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If you had a hoase that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t you
insure it for $1,000? \
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowing that your liouse may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for this insurance. ‘ v
If your earnings are $100 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you do not protect tjiem by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure/ to die and get ba^k more than you
have paid in -.
Or that after a certain' period, 4 f you aie still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
making application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & E. H. SMITH,
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Cat thia oat and mail to.
: O. M. & E.' H. Smith, General Agente, The Prudential- »
i Ina. Co. ol America. ThomaavUle, Ua»
: Dear Sira: .
: 'Without expenae to me and without committing my-
■ self to any action, will yon tend me further inform a.
: tion.aa to inaurance policy on my life.
t I waa born on the day of
My occupation Isa .
\oura truly,
Name* It..
Chairman Board of Health Urge*
Cara aa to Cleanliness.
A Record Breaker la Predletad
Thoee in Poaltlon to Know.
A Tax Payer Wanta to Know How
You Stand on Paea : Question.
Every iiouae holder i. enrueatly urged
The freight department* of all thu big
to be very watchful over the conditioa rnnnlng throu(fll
of back yard*, for germ breeding con- }mmm "MngtvAj tor * mou .
ditiona, and aee that the ntmoat cleanli
neaa prevail!. A free nae of lime, alack
ed with atrong brine, ia commended in Pcacll
fowl hornet, alnp receptacles and water
oloaets; alto at dump placea where slop*
and kuchan garbage are thrown. A lit
tle attention in theae mattera may avert
a caae or casea of aicknesa, for the lieai-
ater task, that of lutoling to tlie markets
of the world the famont jnioy Georgia
The shipping of peaohea in quantities
will open np about June 10 and will
ontinue for several weeks. Prepare-
ory to handling the immense crop re-
, . . . , frige.atcr can must be gotten down to
ed term ia here, and fermentation 11 , . , i _ .
. , , „ the fruit sections. Ice in sufficient
qoantitiea mnat be gotten into ice houses
at alt icing stations and a thousand
more minor details most receive the at
tention of tlie freight people.
Mr. James Mellette is Ailing the place cnrreIlt repon „ tho ^
at the Thomasville National Bank made tl)i , jear u to be sompildng wonderful,
recent by the resignation of Mr. C.rl ArBilroadul#Il who vtoited the Fort
Uitch.ll. Valley section recently returned with
|,iH eyes fairly bulging. Said lie, ill the
IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. AtU ntaConstitution:
“I nover saw to many pencil** in my
J. W. Peacock Will Keiiirn Your life M there are growing on those trees
down there. I taw orchards in .which
Thomas On. Ga. May 48, 11104,
Editors Timet-Euterprite.
We with to know which oue of oar
numerous candidates running for the
General Assembly are going to charge
the state with mileage while at the tamo
time they go to ufdfro to Atlanta with
free potaea in their pockets. It is noth
ing lets than robbin g the tax payer to
travel on free passes and charge the state
with mileage.
Tax payer.
Naw York Brokers Suspend-
New York, May 81.—The suspension
of 8. Mnnn, Son Sc Co., was annonnced
on the cotton exchange today. The
Arm it one of tlie oldest In the cotton
trade In this city. The head bookkeep
er and the cashier disappeared ten days
ago. Tho Arm believes that as soon as
the accounts can he straightened ont
they will he able to resume.
neglected places will develop disease
germs. L. D. Boucntl.I.F.. Chapman
board of health.
Due Today.
The nunnnl street-tax is due today
for the year 1004, and the annual groan
is going np from those who are com
pelled to pay the $3 into tho city t real-
nry. But tlie money lias to be paid
and the sooner it is handed over to the
proper authorities the soouer the payee
will begiu to recover from Hie shock.
Elected Trustee.
Kov. Ed. F. Cook of this city has been
elected a member of the Board of Trus
tees of Wesleyan Female College, in the
place of Rev. A. M. Williams, resigned.
Mr. Cook is able to All any office In the
gift of Ills ohnrcli and the people of hit
home city congratulate the institntion
on seenring Ills services.
First of tha Season.
The Arat ripe cantolon|iot of the seal
son, grown in Thomas county, were
brought to the Timcs-Euterprlae oAlce
Monday by Mr. L. A. Varnedoe, and
they were Aue ones Mr. Varnedoe is
one otthe coanty’s best melon growers
and he says there are mom to follow.
Interesting Couple Hare.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson of
Quitman were in the city Tuesday
morning for a short time. Mr. Johnson
who is well known here ia connected
with the Quitman Marble Yard and was
recently married to alp Alabama lady
under romantic oironmstances.
