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The Franklin Life Insurance Cc.
Illustration of the New
20 Payment Lift
■20 Year Accumulation.
Amount $10,000—Age 30-^-Premium $327.10.
Total Payments for 20 years, should the insured live so
barrow, General Agent,
For Southern Georgia,
Thomas ville, Ga.
who oADiiot come to the city
wheo in need of olotbea we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carry the finest makes of
Clothing, Hate, Fumiahings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stout,
tiim or short,
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an easy
task -by sending to -jour
homes two or three styles of
garments to select from.
We carry
Sols Agent* for
In Our Boys’ Department
0 a n be had everything
ready-to-wear for boys,* ex-
oept shoes.
A Remedy That Ho One Is
Afraid To Take,
Dr. Tbacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
has bees used in thousands of homes for
fifty-two yean with perfect confidence
and the moat remarkable results.
: The great success of thia remedy is doe
to the fact that its formula (which con
sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake,
Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla,
Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium)
has been freely published. •
Doctors and Druggists everywhere do
not hesitate to recommend a preparation
which they know contains the beat-
known remedies for correcting all irreg
ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood,
and the diseases caused by the failure of
these function! to perform their proper
work. *
Thousands of rick ones to whom life
has been a burden have written grateful
letters that others might profit by their
experience. e
Buoxnxd Gam, Tax.. Hot. 11, it_
suffering terribly with indigestion end
* * J ijr druggist for
' Iiwsssufl
kidney tro
l to relieve
ent me n package of Dr. Tbacher’s
JLtrer and Blood 8yrup I concluded to try it,
and sow I am deeply grateful to ay druggist
as wall as to you.
I had been a sufferer from these things and
a general run-down condition for ten wears,
and had only received temporary relief from
•(her medicines. But after using not quite two
packages of your Liver and Blood 8yrup I feel
as stoat sad nearly as 1 ever did is my lire, sad
lam satisfied that I am entirely cured. Z feel
no symptoau whatever of kidney trouble, and
my digestion is as good as say living man's.
I can now eat whatever I choose.
X never bad nay remedy five me such qulek
and permanent relief, and I can not pnt a —
sect estimate on the valae your medicine
been to me. I would not take aay amount of
money for it Vary gratefully your* QWN
fffsusssis medicine terlls to-day for a
fJfeae.jNBflSpf* battle mnd “Dr. Thacker's
for adrlee.
i west Is try It mt our «W>
achat it aoill do,
Drugglsto—tioo sites—SO
• Ml« |M a I
■ Chattanooga, Tsnn.
Free Samples
You Cm Get One.
Atlanta Fire
Mias Nellie Pringle and Mr. Rbydon
Maya Thursday won the golf tourna
ment and the handsome Traylor tro
The play was on nine holes and Miu
Pringle and Mr. May* made a soon of
SI strokes. Mias Hartley Patten and
Mr. J. B. Jemiaon came second with a
score of 58.
rtie Traylor trophies, a stein and a
loving enp, wore probably the handsom
est ever contented for on the Thomas-
ville links and Mias Pringle and Mr.
Maya aro deserving of unlimited con
gratulations. .
Mrs. Theo Titus aerved tea during the
afternoon and a considerable crowd of
spectators were on hand to partake of
her hospitalitv and the excitement of
the occasion.
KNOWS MI-O-NA WILL CURE. The Thomaaville Golfers aay that
J. w. MtACOOK lias SUCH faith iw th i h j Ge0rK0 Washington Traylor is a
BLACK WEED it arid by all drag
fiat* at 11.00 a bottle, or we will sand
prepaid upon rocript of pries.
Send Your Name
a trial sample of this great remedy,
which will be sent absolutely free, to
gether with our book containing valua
ble inform lion and endorsements.
Please mention this paper. Address,
Black Weed Medicine Ce.,
Atlanta. Cm.
Interesting Program Arranged—Mu
sic and Essay* on Pertinent Topics.
The closing exorcises of the Pnblie
Schools were held at the Sooth Geor
gia College building at eight o'clock
Friday. The pupils who appear on the
program have given months of hard
work to their assignments and they ap
peared to splendid advantage.
The following is the complete official
instrumental music.—Misses Ethel De-
kle. Ruth McBride, Tempe Caasady,
Grace Beverly.
Prayer—Rev. S. L. McCarty.
Sadutatory-Ovtus Mallard.
Essays-"Joel Chandler Harria”-Bea-
sie Lihbey. “Got. Brown during the
War."—Robt. Balfour.
Music—(a i Nocterne op 37 No. 2,—Oho-
pin. (bi Gondolier—Nerin.
—Tempe Caaaady
Essay—^"Popular Superstitions."—Eliz
abeth Parker.
Class History—Thomas Mitchell.
Essay—"Sydney Lanier."—Mary Jer-
8oso—“Sunset”—Miaa Parker,
Essay—“Gen. Jno B. Gordon."—Ethel
Class Prophecy—^Grace Beverly.
Essay—"The Panama Canal.”—Lean
Music—"Last Hope."—Ethel Dekle.
