Newspaper Page Text
> Hoppenlngs of a Wsekatths
South Ena Poat Offleo.
riME^ enterprise;
A8VIELE, GEOK'ilA, JU.VE 10 1904.
L. Mitchell and family left
Wednesday morning for their home in
Messrs. O. B. Brown and 8 Slater
went to Thomairflle l»st Friday
Picnic* warn to be the order of the
Mr. Henry Qnarterman and family of
Thomaaville came down Saturday to
visit relatives.
Cotton bloom* are no longer a rarity.
Crop prospects her* are excellent.
Mr. J. B. Tel hot,went to Thomaarilla
Saturday on bnrine**.
Prof. F. O. Bo*e went to Thomaaville
Monday to attend the teacher* butt
tote. J. W. Wsldsn who haa oharge of
the colored school here, ia also in atten
There waa a large congregation at
Sethpage church laat Supday, the occa
sion being Children'* Day. T!u> recita
tion* by the children were unusually
well rendered, especially that giren by
Willie Dickey, non of Mr. A. U. Dick
ey. The Rev, E. E. Roue is to be com
plimented upon his good work at this
church. a
Misses Bessie Copeland and Klin
QuaUe* accompanied by Mr. Chandler
Copeland drove over from Metcalf*
Sunday morning to attend service at
Betlipage church.
We hear that Mr. J. W. Hayes, ( who
ha* been very lick with typhoid fever
for several weeks, had a relapse last
Friday, and hi* condition is critical.
Dr. W. F. Robertson, and Mr. F. B.
Van Brunt, of Iamonla, went to Thom-
asville Saturday. Mr. Van Brunt Is
having trouble with hi* eye*, and wentj
to consult Dr. T. M. McIntosh.
People* Party. ,
The People'* party is,called to meet at.
the donrt house ill Thomaaville on Sat-
urday, June the 18th,. 1801, at eleven
o’.olof*. All reformer, am inyited to
meet with us. Th* object of the meet-’
lug I* to elect'a new executive oommlt-
? tco and name delegatee to "the National
Convention to convene at Springfield,
Bis., on {inly 4, 1904. I have arranged
to have speaking by G. B. Onun. -
J. B. Wanting.
Ohm. Oonoty Committee.
a nor
Thos. J
J. Jordan)
vs. f Libel for Divorce.
Julia B. Jordan)
It apgearing that the defendant, Julia
Brown Jordan la not a resident ot Geor-
f« ala, Ilia ordered that servtoe be nerfeo-
hsdln accordance with seotlona 2133 and
4978 of the Civil Code of Georgia, and
that notice containing the name* of tho
partlca plaintiff and defendant, with
caption sotting forth the oourt, the term
and character of tho action mb a notice
directed and addressed totha party to
be thus served who ia Jolla Brown Jor-
i dan* the defendant, 4w w ir , r |t>, *d* n ff her to
be end appear at the next term of
Thomaa Superior oocrt, and bearing teat
4a the name of tha Jungo of 8.0, S. 0„
. and signed by the clerk. Tha same to
ha published in th* Timea-Enterprtse
twice a month for two months. This
nth day of June, 1904.
Sobt, G. MrroHtu..
Jndgo Superior Court Son. Oironlt.
J. W. Groover,
as. O.
ft 6-108
. Petition for Charter.
State of Georgia Chatham County:
'Tothe HonorsMePhillip Cook. Sec-
retary of State fob the State of. Geor
gia: The petition of the undersigned,
whose names and residences are herein-
afterfnlly tet forth; respectfully shops:
l.—Th*t they desire to be lnoorpora-
ted under the laws of Georgia, ** provi
ded in the Acts of 1899 and th* Acte of
1890 amendatory thereof, pages 80 and
3. --They desire for themselves, their
■nooeseon and their associates, td be
incorporated under the name and style
of the South Atlsntio & Mexican Gulf
8.—The railway oohremplated in this
petition for a charter it to he about
three hundred and twenty-five miles In
length, beginning at, in or near the city
city of Savannah, -In the county of
Chatham and state of Georgia, and run
ning in a southwesterly direction
through the counties of Chatham, Bry
an, liberty, Tattnall, Appling, (at or
near Baxley), Coffee (at or near Doug*
laaand Willaobooliee) Berrien (at or near
Nathrllle or/Sparks) Colquitt, Brooks,
Thomas, (sror near Thomaaville), and
Deoatnr, in tho State of Georgia; and
the oountlea of Leon (at or near Talla
hassee). Gadsden, Wanknlla, Liberty,
Franklin, CMhonn and Washington, in
the state of Florida, to deep water on
the Golf of Mexico.
