* the market The following names of Cottolene endorsers
are household words t
Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, Marlon Harland,
Mrs. Elba R. Parker, Lida Ames Willis, Mrs. Janet M. Hill, Dr. Mary E.
Green, Mlee Margaret Witter, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller, Mrs. Helen Arm
strong, ChrlstiaeTerhune Herrick, Mrs. F. A. Benson, R. Ogden Doremis,
M. D« LL. D.. a Hobart Egbert A. M„ M. D„ Ph. D., and hundreds of
ethers, promlntnt In household economy and the medical profession.
UII 54 LESS. Cottolene being richer than either lard or cooking
butter, one-third less is required. \
rpPTf Bend as a to stuns to per poslses end well mall roo a copr of our book
riUtu "Heow Helps." odltod by Sirs. Rorer, which contains BOO choice recipes;
Mate cob brim It K. FAIRBAKX COMPANY. Dipt 626 Chlcoso
. -, C3
v : -
» vV-r *
Horse Trader Throws In Man •» Boot
in • Barter.
An iutiroxtiug htory i* lieiug told of
There are certain signs of the turns
Which iodieute that 4he usual Miimocr
dullness will not «*tfle like a )mi! over
Thomssville'H industry during the son*
son upon m hieh we art* tibont to enter.
Iu truth this summer dnltncx* that you
read about exists more in the mental an enterprising farmer and horse trader
vision of people who an; tired or, whig- j in Thomas county. It shows that the
pored low, l»/.y, timer iu reality.
There is do reason for a dull summer
in Thomasville, and there is little ex
cuse for it. The climate is not the vi
tality-vitiating, energy-eating, soul-sap*
plug affair that make* life unendurable
in some southern climes, ft is always
flays of slave-owners, are not entirely
past. To some it will oanse amusement,
and to ottiers indignation and possible j
threats of peonage proceedings. At any
rate it’s a good story.
Last fall a negro whose cranium is
not crammed with intellect was pick-
equable enough to permit of life, liberty i hig cotton fora Thomas comity farmer,
and the, pursuit of happiness. Ai d this He was sharp enough to want to pro-
samiuor will see things move along
with a swing and activity that will make ■
glad the cardiac regions of the man who 1
is proud of his town.
1 for himself howevnr.ninl stoic some
im‘ frort his employer. The theft
dt ferted end >1 r. Ouffv wss sura
c<l before the irate proprietor. He
The Portable Saw Mill is the Coming Mill,
It is a portable mill that is really portable. Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 6,000 feet per day.
Can be set and ready to saw in two hours. Variable Fric
tion Cable Feed. Stationary Mills, any capacity. Portable
and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies.
In the find phtcq there Ik a train 1! ar-1 admitted the larceny bat pleaded for
my of workmen, busy at the Wndc | mercy and stated the interior of
residence. The new cane *ymp com-
pauy will give work for more than liulf
A hundred employer*. The new brick
yard will *oo:i be in full swing The
Coast Line's new Ltight de|K>t will
cause ninny » Imnimer to swing and
saw to bite. The Elks’ Hi me, and the
Y.MC A building—to say nothing of tin-
fiamermiM other building* now in pr< •
the Thomus comity jail did not Appeal
to hi* esthetic sensibilities n* an elyirinra
of bliss.
The matter wus compromised by tlie
negro signing a note for forty-five dollar*
A* he wa* not multirityously endowed
with thin world * goods he agreed to
work out the note. His industry did
not surpass his intellect and he proved
Weekly Times-Enferprise.
Weekly Times-Enterprise l year and
a splendid man of Georgia* the United
States and the world, $1 00.
(The map alone is worth the money.)
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
yearll 40.
oes* <>r <
w.jrld t
i mdr
will show to the to be a sorry workman.
■ and prosperity of the I Ho the notate farmer determined to
town. T! C Mitchell House will op'ii I get rid of him
(he,Mar, round hotel
last but not least the p litic it can
the picnics, mid the mnnicipal
hmu-eto trade mi inferior horse for
o ic of,1-etior quality. Instead of coin
of tlie realm he pave the service* of the
ship of the light plant will keep the jJiegm ns boct, nndV.ow the colored man
nd* of Thoniivoville people from t*»' is working for a new master,on the old
ruing the devil'* wotjc simp. i note
Semi-Weekly Savannah New* both one
yearfl 60.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Three Time*-Week New York World,
both one year %\ 50.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Boston Time*, both one year $1 25.
