Newspaper Page Text
Local and Personal,
For Infants and Children.
AWgetable PrepatationforAs
similating theFoodandBeguIa-
tiag the Stomachs andBoMMf
e bought cur fruit jars early while the price
was low and will sell them as cheap as anyone ) in
Thomas county. ' ■ ,
We Handle only the Genuine
Mason Jars.
You can’t afford to buy second quality jars and
risk losing your fruit, we have pints, quarts and half
gallons. We also have Jar rubbers, tin fruit cans
sealing wax, preserving kettles, etc.
We have special prices for you on Ice Cream
„ Equipped
Boiler Works
Machine "
SUPPLIES Foundry j
Doom Wlrm Immo, Firm Pr—f J»r«? Pumps* Mmmsrs. Mmkss. Jmpmrmfrs.
_ L»mmr , » Lemon Ltxatl?* It the original lemon medieine.
I* nuKle of lemont and other harmless but powerfal ftge-
itbl# ingredient*, it a safe, sure and speedy care for
Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache.
It cleanses the ijitna of all imparl tin, tone* up the
stomach and bowels, note the llrer and kidneys in perfwt
order in abort “maker yon new." It ia gentle but prompt
and powerful in aotfon, pleasant to take and always reliable,
roa SALE BT AIL D ncoa I ITS.
LAMAR,. TAYLOR ft RILEY PRUQ CO, Maaafietarerr, Hacoa, Ga. •
Carries a complete .line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Combs, Brushes . , . . .
The only up-to-date Soda fount
in town, serving all kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream.
A fine line of Tobacco and Cigars,
Fancy and Family Groceries.
Thanking you for past patronage
and soliciting same in future.
Ocklockonee, Georgia.
Is located on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
is an up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost.
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga. •
Get Prices from
him before
Evans & Son
Sell the best
The best
(Stodebaker and Tennessee.)
The best
Call on us before buying.
Jas. . Evans & Son,
Reulln. Business
Court Hou...
Monday was court day with Ordi
nary Jones. Although no great amount
of business was transacted the gonial
Judge was kept busy all.through the
heat. An order of sale was given for
certain property of the Joseph Moore es
tate an Ooltoo avenue. It will be re
membered that Mr. Moore was one of
the victims of the water tower accident
many yean ago.
S. H. Price wea appointed administra
tor of the estate of Mis* Amy Murphey.
Twelve months support wsa granted to
Mrs. 8."Alex Smith, Mrs. 0. A. Alcorn
and Mrs. D, J. Hall. Beyond these
mattera, nothing of importance, exoept
the probating of the Van Outer will,
wss done.
Venerable Swindler Will Serve the
County for a While.
Donald McDonald, alias Taliafero
Toliver, the patriarch criminal, was ar
raigned before Judge Hansell Monday
on two charges for cheating and twind.
ling. i
His plea of not guUty counted for lit
tie iu the face of the evidence, and he
was found guilty and sentenced to $100
and costs in each case or serve' 16
months. Mr. McDonald is hardly in a po
tition to swindle anybody out of a mole
and wagon, and from the present out
look lie will have to work out hit for.
gireness on the county gang.
It will be remembered that MeDonald
played a high hand with Mr. Ed. Coch
ran of thia city and Ward Brothers of
Pine Park and that he waa chased down
and brought bank on Friday by Sheriff
flight and Mr. Cochran from Jefferson
county Florida,
In this cam the mills of justioe ground
swiftly and fine to suit.
Mr.G, C. Barwick passed Sunday here
with friends..
Mr. Abe Simon come np from Mouti-
cello Monday.
Messrs. E. E. and Fred Rose came up
from Metcalfe Monday.
Mr. E. L. Alderman ate Sunday din
ner with homefolksat Pine Park.
Mr. W. W. Cullens, station agent at
Camilla, was a visitor here Monday.
MissPhena Hendry of Montioello is
the attractive guest of Mrs. 0. P. Grant
Miss Annie Cook of Cairo cams over
Monday to be the guest of Mrs. O. M.