4. —The capital stock of said railway
shall be three million dollara with the
privilege of increasing said capital stock
ro the mm of five million dollsrs all of
said capital slock to consist of common
5. —They desire the charter of said
railway ro continue for und during the
period of one hundred and One (101)
years, a* allowed by law.
8.—The principal offices ,f said rail
way shall be located in the city of Sa
vannah Georgia. ,
7. —Your petitioners declare that they
do intend in good faith to go forward
withqat delay to secure subscriptions to
the capital stock and to construct, equip,
maintain and operate said railway.
8. —Your petitioners further show
thoothey have given fonr weeks (4)
notice of tlietr intention to apply for a
charter by the publication of this pe
tition in the newspapers in which the
sheriff’* advertisements are published,
in each of tho counties through which
sKKTVsllwsy shall run, once a week for
four week* (4), before the filing of this
,1 WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray
that they may be incorporated under
the provision* of tho law* and the con
stitution of the state of Georgia, with
all of the powers and. privilege* Incident
to snch corporations, nnder and by vir
tue of the laws and the said ponstitatioii
of Mid state.
9. —Tour petitioners attach hereto
their names and residences respectively,
si follows, towit:
D. G. Pune, Chatham County Geor
John J. McDonough, Chatham Ooun-
, Chatham County, Geor
gia. /
D. G. Purse. Jr., Chatham County,
^.ISjr'Ooiqas, M. D., Appling County
0. W. Dean; Appling County, Geor-'
■IP; L. Sweat, Oofree County, Georgia.
John McLean, Coffee County, Geor-
W. J. Rogers, Berrien County, Geor-
1. W. Purdom, Berrien County,'Geor
gia. 8-8-41.
St. Lonl* Via Central ot Oeorgla
Los; ■'rates, shortest route, quickest
time! Choice of Jh-ee routes via At
lanta, Montgomery or Birmingham.
Sleeping car* all the way. From Alban?
season tickers 935.00. 60. day tickets
629.35 15 day ticket *25.00. Coach
Excursion Tickets good only in coacbe
on sale from all coupon points, 617.15
limit ten days Proportionate io/rates
from other points.
For full particulars. World’s Fair Lit
erature, maps, etc., call on or write your
nearest ticket or I. O. Brinson, commer
cial Agent, Albany, Ga.
Application Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Thomas County:
Notioe is hereby given that the under-
signal has applied to the Ordinary of
said ooonty for leave to sell land belong
ing to the estate of Joseph Moore, for
the payment of debts and distribution.
Saidapplieation will be heard at the
regular term of tho Court of Ordinary
for said ooonty to be held on the first
Monday in Jute 1904. This May 2nd.,
1904. M. A. Fleetwood, Adminiatra-
tor open the eetate of Joeeph Moore.
Notice Local Legislation.
Notice of intention to apply for the
passage of a local bill by the next session
of the legislature entitled: "An act to
amend the charter of the town of Met
calfe, Ga., Thomas coonty, so as to au
thorize said town to levy and collect a
tax on all the taxable property in said
town not to exceed one half of one per
oent.” 6-10 it
Notice to Jail Contractors,
Sealed proposal, will be received at
Thomasville. Ga, by the Bqsrd of Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues of
Thomas county Go., until IS o'clock
noon Tuesday July 8 for sn addition! to
the Thomas county jail. Plans and
specifications now on file at the office
01 the Chairman of Board.
Each bidder will be allowed and ex
pected to furnish with bit bid specifica
tion tor steel wild iron wotk describing
material and construction be proposes
to furnish conforming to site of cells
shownln plan.
Bidders must furnish with proposal
a certified check for I500 made payable
to E. M. Smith Chairman to assure said
county if bla proposal ia accepted, that
he win furnish with his contract a sc-
curity bond for double amount of bis bid
(as the law directs). Same to be satis
factory to the Board otherwise laid
check will be forfeited to the county.
t The right ia reserved to reject any
and all proposals.