Weekly Time*-Enterprise and
Sunny Sonth and the Weekly Atlanta
CouKtitution, all one vear $2 00.
Almost any other combination you
con want at a price to suit you. If one
of these combinations doesn't suit write
us what you want.
Thomasvillo, Ga
Goes to New York.
Or. B.. A. Daniels left on Sun
day morning for New York City where
he will take a special course in surgery.
Daring the early part of June he will
attend the iqeeting of tlie American
Medical Association at Atlantic City,
and will return home about July first.
The many friends of this popular
| physician hope that he will have a
pleasant and profitable trip.
Florida’s Famous
"Chicago & Florida Limited/*
St. Augustine, Jacksonville to Cblca-
go. and St. Lout.-.
This train is operated over the short
est line between St. Augustine, Jack
sonville, Chicago and St. Louis, and af
fords the quickest schedule by nearly
two hours.
This train is the standard of perfec
tion in passenger service, consisting of
Pullman Vestibuled Drawing Room,
Sleeping Compartment, Dining and
Observation Cars.
Leaves St. Aigastine6:m.i. ra., Jack
sonville 8.40 a. rc. Arrive Chicago 4:10
p. m., St. Lonis 1:35 p. m.
Congressman Griggs is one of the |
most discussed men iu Georgia politics.
He i* a candidate for delegate-at-large
to the national convention. The Au
gusta Chronicle speaking cf him in this
connection *a>* he ha* been a do-noth'
ing in congress and advise* that "Jim
Griggs be left at homo and Georgia
spared tlio disgrace of even having
winked at the Faarat folly. The At
lanta Constitution ply* to the defonse
of our genial congressman, and says
that thoro should be no proscription in
Goorgia—tlinton account of distinguish-
ed party service* and a* a representa
tive of the Hearst movement Judge
Griggs should go, but that the delega
tion should bo instructed for Parker.
VILLE, TENN„ MAY 12-18, 1903.
To Delegates and Their Frienus:-
Your attention is called to the offi
cial route, for the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Oarolina
and South Carolina has selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry, from Atlanta to Nashville a* the of
ficial route (The Battle Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:30 May iltb.
I he Florida delegation am ioin this
party in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May iotb„ via the "Dixie
Flyer Route"; through sleepers Jack
sonville to Nashville; no change of .cars
or transfer via this route. Tickets on
sale Mav toth., nth and 12th. returning
limited to ten days. Tickets can be ex
tended until lune 6th, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rate
from your city is one fare (first class)
plus 2$ cents,
Ask the Ticket Agent to sell you a
ticket via the "Dixie Flyer Route/'
E. J, Walker, Fla. Pass. Agt.
Jacksonville, Fla.
NrcdlMs lor Making Good Bread:
Um one leveled tcaspoonful
to a quart of sifted flour; add
enough soar milk to knouil tlie
When soar milk is uot used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar mid
one of Baoceea Soda are tlie cor-
not proportions.
.Toll 11 M. Bnrnos ex-United Slates
marshal, discharged at the instance of
Judge Speer, will commence impeach-
uumt proceedings against the eloquent
jurist. Mr. Barnes has made some sal
ty statement*about the Judge. He says
that, gentleman can strut sitting down.
villa to bo put in Operation.
A pocket history of the Republican
party "from Lincoln to Roosevelt’’ luts
bsen issp-id. The descent has been *0
great that wo are suprhed at the au
thor* ability to cram it into a pocket edi
The uext commencement of the Uni
versity of Georgia will be held under a
bush arbor. This will be one time when
there will bo more than two birds in tho
Tho man who bought a summer suit
two week* ago is now wondering why it
doesn’t look like tho picture anymore.
Good Spirits
Good Spirit* don’t all e-uno from Ken-
tnoky. Their main source is the liver—
and all the fine spirits ever rnude iu tho
Blue Gram Stato could not remedy a
bad liver or tho hundred-aud-ouo ill ef
forts it produce*. You can’t have good
apiritaand a bad liver at the same time,
stars liver must be in fiue condition if
you would feel bouyant, happy and
mi* hopeful, bright of eye, light of *tep,
rigorous and suooeasful in your pur*
■pffr Yon can put jour liver in line
eaoditkm by using Green's August
' Flower- the greatest of all medicines
for the liver and stomach and a certain
cure for dyspepsia or indigestion.
