Newspaper Page Text
Is jptne ways the aweet girl graduate
resemble* the peach you ate.
Think clean thought!. Tour charge
ter it meaaured by your thought!.
Theie summer lorenought to remem-
her that marriage lactia long time.
If everybody practiced what they
preach we would all have a dull time.
That dear boll-weevil would make a
trod candidate. He hae no iniect on-
The "Silence of Judge Parker’* might
form a good theme for a modern novel.
Jim Origgi haa tome redeeming fea
ture!. Hoeent a* a statistic book yes
terday,' -
.Ton can’t make mntcleby retting
and you can’t eave money by not adver.
tiring in the rummer.
That Olevelaud nomination idea
would make a flue football player, he.
cause it will not down.
No gentle reader, tiie pool roonu that
are being broken up all over the country
are not iwimming pools.
The effeiveaoent exuberance of the
young graduate will laat until he
■trike* a few men for a job.
Oommiitioner 81 evens wtid lia* been
lick'll now able to sit up, butthe sume
can’t be laid of the Hearet boom.
An English newspaper states that
bealyure gtowing smaller. Hope the
disease wilGtrike Tliomasrillc.
A Belgian lias invented unbreakable
dishes. The oook ladies' union will con
sider this u blow nt their vetted right*.
A gubernatorial candidate in Indiana
It said to have began life as a ditch dig.
ger. They ongkt to put him on the
Panama canal oommisaion.
ptought and Indian lovo tongs are the
only things that worry us in South
Georgia now. The Heuretouiuus liove
about Mated to strugglo.
The Dublin Times states that Hon.
J. Pops Brown advised It three months
ago of his intention to run for governor
two yean hence
“What to take with you to St Louis”
is the subject of many newspaper artl
ties those days. Seems to.nt that a
plump poeket-book is the main thing.
Valdosta is seeking to establish a Y.
H. O. A. .Oar neighboring city will
And that any expenditure of time and
money in that direotion repaid
thousand fold by the good dono.
In Admiral Schley’s fortlioomtug me-
. moirs It is seid, there will not be aU un
kind wont Ujt any one. That is where
the Admiral shows that lie pose sees a
- good heart and good sense.
A< June approaches crery yonug mau
should remember tliut Dio love letters ho
writes iu the snmmerwill sound sicken-
Ugly silly to him next winter.
br. Parkhnrot luw gone to Knrope
where Dr. Dowie has been for some
time. Now if wo oonld get Dr. Hulls
and Dr. Sam Jones, and Dr. Len Brough
too and a few others of tliat ilk to cross
the vasty deep, we would have a right
nice summer. *
not to bo r
people to cteanup. tho
streak in our sonjjiern nature*
tliough is procrastination andTn these
hot summer days we are liable to pro
crastinate the cleaning up of oar lots
till we are sick.
Dr. BouobeUe, chairman of the Board
of Health, submits a card in this morn
ing's paper which should reoeive cart
ful attention.
Thomasvllle it a healthy plaoe in sum
mer, as in winter, bat nature, interfered
with by the chicken roosts undoes*,
pools of man, oaa not assert heroelf.
The chicken rdosts undoes* pool* must
be taken cate of.
There haa already been too large an
amount of sickness in Thomasville
since the heated terra began, and if the
troth were known a considerable per
centage of it haa been the result of
nothing short of criminal negligence. A
poison who causes a neighbor to dje
from the unsanitary condition of-bis
Own back yard is a criminal, almost a
murderer. There arc people in Thom-
Seville and In every other t >wn, who
are guilty of this vary thing.
Until yon get flat of yonr back yon
have no idea bow easy ft is to contract
a spell of fever.
It is the small filth that la most liable
to esoape our attention and breed the
microbes. When the weather is at dry
and hot as yesterday was, there is no
microbe meat too small for destruction.
AUow uo standing water to remuiu on
your premises, oat down the weeds iu
your book yard, be free in your use of
lime, and don't drink well water and
your chances for going through the sum
mer without a tiok spell are first class—
and your conscience will be clear if
your neighbor dies.