E. M. Smith.
Ch'r'm. Board of Com. of Roads & R
Notice is hereby given that appUca-
tlon will be made to the next session of
the General assembly for the passage of
the following, towit;
to he entitled an not to amend the act
approved October, 8, 1881), entitled:
"An act to re-incorporate the town of
Thomaaville as the Olty of Thomaaville,
and for other purposes”—so ss td con
fer upon the City of Thomaaville the
authority to bay or build and eqnip an
Elehfrlo Lighting Plant in said city for
thetturposeof furnishing Electric Light*
forme streets and buildings of said city
andvH(b power to operate such a plant
for her own benefit .and to sell Electric.
Light* and power to consumers, and to
elect all necessary officers and employers
to operate said plant and to control the
Thomaaville, Ga. May 16, 1604.
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomsk Oottkty: -
By virtue of an order of the’ court
or ordinary of said coonty will be sold
at public outcry on the first Tnetfay in
July 1904, at the court bouse in said
countv between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situated in the
city of Thomaaville, and county of
Thomas to-wit: Lot commencing at a
ppint 119 feet from N. W, corner of Lee
and Steven* street*, on the north aide of
Lee street and running westerly along
Lee street 88 feet to land line of O. L.
Thompson, thence along said Thompr
son’s line parallel with Stevens street,
179 feet; thence northward 33 ft. to
Vickers line; thence eastwanl with
Vickers line 70 feet; thence northward
along Vickers line 87 ft. theooe east
ward parallel with StevenAtreet 94 ft.
to line of lot poenpied by Luoy Butler,
known as the Bower lot, eald point be
ing 86 feet from Stevens street; thence
along said Bowers lot in aontberiy di
rection to starting point on North aide
of Lee street The sale will continue
from day to day, between the tame
hours until all of said property ia told
Terms cash.
8. T. Hamilton,
Guardian of J Ethel Hamilton.
Application for Dismission.
John B. Everitt, guardian of Misa
Blanche Ainsworth, has applied tome
for a diacharge from hia guardianship of
Mias Blanche Ainsworth, This it there
fore to notify all persona concerned to
file their objections, it any they have,
on or before the first Monday in Jnly,
1904, elie he will he discharged from his
gnanluinahip a* applied for.
Wm. M. Jokes,
36 Horse Power Boiler, Good as nev
Terms easy.
W. P. Sparks,
010 4t ThoniahTllle* Ga.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomaa county.
J. O. Stanaland, Guardian of John G.
Cnlpepper and Foy Waldren (nee Cul
pepper; has applied to me for a discharge
from his guardianship of John G. Cul
pepper and Foy Waldren (uee Culpep
per.) Tliia 1* therefore to notify all
irsona concerned to file their objections
_ any they have, on or before the first
Monday in July 1904, else he will be
discharged from hie guardianship as ap
plied for. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
6-97-4. f
honest drag* are always to’ be iiad at
rotabliihment. When yon are sick
yon cannot afford to take chances. In
here you take no ohfuww, bo-
cause we guarantee all our drags to ba
absolutely pure. Our
Prescription Department,
it unexcelled.
Hole Agent Jacobs Candies. -
Sick headache results from a disorder
ed stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Stomach ana Liver Tan
eta. For sale by J. W, Peacock, d. &w <*ke no other.
Application to Sell.
GEORGIA-Thomae County.
To all whom it may ooncern:
E. M. Smith and R. Thomaa, Jr., Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of
W. E. Davies, ’Oeoeased, have in doe
form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the
estate of said deceased, and said appli
cation will be heard 911 ttie firsi'Monuuy
in Jnly, 1984.
8-10-4 W. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Thomaaville People Can See that
Freud Could Not be attempted.
Residents of Albany which ia near
enough <0 Thomaaville so that any at
tempt to deceive would be futile, de
Clare that Doan’s Kidney I’illicute kid
ney diseases and backache and thsy
stand by what they say. It ia easy for
any Thomaaville sufferer to verify this
Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 157 Broad
street, Albanv, Ga.. says; ‘T have de
rived a great benefit from the use of
Doan's "Kidney Pills. My back was
causing me almost continual misery.
