Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress.
BNBt by the Governor ,
Second: Alberts ii entitled.lto no
. compensation for extra official aenrlcM,
nnlre* performed under apodal contract
with the proper county authorities, and
the right in County Board! to make
•noli eontraeta ia doabtfal.|It it the
duty of all arresting offlcenfito arrest
petuon* eharged with crime under war
rant* leaned by Judicial offlcera of this
state, and to make each arrerta in any
connty of thia State, and tojearry the
acenaod, with the warrant under which
be waa arrested. to the oonntytin which
the offenoe la alleged to hare becnloom-
mltted, and tlie county last Jmcntioned
moat pay the expense* incurred by the
arraating officer in dairying the priaoner
to that ooonty.
Third: For that removing afprison-
er, and for bringing back fngitivea from
joatice to the county where the crime
waa committed, arreeting offleen are en
titled to receive *3.00 per day and actual
Melon Shipping Will Begin Next
Week From the Melon emporium.
Bev. T A White Oiled hi* regular ap
pointment here Sunday, .preaching to
good oongreggMona
Dr W B Wotkina ran up to Thomas-
viUe on Wednesday on business.
Mia* Alma Copeland of Spring Hill
, itor to onr town, aa the gneet of Kra. E
' B Young.
l After being away for aeveral montha
\ teaching. Him Maggie Stringer ia at
' home again^
Meaeera W W and Kobert Felkel. two
of our popular bnetneae men, epent Sun
day at Mnnoaain gap in Florida.
After aeveral montha abaenoe from
here Mill, M William*, aooompanied
by her daughter* Hiaae* Elmaand Katie
May have reoently retained, to the de
light of their many friend*.
MlflMs Elia Quailec aad Baarii Cope*
lend, aooompanied by MrH 0 Copeland
Jr., attended ohnroh at Beth page near
lamonia. Fla.,anSnaday. ,
Some of our melon grower* am mak
ing preparation* to afatp. Hr D F Ban-
ley will load a car about thr middle at
next week, ahd Mr Geo Hick* will ahip
mvoral within the next week or ten
day*. Proepecta aaem bright ler a good
crop and fine price* from thia point.
They overcome Wear;
ness,increase vigor and
banish "pains." They
body. No known re me
e. fi.oo PER BOX BY
IEMICA*- CO., Clere-
Official Paper of Thomas County
are "LIFE SAVERS," aiding development of
dv equal* them. Cannot dqpfarm—life becomi
MAIL. Sold by Patterson Drug Co. DR. K
and, Ohio.
the County Treasury after having been
approved by the Board of Connty Coo-
miarioners, and to raoovor title compen
sation, arresting officers moat make out
and peasant Itemized accounts, which
should be sworn to.
Fourth: The only method by which
sheriffs can aaonre compensation (for
official servloes In oases where the law
provides not compensation ia laid (down
in aertion 8403 of tlie code. “For 1
this purpose the claiqp for which ;
compensation is sought mast be made 1
They must then be '
Guaranteed Circulation a,350.
L B. Bouchelle 30
W A. Pringle supplies 34
J. R. Bareli lumber SO
M. Wilkes..., 4
J. O. Moore treasurer books.... 13
Wm. Jones lonaoy... II
0. B. Dixon ....-. 3
It Curtin, ferryman 30
RobtrBoklo j
D B.Anderson )
W. B. Pittman Inmber 0
i Singletary A Braswell Sft
' H slngleiar. bridges 370
iTJHight sheriff V
; T 1 Hight jailer IB1
I I F Parker Conimission 90
Watt Supply Co 49
J. W. Montgomery signboards
and mile poets 148
W F Soyler 1;
J E Stephens guard... IS
Hoard adjourned,
J. S. Montgomery. E. M. STnith.
Secretarv. Chairman.
out and sworn to.
snbmitted to tlie grand jury at the
spring term of court, who may allow
the whole of *uoh compensation, or *0
much a* they doom right audfl proper,
whereupon the Connty Commissioner*
arc required to assess, along with the
other connty taxes, a special tax to pay
the extra compensation, the proceeds
of this tax mast be paid to the county
treasurer, and paid by him upon proper
Fifth: For every fee claimed by pob-
Uo officers the claimant must be able
to show clear authority of ta*r for its !