This is the season of the year when
the sweet girl graduate, clad in tier
creamy frock, and the brave lmy orator
clad inabtaok salt, a white tie and
mnoli assurance, step to tiio center of
the stage. The former will disease ab
stract problems, and inform us of the
well known faota that "beyond the Alps
Uet Italy” and "Woman ! sphere is the
Homo.” TUeytiong man will crate on
"American Ideals” and deplore "The
Growth of Materialism.”
And these tame subjects and drosses,
and actions will give much joy and
many gibes to the irreverent, to whom
the gradate has from tlmo immemorial
been fair game for sport. Bot in all so-
rionineee there la something fine, and
strong, and something that gives mnoli
hope for the fntnro in tills readiness of
our yonng Americans to taokle any sub
ject, and do their best to solve it. Vol
umes have been written about the glory
of good schools, and yet the half has
never been told. The boys and girls of
today aro-tho men and women of tomor
row. Wlintcvpr the jneu and women of
today can do to aid the graduate should
be dono cheerfully and often.
Lot yonr program for the commeuco-
moiltdaysbe something like this: At
tend the graduation exercises and ap
plaud the efforta of the yonng peoplo.
Don't sneer at their iilnsions, and scoff
at their mistakes. When yon wete
that ago yon didn't do half so well, in
all probability. Congratulate them
when they are through and tell them
they have done well and yon are proud
of them. Don't forget a word of com
mendation for the aoliool teacher. Ped
agogues have trials that have not bqen
beholdim by the eyes of ordinary mor
tals. The fact that :t man or woman
lias been a school teacher, we firmly be
lieve will he a passport through the
■early gates ana noqnestion* asked.
3nt their path here below ought to be
The University of Georgia summer
School is the result of home labor and
home brains. They are just as good as
'any in the World and every loyal Geor
gian ought to soppprt the summer
• school. Let the teachers go there, In
stead of seeking Inferior foreign instruc
tion at grduter expense.
The sophists who are writing long ed
itorials oo the Hunt suicide, may not
intend to tgy that hia act was oommead-
able, bit their sentences sound like
that. They should remember that
God's edict against it iu plain, and to do
what iu wrongjn Hit right, can scarcely
he praise worthy.
The Mother Goose Melody tolls ol
Tom the Filler’s too and states that:
“The only tone that lie could play ‘Was
over the hills and faraway." ’ Wo are
not anxious to acquire the reputation of
being able. to grind put from the office
baxoo, only songs of South Georgia’s
prosperity. But we have so many good
excuses that we have to do it about
three times a week.
This time the provocation is the or-
ganizatten cf the "South Atlantic and
Mexican Gulf railroad company.” This
corporation projects a road from Sevan
nth through Thomas and Decatur conn-
ties and on to the Golf of Mexico, at
some port not yet made public. The
line will tap a rich territory and if bnilt
will be a money maker from the skirt.
The character of the men behind the
project guarantees that it is not a mere
Of coarse the proposition is still in an
embryonic stage bat that each s plan it
projected, is a distinct feather in South
Georgia's cap. When times are pros,
perons railroads bnild. They build not
for oharity, or from missionary motive-,
bnt from a desire to pat coin of the
realm in promotorial pockets.
Sooth Georgia better than any other
section, repays investment of time, mon
ey and energy, and railroad people know
this. The 8. A. and M. G. is not tin on-
ly road projected. The arrangements
have been practically com/deted for a
road connecting Dongiae with Perry,
Fla , with a prospect of Angoataas the
northern terminal. And of the rail-
tend building done in the post, a great
percentage has been done in Snath
So we maybe pardoned forgoing into
thAstorage room for stock pi irnses, and
"pointing with pride" to thisaud many
other evidences of Sooth Georgia'
growth and prosperity.
below ought to bo
occasional bouquet,
nad lawn
tossed their way.
