Newspaper Page Text
Notice of Sale.
Unfits aad to vitro* *f a Secern*
~5Sf* £ D-MW^X*
S. P.Don. aatdiwMirfJiafcN*
££?{£*fiMtfi JbacMMwM^ iW
naalSi Tboo*M«l(l*."uuuno.> IMIan,
Ml till n~r Beta* tally fiosciibrif n
■*, I’wilUt jjABc
MfeMBrad Strxet. totjtera »letter
Snarlawl Ike AC. IKy.. morepar-
tK rally described a* fiotitlag 70 Iret 00
Broad Simm sad nraaln* ihroa<h ib*
Mack la Madiaaa StTre<..*o teey the
railroad ealtiaf all a tatall cmmutonn-
Sdaa tba Swob by tbe Palin lot. aad
an tha Norik by what was farmery
kaarraao tha Barr let; said real estate
know a as the Kentucky Stable*. oppo-
#J« tb* Flaw Waad* Holrl.
Aha tbe following described personal
fforeoVeTbu****. know*a* the Mil-
cbcllloaM Bom. Flay waad* Bo**, and
tha Masary to*., "
• Imtu; £l*irro Carr agm; On*
Gian raclored Landau? Three Six-Seat-
-ad nark Waaoo*; Thro* rour-sciicd
Mack-Board*; Thro* Foot-Staled Open
barite*; Foat H.ntiai Wagon*: One
Two-Bon* Ml Wage*: Two Baggage
Wagon*; Two Track Cart*; roartcca
Set* al Uoab * Hatnttt; Eight tot* el
Slagle Hameu. Three Men-* Saddle*;
iSr Ladle.- Saddle*; Nine Riding
Bridle*: Filty Winter Up Bob**; One
Catting noa; One Olliee U*»k; One
Office Sale aad Subl* Implement*; One
Bay Hone, ten yeatt old. named Ragcn;
•ae Hack Hone- eight year* old nn-
aaamed; One Black Mara, ten veano'd.
aaawd Nellie; On* Sorrel Horae, ten
S in old, named Paat Boy; On* Bay
Idlag, tea 1 e-r» oM, named Oo*: One
Brewa CtMing. eight yean old Jla* Hell
On* Red Sorrel bone, eight yean
named Pittman; On* Brown Hone
yean old. named Hero; Oat Sorrel
Hone, eight yean old, namra Hero; One
Sorrel Hon* eight yaan old named
bom jtonvaa. too Bay Hon*. *lne
yennmd; turned ferry; Ope Black Hon*
•even yean old named George; One
Sorrel Hone, ala year* old named
Pomp;One Brown Gelding, terra yean
old named HearittOa* Gelding fir* yean
eld. named Black Hawk; On* Chestnut
-ttetding, *erra yean old.named Stanley;
named Simpkins; On* Bay Gelding. Si*
yean ok), unnamed; One Horae, Nine
year* old, named Jake Seott; One Bay
'Griding, eia yean onaamed.-i bay bone
-righ^ran old. named Will; On. Bay
Hone eight yean old, named Herbert;
XJn* Dappled Gray Horae, nine yean old,
ooaawrd; One Hon* eight yean old.
aanad Big Dick; One Mono eight yean
old. named White Foot; Oao Brown
Mono nine yean old, named Loat
Horae: One Bar Hon*, fra yean old.
named Sam; On* Bay Mare, Ten yean
aid! named Fannie; One llrown Hone,
-era yean old. named Joe Brown; On*
Bar Man, terra yean old, named
Snip-Note;One Bay Horae, eight yean
--old, named deem; One Horae, Ilvuy ear*
-old, named Black Diamond; One Cheat-
out Mart, seven yean old, named
Emma; One Sorrel Saddle Hone, eight
yean old unnamed; One Bay Hone
cigbt yean old, named Simon; One Bay
Hone eight yean old, named Chastain;
One Rett Roan Horae, nine yean eld.
earned Rathbone; One Bar Horae, lour
reanold, named Bacon Wilka;OnoBay
Mare, lire yean old, named Valkia,ana
one Bay Gelding, aeven yean old named
The proceeds ot salens contracted in
said Security deed to be applied lint to
tbe payment of the amount due on the
note lor which thit deed was made, and
.the balaece of the proceeds, if any, to
he paid tothemakenof laid deed and
note; term* of aale caab.
R. A. Cooke
S. A. Boddenbcry, Ro*coe Luke.
Atty* for R. A. Cooke. 6-10 *t
Administrator’s Sale.
Under and by ririure ofra enter of
the Hoo.coun of ordteanr af aaid Ann-
ty tb* undersigned will tell on tbe lint
Tncadayin July l» befere tee Court
house door in tbe City of TkomarUle, tr
Tbomaa County, fla. to lit* kigheat b**
dcr far caab tha followmg described
property, to-wit.
All of let number Ions cording to Me-
Swan's terrey thereof ia that pontea ot
town of TbomasrUl*. said State and
Caonty known a* Earn End. Said loa
fronting on Cohoe Arena* 6t feet and
tuanlag back North Iga aad one half
f**t to an »H*y, craniaiag on* third of
an acre more or I***. Sold a* the prop
erty*! lonph Moor* docoued for the
Itetribette* among the helm.
6-10-41 M>.Fleetwood
Petition for Charter.
f State for tha 8M
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Tbomaa county.
