Newspaper Page Text
A. S. Yeager Buys,Jackson Street 1
Grocery Butina**-
The many, friends of Mr. S. Allen j
Jones will beinrprised to know tliat liej
■sold out without warning Wednesday. I
Mr. Jones luu been in the grocery]
business in Thomasville for many years, j
and his name lias become a synonym j
from honestly and uprightness. He says;
that his long term of service has made
him wish for a rest, and lie proposes to
take it.
Mr. Alex S. Yeager came to Thomas-
rille, as announced Tuesday, fit Oft
Jacksonville. He intended to open up
a new grocery store but concluded it
would be better to buy out au establish
ed business. He has already moved Mr.
Jones* stock to his store across from the
postofiice, where he will open it to the
public tomorrow. He will operate un
der the name of the Boston Grocery
Company. Mr. Yeager’s .racket store
will not be open until next week.
To The Farmers.
Rev. A. W. Bealer will preach on next
8unday morning at 11 o’clock aV the
Baptist church on 4 ’The Voice of the
Raindreps” and everybody who is de
pendent upon the weather for success is
especially invited.
Prominent Lumber Man Passed Away
at Coolidge.
£ Coolidge, Ga.—June 8.—Mr. T. J.
Bell, prerident'of the T. J. Bell Lum
ber Co. with mills at Coolidgu died this
afternoon at 3:80.
Mr. Bell was taken sickjSunday morn
ing about 2 o’clock andfthe* attending
physicians Dre. Joues’of Coolidge* Tay
lor of Thomasville,' and Daniels of
Monltriodiagnosed'tlie caso on Monday
as^appendicitis, aud(au operation was
performed late] that afternoon. ML
QMr Bell rallied from the operation,
which was entirely* successful* but he
could ]not' overcome the effects on
his system fromjblood poison*and peri-
Mr.Bell wag (Ufyeara of age, and has
been a* resident of this section since
January 1903, coming "here from Macon.
IHeJeaves Mrs MarihatfBefiTlds wife,
one son Mr J O Bell and; a daughter
Miss Bessie Bell to mourn his death
He was one of the leading business men
of Thomas oounty and a powerful
factor in its lumber circles particular
ly The Bell Lumbal Co are the hand-
lers of the Thomas county couviots The
funeral will probably be held at Smith-
villo this afternoon
Distinguished Lawyer Succumbs to
Apoplexy in Albany^
Albany, Ga. June 8.
Judge D H Pope died here at oolock
last night, just 24 hours after ltaving
been struck by apoplexy. Ho was sen
ior member of the law firm of D II
Pope and son* division council for the
Coast Line. Judge Pope’s wifo and
seven children survivo him. The chil
dren are Messrs J D, Walter D* Robert
L, and Henry Pope* Mrs D F Crosland
and Misses Julia and Do vie. The fu
neral was held this afternoon.
Judge J H Norton, a leading Justice
of the peace of the Ochlockones dis
trict, was attending to business in town
Messers J. F. McDonald and J. H.
Wilson were among the Boston visitors
Special Rates via Atlantic Coast
On .Tune 2, T, 0, 14, 10, 21, 23, 28 and
30, 1004. the Atlantic! Coast Line will
sell round trip coach excursion tickets
with ten day limit at very low rates.
Fare from ThomasviUo to St. Louis
f 18.15. For fall particulars call on or
A. N. Turnbull T. A.
T. J. Bottoms T. P. A. Thomasville.
W. H. Leahy D. P. A. Savannah.
T. P. Walton Sells Business to L- W.
Scott of Valdosta.
Mr, T. P. Walton Wednesday sold W*
grocery and bakery business on Jack-
ton street to L. W. Scott* Of Valdosta.
Mr. Boott has been .engaged in the
bakery business successfully at Valdos
ta for some time. He will retain his Val.
dosta interests and Mr. J L Roberts will
be diroctly in charge of the Thomasville
Mr. Scott was in the city yesterday
and closed the conti act. Mr. Roberta
will come over frcui Valdosta today
to take charge of the store and will
serve the patrons of Mr. Walton from
The new concern is composed of hus
tling people and they propose to run an
up-to-date bakery. Mr. Walton will
remain in Thomasville though he has
not positively decided upon his future
(Special to Tlmee-Eoierprlsc.)