Essats—“Knighthood of the 20th Cen
tury"—Panline Smith. "William
McKinley.”—Fred Boyer.
Class Poem—Rosa Brawton.
Music—"La Reveil de Armour ’—Rath
Essay—"Francis Marion”—Remer Mc
Delivery of Diploma* by Hon. Ftmdren
Mitelioll, President Board of Educa
Muno—’Spanish Madrilena'—Ethel De
kle and Ruth McBride.
Benediction—Rer. K. Mead.
Mias Nellie Pringle And Mr. Rhydon
Mays Win Golf Tournament.
ouarantee* it.
It ia en unosunl thing for.* drnepin
to sell a medicine uuder n guarantee to
refund the money if it doe* not cure.,
Yet this is the way J W. Peacock, the i River Is one# Mor# the Mecca of
popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the! Pleasure Seeker*,
standard dyspepsia remedy.
Never before has he had ao large a
number of cuatreners tell him that a
medicine has cured as with Hi-o-na.
People who a few months ago looked
What tha Beya Saw and Did at the
Big Meeting.-.
The Thomas county delegation to At
lanta returned home Thursday, and
they all appeared glad to once more be
back where they oonid get three square
meals a day and ait in a chair oooe in a
while. The delegation; was headed by
Judge H. W. Hopkins, and Mean. 8.
A. Roddenbery, Fondren Mitchell, Ben
Comfort, J. W. H. Mitchell and W. M.
Hardy hacked him np in good old wire
sat style.
On moat questions the delegation vot
ed solidly, and especially was this the
ease in the fight for Captain Triplett.
For delegate at large they all voted for
Judge Sweat, bat scattered on the oth
ers. They think they ought to be given
the credit for instructing the St. Lonis
delegation to vote for Parker. If their
six votes had gone the other way the
delegation would have gone nninsbmot-
ed. It la estimated that at leaat 80 per
cent of tha seven hundred delegates to
the convention were in favor of Parker,
but the "ring" didn't want to inatrnot.
and they were beaten by only nine
Griggs'defeat was the sensation of
the convention. He had more at stake
than any other man, and it was almost
oniversally conceded that he would cer
tainly be among the big four. Three
ee can now be seen at the secret of
his downfall; first, his William Ran-'
dolph opinions; second, his failure to
support Captain Triplett and third the
breaking np of the Parker canons on
Tuesday night. This last waa most
likely the fruit of the two rival Parker
dabs in Atlanta and Mr. Griggs prob
ably had nothing to with it; neverthe
less the bregkap w*a charged to him by
many and It coat him more than enough
vote* to defeat .
A Thomas county representative felt
ee big se a walking labop delegate, He
* J "a' whole big vote to himself.
Some men were there, Washington Des
sau and Tom Loylees, for Instanoe, that
went ronnd trading on a one "stleth" of
a vote. Richmond county sent np 43 rep
resentatives to oast her six votes
between them. A Thomas county man
baa a good right to believe himself
always worth seven times what a North
Georgia cracker it, bat the sensation
of hit vote coanting in that proportion
was a new one.
A certain oltixen member of the local
delegation eayt that he lias teen the day
when a horee.swapping convention traa
pto to him, bnt for trading, the Kimball
House .lobby has • hone dealer's race
beaten an oblong milt. He aaya it’i a
sight. Another member says that
standing on the aide line* watching the
game it bettor than any football battle
ho ever saw.
The only regret in the eye of anybody
it Captain Triplett's defeat, and lie aaya
that's all right since things went ue they
did. '
A dividend additioq of $130.84 will be added to the original amount of the policy each year,
payable if death occurs during the accumulation perio^. To make this plainer still, if the death
of the insured should occur at any time, from the first to the twentieth year, the face of the policy
$11,010, together with forty percent, of all premiums paid, will be paid the beneficiary. This
would make the ACTUAL COST of the protection to be only sixty per cent, of the premiums
paid. A man can buy $1,00# of this insurance as cheap as the man who buys $10,000.
The COST is LESS for YOUNGER men and MORE for OLDER men.
Take this policy now, and its offerings. Compare with your own Twenty Payment
Life policies, (unless you have this kjnd), and see the difference. Compare it also with
what others are offering you. Most men who have bought Twenty Payment Life policies
within the last year or two are paying a LARGER premium than is charged for this policy
besides, they are only insured for twenty years for thoFACE of the policies, $io,ooq, and no
additions. Are you one of them? Ask yourself that question. It is as much to YOUR
interest to save the dollars as it is to any one’s. We do that for you.
This is only one of the good things about this policy.
Jf the insured is LIVING at the end of the accumulation period, twenty years,
he will have Six Very Choice Options to Select From.
If you care to know what these are, or if you want to know just what one of these
policies will cost you, and the benefits thereon, call on, or write to the undersigned, giving
age and amount of insurance wanted. You shall have the information for the asking.
