Newspaper Page Text
gMMA Mitchell-
Fine Toilet Water*, Soap*, Complexion
BeautiAers, Patent Medicine*, all kinds
of drag*. We cater to a largo and
very particular class of customers, and
Entire Satisfaction,
because we are thoroughly up-to-date,
absolutely reliable and very reasonable
in our charges.
Sole Agent Jacobs Handies.
A Wonderful Invention.
It is interesting to note that fortunes
are frequently made by the invention of
angles of minor importance. Many of
the more popular devices are those de-
’ signed to benefit people and meet popu
lar conditions, and one of the moat in
teresting of these that has ever beeir in
vented is the Dr. White Electric Oomb,
positively cure dandruff, hair falling out
sick and nervous headaches, and when
used with Dr. White'? Electric Hair
Brush are positively guaranteed to make
straight hair curly in 25 days' time.
Thousands of these electric combs have
been sold in the various cities of the
Union, and the demand is constantly in
creasing. Our agents arc rapidly be
coming rich selling these combs They
positively sell on sight. Send for sam
pie. Men’s size 35c:, ladies’ 50c.—half
price while we are introducing them.)
The Dr. White Electhe Comb Co., De
catur, III 5-11d
Lightly of the important of
elegance in a wedding present.
In the month of J une when
the flowers are in bloom you
are likely to be getting invi
tations. Let us help you se
lect the response.
South Georgia’s Up-to- date Jew
elry Store.
Pent)) Prert) Tl^rwwwvllV. Gr\
Ton and Fifteen Pound Melons at
Merrillville. Other News.
Merrillville Ga. June 1st. 1904.
Hon. N. E. Turner and Marshal J. B.
Floyd left last Wednesday morning for
Lake Micoosukie Fla. where they
go to spend several days fishing* and re
creating. ,
Misses Lonnie and Frankie Carter and
Miss Tela Sheffield returned home Wed
nesday evening to spend their summer
vacation. They have been at Norman
Park, a branch school of the University.
Mr. O. R. Moncrief who is farming
on Mrs. S. A. Price’s place, is a good in
dustrious farmer, and lias a good pros
pect for a crop. Ho reports several
Kolb Gems weigliyig fifteen lbs, qnd
plenty that will weigh 10 lbs. ^
Messrs. J. J. Turner and N. C. Sheffi
eld siient the day in Thomasville Mon
Mrs. M. C. Sheffield left for Moifltrie
Sunday to spend a few days with rela
tives and friends.
We are always glad to see oar sheriff,
T. J. Hight. He ni in onr midst on
official business Monday.
We regret to chronicle the illness of
the aged father of Mr. Jeaae Brown who
is sick at the residence of hi* son.
Mr. Oordon Daren i* suffering with
an attack of fever, and ve trust he will
soon be oat (gain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Turner of near
Thomasville spent last Sunday. with re
We are always glad to see onr friend,
O. J. Husou of ThomasviUe who wa*
mingling with his friends here |Tnes-
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson,|Miss Della
Wilson aDd Mrs. E. 0. Jarrott* and her
two daughters Irma and Annie May, at
tended the picnic at Prospect last Fri
Mr. W. S. Sherwood of the Pavo dis
trict was shaking hands with his many
friends Tnesday.
The Dopson Lmnber Go's, saw mill
has been idle for the past few day, ow
ing to ^defective piece of maohinery.
The obstacle haa been removed and they
are at work again.
The back bone of the several -weeks
drought, haa bean broken br a splendid
rain Monday night, which waa appre
ciated by every one in this vicinity.
There will be an all day atng at the
Methodist chnroh here next second Sun
day, Jane 13. Every body ia cordially
invited and don't forget your baaket.
Office 104 Upetaira Broad Street.
Thomasville. - - Georgia,
ty Money to loan on Thomas County
Real Estate at ? percent annum.
Star Brand Shoes
We can ahow you almost any
style of Shoe you are looking for.
Bee oar lino of Oxfords, the
Shoes you want for agmmer wear,
and yon know that
T, J. & H. Megahee,
The Drummers Livery Stable
Having jnst bnilt and equipped a modem Livery Feed and Sa'ea Stables,
with Brat.class Oarriagts, Buggies and saddle horses. New Baggies Car
riages and Drummers Rigs. Prompt and courteous attention given all,
Orders for quick services.
The patronage of commercial travelers especiallyjsolicited. Rate*
Very Reasonable. Conveniently located on Bryan street Two minutes
walk eaay of depot near railroad. Call on, write, ’phone or wire.