New South Georgia County.
Tifton, Ga., May 20.—A’movement is
being agituUd to form a new county
from a portion of Irwin, Dooly, Wilcox
and Worth, with Ashburu a* the county
seat. Tho propoaod line will be a* fol
lows: Rnnuiug from Ashburn east ten
mile* into lrwiu county: north into
Dooly ten miles: west into Worth fif
teen miles; south into Irwin, taking in
Oyclonotn, ten mile*; northeast into
Wilcox fifteen miles.
The county if formed will lie named
Henderson in honor of Oapt.'J. J. Hon-
derson the oldest resident of tlie region
Dr. Harris Declines.
A few days ago Governor Terrell ap
pointed Dr. J. Frauk Harris, of Pavo,
one of the most promiueut physician* iu
Thomas county to a place on the Board
of Stato Eclectic Medical Examiners. Diamond back terrapins are becoming
Dr. Harris liaxdeclined tho appointment very scarce. This will be sad news for
howovor, and the governor has named t |ie country editor.
Dr. J. F. Owens of lluhirn in his place | ________
The Japanese have pressed war bal
loons iuto service, We thought it waa
the Russians who were "up in the air.
There is one blessed thing about the
summer girl. She doesn't have deep-
rooted and determined view*.
Mrs. John E. Donalsou of Baiubridge,
who is well known in Thomasville has
been appointed by Governor Terrell a*
a member from the Second Congression
al District of the Board bf Lady Visitors
to the Georgia N<
College at Millogeville.
The peuch of emerald hue is in our
midst and internal pain killer is in de
Housewives inform us that the pro-
nml and Imiustria | cog* of jollification i* not one of jollifi
Messrs. L. F. Patterson of Bainbridge
and William Miller of this city, have
made arrangements to operate a brick
yard here. The location will be just be
yond the plant of the South Georgia
Gaue Syrup company at the edge of
town. This location is a good one for
the purpose as it is convenient to both
the Atlantic and Birmingham and the
Atlantic Coast Lina rail roads.
This particular site ho* the record for
new* industries for during the past few
years, tlie Balfour Crate and Banket
Factory, the Kirby Planing Mill, the
Enterprise Milling and Mercantile Com
pany; and the Georgia Cane Syrup Com
pany have all been started there and
what is more important all are prosper
ous. The new enterprise will doubtless
do equnlly well.
Both of its promoters are men of abil
ity and experience in this line of busi
ness. There is a fine ojtening fora
brick yard. An immense amount of
building is continually going on in
Thomasville and for tlie last few years,
all the brick nsed has been shipped here
from Macon, Bainbridge and other
point*. As an instance, every brick
that is laid on Mr. J. H. Wade’s mag
nificent new residence, and there are a
good many thousand of them, is ship
ped hero from Macon.
Themo6t approved methods will be
used and the product will be strictly
first class.
Important Entarprl.a for Thornes- j Three Hundred and Fifty (xeuraion-
lata Cama in Friday.
Threfl hundred and fifty exenraioniate,
the great majority of them colored peo
ple came iu over the Atlantic and Bir
mingham from Fitzgerald and interme
diate poiute Friday morning at half
Tlie crowd immediately scattered
throughout the town. Their amnaemema
were buying candy, peanut* and soda
pop. and riding in the hack,, six or
eight to the rehicle, through the streets.
In the afternoon the Tifton colored bell
team and the Thomaaville team played a
hot game at tlie fair grounds
The score was 13 to 11 in Thornas-
vllle'a favor. Seven scraps marked the
progress of the gamee. and pistols and
razors were mueli in evidence. No one
was much Imrt and few arrests were
Officers Have Trouble With Intoxica
ted Negro.
a favorite household remedy i ( 0 your fucu properly
a 1 - j j}.