London, June 8—It is presisteutlyjre
ported here that Port Arthur has been
captured by the Japs. The rei»rt*can
not be positively vorified, but it is given
general credence. Particulars are scant
Mrs J P Stuart came back yester
day from Savannah, whore her borne
has been for some months. The friends
of Mrs. Stuart will learn with pleasure
that she and her husband will again
koep house here, at their home recent
ly occupied by Mr and Mrs J B Join-
Mr. E. W. Wood passed through the
city Tuesday on ^his way home to Al
bany after visiting his brother, Mr. T.
W. Wood in Cairo.
IN <
a, Shorthand and Typewriting. -
► Stenographic Work Neatly Exo- .
£ oated. J
- Ml,, Janie ^Alexander. -
. t-Mdw Next door to Tlmcs-EularprlM. -
Doe, the ooogh, left by the grippe—or
the cold contracted daring; the winter,
(till hang on? Rydale’a Elixir will care
your ooogh and heal yonr weak lnnga.
It kill, the xerau that caoae chronic
throat and long diaeoae and help* tie
rotors the weakened organa to hoi
Trial ilze Mo. Family ills SOo. For
•ale oy J. W. Peacock.
One doe,of Benta’, Bitten prove, iu power better than column* of argument.
Get a freeaample bottle and TRY IT.
It lathe Safe, Pleasant. Natural Cure for all Stomach and Bowel Trouble#, Including Catarrh
In the clgntlve tract.
Iu all ita century of cure, it luu never failed to give quick relief from all acute pain, due to
Dysentery. Bowel Gomplaint.Gholera Morbni, Acute Indigeation.Babiea' Colic &c. The beat rem
edy, uaed by phyaiciana and hospital., for Dyipepaia, Malaria, Deprewlon, NcrvOilmen Ac.
Neither a Stimulant uor Narcotic, but Sedative and Toalc. Purely vegetable and iafe, even
fotjinfants. We have arranged with-the following leading drnggiata to nupply free sample* of
R THOMAS. JB. Thomaxrille, Ga. PATTERSON DRUG GO. Thomaaville, Ga.
J vTpEACOCK, Thomaaville Ga. S. H. PRICE 00., Thomaaville. Ga.
E. W. DANIEL, Boaton, Ga.
D nt’ IS'agl ct to get a free capy also of “Cheer Upl”
Our Meigs Department.
By T. S. Searcy.
Miaa Annie Wilke* went np to Ounil-
la to attend a memorial nervice at Mt.
Zion clrarch, near there, Iaqt Sabbath.
Mr. Clarence Brimberry, of Camilla
.pent a day or two with the family of
Mr. W. A. Duron laat week.
Min Stella Daren, of tliia pldoe i»
.pending thla week with relative, in
About 75 peraoni from thiaplaoe went
down to Miller', Spring on a picnic
jaunt last Friday.
It happened that it yaa the closing oc
casion of Mis. Elia Butler's school;
henoe we found ouraelvea enjoying for
a while two pionics at the same time.
But the patron, of the White school
are a fine ret of gentlemen.. In a short
time there was only one plonio and ev
ery body enjoyed themselves to the
fullest. My individual thanks are. dne
to abont two dozen persons for kind
ness... The silver band made the mus
Mr. A. S. Braswell is the best melon
man in these dlggtn's. He showed ns a
melon Snudav that weighed 251 hs. He
could ship a couple of oars of this aver
age, hot is waiting a few days for a
bettor average and more cars.
Tho earliest date on which melons
have been shipped from this point, is
Juno 5. Had it not been for the cool
wind, during the entire spring, a car of
melons wonld have gone out from hero
by Jnnejj.
Some of our ifcople have been eating
green corn for ton days.
Mrs. A. S. Brnswotl and herdaughtor,
Mis. Alpha Braswell, spont. Saturday
and Sunday with thu family of Mr. R.
R. Chastain near Williams.
About tho llth of July tho Masons of
this vicinity propose to liave a grand
rally at this place. They expect, they
say, to have at least 5000 people here on
tliat occasion. The finest speakers in
the conntry will be hero, and lots of
good tilings to eat. Everybody will fat
ten a pig and pat up a few hens.
The biggest fish story of this vioinity
cams to me Saturday, A gentleman
whose veracity cannot be doubted, says
nvnf gentlemen went A«hi«g in hit
neighborhood a few days ago, and
caught throe ootton basket* foil of all
lockonee this week.
The school at Pine Grove, near here,
will begin Monday the tilth, and con
tinue for six months.
