Newspaper Page Text
Ladies’ Comer.
Hats, Ladies' ready-jo-wear and brimmed
hats, alright in atyle. We bought a closing out
lnt from a prominent manufacturer and offer you
$i and $2.00 hats during Mill End Sale, each
. : 1... 49c
50c White Sailors, brim a little harrow, but
the price is narrower still ... 22c
Tape Neck undervests, Mill Bud Sale price, 5c
Full bleached, full-fasbioned. tape-neck under
vests, an extra value, all you want each,
....7 l-2c
Mill End Sale
Thomasville, Ga.
=**» 4
U/edi^day, Jtipe 15, at 8 O’eloe((.
Under the Direction of the General Mg*r of all Our Mill End Sales.
For Ladies Too
(Tliey are Always on Top)
Muslin Underwear.
A Lace-trimmed muslin corset cover JOc
Plain Muslin Drawers, per pr l5c
Embroidery trimmed muslin drawers 25c
A pretty assortment Muslin underskirts mill end
Sale, price, each —...... 49c
Corsets, You’ll open wide your eyes in won
der at the value we offer you in this. A fac
tory lot at less than half price. No other
time but during a Mill End Sale could you
get them at our price 17c
Hold your breath! we are not going to give
them away—50c Tape Batiste Girdle, you
know what they are, a full line sires, pr. 29c
Mill Ends.
Hosiery, Ladies’ lace stripe, and drop stitch, fast black
Hose, pr... r 9c
Mill Ends of Calicoes, Lawns, etc., this sale' yd 3c
36 inen percales, fine quality, 1 lo 10 yds for 10 days only,
yd - - 63-4c
Madras Dress Ginghams, t 'in fancy stripes and Plaids, Good .
roc article, per yd 7 1-3
White, fancy madras, for cool, serviceable summer dresses 15 to
20cvalues, yd.'re......i ~ 9c
36 inch Stripe Madras dress Ginghams, this sale
8 J-4c
Home Goods.
* (Linens etc.)
16 inch full bleached table napkin, this sale doz 48cts
60 inch full bleached, alt linen table damask Mill Ends yd 44c
Same to inches wide - 48c
30 x 60 $1.50 Smyrna rugs, floral or animal .designs, reversible,
' Our price this sale .98c
All wool, Smyrna Rug. same size, Mill End Sale price $1.59
Curtains, Frilled Swiss muslin, and lace curtains worth up
to $i.5o v this sale, pr....... y. 98c
Odd shape Hassocks, made of good Brussell's carpet, and tuf-
Clothing, Shirts, Etc.
A MSI Ea4 Sale Price On Every Garment In for Stock.
Boy’s Me Kaon Pants, for Ton Days 1 pr. 19c
Boy’s gl.M) Salts, MU1 Bud dole Price ..4 ... 94c
Men's SO and 78o Summer Pants, can fit you at _ 39c
MEN’S DRESS PANTS—Tlie Mont Heuimtioiml Item in Clothing, Clonn,
New, Neat and Stylinli JPniit* of Season’ll Choice** Fabrics, not a
l»ir worth leu* than $1.50; worth up to $3.00, foil line sizes, daring
Mill End Sale, price .' pr. 97c
(If you don't bay anything else, get the Breeches,
Mon's Sommer Coats, a few at 4.--V
Men’s gl.00 Baits -, .-. $2.49
Man's $7.80 Baits, for Ten Days Only ... 4.69
Overalls, a Good Ons, without apron. Mill End Bale... pr 36c
Work Shirts, A Big lot, some from Kelly 4*ock at less than Original
Cost, wo have divided them in two lots: J
Thom worth npto SOo - each 19c
Thom worth 80, M and 78c, Daring Mill EM Sale. €Ach 37
Dans Bhikts—Tills Item will vie with the #7o Fonts as to being sen
sationally priced.
A Good Gingham or Percale Shirt, worth np to 39c regularly, this sole
all go — - — 22c
One Lot from Kelly Stock originally leUing from BBo to 41.38 each, some
0 43.00 Shirtwaists, all go, for ten dnys at 49c
This Lot is all Glean, Mew, Serviceable Goods, ns Good a 41 Shirt as was
ever sold tor a wheel. We bought them tram Kelly at Mo on the
dollar, and offer them same way, oholce V. 64c
Men's Straw Hats, Cleariug np Stock, 118c Hats... JOc
Mo and 41.00 Hats - 25c
ted, lined with good oil cloth, cheap at 75c. Bargain price, /
: 48c
6 and 7 ft. wiudow shades J9c
Cups and Saucers, set 39c
Every Shoe in our store sold at bargain prices, but we offer s few extra
specials during mill end sale
Ladies Low eats Sandals etc. a cheap shoe tin true, bat at the price, like
giving them away. Any else pair 49c
AcoUectipn41.SOto4t.fiO goods, Ladies Slipper shoes, sll smsll sixes,
’many kinds Choice for lot, daring mill end sale pair 75c
Men’s Oxfords, bought at a bankrupt sale, several kinds, worth from
41.60to 43.30 a pair, a price to more them daring mill end sale pair
- — —$1.16
Hen's Elastic Brogans a good 41.38 Shoe for 97c
5c package Coca Cola chewing gum
500 yd, 3 cord, spool basting cotton, this sale
Men's All Linen Collars:
We have any style you want, in any size you waut, and will
’ sell you ali you want at, each 2c
25 cents string tics : - - J5c
Good 5c sox, all colors, 3 prs for JOc
Good value 10c black sox, buy all you want at this sale, 4 pairs
for - 25c
25c suspenders, several kinds, for ten days, per pair J4c
Ladies and children’s beltij. patent leather in black and colors,
and all other kinds worth up to 50c, we’ll clean 'em up this
sale, each, 7c
8 good 5c cigars 25c
Solid color crepe paper full 10 ft rolls, roll 5c
Decorated crepe paper JOc
3 bars in liox, good 15c toilet soap, this sale, bo:: 9c
25c box soap, with 10c metal soap box free with every 3 bars,
bo* J8C
Jewelry, $300.00 worth collar buttons, cuff buttons, chains,
lockets, rings, etc., to be sold during Mill End Sale $100.00
in 25c packages. You may get a $5 ring, locket or chain for
s 25c
Dry Goods.
(Full Pieces)
Milt End Sale prices: Fancy 27 inch calico; good 6 cts quality,
per yard 4 J_2 C
Heavy 36 inch Bleaching, good 8c quality. You couldn’t buy
it cheaper at wholesale. 10 yds.. 64c
Century cloth, softer, closer woven and whiter than Indian head,
or canuou cloth. Your last chance to get it at, yd JOc
Mercerized Madras dress Ginghams, would be cheap at 17c, this
»«Ie yd JQ C
toe Lawns, good assortment several pieces, yd 7 J-2
You’ll never have this chance again. A lucky purchase enables
' us to do it: 9 rolls to offer during Mill End Sale, per roll,
$4.00, yd JOc
A 26 and 25c grade including white for this sale only, no other
time, toil.— $6.39, yd J6c
8 O’CLOCK, A. M.
Lasts (or ten long, hot days,
Matted Art Studies, always sold for 10c, for thi. .ole we cut price in
ludf, Each _
Big Collection, odds and end., nmdallions. Handmme framed pictures etc
Worth npto 60c each- Choice...
Good AMortment, 1« X 20 framed picture., nnder gUm. Handsome
frame., Dining room and Artistic Subjects, each
Out-of-Town Merchants Will Do Well
. . . to Attend This Sale! ...