Miss Ida Cassady came over from
Bainbridge and spent Sundsy witli
Mr Olin S. Dean returned Monday
toCuthbert after a delightful visit to
the city.
Hammond and Hammond Offer It For
Probate Monday.
The will of Hon. Selah R. Van Dnser
as Monday offered for probate before
Ordinary W. M. Jones by Hammond
and Hammond, attorneys for the execo
tor, Jno. W. Baker of New Jersey.
The will of Mr. Van Duzer lias already
qeen probated at Nawberg, New York,
the northern home of the wealthy man.
The Van Dozer estate is estimated to
be worth $3,000,000. His holdings in
Thomas county including the elegant
home on Broad street are conservatively
valued at $10,000. It has not yst been
definitely decided what will be done
with the local property. *
Adjourned Term April Court Con-
venee Next Week.
Jodge Robt. Mitchell, of the Superior
Court spent a part of Monday in Quit-
man, hearing several unimportant cases.
The Judge wilt convene on noxt Mon
day the adjourned term of Thomas
oounty criminal court. It will be re
membered that at the regular April
term the Jail could not be cleared, be
cause of thp sickness of some of the
prisoners. These are the cases to be dis
posed of next week. The term is ex
pected to be very short.
A Serious Charge.
Deputy Sheriff Singletary his
arrsBed Shadraok Wilson on the
charge of assault. It was claimed that
the crime was committed Sunday at the
Ooe Heard place seven miles from town
The warrant waa sworn out by Martha
Graham, a sister of Wilson’s wife. All
parties are ooiored, but feeling in the
is considerable in the neighborhood
where the deed waedone.'
Mrs. Carrington and Mrs. Leonard
left Monday for their home in New
York city. They have spent three
months with Mr. O. B. Quinn end are
delighted with Thomssville. They go
by boat from Jacksonville.
Mm Velma McRae returned to hi r
homo at Boston Tuesday after spend
ing a short time at Thomasville tni
Miss Bessie Reddick one of Thomas
conuty's efficient teachers is the guest
of Mrs. R. A. Weldon.
Mr. Heeth Varnedoe left Sunday for
a visit ot two weeks to White Springs.
He goes there to recuperate for the sum-
Word iia# been received from Mr.
Jas. Watt that he and hi* family landed
safely in England on Monday, May
Mr. B. Edwards is baok from a two
weeks’ visit to White Springs. He oomes
back muoh improved in health and loud
iu his praises of the resort.
Mr. Henry L. 1 Rogers has accepted
the position of express messenger on the
Georgia Northern railroad. Mr. Rog.
ers will run from Pidcock to Albany,
ids headquarters being in Albany.
Miss Rena Bouchelle went to Cal' o
Monday to keep house for her sistei.
Mrs. Henry Wight, while the latter
is in 8L Louis. Mrs. Wight goes to
Atlanta to attendthe Womans Press Con
ference and thenoe to the fair city.
Mr. Alox 8. Yeager to Open Racket
Store and Grocery Business.
Mr. Alex S. Yeager, with his wi\\
and child, arrived in the city Monday
from Jacksonville.
Mr. Yeager oomes to Thomasville to
enter actively into business. He w°l
open an up to date rsoket store in the
room for a long time occupied by Mr
Vinson, at 118 Broad street.
In one of the stores Just below Louis
Stoyerman’s he will also open a grocery
Mr. Yeager is a Syrian by nationality,
but he has been in America for twelve
yean, the last half of which ho spent at
Jacksonville in bnsinees. He does not
like the climate of Florida and oomes to
Thomasville at the recommendation of
Mr. T. J. Gelia, who it well known hen
and who is Ills close personal Mend.
Mr. Yeager isahuttlerandwilldoubt-
less succeed in his ventun. He will
open up within a few days.
Promotes DigestioruCheerftd-
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
no* ofcua-ssumumma
SLx.Smnn *
Bears the
Apofecl Remedy forConslipa-*
Ron. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish
ness and Loss OF Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Mr. Wm. He Key left Satnrday for
Maoon. From them he will go to the
mountains of north Georgia for a short
vacation. His health ha* not been good
for a month and he goes to recuperate.