Mr J J Parish, our bank cashier, as
sisted with his cornot in the singing at
Midway Sunday. Besides many other
position^ he holds, ho is the speoial
agent of the Security Mutual Life In
surants Co., of Binghamptou, New
York’.. Although quite young he is
making rapid strides in a business way.
Atto rney-at-Law.
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasville. - Georgia.
WHonsy to loan on Thomaa County
% Real Estate at 7 per cent annum. ’
2jf Too. of bar Iron, all sixee. 1 ton extra fine carriage and wagon
bolte, all site*. 1000 feet rubber and canvass belting, t to 12 inches.
2000 feet piping, all sizes up to S inches. 1000 feet # Inch M Jinch
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stovewan on the
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. Imaoufaepir* Galvanized Steel Tanka for syrup
cooking by stvwm or otherwise. Also Log Carts, Lumber Trucks, firm
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm Implements. Send 1 In. year
SSRjr: T.KDyson, Meigs, Ga
Means. Willis Simpson and Elisha
Carter attended the all day mseting at
Spring Hill last Sunday.
Mrs. Will Twltty of Pelham was a
pleasant visitor here Wednesday, the
guest of Mrs W H Boswell.
The first rain for nearly twomonthi
fell hero Tuesday, The fanners are
wearing bright faces, and singing, "In
the Good Old Sommer Time.”
Mrs A E Prosser of Pavo spent sever
al days hero with,the family of Mr J R
Lester this week.
Dre. Morrison and Onaal, Oentlata.
Offices at Melga and Palham. Pat
ronage sotloltad.
Profs Rigsby and Collier woro here
Monday on their way to ThomasTille to
attend the teachers Institute.
Mr E W Rose traveling man for the
Alkahest Lyceum System spent Tuesday
here. He enrolled a large list of sub
scribers to the system. This town is
now in for fire Alkahest entertainments.
These lectures an educative and will
add araoli to the progress of the chil
dren in sahooL
Since tlra rains, melons have made
rapid growth. MrA 8 Braswell will load
aereral ears hero daring this week. The
average will be fine.
Mr A F Hand and Misses Zeola and
Erie Hand wen called to the bedside of
Mrs Eolali Hand Bond, Thursday, near
Quincy, Florida. Wednesday news
was received that Mrs Bond was dead.
She was married to Mr A J Bond of
Pelham, abont eleven months ago. She
was raised in this place and will be re
membered a* one of the brightest pu
pils in the graded school here. The be
reaved family hare our deepest sympa
thy in their sad misfortune.
Mias Ethel Hand of Atlanta is here.
Was Pauline Ooehian of Camilla
spent a day or two with Miss Maggia
Duren daring the past few days.
Mr JT Golding and wife of HahasU
spent last Sunday hsn with the family
of Mr Soap Maddox.
Happy,Dick Robinson and family
spent ssvmal days with relative* at Och-
| Reverend Carson's Address Splendid
The rain last night interfered with
the attendance at Young's Female Col
lege commencement, bnt the exercise#
were carried out according to schedule
in exoellent shape.
The address of Rev. O. O. Carson of
Valdosta before the Thalia society was
well received, and characteristic of tlw
brilliant minister. Each yonng lady am
tho program acquitted herself With
Splendid 'Rain Puts the Fermdrs to
Work—Melon Shipping Begins.
Dr. J. P. Carreker who has been away
for several days returned Saturday.
Mr. H. V. Buntln has the latest thing
In oold drinks, Not Frappe, call on him
for it and yon will be sore to call for
That long looked-for drag store has at
last made its appearance and haa located
Itself in the book of W. D. Sills’ store
and will be conducted by Messer* Palm
er and Sills.
A fishing party went from here to
Miller Springs yesterday, and retained
last night. They say they had all the
fish they oonld eat. It seems that when
a party goes from here they always
catch "jnst enough.” Well, it is a good
tiling to know when one haa jnst enough
to go around.
Mr. L. O. Clark left yesterday for
Marshallrillo, where he will spend the
summer. Mr. Clark has been to Mar-
shallvillo for several summers and has
succeeded in winning for himself n good
position with the fruit growers of tliat
Rev. H. P. Stubbs of the Bold Spring
circuit returned from Poulan yesterday,
where he has been assisting the pastor,
Rev. Lester Walker, In a series of meet
ings. He reports the oharoh added, to
Itself just fifty per cent of it* entire
Mist Annla Lucas of Oordels oame to
oar town last wsek as the guast of Mrs.