Cairo, Ga. W. D. BARBER, Prop.
SatUfactloo Guaranteed.
Mrs. Emmi Mitchell, 620 Louisiana
atreet, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
“ For the past five years I have rarely
been without pain, but Pcruna ha*
changed all this, and in a very short
time. I think I had taken only two bot-
tlea before I began to recuperate very
quickly, and aeven bottles made me well.
I do not have headache or backache any
more, and have aome interest in life."—
Emma Mitchell. ,
The coming of what is known as tho
“new woman” in our country is not
greeted by everyone as if she were a
great blessing. But there is another
new woman whom everybody is glad to
see. Every day some invalid woman is
exclaiming, “ I havo boon made a new
woman by Dr. Hartman's home treat*
rosav.” It is only necessary to send
namo, address, symptoms, duration of
sickness and treatment already received
to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and
directions for one month's treatment
will be promptly forwarded.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of yonr case and he will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Hyomei Medicates Air yon Breathe and
Kills all Catarrhal Germs —Costs
Nothing Unless it Cures.
Do not take medicines into the stom
ach to kill catarrhal germs in the head
and throat. Air alone can reach these
germs. Medicated with Hyomei and
breathed through the neat inhaler that,
oomes with evory outfit, the air goei to
the most remote oells of the head,throat
and longs, and completely destroys the
disease germs. Hyomei is the only sen
sible, yet scientiflo way to onre catarrh.
Other remedies may fall; Hyomei will
It helps at onoe, and yon get the vi*
talizing and invigorating effects from
the first few breaths of Hyomei. If it
should happen that Hyomei did not
give yon the same good effects that it
has in many other cases right here at
home, J. W. Peacock will refund yonr
money without question for argument.
You will be the sole judge at* to whether
Hyomei costs you a penny or not
Tho complete outfit, consisting of
a medicine dropper, and inhaler that
can bo carried in a purse or vest pocket,
and a bottle of Hyouici sells for one
dollar. The inhaler will last a lifetime,
and extra bottles of Hyomei can be ob
tained, if needed, for fifty cents.
When you get a Hyomei outfit, J.
W. Peacock will give you a signed re
ceipt, agreeing to refund the money in
case it does not core catarrh and
other diseases of the respiratory organs.
This is the strongest evidence that the
can offer as to his faith in Hyomei—to
pi 7 for it himself incase it does no
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Seli-CorrectedlWeekly.
local Binmto liras.
Thomasville, Ga.,—Jane I Ot—
Eggs per doe., 111-1 to 16o. Beet batter
ISo. Mediant batter, Mo to —o. Chick
en., trie., 15 to 40o; hen, 85 to 40o.
Sweat potatoes, 00 to 66o par bo. Fodder
per 100 lbe, #0o to $1-00. Country hay,
per 100 lbe. 60o. to 75c; New Syrup,
M to Mo: country bams, .13 to 13c;
country lard, S to B#c.
Thomasville, Ga., Juno 3, 1901.—
Coffee, arbucklea lfio. Green coffee, fair
10c. choice 11 l-lo, White granulated
sugars l-3cents,Brown sugar 6 l-4c.8no.
soda per lb. So; crackers 10 to 20c. stick
candy 10c; Kereaone oil 30c—5 gals 90c.
Side meat per lb 9 to 11; Meal 90o per
bn. Flour S5.70(to$6.60perbbl. Western
hams 150. Lard, compound 9c.,
Leaf 10 1-3; hay, $1.36per 100 lbe. bran
ft. 00 per 100 lbe. Cotton seed meal 11.40
per 100 lbe. cotton eeed bulla tOo per 100
lbe eaok. Velvet beane (3.00 per bn.
Sorghum aped $3.00 per bu.German Mil
let $3.00 per bu. Field peas. 13.00
By T. S.
Misses Laura Vick Emma Boswell,
Zoe Simpson and Jesse Boswell and
Robert Ball who bare been at Norman
Institute, are now ut home for vaca
Mr. T. O. Duran, wife and two dangli
tore, Missel Tabltha and Zella, of Thom
aaiqile, attended the commencement ex
ercises here this week.
Mr. Emory Singletary went down to
Ochlockonee Sunday.
Theyonng folks hare had a good
time this week.
School at Pine Grove about a mile
north of this place will be opened on
the 18th of Jane. As this is jast across
the Une in MiteheU county the term
will last six months. Pupils from
Thomas most pay as the Thomas coun
ty Board of Education say that they
cannot, according to law. pay for pnpUs
who lire within three miles of a school,
whether he attended school or not.