And finally when the yooi ..
o<Mhee yonr way, shorn of the evanes
cent glory of dimity
Tiie debate as to wliet her tin- Georgia
peach nr the Georgia nieloii is tiie sweet
er, wilt soon begin. How Itappv we
coaid be witli either, wpre 'totlier dear
e',tanner away.
The Savannah News calls attention to
tiie fact that nine wan are in progress
at present Tills does not include the
war between Parker and Hearot.
Maryland's convention wauled to in
struct for Gorman, bat he would not
permit that notion. Tha. dalegatitn
goes nniastrnoted and bound by the unit
Those dispatches that state that Glo
ver Cleveland may yet be a candidate
evidently come from the padded cells st
Now is the happy time whoo the ioe
Man leaves a small damp spot on yoar
book porch at ton cents per spot.
It it rumored that the St. Louis hob 1
men are planning to bay out the Stan-
dird Oil Company.
ItT flvS. S. Nature has provided a tonic suited
to every requirement of the system when in a debilitated,
run-down condition. It contains no strong: minerals or
drugs, but ft a pleasant vegetable preparation. You can find no better reme
dy for toning up the nerves a,,d bringing refreshing, restful sleep.
S. S. S. improves the ap- , -
petite and digestion, and if
good effects are seen almost -my much ran down and deblhtstsd. I lost
from the first dose. It acts %w«nty or more pounds in weislit, had noappa-
nrnmntlv in rsuiM of chronic tttaandwaain a bad *hap«. Seeing 8- B. 8. ad-
prompliy inrases ot enrome Terti ^ j baraa its turn, and am well pleasad with
dyspepsia, indigestion and the results after usIst it for tome little while,
all stomach troubles, and From 139 pounds to 105 is pretty aood avilanea
doro away with the uncom- *SSS2EfiS&£S&So. K MABT S -
fortable fullness, shortness
of breath, drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after eating. S. S. S,
'is not only the best tonic, but possesses alterative or purifying properties,
and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood, it searches it out and
removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a had condition of
the blood and can only be remedied, by snch a remedy as S. 8. S.
If you suffer.from debility, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, loss of ap
petite, bad digestion, or any of the miserable symptoms of a disordered
blood, nothing will so soon put yonr blood in good condition, invigorate
and tone up the system and restore the health as S. S. S.
Engines Stand Supreme
For AU Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY itself. Buy
BLAKESLEE and?Jkeep your re-
Hgtoo. No profanity necessary
Stationary. Portable, Piping
and Connection Outfits.
Yon can see every movement. Nothing bidden or complicated about the
KLAKESLKIC. Poiitivelv SAAE. Strictly high-grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices
Birmingham, - - Ala-
For 115.00, *20.00 and (30.00. Several haa-
fired Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music 10c. ap A
No. 1 Guitar for **.7A Mandolins *2.00 up.
Banjos *t.S0np, etc., can;be found at
10 Copies of Bov. T. DeWitt Talmago's
‘Travels in the Holy Land’’
—Will be— <9"
In the Timee.'Buterprise "Dot” Contest.
Them booksAre on exhibition now at
our store. Wey are splendid works,
which sell for *9.75 each and will be an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co f s.
Book Store,
Broad Street, - Thomasrille, Ga
Quaint, Queer and Curious Salt Lafca
The late CoL John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni*
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square,yard than any city in the
country, andl its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Sak
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the watfr is “deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an .attraction in itselL that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by.
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs.
Fishing and-hunting can be bad in every
direction. The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
:r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure., Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with if in graudeur of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. W rite S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo„
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets*
8-1-03-1 imos. .
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 5-cent packet is enough for oenai
occasions. Tho family bottle (OOots.)
contains a sandy for a year. AU drag,
gists teU them. 5-2
Tuttle’s Jewelnr Store.
Thomasville. deorgia.
We hope it will rain today and tomor
row but will lot np for the county i>ic-
in Frida v.
Our joys of sqmtuer are sadly tamper,
by the necessity of making tax-return*.
