Newspaper Page Text
Rumbling Sound* and Palling Moist
ure Causa Common! Har*.
Robert Dekle
i of A mod-
ootton warehouse here.
; would help more to build ob
l then a gin and warehouse *a
i for the farmer, and Mr.
‘ i every encouragement
i nice showers for the past
our people are feeling
and financially.
Oropa and garden* are looking better
and the *aw mill men are rejoicing orer
1 supply of water.
The Tampa excursion party has all
returned except Mr. L. J. Smith. Be
aocepted a fine position offered him
while there and his family will soon
join him.
Dr. H. Jones, wife and children spent
r last week in Thomasrille, vlsit-
. T. R. Jones.
. and Mrs. Henry Kennedy came
p from Tonralne Tuesday.
t Sunday |i* the regular appoint-
t of Pastor Alligood at the Baptist
chnrch here. x
. T. Kelly was elected last week
I to fill the nnexpired term
Newsome, who resigned
i time ago. Hr. J. A. Paramoro
as councilman at the same
meeting, and was elected to snooeed
Marshal Collins. Mr. Faramore's suc
cessor may be elected at the .council
meeting this week.
Outlook for a Big Crop of Melona
" The prospects are good for a big crop
o? melons. They hare been good all
along but tino* the recent rains, they
are brighter than erer. The movement
from Florida began several dan ago and
a good many oars laden with the round
green fruit of the Tine hare passed
through Thomasrille northward bound.
This city is quite a shipping center
and melon buyers from all orer the
country congrcgato here during the seal
eon. Their presence of ooune brings
pleasure to the hotel men, aq£ also
makes the telegraph and telephone peo-
' pie happy for they keep the wires het.
The shipping from Thomas oounty will
Degin a boot a week trom today, aooord
lug to the present outlook, and from
that time on, a oonstant stream of mel
oos will go to delight northern palates.
UtU* One laid to Rest
The funeral of Alexandra Protopolon,
the three-months old child of Mr. A.
Sampson, took place Tuesday morning
at ten o'clock from the family residence
on Madison street. Rev. Alex W. Bealer
conducted the funeral ceremonies. The
little ooe waa the child of Mr. Sampson's
daughter, Mrs. Alexandra Protopolon,
who died here at his home two months
ago. Her grandfather's family had
oared for her since her mother's death,
qfcad mourn her lots deeply.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is e disease prevailing in this
-J most dangerous because so decep-
l tire. Many sudden
• deaths are censed
i by it—heart dis-
. pneumonia,
heart failure or
y are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
* allowed to *,1 vi nee
' thekidnev-ppison-
ed blood will at
tack the vital organa, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys Uiemaclvr-
fareak down and waste away cell by cel
Bladder tumbles almost always resn
from a derangement of the kidneys an
* cur* la obtained quickest by a pro pc
treatment of the kidneys, if you are fee'
ing badly you can make no mistake t
taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, th.
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It correct* inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in pasaing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
' and to get np many time* during the
sight. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root it soon realised.
, It stands the highest for its wonderful
ft care* of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
all druggists in fifty-cent and
it site bottles. You* may have a
bottle of this wonderful new dia-
and a book that tells all about it,
' free by mail. Address, Dr. KU-
. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
„, m tbb
tin* paper. Don't make any
bat remember the name, Sw amp-
. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, aad Use
Binghamton, if. V., on every
Strange natural phenomena caused
considerable comment in Thotneevilla
Monday. Shortly before noon, low
mattering* and rnmolinga were beard
ntarspened with an occasional crash.
Little children to whom the noises were
strange and ominous, tan hurriedly to
the protection of their parents and
clinging to maternal skirts queried
breathlessly, “Mamma, What la that?"
The motliera whole memory extended
book over the nine arid weeks, just
passed, informed their trembling off
spring that it was thunder, and that
maybe it would rain. “Rain? What
a ipln?'' waa the answer.
Their lnqniriee were answered by
fall of heaven-sent molatnre that lasted
for nearly an hour, and did immeasur
able good to the parched oropa, and gar
dens. Since the flrat week in April
there hss been praotioally no rain, and
a good many people had begun to be
lieve that Jnpiter Flavins had been cat
oat of Dame Natnrs’s summer vaude
ville bill.
Abont an inch of moisture fell.