The representatvp of the Times-En-
terprise, who attended the closing exer
cises of Center Bill Sohool, intimates in
a special to the paper that all the oredit
for a snooessfnl year’s work and an en
joyable occasion at the close rests on
me. I wish to state that the pnpUs and
patrons of the school deserve more
oredit and praise than any one else. The
success of a school depend, almost en
tirely on the patrons and pnplls.
At daylight Tneaday morning the res
idence of Postmaster J, I.!* Johnson was
totally destroyed by fire. Almost all
the household goods, including* piano,
were saved. Tho cause of the fire is
charged to the mico. A few nights sato
a match was heard to strike, arid on Iff
vostlgation a box of matohe* were found
burning in the store room. It is sup
posed that mice had started tho blaze.
Mr. Jolmson was sue that his home
was Insured, bat on examination of the
policy it was found to be ont in Febru
The oommenoement exercises of the
Meigs Graded School, jut dosed are
the most enjoyable that the eohool has
aver had. The sermon Sunday, by Rev.
W. A. Sutton of West Point, Ga., wu
'replete with eloqusnoe and logic. The
sermon wu of nnuoal interest, and
wa, deUvered in a style that wu strange
ly attractive tojeyery one in the luge
audienoe. Dr. Sntton is quite young,
being about twenty three yean of age;
but he ia a hard etudest, (and a man of
strong personal magnetism. If people
are sinoere then he has a place in the
heart of every one who heard hi, ser.
Tho exercises Monday morning weie
very entertaining. They w ere rendered
by the yonnger grades. At 11 a. m.
Judge W. A. Covington, of Moultile
delivered the baccalaureate address to a
largo audience. To say that it wu pro
found and logical, would be superfluous
to any one who know, Jndge Coving,
con. Bl, address wu well received and
greatly enjoyed by all.
Tho exercises of the graduating clau
were fine. Misses Stella Duran and Cle
veland Hand both of this place were the
only graduates. I oan but endorse Pro-
feasor Smith the president of the School
in the highest terms of praise of the at
tainments of the two roong ladies.
The play, "That Rascal Pat," wu
rendered by the higher grade, in a moat
artiitio atyl-. In fact the exercises of
the entire week were moat excellent in
character and were charmingly render
ed. Much credit ia due to Prof. A. E.
Smith, and hia assistants, Misses Genie
Stubbs.and Annie Brandage both of
whom our people are pnmd^of.
Taken all together the school is a suc
cessful one.
The next anion meeting of the Took-
er association will convene with the
Baptist church at this place some time
in July.
The many friend* of Mr. Arthur W.
Parker of Poplar, Talbot oounty, Ga.,
will be pained to learn of his death
which occurred a few day ago. He en.
terod school here several years ago and
made very rapid strides in his elasaee,
carrying off a prize for general excel,
lenoe daring his lut year. He wu a
yonng man of qniok perception being
posessed of great natural wit. He stood
well with his school mates and was al
ways ready to stand by his friends. His
death is a source of deep regret to his
many friends here.
Miss Ora Taylor of Weogufka, Ala.,
after spending a short time verypleas-
antly here returned home Wednesday.
Misses Lena and Jewel Jackson, and
Messrs. Bob and Harry Jaoksoq, of Ba-
couton were the guests of tho family of
Mr. T. W. Carter at The Poplars, this
Misses Lena and Bertie Pilcher and
Gladys Lindsey of Center Hill were the
goests of relatives here daring com
Rev. J. A. Damu of Pelham preach
ed a fine sermon Sabbath night at the
The boys of this place ore about to
organize a lodge of "The Coming Men
of America,” (C. M. A.) a secret organi
zation of much power in the United
Statea. Their lodge will be No. 3435.
They uy that their Billy goat is in
training and u soon u their charter ar
rives they will open op for bnsinesa.
Miss Norma Pickron a charming
yonng lady of Pelham, wu a most
pleasant visitor here this week.
Miss Alice Carter entertained at the
Poplars Tuesday evening in honor of
visiting ladies.
Wednesday evening Miss Emma Bos
well who hu just returned from hn
school duties at Norman Institute enter
tained most delightfully her friend, at
informal luncheon, Wednesday evening.
She makes a most delightful hostess.
Dr. J. F. O’Neal, dentist, offers hia
professional services to -the poggle of
Meigs and vicinity.