J. E. Stephens
Mr, O. B. Qnattlebanm Is very much
elated over the arrival of their new
visitor. Hesaystt’saboy.
Mias Olive Qnattlebanm left Friday
for Charleston, 8. 0., .where she will
visit relatives for some time.
J. A. Bulloch, who recently had an
operation performed by the skilled hand
of Dr. T. Mi McIntosh. Is rapidly im
This section was the seat of a heavy
rain yesterday, and today every one is
busy; some planting cotton, (whJre oats
havo grown) sotting ont potatoes etc.
Mr. R. L. Merritt says he will load a
car of twenty-fire pound average mel
ons tomorrow; these are the first from
this section, if he loads.
Mias Jennie Fitzgerald and Mrs. A,
W. Logue left Wednesday for Quit-
man. Mrs. Loguo will return Saturday.
Rav. A. J. Qnattlebanm leaves today
for Barwiok where he will be joined by
Hr. J. B. Harris of WUmore’, Ky. They
will together oonduct a aeries of revival
meetings at Banrick, beginning Friday
night Mr. Harris is a traveling evan
gelist singer who has far yean past been
oonneoted with Her. L L. Pickett of
Wllmore. Ky. AU are invited to at
tend these meetings. Mr. Qoattlsbaom
is wtU known throughout Georgia and
Florida and needs no introduction.
Legal Sales.
■The first Tuesday in the mouth, legal
sales day was ulmost like every other
day this month. Only one sale took
place. A bailer and certain taw mill
fixtures belonging to Nelms Brothers,
near Pavo, were sold to satisfy a mort
gage to Bedgood & Howell. The Moul
trie Iron Works bought the boUer for
$100.00 and Mr. HoweU the other arti
cles for $60.00. The scrap iron of the
Local Lumber Co., which was to have
been ao}d for the Parrott Lumber Co.,
was settled for and saved from the
A mole, which was to liave been sold,
died Monday night to save himielf the
At Clay Straet School-
The colored teachers ipatitate nnder
the leadership of Prof. H. H. Thweatt,
president and J. C. Walton, secretary is
doing splendid work. The program
Tuesday, figured in by H. H. Thweat,
Rev. S. S. Broadnax, Kittle Hamilton.
Rev. H. Bants, J. M. Terry, J. A. Peak,
and others, was fall of Intense interest.
The papers wore good and the discussion
very profitable.
and remember . We now have a large
Screw Cutting Lathe. Sow* oan make
any kind of acnw and turn up any
pieoe of shafting—repair small machin
ery, • Insulators, sjectors. Wo are also
prepared to do all Mads ofltempering.
Wertz <SrSon,
ltl C Jackson street.
Mr. R. E.’Jones, bnyer for Parksr dr
Bridget whose Urge department stores
are located at 8tli and Penn. At* Wash
ington, D. O., writes under date of
April 14, -04, a* follows: Last Februa
ry, one year, whUs In New York on
business tor my house, I caught a se
vere oold, which laid me np for several
weeks end left ms weak and narvous.
I had little or no appetite, and my di
gestion was very poor. My physicians
oonld not gat at the oaose of my troub
le, as my digestion seemed so much Im
paired. I decided totry Rydale’s Stom
ach Tablets, bsUg assured by a Mood,
they were a good dyspepsia medioine.
After tisliut them for a fair days, I be
gan to realise that I wss getting better.
I gave np the doctor’s proscription and
have gained 10 pounds while using two
boxes of these tablets. I nerer falt bet
ter in my life, and aocredlt Bydale's
Stomach Tablets with haring c-jsd mo.
I oan roooommend them, most heartily,
to sufferers from nervous indigestion
and general ron-down conditions of the
system. For sale by J. W. Peacock.
Tax Rooelvars Notice.
I will be atjthe Oonrt House in Thom-
ssvUle from dste until Jane 20th. every
Wednesday Thursday Friday and Sat
urday. My office hours will be from
7:80 to 12 a. m. and from 1:80 tod p. m.
John F, Howard T. R.
Lightly of the important of
elegance in a wedding present.
In the month of June when
the flowers are in bloom yon
are likely to be getting invi
tations. Let us help you s©-.
lect the response.
South Qeorglt's Up-lodits, Jtw
elry Store.
8oulh Bread 8 tree*, ThomairiU*. Gr