The rain was general over the county,
and was of sufficient volume to give the
earth a longed-for' drink. The cante-
lope sod melon crops will bo especially
And Many People Killed Yesterday
In New York.
New York, May 80.-The walls
a fonr-story building on Eighth street
oollapaed today, and many persons
are believed to be injured., Three of
the wounded have been sent to hoe-
pi tell and the police report several
more in the mine.
A Card From Foremen.
TlVpmmsville, On. May, 80 ’04.
To* the pnbilo:—
I moved to thie s clty, Aug., 10, 1881
and located on the corner of Jackson
and Lee streets on the property owned
by Mr. JohnT’arnell, I have been there
ever slnoe, doing a small bnsinese. I
have dealt with thousands of people in
theee thirteen yean from both tha dlty
end county, I have never knowingly
robbed anybody of one penny’! worth
and was never accused of such nntil the
88th day of thi* month. I engaged one
load of oat* from Anderson Cliaaon'End
he delivered tome only (US pounds.
Is an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
"gl nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
. child-birth. The thought
of th* suffering and danger ha star* for har, rob* the'expectant mother
•f all pleasant anticipation* #f th* coming avast, and cast* over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
hav* found that th* us* of Mother’* Friend daring pregnancy mb*
confinement of all pain and danger,gad insure* safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at th*
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
nme ot tnetr most critical trial. Not only doe* Mother** Frl
cany women safely throagh the perils of ohild-birth, but its
gently prepare* the system for tha coming event, prevent* "morning
Sokaaas," and ether die-
eomforts of thi*
Sold by all
containing valaabl* information fro*.
noBradfMd logalator Co., Alias U, 6*.
We are making preparation to take
Stock Next M'-nth.
sKstln Order********
To have as Little Stock as possible, we
are going to have everything in our
Stock Reduced, Commencing Mon
day, May 30, and lasting until
further notice.
Look Out for Prices
Summoned th* Brethren of Thomea-
. villa In tha Oldan Times.
Which will appear one day this week
They will interest yon.
refused to pay him fot any more than
648 pounds baoanie tha welghei ’* re.elpt
trom Mr. Evans A Sons warehouse call
ed tor Only that weight and not 710-
pounds, aa Ghaaon claimed. I offend
to either give him back hla oats or pay
him for the fall weight. He refused
both propositions end swore oat* war
rant. The publio can judge between na
who ia the cheater and swindler.
Daniel Foreman.
Louis Steycrman.
Pleased With War*'* System.
lFrom the Waycross Herald.)
Me*sn,.J. D. Barrow and W. A. Prin
gle of Thomasville, members of the
Board of Oounty Commissioners of
Thomas county, wen in the city recent
Wltli a view to establishing ■
county oliaingang for the working of
the pnblio roads of Thomas conuty,
these gentlemen came here to investigate
the system now in force in Ware county.
Judge Warren Lott and Mr. W. A.
Oason took the gentlemen in charge and
gave them all the available information
in regard to the system employed in
the improvement of the public roods of
Ware county. Messrs. Barrow and
Priugte expressed themselves as being
welt pleased with Ware’s system of
improving her public thoroughfares.
Canter H|ll Note*.
Mias Mattie May Shepherd of ueer
Frodonia is visiting relatives near Cen
ter Hill this week.
A debating club is to be organised at
Center Hill school house next Friday
night. Come out gentlemen and boys
and let's practice law a Utile.
One of the moot flourishing Sunday
schools in the county has been organ
ised at Center Hill with a roll of 87
name* besides officers ■ and teachers,
with R. G. Jackson aa superintendent
and Arthur Rogers a* secretary.
This section ot the county (Obclocko-
uee to Meigs) waa visited today May
80 with a splendid rain, though not
enough yet.
Omr Airship Sails from Charleston, S. C., Monday, May
30th—due in Thomasville sometime this week.
Be sure and see it.
9$*This store closes at 6 o’clock.
A group of gentlemen were gathered
on the street, corner the other day and
some one noticed that nearly every one
wore the emblem of some secret society.
This led one of the older men to apeak
as follows: “I never belonged to bat
one secret society and that was the Kn
Klnx kian. I waa living in Atlanta at
the time and a friend of mine invited
me to join * Shakespeare literary club.