payment. In other words artlsting of-1
Boers an entitled to reoaive only the
toes anthoriaed by law, and these fees
cannot be lnoreaaad by private oontract,
or by ooostderatione of extra ordinary
trouble. Parties who aee fit to procure
sheriff! in this state to puisne and arrest
fugitives from justice in other states
most provide compensation therefor,
for arrest* without warrant in thia state
no compensation u allowed until after
warrant* have been lamed and execu
Respectfully submitted,
W. M. Hammond.
For month ending May 1904.
Front balance on hand a* per
last report 3 8 893 88
From). W. Hightower bill*
payable Jao, 1 05 1 000 00
From Redden Smith Agi.
overcharge in In*, prem... 6 25
| liver healthy hv using lirdalH's Liver
j Tablets Tlicv i-urc all livor trouble.
They cure constipation. Yonr money
bark if they do not give satisfaction.
I For- sale by J. W Peacock.
• an tlie good old summer time, when
bio rein throi:g tlniroughfarrs, and farm
| animalh and roadsters are all kept busy,
acridrnts to meu and beast are of fre
quent uconranra. Elliott'* Emulsided
OU Liniment is tlie most serviceable ao-
eidemand omorgnnet liniment in na*.
b relieves quickly and lieal* speedily
cats, enuiusimts braise*, sprains, ote.
Yon get iHie-lisif ,Hni for 38c., and von
tret your money hant tf not ShtirHed.
For sain liy J . IV Peacock
man can wish for is a good, rehaM. set
of bowels. If you are not the happy
poweaaor at such an ou tilt you can great
fy improve like efficiency at these you
hereby the jadioious use of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
are pleasant to take and aggreanU* In
effect. For sale by J, W. Peacock, d.
nttMOumon nan*.
Weekly, One Year.,..
•• Bix Months
" Three Months
Daily, One Year
y * 8ix Months...
'* Three Month*
Attorney Hammond Submit. Opinion
oh Sheriffs Fees. Road Petitioners
I will b* Required to 8ubmit Draw
ing. Showing Location of Road Ra
tioned tor. Bills Ordered Paid.
Board met in regular meeting. All
Minute* of |sst meeting read and ap
Committee on lights report that line
will be built to tlie jull at once. Com
mittee on turnpike* reported with bids
on work. Superintendent of bridge*
was instructed to Investigate turnptkoe
and if lie thought beet to proceed at
once to build theA>.
Bond oommtsetoner* of Ways district
were in attendance and made report on
road complained of. The commission
er* wan Instructed toe havethejrood
worked as soon aa practicable.* Mr. W.
H. Smith filed ooonter petition to the
one filed by Gandy and Mellette. The
petitions of Gandy and Mellette and W.
M. Smith were referred to the road
commissioners living nearest th* road
proposed to be changed and they are
herebyinstructed; to ^examine lnto'tho
utility and practicability of said change.
Mark out and report under oath their
fadings lu this matter.
Commissioner Pringle, chairman of
committee on change of read working
. system report* progress.
The oommlttee. to define the district
linen In the county report that for lack
of information they c*nnot'perfonn|tlil*
Oommiisionen£Copaland, ‘.Bryan and
« Pringle appointed tqltnvestigato andjre-
port on the advisability*of |buildinj<
bridge at Hadly Ferry. Clerk instructed
to confer with the oommlsslonere of Di-
catur countv with a view of having
them meet with said oommlttee at Had
lyto Ferry.
The following resolotion was offored
by W. A. Pringle and adopted:
Be It hereby resolved that 00 and af
ter this date any party presenting^ pe
tition to tills lioarri to alter or anywise
change or to opeu n public road any
where in this ooonty that said party bo
required to file with the pstitioo a plot
of same executed by some competent
surveyor and re attested, showing exact
location of tha road re petitioned for,
’ giving the number and owner of tlie
• lota of land through or by which it
j aa and allowing all public reads within
tvro miles of that to be opened or with
| ia one mile of the part to be altered.