The pain waa right across the small of
it—a heavy, dull, bearing down pain
and a weakness. 1 used many different
medidnes, without apparent result, and
also tried liniments, but the pain still
remained. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills
advertised and got a box and gave them
a thorough trial, I am very much pleas
ed with the results. The pun has left
d I ieel vary much better in every
way. You are welcome 10 use my name
as a reference."
•Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomasville. Drop into
R. Thoma. Jr's, dragstoreand aak what
liis customers report,
>For sale by all dealers. Foxter-Mil-
burn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's-and
To the person guessing nearest our cash sales for the month of June, we wil
present a round trip ticket to the World’s Fair-at St.^Louis. As a guide to guess byj
we give our cash sales for the corresponding month for three years,
1901, $981.94. • 1902, $876.53. 1903, $936.53.
OneGuess With Each Dollar Cash Spent With US. *
In order to make the Sale doubly interesting we name SPECIAL PRICES for J ONE ONLY.
One lot Men’s $5.00, $6.00 high quartered shoes $2.99
“ “ “ $3.00, $4.00 low “ “ $2.49
“ “ “ $i.oo, $1.25 Negligee Shirts 75
“ “ “ $1.25, $2.00 Shirt Waists 79
“ “ 25c. Hosiery 15c. 2 for . 25
One Lot Ladies’ $2.50 and $3.00 Oxfords $1.74
“ “ “ 2.50 and 3.50 “ small sizes and
narrow toes 75
One lot Ladies, $1.25Oxfords. 75
Two lots Childrens Slippers at 25 and 50c.
Come and go to St. Loub at our Expense.
Thomasville Shoe Company.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Superior Court ofeaid county:
The petition of W. H. Brandon, W.
M, Hardy, M. R. MaUette, J. H. Merrill,
S. A. Roddenbery, Alex W. Beater
James Watt, G. S. Whitney, Obaa. S.
Hebard, all oi said county, respectfully
.boweih that ibey desire to be incorpor.
ated under the name and style of the
“Trustees of the Young Men's Christian
Association of Thomaaville, Georgia,*
said corporation to continue for twenty
vears, with privilege of renewal, ana to
have power by a majority vote to fill the
vacancies in its bodyfrom tbemembership
of some of the Evangelical churches in
Thomaaville,provided that not more than
four shall at any rime be from the same
denomination and all future presidents
of the "Young Men's Christian Associ
ation of Thomasville Georgia" shall be
while in office members ex officio of said
board of trustees, except in case where
the office of president office of the asso
ciation shall be conferred upon a mem
ber of said board when the number snail
consist of 9.
A number of persons having subscrib
ed and agreed to donate a large fund,
amounting in the aggregate to about for the purposeoi providing a
house for the Young Men's durtstian As
sociation of Thomasville, Georgia, and
to carry on the work of said association,
and more than half of it being actually
f taid in, and said subscribers to said
und having chosen and appointed your
petitioners as Trustees to take charge of
and collect said fund ana t" see that the
purposes for which it was subscribed and
donated are nroperlv carrird out; and
to that end trie -aid subscribers having
directed your te'it oners to cause them
selves to be mane a corporation upon the
terms, stipulations, and restrictions ex
pressed in this petition, the same is filed
f-r the purpose of acting nnder said
appointment and instructions.
The object and particular business of
said corporation will therefore, he to
collect and receive said fund heretofore
subscribed, nr such property as may be
donated to it by gift, intervivos, ora will,
or any natural increase from rrn *, in
terest or otherwise on tbeir investments,
and to purchase and toehold such real
.stale ar may be necessary for the
purpose intended, and to erect thereon
such building or buildings as mav be
deemed a • usable, to be used and oc
cupied by the said Young Men's Chris
tian Association of Thomasville Ga.,
where it shall carry on the busioeas and
the work of said association, as indicat
ed in its charter and by-laws, and to pay
to said association the amount author
ised in the beading of said subscriptions.