I went with him and when we opened
the door of the “dob" room I thought I
eras in hell or so ate place equally dan
gerous. The black masks, gowns, and
other paraphronelia of the den inspired a
feeling of awe in my youthful breast.
Up went my hand and I took the obli
gation. I tell you it was a binding nue
too. I never took any active part in the
work of the organization bat I was in
Iimrongh sympathy with their, aims.
Bat what 1 started to tell abont was
the early days of Masonry in Thomas-
Villa. When ti.D city waa a village,
ttiere waa great interest in the work of
that order which was the only secret
society hero. The beat people in
town belonged to it, and attended more
regularly than they did chnrch.. They
used to be summoned to tlieir meeting
by the blasta of a horn. The -sunud of
that dd Masonic horn was as familiar
to me aa the dinner bdl."
In tliia connection it will be of inter
est to know that Jndgi Angnstin H.
HanadI of this city is perhaps the oldest
Knight Templar in the state. He has
has always been aa enthusiastic Mason
and took tho higher degrees many yean
ago. He joined the Knight* Templar in
Macon about 1810 when that common-
dery waa the only one in the state.' Ail
of the men who were present at hia ini
tiation, and ao far aa he knows, all who
were member* of the oommandery at
that time have poised into tlie great
yond. He ia therefore the oldest Knight
Tempter in the state. At thq last anna-
si conclave of tile Knights in Colombo*
O-t a few days sgo, the editor of the
flams Enterprise ssled in regard to
Judge HauaeU’ad.iiin. aud was inform'
ed that lie is uodoubt the only survivor
uf the Macou commandery aa then con
For Sheriff.
1 hereby announce myself as a ‘.‘V'*'"
dale for re-election lo llw office of she--
ill uf Thomas county, subject to the
actional the Democratic pnaaiy. XI
re-elected I will combine In give rbj
( ffice my personal jHmuii--ii ami wiu
discharge its duties to the »t "I “ y
For Sheriff
I Iieaeby announce myself «> » cau.ti-
dare for Sheriff of Thomas county, sub
ject to action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the couafy. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the dnties of the office end wul
discharge those duties to the U-st of my
ability. J. J. Poke, tf
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
performonce of all the duties of the offi
ce. My post record In the office is opeu
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary'
For The Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
Legislatr *-
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very best of
my ability in tne last legislature, I feel
that I can confidentially and conscien
jtiously solicit their support in the -:>•
preaching ;
; primary.
J. B. Rountree.#
For the Legislature.
I hereby tnnonuce myeelf aae candi
date for representative in the legisla-
tore from Thomas oounty. subject t#
the action of the Democratic primary. If
I am elected I will give tha duties of
the office my most careful atteutiqn,
and will conscientiously endeavor to
serve the people to the best of my abili
ty. I respectfully solicit the support of
the voters of the oounty.
Hor Tax Collector.
I moet respectfully anaonace myself
ae a candidate for re-election to the of
fice of tax ooilector subject to tbe ac
tion ol tho Democratic primary. In
making this announcement, I beg to ex
tend my thanks to the voters of Thomas
Mr. J. H. Bailey, who lias sold lohac.
co throe, bout Soul I, Gtorgia lor eevtr-
ai yean, has reoently had a fine promo
tion. He wont to Atlanta on Jnue first
k> take chaige as district manager, with
ten salesmen under him, for a large to
bacco firm. Hia tull form and genial
countenance will be missed In Thomas-
viile, at Ilia visits here will necessarily
be lei
Free Samples
You Can Gat One.
BLACK WEED, th* greet vegetable
remedy tor Rheumatism, Catarrh, and
Kidney and Bladder ooaspiainte, has mat
with almost instantansous saoesas be
en use it. has mads some noteworthy
cone of vary sever* esses
Mr. John Post, of th* Atlanta Fin
Dspt., writes:
" For months I suffered with my kid
ney*. I made every effort to get relief,
but failed until I accidentally cam* in
possession of s bottle of Blaok Wesd.
Th* relief obtained from its os* was a*
great before half the first bottle had
bssn need, that I pat aside all other
medicines and aps now sound and well,
having been ennd completely by Black
Weed. At the same time I had an ag
gravated case of Catarrh of the head
and throat. Black Weed has completely
cured this, and my head ia now aa claar
as a bell.”
BLAOK WEED is sold by all drug
gist! at 11.00 a bottle, or w* will asnd
prepaid upon receipt of price.
Send Your Name
trial, sample of this great remedy,
which will b* sent absolutely free, to-
gethsr with ear bosk eastsiaiag valaa
bl* lafarmatioa aad eadoswmaata.
ia* mention this paper. Address,
Stack Wood Medicine Cm,
Atlanta, Cm -
Foreman In JalU
DauJForeman, the colored merchant
on Jackson street, waa put in jail yes
terday oftomoon on a charge of cheat-
ing and swindling. The atory goes that
he bought 700 pounds of oets from a
colored man named Anderson Chacon.
Clinton claim* that Foreman gave him
$8, which was of coarse less tluui the
true value of the oats, and refused to
give more. The officers put him in jail.
Directions lor tUkhre Good Bread:
Use one leveled teaspoonfnl
to a quart of sifted floor; add
enough tour milk to knead the
When soar’milk ia not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Snccess Soda are the cor
rect proportion*. ' v
—IS#— a
Best ami Cheapest.
A New Sdciilflc Discovers
far tie
It purifies the blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other impurities and by
destroying the germs or microbes that
infest the blood. It builds up the blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor
puscles, making tho blood rich and red.
It restores and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full free flow of nerve forca
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous,
ness, nervous prostration and all
of the nervous system.
For Representative.
To tlie people of Thocmu conntv: 1
the past honors yon hay
upon me I take this method
of announcing that I am a oandidat* for
re-elacUon to the House of Representa
tive* of Georgia. In the discharge of
‘ the peat ae year re]
to the beet ot my
Mr interest* and t
my daliee in the pest as year represen
tative I have to the beet ot my ability
worked for yoar Interests and the in
tereita of the whole people of Georgia,
I again ask your support. My candi
daoyis subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell
county for their kindliest to me daring
" once of
the peat and to solicit a continoanoe (
their support. P. S. Hieth.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the offioe of
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject
to the action of the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give the office the
tame carefnl attention as in tlie paat.
I solicit tlie support of tlie voters of the
John K. Howard.
For Ordinary.
radea, and friends generally, for their
four years gift of the office of otiliuary,I.
hereby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to tlie tli« Demo
cratic primary, promising if elected, to
do my ntmoet to perform all the ilntiee
of the office faithfully in future as I
have tried to do in the pert.
WM. M..
For Commissioner, ,
I hereby announce myself n candidate
for re-election to tlie office of Column*
misaionarof Hoards and Revenues of
Thom!* oounty, subject to tlie action of
the Eemocretic primary, nml solict the
npport of tlie voters.
J. D Barrow.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenues of Thomas
conuty, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of the votors of the county.
M. D. Redfearo.
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy tor re-elec
tion to the office of county surveyor ot
Thomas oounty subject to the action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will continue to give the office my best
attent-iou. I polHr the #ui>jx>rt of the
•voter*. ( A. J. BT.VeNAI.AXD
RYDALES TONIC is a specific for all
forms of Malaria. It acts on a new prin*
riple. \ It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. The cause being removed the
disease quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC is guaranteed to care the most
obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chills
ind Fever, Ague, etc. We authorise all
dealers handling our remedies to refund
the purchase price for every bottle ol
RYDALES TONIC that does not glvs
satisfaction. *
me Badical Beieng mm
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-eletion to the office of Cotnmit-
siooer Rood, nod Revenue of Thomaa
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic pritnarv. I solicit tlie sop.
port of the voters of the county.
H. C. Copeland
For County Treasurer
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election aa Treasurer of
Thomaa county, subject the actios ot
the Democratic Primary.
I am very thankful to the people for
the favors and confidence shown me in
the past, and pledge, if elected, my
very beet and most conscientious effort*
to givethem faithful, efficient, and sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit your support aud
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully yours,
For Coroner.
I take this means ot announcing tor
-e-election to the office of ooroner at
Thomas county subject to the action of
the primary. If elected I will give the
dntie* of the office the same careful at
tention that they have heretofore re
ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
support that my friends have always
my friends have always
given me ana their many kind evnra
tion* of satisfaction. Thanking
supporten 1' '
the aanport.
, faith! ally,
Gtus Gakov
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
1 office of
for re-election to the t
siooer of Roads and Revenue of Thomaa
county, subject to the action ot th*
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of the voters of the coanty.' -
V \