Tbs matter of dispensing with the
bridge on the Cairo fend,’ Thomasrille
road Over Tired creek referredjto oom-
1 of Cairo district with power
: the um or amiuim' oonretuu-
tion ixihx asTTxuor pxxxoxa
tT a sheriff haa no authority to execute
qLjfJtmgln paWi. or re mak* arrests on
warrants issued under Georgia taw, of
persons Without the ■tato.unlses under
requisitions issued by thu Governor at
Choice Oats, Corn, ani Wheat Bran ground together.
The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled as
a milk and butter producer.
Just received a fresh car of this renowned feed foi H:rses
and Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bills aown.
Highly endorsed by all large feeders. , .
We have a big stock of fresh corn, oats, hay, wheat,bran
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let us serve
yon when in need of anything in the feed line.
Try, a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Beer.
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and excellence.
The Thomasville Ice Company
To Parmer sag Stockman.
For farmers and stock owtfers, use
Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment—is the
best ever produced. You get a full
half pint for xjc. and you’ll find it a very
satisfactory liniment for use in the lam
ly and on animals.
From the Chapin, 8. O. Nows: Early
in Die spring my wife and 1 were taken
with diarrhoea and re severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for ns. but his medicine*
failed to give any relief. A friend who
hid a bottle of Chamberlain'! Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of us a dose and we at once
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using the entire oontente we
were entirely cured. It la a wonderful
remedy and should be found in every
household H. O. Bailey, Editor. This
remedy is tor sale br J. W. Peacock.
court boute, jail, bridge*,
ferries, and other public im*
3 844 3S
For Sheriff*, jailer's, and oth*
cr officers’ fees
507 41
For Oo toner'* inquest
For bailiffs at court, non-rexi-
73 <tf
dent, witnesses in criminal
casea, servant hire, station
ery, and the like
34 65
For jurors at court
For support of the poor of the
88 00
16: 13
For insolvent oosts
72 00
For other lawful charges
206 85
Gash—Balance on hand
8 336 S3
*'0 J/$ 53
Respectfully submitted. .
Just arrived a line of extra
pants, in all wool
Crash and wash pants.
Planete Jr.
It is the .verdict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that the
is the greatest labor savor and grass destroyer that ever
went into the field.
It does the work thoroughly, quickly and with ease to
the operator.
If you are not already using them get yourself right and
call on or write
Way’s Building.
“For what is worth in'anytbing
But so much money as*’twill bring.'
We desire to call attention pf our customers this week to a largo
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
—:—We handle the
Weber Wagon aud the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
In the mutter of laying out and estab
lishing a new miUtia district at Merrill-
villa, tbs chairman at this board waa
instructed re appoint three commission
er*, residents of the district or district*,
from which tit* district will be taken,
to tay out and dearly define the linre of
th* laid new district and report their
aotinfi and doing* to this board- *
koxtrlt xxroar or ootnrrr reraicnx.
Th* inmates of Urn jail and poor
bona* are wall. At th* Uttar ooa haa
A line of wash suit* $2.75 per suit and upward. Our Bine Serge
Oust* for Boys, Youths mid men are still the go at $--{>0 and upward,
all wool.,
Just received today a line of all wool 2 piece suits $12.00 sell
for $S-50 right front the makers.
A full line of hoys kuee pants in all wool Summer weight are expect
ed by the middle of next week.
• ,
A new tine of Trunks, Bags and Sait casos.
Our $1.25 High Art Negligee Shirt* ore going like* hot cake* at One
Dollar. 8 conrf and get your share of the beet ehirt* on earth for
One Dollar. , 1 , • p
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and com drills.
We have the best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
We alto carry a full line of two horse riding aud walking cultivator*
and weeders.
/ - M e are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Pinders-
Remember that we give with each 25c caah pnrcha.e a ticket en-
titling yon to a chance at the beautiful Arne, stick seat ruu about on
display in our window, which will bo given away oa May 28th. One
of our onatomer. wtll get thia beautiful run about. You may be th.
lucky one. COME to tee us. - 1
Comfort Trading Co.,