Sait corporation to have full power in
oarrying out the objects for which it is
created, as aW- expressed, to pur
chase, receive, and hold any and all
property, real «r personal, v hich mav be
acquired by it, and to cootrol sod collect
all rents, issues, and profits thereof, tor
the purpose Cf carrying out tbs trust
conndea to it; and after paying all taxer,
assessments, insurance, sod expenses
necessary asd incident to the preserva
tion and care of the building or build
ings, to pay over any surplus to the
treasurer of the Young Mens Christian
Association of Thomasville, Ga. The
real estate and ottier properly held by
said corporation shall never be liable
for any debt, contract or obligation of
the Young Men's Christian Association
of Thomasville, Georgia, its officers or
committees, except that slid trustees
shall have the right, after having ex
hausted the subscription now in band
and which may hereafter be secured dur
ing the construction of the building, to
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
irity deed for such sum (not exceed
Fifteen Hundred Dollars (f 1300) a«
he necessary to complete «atd build
The corporation to be created under
this petition i* to be and remain a sepa
rate and distinct bode corporate and
person in law from said Christian Asso
ciation. The said corporation to be
created in accordance with this petition
is never to have power to encumber the
whole or any pan of the property held
by it except ia above stated.
No intoxicating liquors are ever to be
sold and, end no game of chance pen
mitted upon any property purchased
with the funds herein referred to* or held
by said corporation.
Said corporation shall have power ti
contract and be contracted with, to sue
and be sued, and have all other powers,
and franchises necessary and in
to the objects of said corporation;
and the same being in all respects elee
mosynary in its character, and not for
personal gain or profit to the members,
t is to have no capital stock, and the
contracts of the corporation are to bind
ing on it in its corporate capacity alone
and not in any sense or manner upon
the members individually.
Your petitioners pray the granting of
n order investing them ana their suc
cessors to be appointed as heretofore
provided, with the corporate powers
aforesaid, and creating • body corporate
upon the terms herein expressed.
J. H. Merrill.
Petitioners Atty.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Clerk Office Superior Court.
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true copy qf the original now on file
in my office.
May 25 I9i»4. J. W. Groover,
6 3 4t
“My mother has been a sufferer for
manv vears with rheumatism,"says W.
H. Howard, of Hu&bind*. Pa. “At times
she was unable to move at all, while at
times walking was painful. 1 presented
her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm and after a few applications she
decided it was the most wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she
is never without it nqw and is at all times
able to walk. An occasional application
of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that
she was formerly troubled with." For
sale by |. W. Peacock. d&w
“In the spring of 1901 my children
had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W.
Capps, of Oapps, Ala. "I used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory results. I think this is the
best remedy I have ever seen for whoop
ing cough. This remedy keeps the
cough loose, lessens the severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
Under an I by virtue of a Sscuriiy
Deed, power of sale therein incorporated
from E. D. Wnitaker, R. P. Dos* and
S P. Doss, to me. due vn of J ini. 19 n»,
said deed having been m ide 10 secure
and for 1 h* purposeof securing certun in-
debted *es< to me, 4»videnced by a Prom
issory Note, dated June &th, l~oo. tor the
sura of Six Tbousand4$«,ocMOo,) Dollars,
and the same being fully described in
the said security deed,, I will at public
outcry, before the Court Home door in
Tbomasville, said .State and County, on
the First Tuesday in July. 190* .sell the
following described real estue and per
sonal property, to-wit;.
All that tractor parcel ot land situated
lying and being in the City of Thomaa-
ville, said State and County, on the West
Side of Broad Street, between Fletcher
Street and the A. C. L. Ry., more par-
ticuarly described as fronting 70 feet on
Broad Street and running through (he
block to Madison Street, 3to feet, the
railroad cutting off a small coro*r;boun~
ded on the South by the Palin lot, and
on the North by what was formerly
known as-the Barr lot; said real estate
known as the Kentucky Stables, oppo
site the Piney Woods Hotel.