Agents Wanted-rBest Contract I
rydaus tonic
A New SekatHte Mswerg
lor He
Rev. Walker Lewis, the well-known
Methodist minister, write*: “I hare
need Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir la my
family with very beneficial results. Its*
an admirable medicine and excellent as
a tonic and liver regulator."
Th* Beet Laid Plana of Mice and Men
Often Go Awry.
like walking skeletons have pot on
flesh and today tin ruddy and vigorooa
with perfect digestion and good health
solely doe to the n*e of thia remedy.
There ia no longer any need of any
one mitering or making their friends
■offer on account of dyspepsia, for Mi-
o-na can be relied upon to core. The
percentage of cares is so nearly one
nnndred per cent, that there is little
risk to J. W. Peacock in guaranteeing
to return the money if the medicine does
net core and be stands ready to do so
without any qnottiooBfl*
Headaches, all forms of indigestion,
■pecks before the eyes, dixzy feelings,
poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all
forms of liver trouble are cored by Mi-
o-na, price 50c. A few days’ treatment
■bow* considerable gain in health and a
cure speedily follows.
These days are the beat in the whole
year for th* enjoyment of good health.
And Hi-o-na will pnt you in such per
fect condition that yoo can enjoy every
■Minute of them.
Miaa Emma Daniel after a visit or
several days in Quitman passed through
thomaaville Friday on her way to
her home in Beconton.
One more party of young |»ople took
advantage of the moonlight before it
waa too late last week and went oat to
the river. Among the party were Mim
es Mamie and SaUie Atkinson, Marga
ret Hall, Emma Dixon. Mae Edwards,
Jessie Bnntin. and Measn. Will Atkin
son. Jno. Lewis, Blacksliear, Stevens
snd Battle. It is unnecessary to say
that they had a good time.
Misses Brantley Visit Hare.
Misses Marguerite and Jessie Kate
Brantley of Brpnawick are the charming
gaesta of their aont Mrs. T. M. Fleming
on Remington Avenue. The Miaaee
Brantley are daughters of Congressman
Brantley of the eleventh district.
Prof. A. B. Smith waa a visitor to
Thomaaville Friday. Mr. Smith
graduated at Emory last summer, and
during the year he has been at the head
of the Meigs schools. He has made a
splendid aucoem of his work there.
| Mr. O. T. Gandy has mimed hie call.
, lng. He tmght to have been a detect-
BLIOD aM NERVIS. Thursday morning bright, and early,
^ a negro rode a good looking horse np
It purtfie. th. blood by eUmlneting ffia to Gsndy M d MaUetf. stable and said
waste matter and other impurities and by ,
destroying the gem. or microbe, that •»* would ““ «“ The *•*”>
Infest the blood. It builds up the blood rode a good saddle, and when Mr. Qan-
by restoring and multiplying the red cor. j dy offend him $15.00 for hone and ell
puedes, making the blood rich end red.! j, e jumped *t it. ‘
It rretorea .nd stimulates th. nerves, m look'd ^cioua and whUe he
causing a full free flow of nerve force ® r
throughout the entire nerve oyatem. It ,loldln * »*>» wlkh
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous, meats and detail, Mr. Gundy sent out
oeas, nervous proctratioa and all diaeoaea for an officer.Tha officer came and the
of the nervoue system. | negro goes to Jail on suspicion.
Not many minutes later, mesaage
comes over the wire from Pelham that
Mr. J. N. McKeuxie, station agent
R YD ALES TONIC Is .. specific for Ml "“»> *>“ ,ttd “• hor “> “ 4 Mr -
forms of Malaria. It arts on e new prire . Keaton Ilia saddle. Later developments
dpi* It kill* tho microbes that produce showed that the captured goods were
Malaria. The cause being removed the j , |ie miwin> uq" und that Bam Ferrill
? ufck * "fr-gr* R ,^ DAtE ! 1 and Herbert Thompron two negro*
TONIC is guaranteed to cere the most i - , _ , ,
obstinate cses eg Malarial Fever, ChDI. I who mu a pressing club at Pelham had
and Fever, Ague, etc. Wo authorise all ’ been caught in a deep plan,
dealers handling our remedies to refund | Thompson pawned a suit of clothe, here
the purchase price for every bottle ol j H „ m steal Dr. Hill's horae and ride
T0OTC | wilh Ferrill to Thomaaville. They were
to convert the stolen goods into cash and
whack np last Thursday. Officer Norton
ot Pelnam came down Thursday and the
deep scheming black birds will whack
np their com bread and meat In a Mitch
ell cmnty jail.
GtBiM Heneag Godm
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General Merchandisefat Cairo must be sold
out at once. I have sold my store building and most give
possession by August, ist
Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, etc.
Less Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods.
G. L DUREN, H. W. Moncrief, M’g’r.
Cairo, • . . Georgia.
5-36-2m w
I Opium wbleb IwulttoH
rur* or tffond tb« none;
Tbs Orest Remedy to
aer matauoa tor
a" dls-are* or either rex
such a. Nervous Pro.Ira
qn or tooacoo ot
» ClriOTW* IQM1M
By Fattmon Pro*