Test your eyes
Fit them with the
proper glasses and
adjust the frames
trly. Goods and work
ter error thirty-live yean. . August | gn _
Flower will make your liver healthy; „f the Eclipse Optical-and Medicine
and active and lira* iniure tou a libcrM: company, Thomasville, Ga. Next to
* of "food spirit*. ” Trial «iie, 25c i Times-Enterprise Madison street.
Give the devil his due. Theodore
Roosevelt doe* not use tobacco in any
Man Now in Jail Here Voluntarily
Surrendered and Ralaaaed Another,
Tho Thomasville jail liarbor* an un
usual prisoner in the person of Manse
Gardner, a oolored man, charged with
kidnapping. A warrant was sent to
WaycroM and the officers there arrested
Moso Gardner for the offense named.
Manse know that Moee was inno
cent of the crime and had been arreeted
by mistake and that he himself was the
one wanted on the warrant.
He left his work, went op-town,
found Mr. W. J McClellan, United
States deputy marshall and gave him
self up, saying he was the man wanted
on the warrant and not Moee Gardner
Mose was liberated and Manse brought
back to Thomasville to answer the
The Moultrie Observer is waging
vigorous campaign for good roads.
IU. At bUdruggiitt. I W iwj
Hurrah for the political picnic. It i,
happy on the way.
Olckcy'a Slayer Surrenders.
News has reached the city that Reese
Harrison, the negro who killed Hr. P.
H. Dickey at Iamcota about two weeks
ago has sumnderid to the sheriff of
Leon county Florida.
There took place whnt closely re
sembled a “rough house” nearthe guard
house on Jsokson street Friday
Will 8mith a Thomasville negro, and
hia wife were airing their family differ
ences on the street corner. Will was
drank, and refused to accompany bit
wife home. Hs started np Jackson
street taking np the entire sidewalk in
his triumphal march. He ran against
a white lady with a baby in her arms
and knocked her off the sidewalk.
Officer Martin and Deputy-sheriff
Singletary arrested him and started
toward the guard house. He resisted
their well meant efforts in strenuous
fashion and fought like a tiger. His
spouse too, turned her wrath from Wil
liam to the offloers, and attacked them
with voice and blow. Several negro by-
slanders seemed by no means averse to
witnessing a row and things looked
squally for a time.
The woman grabbed Sir. Martin’s
club, and while he was devoting bis at
tention to her; Smith scratched Deputy
Singletary on the wrist, and face. As
a result that excellent officer's nose
is adorned with a targe piece of court
A few well-direeted blows of the club
simplified matters, and Smith was put
in tho eage where he will remain until
the Mayor says how much.
A case was also made against the
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
A Wonderful Saving.
The largest Methodist Church in Geor
gia, calculated to use over one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
in painting tneir church.
They used only 32 gallons of the Long
man & Martinez Paint mixed with u
gallons ot linseed oil. Actual cost of
paint made was less than ,1.20 per gal-
Saved over eighty (,80,00) dollars in
paint, and got a big donation besides.
CHURCH will be given a
liberal quantity whenever they paint.
Many houses are well panted with
four gallon* of L & M. and three gallons
of linseed oil mixed therewith.
wears and coveiv like gold.
I h «e Celebrated Paints are sold by
O. V\. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga.
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest end California.
•0*525 ^? p *S n !?. r 15 ttn “ 1 November
80, lwOtf, tlie Burlington makes very low
one-way colonist rates to California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana.
The redaction is from 25 to 40 per cent,
from tlie regular rates.
The Way to Go.
The Burlington, with Its strong main
Uoex and free chair cars, best rcaohes
{•“Wert and Northwest via Denver,
Billing* or St. Paul. '
_ “The Burlington-Northern Padfio
Expnas is the great daily through train
with chair can «nd tourist sleepers via
Billings. Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermediate points.
Egg* For Sale.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sale. ,1.00
per rotting of It. Address Mrs. J. o
Heel, Beaton, Ga. S-24-S
Homeseekers Excursions
These are ran the first and third'Toe«-
daje of each month at approximately
brif rates for the round trip.
It will be a pleasure for os to give you
an aoennte and informative reply to any
J. N. Merrill, Qen’l. Southern Agt.,
. nr Atlanta, Georgia.'
L. W. Wakeloy, Gen’l. Pas. Agt.,
St Lonis, Mo
Thoroughbred Leghorn Eggs, $1.00