Tho min it rainetb every day
;le. a humble seeker after a Jod, deal
very gently with her or him, help if yon
can, refuse if yon most, bnt discourage
never. If yon adopt some such program
for the graduation season yon will ac
complish the very oommendabie act of
1 laving added to tho tom total of sweet
ness and light in a none too sweet old
Thoi* who pro gaining flesh
and itrangth by ra*ular traat-
Scott’s Emulsion
should oontinuo tho treatment
In hot woathori emaller dose
anda little ooql milk with It will
sctyirTt abwttxTchCTbu,
^’Mfestdis N ~ v,rtL
Ilnd Man in Jail For
Blind Tiger.
The Thomas connty jail liarbore an
nunaaal prisoner in the person of Mr.
Jim Kay, a blind man whom Sheriff
Hight recently arrested oil the charge
of soiling liquor.
He admitted Ids guilt to the Jofficers
and tells a peculiar story. He sayi that
he was struck blind when he was 12
yean old and hat been peddling whiskey
in dry counties almost ever since
His plan was to bay the liqnor in Ma
con at *1.00 per gallon, and drive
through the country in a bnggy selling
it at one dollar a quart. This is a hand
some profit and netted him a good liv
ing. He was doing a rushing business
at • Thomas connty picnic when the
sheriff took him in town. He will re-
mtin in jail awaiting trial at tiie next
term of court.
Fro* to St. Louis.
The Thomasrille Shoe Company is
one of this city’s most enterprising
firms, and mnch of this undoubted suc
cess in the Snsinem world is doe to tho
ass of printers ink. This morning their
former space in the Times-Enterprise is
doubled. They use it to toll how some
one will get what everyone wants—a
free trip toSt. Louis.
Choice Oats, Corn, ani Wheat Bran ground together.
The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled as
a milk and butter producer.
Just received a fieshtar of this renowned feed foi Ilcrses
and Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bill > (.own,”
Highly endowed by all large feeders.
We have a big stock of fresh corn, oats, hay, wheat,bi an
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let ns serve
you when in need of anything in the feed line.
fry a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Beer.
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and excellence.
The Thomasville Ice Company
It Will Bear Inspection.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have your work dono so you will not bt liable to a case of typhoid fever
iu yonr family? We know how to do ,
X^ixst-Clstss "*77*0rls
and that is all the kind we expect to do. When in need of that kind call on os.
I'We guarantee all new work forlyear.
dw 107 MadixotgStreet. ’Phoneysi.
Greatest Discovery of the Age,
'••Secret oi Health.”
A fruit and vegetable compound for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach,
Heart Burn, and all diseases arising from a
disordered stomach or torpid liver.
A great appetixer and flesh producer. Nothing better as a spring tonic.
—Price, 50 cts. and *1.00 per bottle.—
For sale by aU first-class dealers, r* trot prebaid, in lotslof 3 large homes, or 5
small ones, on receipt of price.
Wholesale rates 00 application BeUabte agents wanted in every town in the
United States.
Mathews Medicine Co.,
For Sale. Newly Overhauled.
One 25 H. P. Tubular Boiler
" J 0 Sg .! •< ••
" 10 ** ” Vertical •*
•* 8 “ * Locomotive “ on
One 10 H. P. Vertical boiler and en-
gine detached on wheels.
1 No. 3 DeLoach Saw Mill, Duplex '
1—48 inch Inserted tooth circular saw.
1—38 inch crosscut saw.
i—*4 inch cross cut saw. i
1—8 x 13 Watertown engine, centre
crank. *
I—35 H. P. centre tank Erie Engine.
3 Button Saw Moulders.
Works near A. C, L. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephones 184 and 210.
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
J. B. WATKINS. - . . Manag
Office at Williams' Stabie 228 W
ackaon St.. Thomasville. Ga.
Handromo patterns. Ready-to-wear
Hate, Flowers, Laces, Oraa*
men to, Untrimmed and Laoe Hats of
all the now and pretty ahao*. Pkaw-
“‘•ak* ladies. Experienced Simmer*.
AU will be found at Mil. J. A. Bp "
A . Store to Maaqry Hotel
: Amencus, Ga