Messrs. Andrew Wilke, and Mao
Plicherwent fishing and brought ia 176
of tho finny tribe. That's fishy hot true
Prof. A. E. Smith who hu labored so
earnestly u principal of the graded
school here will leave Friday morning
for Valdosta, whore he will engage in
thopractico of law, He numbers hia
friends here almost by tho number of
his acquaintances.
- The Meigs silver band crowned itself
with glory by discoursing inch sweat
music daring the oommenoement exer
cises. The boys are a fine set.
Washington's Father.
My father, Augustine, hu been de
scribed as a good planter and a man of
energy. I apprehend that he waa of 4
serious tendency, for Lawrence, my
brother, once gave me to Understand
that most of the few hooka at Wake
field were religious, but whether this
was so or not I do nob know. Like
some of the rest of us, my father had a
high and quick temper, which, as he
used to uy, he bad to keep muzzled.
I remember being terrified at' seeing
him In a storm of anger because the
clergyman who was to have baptized
my sister Mildred was too much in
liquor to perform tho ceremony.—From
B. Weir Mitchell's "The Youth of
Washington" In Century.
new pair
Comfort and Service. No ru«t or leather
to soil the shirt. 50 cents sod ft sf
villi-; SHOE CO., sad other stores.
Made and Guaranteed by
The C. A. EDGARTON Mfg. Ct .
From the Chapin, S, O. New,: Early
in the spring my wife and I were taken
witli diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for ns, bnt his medioines
failed to give any relief A friend who
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of ns a dose and we at onoe
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using the entire oontentq we
were entirely cared. It ie a wonderful
remedy and should be foond in every
household. H. O. Bailey, Editor. This
remedy ia for sale by J. W. Peacock.
and remember . We now have a Urge
Screw Catting Lathe. So we can make
any klpd of screw and tarn np any
piece of shafting—repair small machin
ery, insulators, ejectors. We are alee
prepared to do all kinds of tempering. .
Wertz & Son,
131 E Jackson street.
ta Obacea Orta*, Glv. Os XnrtnlS
This wan) of lata haa bun In arary-
ona'a mouth, and many are wondering,
what tha word slctUlts, though no oh
hu yet bean found, who wtU, deny that
NEWBRO-S HERPICIDE does tha ware.
Well, far tha Information of thonaande of
people who liko to know nil about a good
thing, wo would say that HBRPICTOB
means, a destroyer or killer of "Harp**.- -
Now "Herpes" Is tha family sama of af
Bissau by various vex. table par
asites. A similar mleroba oauses dan
druff. Itching scalp, and falling hair: this,
la tha microbe that NKWBRO’S HERPI-
CtDB promptly destroys; attar which tha
hair grows. Bold by loading drucgkts.
Band Uo. In stamps for aamplo to The
Harplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
R. Thomas Jr. Special Agent.
IN -
, Shorthand and Typewriting, -
► Stenographic Work Neatly Exa- - "
c uteri. -
t. Miais Jania Alsxandar. -
. Mldw Next door to Tlmw-Knlerprlea. -
Pretty Custom, of Japan.
Japanese ladles are like the French
in their love of social Intercourse end
conversation. They pay fawar visits,
but atay Infinitely longer, always two
or three hours and aovatlmsa a whole
day. They are received by the maid,
who places a large silk cushion for
them to rest upon, and much time Is
spent In detailed Inquiries concerning
such other’s family, Thera Is no spe
cial calling day In Japan. They visit
when their fancy takes them, and thay
never go empty handed to a friend’s
house. The gifts arc usually fruit or
flowers or perhaps u fresh fish, and J
rbatever they take Is always dainti
ly wrapped In a little box of paper or
Sick heaa'ache results from a disorder
ed stomach and i, quickly cured by
Chaipberlsin’s Stomach and; Liver Tab.
ets. For tale by : J. W, Peacock. d.$w
A Chinaman’s ••Howdy.”
In China, the customary greeting is.
“How ia your livet ?" If Bydale's Uvea
Tablets were, as well known there as in
stipattoo, biliousness and all liver - trou
2>f Tons of bar iron, all aizes. 1 ton extra fine carriage and
bolts, all alzea, 3000 feet rubber and canvau belting, 3 to 13
3000 feet piping, alt sizes up to t inches. 1000 feet # inch 5*8 ;
wire rope. 1 carry Che best line of Cook Stoves and Stovewire on
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanks for syrup
oookfng by steam or othsrwiae. Also Log Carts, Lumber Trucks, farm
• and Lumber Wagoot, Buggies and farm implements. Send ■ In, your
T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga