Newspaper Page Text
Can beast and ready to mw in two how*.. Variable Evic
tion Cable Feed. Statlounr Hills, uy ciMCtty. Portable
and Stationary Engine* Railway. Mffl andfSctoiy Supplies.
. It ought not to tie hard to pomade
general Stoe to. Sell oat at coot.
Mire Edna Cain rare there new toll
ekirlr aie not always it fall ns they
look. We had long rokpected * 1 * * * * * * It.
The lojg, la*y deyr have come;
The hottert of the year
Of deeping winds and flying dart,
And the let do>. a feeling, ‘Idon'tcare. 1
The Dalton Oitiien oomplalne of the
fact that chicken, art allowed to roam
at huge on the streets Heaving. I If it
were chicken, only in Thomasville I
Dr. Lem Broughton lira for once
brought honor on himfelf. In hi. ssr-
mon Sunday he pralted tlie honeat
woman who i. making her own living.
The chief of thi bureau of datt.tio.of
the department of agriculture estimate,
thetotal area planted in cotton in the
United State* thi* nano at Tl ,780,871
acre,,an incream of 8,878,016 acre., or 9.8
per cent, upon the acreage planted lad
another SHIPMENT of
Star Brand Shoes
"D • It Today ’*
The time-worn Injunction, ‘Never
put off'dl tomorrow what you can do
today,” la now generally pretented in
thi. form: “Do it teMtoyl” That is
the tone advice we want to give too
about that hacking cough or demoralis
ing cold with which you havabsan strug
gling for several days, ptrhaps weeks.
Take some reliable remedy for It TO
DAY—and let that remedy be Dr. Bos
chee'a German Syrup, which has been
The avenge condition of the growing
crop on May 26th wss 88., as compared
with ;74.1 an May 88, 1808, 98.1 at the
corresponding date in 1808, and a ten-
year avenge of 85.8.
The percentage of Increase in acreage
In the different dates (the comparison
being with the area planted last season)
la as follows:
Virginia 19.0; North Carolina;
Sooth Carolina 9.0; Georgia 7.7; Flori
da 10.7; Alabama 9.0; Minlmippt 10.8;
Lonidana 18,5; Tens 7.1; Arkansas 9.8; 11.5; Mlmouri 8<0; Oklaho
ma 89.9; Indian Territory 26.0.
We‘on‘how von almoit an;
style of Shoe vou nro It oklng for.
Sea onr Hu- of Otforde, tho
Shoe, you want lortouiuierwear,
nud you know llmt
effect a core—as it lias done before in
thonmnds of apparently hopeless cases
of long trouble. New trial bottles, 25c;
regular sire, 76c. At 8. R. Price Co.
Summer Weather Dees Not Stop the
Traveler from Visiting.
The oondlUonof (he crop by states on
May 26 was as follows: -
Virginia 88; North Carolina 84; Sooth
Carolina81; Georgia, 78; norids, v S8;
Alabama 80; Mississippi 85; Lonidana
88; Texas 84: Ark anus 884; Tsnneseee
85: Missouri 84; Oklahoma 88; Indian
Territory 80,
Aside from the large Increase In acre
age, das mainly to the high prioe of oot-
ton, then are no conditions calling for
■pedal comment at thi. time.;
l »
Th9 Drummers Livery Stable
Having ju.t built and equipped u modern !.ivory hVrfl nod SuVs Stabler,
with flnt.olaM Carringl., Bugg ei muj saddle horW New Buggies Cm-
rinses and Drummers Rigs. Prompt tonil-onurtenu* ntleiitim given all,
Order. lor quick services. —-X
The patronage l After* o.pMiiillv sdidied Rate.
Very Reaaonable. Conveniently located mi llrva. stm t. Two minute,
walk eaty of depot near railroad. '.Ml mi. write, ’phone m- wire,
Cairo, Ga, W. II. BAKBhW. Prop.
The new date democratic executive
committee lie. been announced in its en
tirety by Chairman Yeomans. The
complete committee, as it will hold of
flee for tiie ensuing two years, is as fd-
AThsirman, Hon. M. J. Yeoman.,
Vice chairman, J. J, Spalding, Atlan
Warner HOI, Greenville.
Hamilton McWhorter,
Boykin Wright, Aogqata.
John W. Bennett, Waycross.
Clark Howell (ex-offldo, as national
committeeman), Atlanta.
First District—A. A. Lawrence, Sa
vannah; J. W. Overstreet, Bylvanis;
Frank Mitchell, Swstasboro.
Second District—John W. Andrew.,
Cothbert, H. F. D. No. 1; Frank Park,
Sylveder; Wilson M. Hardy, Thomaa-
Third Dlitrict—John A. Cobb, Amer-
teas; W. U. Hamilton, Cordele; J. M.
Collnm, Pntnam.
Foorth District—J. B. Bnrndde,
Hamilton; C. L. Davis, Warm Springs;
Frank P. Longley, LaGrsnge.
Fifth District—Clifford Walker,Mon
roe: L. L. Middlebrook., Covington;
John B. Hutcheson, Jonesboro.
Sixti: District—T. J. Carling, Macon;
Ernest Smith, McDonough; 8. T. Bla
lock, Fayetteville.
Seventh District—W. C. Bonn, Ce
dar town; 8. P. Maddox, Dalton; J. Z.
Footer, Marietta. *
Eighth District—H. J. Rowe, Athens;
O. E. Irvin, Wadiington; L. M. Heard,
Ninth Didrict—0. H. Brand, Law-
renoevilie, W A. Charters, Dah-
lonega; J. H. Wltaell, Blue Ridge.
Tenth Didrict—W. W. Barwell,
Sparta; E. H. Galloway, Augusts; B.
F. Walker, Giheon.
Eleven! Didrict—8. C. Atkinson,
Brunswick; W. A. Wooten, Mount
Vernon; R. F. Ousley.Valdos**.
Secretary, J. W. Gddsmith, Atlanta
Cracker Club Elects Officers
Shoots Clay Pigeons.
The Cracker Gun Club Thursday
elected Dr. W.'S. Brown sa its presi
dent and Mr. O. W. Cooper it. secretary
and treasurer. Both gentlemen mode
short talk, and everything moved as
merrily ns n marriage bell. Meson.
Cooper, Titus, Msrtindsle, Young and
Wntom will compose the board of gov
ernor. for the ensuing year.
The .hoot Thnnday wae won by Mr.
Roeooe Lake with a koto of 44 ont of
50. Martindale came moond with 40.
The other Motes were Watson 88 Coop
er 87, Brown 88, FOaoook 18, Proctor
and Boots Cook *7, and Whiten.
A shoot with Boston will probably be
arranged for next week.
Under their new oorps of oflteers, the
Cracker, will continue their snooemfal
Known In Thomaavilie.
Miss Dell Martin Kendall, who
ceived such en ovation in Atlanta at the
Made Festival, is well known in Thom-
nsville. She is n niece of Mr. Harry
Martin of this city and Inu spent several
winter, here. At the Festival die waa
a planet among stars. Such another
gathering of noted musicians has never
before been held in the sooth and the
Atlanta Festival Association deserves
great credit for Introducing a m
ment which ought to result in a distinct
development of the aeethetio taste
Thomasvllle welcomes Sho school
teachers. They are the salt of the
earth, and n salt that, is continually
gaining savor.
Under the]'excellent leadership of
Captain K. T. Maclean, a man who has
given the beat part of a life to thecanao
of popular education, tho public schools
of Thoms, county have thrived ns they
hove in bat few other parts of the
state. With a corps of assistants of the
standard of the twtiSeareye and many
another veteran teacher, Captain Mac-
lean hsa made education the dominant
factor in Thomas oonnty life.
Tliere an few other sections of this
whole state when a speech on educa
tion or a movement in Its canae will re
ceive such thorough oooperadon from
tlie masses as in Thomas county. The
resalt is seen in a higher standard of
civilisation, better morals, more ambi
tion, higher ideals and a better flnanoial
ability to attain them.
Mr. Chon Lane, in his efforts yester
day showep his adaptability to the work
in hand, and the Are days' sesrtou of
tlie institute ought to result in gnat
g rod. These annual gatherings of tho
teachers are not only an inspiration to
them, bat give them a breadth and gen
eral grasp of educational problem* that
only one expenditure of mnobttme and
money ooold gain for them.
The citbwnry of Thomasvllle and of
the whole oonnty own a debt of grati
tude to oar icboolxiachert, sad in be
half of the city the Times-Enterprise
bills them welcome. Tbotnasville har
bors nothing too good tor them.
Mrs. H. B. McOormao and daughter,
Lena and Mary, after's very pleasant
visit of several weeks to the farmer's
brother In Hammond, Louisiana, rotnrn-
ad homo last Saturday week.
Miss Alioe Epson and her ooosln, Miss
Onllle Bobtaon of Palmetto, Fin., were
■bopping In Boston Inst Thnnday.
Col. Theo. Titos one of the most
prominent at turners at the Thomasvllle
bar, wae ben last Friday looking after
some legal boslnees. <
H. N. Neel, (of Jacksonville, one of
the trusted employees of tlie Southern
Express Co., after a very pleasant visit
to his parents, Mr. and Mr*. J. O. Neel,
returned last week.
MinRhetta Neel visited relatives in
Thomaavilie last Tuesday returning
Misses On* and Daisy Neel returned
home from Cairo last Monday. Miss
Ona lias just closed a very snoceesfol
school near Cairo which she has taught
this year. %
Mr. John Grant and wife of Tbomae-
villo w*ro In our city last week the gnosis
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor.
Onr good mid efficient Sheriff T. J)
Eight was celled to Boston last Sunday
ay vnn
Weekly Times-Enterprise.
Weekly Times-Enterprise 1 year and
a splendid man of Georgia, the United
States and the world, fl 00.
(fThe map alone is worth the money. >
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year 81 40.
Weekly Times-Entenriae ' and the
Semi-Weekly Snvnnnnh News both one
year gl 60.
Weekly Ttmee-Enterprise anti the
Three Time*-Week New York World,
both one year 81 50.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Boston Times, both one year 81 85.
Weekly 'limes-Enterprise and the
Sonny South and the Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, nil one year 83 00.
Almost any other combination yon
can wont ad n price to soil yon. If one
of these combinations doesn't salt write
as what yon want.
Thomaavilie, Ga
Florida’s Famous
"Chicago A Florida Llm ted."
St. Augustine, Jacksonville to Chica
go, and St. Louis.
This train is operated over the short
est line between St. Aligustloe, Jack
sonville. Chicago and St. Louis, and a
fords the quickest schedule by nearly
two boars.
This train is the standard of perfeo-
tion in passenger service, consisting of
Pullman Vestibuled Drawing Boom,
Sleeping Compartment, Dining and
Observation Cars.
Leaves St. Augustine 6:Jo s. m., Jack
sonville 8.«o a. m. Arrive Chicago 4:t«
i. m.. St. Louis 1:35 p. m.
VILLE, TENN,. MAY 12-18, 1903.
To Delegates and Their Frienas:-
Yonr attention is coiled to the offi
cial route, for the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Carolina
and South Carolina ha« selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry, from Atlanta to Nashville as the of
ficial route (The Battle Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:20 May 11th.
I he Florida delegation can join this
party in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May loth., via the ‘'Dixie
Flyer Route"; through sleepers Jack
sonville to Nashville; no change of ;cars
or transfer via this route. Tickets on
sale Mav loth., nth and 12th. returning
limited to ten days. Tickets can be ex
tended until Jane 6th, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rote
from your city is one fare (first class)
plus 2; cents.
Ask the Ticket Agent to sell you a
ticket via the “Dixie Flyer Route,'
E. J, Walker, Fla. Pass. Agt
Jacksonville, Fli
Jo* F. Mallard who vra* farming jut
vraa* of Boston died lost Sunday and hia
remains w*nr carried to Dixie for bn-
Wyeha Wnd* it quit* rick at his moth-
•ris reiideoo* oa West Jefferson street.
Mr. G. O. Hughe* who hot been ab
**nt far atvtnl day* at Lnssberbridgc,
N. a, has returned bom*. ..
OoL Wilton Brooks visittd the coun
ty's capital last Monday.
Mr*. R.O. MoUnrray it quit* sick*
on tbe owner of 8t*pb*u and
Eggs For Sal*. .
Brown Leghorn eggi for sal*. 81.00
per setting of 16. Address Mr*. J. C
Neel, Boston, Go. 8-24-5
River end Northeastern
Effective April 6,1904.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 12130 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00pm
Arrive Pelham /. 4:10 pm
D. M. Regers, Gcal Snpt.
Thomasville Business College.
Now is the time to enter ao as to b*
nadyto aoo*pt n petition in tb* fall.
Thksneouaein either the book-keep
ing erthorthead and typewriting de-
—' at For ton nddrea or call
ANBON W. BALL, Protidut.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Olr
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
TUG LADIES favor painting their
churches, and therefore we urge every
Minister to remember we give a* liberal
quantity of the Longman & Martinez
Paint toward the painting.
Wears and covers like gold.
Don't pay 91.50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when
%Ou buy other paints in a chn with a.
paint label on it.
8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when you
want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only
eight Of L. & M., and six gallons pure
Linseed Oil with it, and thus get paint
at less than $1.20 per gallon.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of L. & M. and three gal-
Ions of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
O. W Cochran, Thomasville, Ga
G. L. Duren, Meigs, Ga
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
•n*)SK‘X. p t, m !y r i 8 “a* November
80* 1903, tho Burlington mskfi very low
rnm-wny colonixt rates to Californio.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana!
The reduction Is from *5 to 40 per cent,
from the regular rates.
The Way to Go. 1
li^ e ^5 t0n .' , with **• mala
^ c “*' best roaches
Sui^r“ d pi , r hW “* TU DenT,r "
_''The Buriington-Northem Pnciflo
Homeseekers' Excursions
It will b* n pleasure tat ns to givt von
to j^tenndlnfermtotvnrep^JS
J. N. Merrill, Qen'L Southern Aft,
L. W. Wakelay,
8t Louis! Ma
E«v. 11.00