Also the following described personal
property, to-wit:
Three Oinnibusses. known as the Mit-
cbel House Buss, Piny woods Buss, and
the Masury Buss; five Phaetons; three
Top Buggies; Eleven Carriages; One
Glass enclosed Landau; Three Six-Seat
ed park Wavons; Three Four-seated
Buck-Boards; Three Four-Seated Open
Surries; Four Hunting Wagons; One
Two-Horse lolt Wagon: Two Baggage
Wagons; Two Truck Carts; Fourteen
Sets of Doub'e Harness; Eight Sets of
Single Harness; Three Men’s Saddles;
Four Ladies' Saddles; Nine Riding
Bridles; Fifty Winter Lap Robes; One
Cutting Box; One Office Desk; One
Office Safe and Stable Implements; One
Bay Horse, ten years old, named Ragen;
One B ack Horse’ eight years o»d un-
junamed; One Black Mare, ten vears old,
named iNellie; One Sorrel Horse, ten
years old, named Post Boy; One Bay
Gelding, ten ycm.cs old, named Cox; One
Brown Gelding, eight years old Jim Bell
One Red Sorrel horse, eight years old,
named Pittman; One Brown Horae ten
years old, named Hero; One Sorrel
Horse, eight years old, nameu Hero; One
Sorrel Horse, eight years old named
Sam Bunvan, One Bay Horse, nine
years old: named Jerry; One Black Horse
seven years old named George; One
Sorrel Horse, six years old named
Pomp;One Brown Gelding, seven years
old named Heath;One Gelding five years
old, ntmed Black Hawk; One Chestnut
Griding, seven years old,named Stanley;
One Bay horse, ten years old, named Joe
Ray; One Bay Mare. Six Years old,
named Simpkins; One Bay Gelding, Six
>ears old, unnamed; One Horse, Nine
years old, named Jake Scott; One Bay
Gelding, six years unnamed: 1 bay horse
eight years old, named Will; One Bay
Horse eight yean old, named Herbert;
One Dappled Gray Horse, nine years old,
unnamed; One Horse eight years old,
named Big Dick; One Horse eight years
old. named White Foot; One Brown
Horse nine years old, named Lost
Horse; One Bay Horse, ten vears old,
named Sam; On« Bay Mare, Ten years
old, named Fannie; One Brown Horse,
ten years old, named Joe Brown; One
Bay Mare, seven years old. named
Snip-Nose; One Bay Horse, eight years
old, named Cicero; One Horse, five years
old, named Blaok Diamond; One Chest
nut Mare, seven years old, named
Emma; One Sorrel Saddle Horse, eight
years old unnamed; One Bay Horse,
eight years old,*named Simon; One Bay
Horse eight years old, named Chastain;
One Rea Roan Horse, nine years old,
named Rathbone; One Bay Horse, lour
Vears old, namsd Bacon Wilks; One Bay
Mare, five vmrs old, named Valicia, and
oncBay GeMing, seven years old named
The proceeds ol sale as contracted in-
said Security deed to be applied first to
the payment of the amount due on the
note for which this deed was made, and
the balance of the proceeds, if any, to
be paid to the makers of said deed and
note; terms of sale cash.
R. A. Cooke
S. A. Roddenbery, Roscoe Luke.
Attysfor R. A. Cooke. 6-10 4t
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Under and by virture of an order of
the Hon.court of ordinary of said coun
ty the undersigned will sell on the lint
Tuesday in July 190s before the Court
house door in the City of Thomaville* is
Thomas County, Ga. to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
property, to-wit.
All of lot number !q according to Me-
Swain's survey thereof in that portion of
town of Thomasville, said State and
County known as .Ea6t End. Said lot
fronting on Colton Avenue 68 feet and
running back North I92' and one half
feet to an alley, containing one third of
an acre more or less. Sold as the prop
erty of Toseph Moore deceased for the
purpoee of distribution among the heirs*
6-io-4t M. A. Fleetwood
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Wm. McKay, Jr Executor of the -Jast
will of A. W. Clisby, late of said County
deceased, having filed his petition for
discharge, this is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause against the gran
ting of this discharge at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary of said County
held on the first Monday in July, 1904-
6-7-4 * W. M. Jones
Application For Administration.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To Whom it Mar Concern; M A
Fleetwood, pobUo Administrator, has
made application to me in terms of the
statute to be made administrator, do
bonis non, with will annexed, of the es
tate of John N McKinnon, deceased,
and that said application will he heard
at the July term, 1904, of the Court of
irequeue, or uie cougning speus and Ordinary of Thomas county. Georgia,
counteracts any tendency toward pneu-1 1 W m. M. JONESj OrdriSy
mania. For sale by J. W. Peacock. C-10-4t 3