While traveling for Ills compsuy ho
met Mrs. Myra Morrison, and sold her
a very handsome momftnent to he erect-
ed in honor of the memory of her lain
He was so Impressed by hor charm
ing personality that lie proposed then
and there, was accepted, and the mar
riage took place after a brief court
They are spending their honeymoon
in Qnitmau.
LOST.—Sunday near' Qoolldge, small
black mare male, 14} hands hands high,
weight about 700 or 800 pounds. White
nose and Aank. Reward to party who
skill take np and notify this office or R.
R. Smith, Coolidge 1-1. dw It.
Mr. Donald K. Ream, of Wayoross.
has been appointed commercial agent
of the Atlantic and Birmingham railway
with headqnartera at Atlanta:
Mr. R. E. femes, buyer for Parker Sc
Bridget whose large department store*
are located at Bth and Penn, Ave Wash
ington, D. O., writes under date of
April 14, '04, as follows: Last Februa
ry, one year, while In New York on
business for my lionae, I caught a se
vere cold, which laid me np for several
week* and left me weak and nervous.
I had little or no appetite, and my di
gestion was very poor. My phyalcient
aonld not get at the cause of mjrtroub-
le, as my digestion teemed eo much im
paired. I decided to try Rydole’s Stom
ach Tablets, being aasnred by a friend,
they were a good dyspepsia medicine.
After using them for a few days, 1 be
gan to realize that I was getting better,
leave np the doctor's prescription and i
nave gained 40 pounds while nsing two
boxes of these tablets. I never felt bet
ter in my Ufa, and accredit Rydale't
Stomach Tablets with liaving cared me.
I can mcoommend them, most heartily,
to sufferers from nervous indigestion
and general ran-down conditions of the
system. For sale by J. W, Peacock.
Mouey if Mi-o-ua Does Not Cure
every tree will yield from three to fin-
era tea of splendid frait. 1 believe the
crop of peaches this year it going to
There are hundreds of people in smash all records into smithereens.”
Thomasville who were not tlie least bit There are on the line of tlie Central
nrpsieed when they read in the Tim«- of UeorgU something like 6,000,000
Enterprise that J. W. Peacock is sell- . .
ing Mi-o-na on a guarantee to refund and if the« yield m. average
the money in caae it did not cure. This of two crates each it will mean 14,000.-
marvelons dyspepsia remedy will core 000 crate* to be hauled by that road
the worst caae of indigestion, headache, .ion,. Last year the Central, of Geor-
dizzinest or the general played out con- ^ moTed a.ooocarsof peaches and rail-
dition that afflicts everyone suffering , . ....
with stomach tremble. ' road men ertmate that this year the
Mi-o-n* does not simply relieve; it same rood will move between 4,000 and
many wei 1 ^knovrn°peojAe°in^thto’etty *.000 c«, of tha same sweet fruit. The
whom this remedy has restored to health. Western and Atlantic will haul, it iact-
often after they oad tried many other . , t _
methods of treatment with little or no timated, between 000 and 1,000 can nnd
i_x , * , , the number Itanled by the Southern will
The beet kind of advertising is the
praise of a pleased customer. And there ran into thousands.
This class of freight ia moved in can
few months ago they could eat nothing belonging to different big refrigerator
car lines, most of which me controlled
what they want and when they want by the Armour company or some other
^Thismedkdne is fcfthe*fonn of a small similar conoern in Chicago. The fruit
tablet, very pic* tent intake and costs is packed green and ripens on the way
to market. By.zyMem of ventilation
forms of stomach trembfe ami to the the degree of ripeness attained by the
iSve gnaranttovrithout any’reatrictlom fruit when it reaches market can be re-
o refund the money if it doe* not cue. gnlated.
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are I
drifting towards Bright’s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forma H
stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY’S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a alight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It ia pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to rind Out. 8. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are O. B. Burhans of Cull.!* Center, N. Y„ write*;
out of order by setting oeide for 24 houre o
bottle ef the urine passed upon arising. If
open examination it to cloudy or milky or boo
o brick-duet lediment ee mull particle* loot
about in it, yoqr kidneys
KIDNEY CURB skoald bo takes
ki4ac, er UedOir tevekle.
Two Sizes, 60 Gents-aad $1.00,
lam glad to Bay &st
Bwm hod • rotor* of uv of Ibow symptoms during tho four
years that have elapsed, and lam evidently cured to
’ recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any
•f bladder freebie.••
I to stay cure
an# quffenni