J.aBteoalindi Guardian of JohnO,
Oal pepper and Fby Waldron ( neeOnl-
Foy Watlrra (aaoOripap-
per.) Thte to therefore to notify ril
p«r*ora oonceraed to tie titter objection*
iYaar they liar*, oo or before the first
Mondayia July l«Ot, alaa hawtUbc
'rom hla guardianship aa ap
Wm. M. Jew*. Ordinary.
Notice Local Legislation.
Notion of intention to apply for the
pnarege of a local MU by the next semi 011
of the legislature entitled: "An net to
amend the ohartor of the town of Me*-
ealfo, On., Thomaa connty, aoaato aul
thoriu said town to tery and collect a
tax on all the taxable property in said
town not to exoeed one half of one per
otni." #-10 It
Notice I* banby giren that appUon-
lion will ha atnda to the next saaaion at
the Oaoaral amamhly for Mm
tb* following, lowU^k
lob*ratittedaaaotto amend llw act
npprored October, A IMP, entitled;
"An act to rwIncorporate tlw town of
to bay or bolld arm eqolp an
fgfctlag Plant in aaid city (or
thopurpooeoffurniahingKleotrie Light*
tor Mao toast* and bullflnga of raid olty
aad with powor to operate mob a plant
for bar own baaadl and to aaU Etectrlo
Light* and power to oonauman, and to
olao* all nooaaniyoaoonnadompioyan
to operate said plant and to control the
*Thoaa*villt, On. May It, IA
St. Loot* Via Central of Qeorgla
Low rate*, shortest route, quickest
inti Choice of th-ee routes via At
lanta, Moatgomcry or Birmingham.
Steeping car* all the way. From Albany
on ticket* BlS-oo. to day tickets
•SQ.*; 15 day ticket gr$.oo. Coach
Excursion Ticket* good only in coacbe
on sal* from all coupon point*, llt.ij
limit ten days. Proportionate low rates
from other point*.
For foil particulars, World’s Fair Lit
erature, maps, etc, call on or write your
nearest ticket or 1.0. Hrinaoti, commer-
Notice to Jail Contractors.
Sealed propoMl, trill be received at
jTkkmasviiie. G* , by tiio Hoard of Com-
miuioner* of Koad* and Revenues ol
Thomas county Ga.. until 11 o’clock
1 Tuesday July i lor 11 n addition to
the Thoma* county jail. Plans and
specifications now on file at the office
o the Chairman of Board.
Each bidder will be allowed and ex
pected to furnish with his bid specific*,
tion for steel iron work dmcribing
material and construction he propose*
to furnish conforming to sire ol ceils
shown in plan
Bidders must furnish with proposal
a certified check for (500 made parable
to E. M. Smith Chairman to assure said
ity if his proposal is accepted, that
till furnish with his contract a se
curity bond lor double amount ol his bid
las the law directs). Same to be satis
factory to the Board otherwise said
check will be forfeited to the county.
The right is reserved to rejoct any
and all proposals.
E. M. Smith.
ChVm. Board of Com. ol Roads &K
Statu of
rotary of .
giat Tbe petition of Hie
whom new re sad rated wm
after folly SM forth, reepeotfally show*;
1.—That they deebo to bo incorpora
ted sate the Uwa of Georgia, aa prort-
ded la the Act* of inland th* Acta of
18M amendatory thereof, peg** *0 aad
A—They desire for Ihsmste***, their
sen teens* sil trrtr sssnclstes, to be
lacorporated under the asms aad style
of theBootfa Atlantic A Mexican Golf
"g—The railway oonremplaled fa this
petition for a charter is to b* shorn
this* handled and taraoty-ffre ariteo ia
length, hegtaniag it, la or near the city
city of Savannah, la tba ooaaty of
Chatham and state of Quorate, aadru-
, Bay-
, M (at ot
Bear Baxley), Coffee (at or Dear Doug
Ira aad WlUaooocheo) Bmrtao (at or near
Nateivilla or Sparks) Odqoul. Brooks
Thomas, (star aw Those serin*), aad
Decatur, la the State of Georgia; and
theeoaaHsoof Loowfator near Tall*,
hassto). Oodsdra, Wakulla, Llbtrty,
Fraakilo, CWboon and Washington. In
the steteof Florida, to deep water oo
tboGalf of Mexioov
t^—The capital stock of said railway
STATE or GEORGIA—County of
Tboa J. Jordan )
vs l Libel for Divorce.
JollaB. Jordan)
ll sfqirarliig thsf Hie dsdsadowi. -Twite
Brawn Jordan Is pot a resident ot Geor
gia, it ta ordered that service -be perfec
ted in aoconlanre with sectfcmt S4X* aad
oaptioo setting forth the noun, tb* term
•ball be three mllUoa dollar* with the
privilege of hscrcestn* said capital stock
to the sum at flvs mlllloo dollars all of
aak) capital stock to coasts* of ca
6.—'They dotera Urn clmrtor of
railway to oootina* for and daring the
period of oao handled and oo* (101)
yean, a* allowed by-law.
6. -Thu principal offices of said rail
way Shan ba located to the city of Sa
vannah. Georgia. '
7. —Your peutlooers declare that they
do Intend in good foilh to go forward
without delay to secon eubacript loos to
the capital stock aad to construct, equip,
maintain and operate said railway.
ft—You petitioner* further show
that they have- given foor weeks (t)
notice of thstr intention to apply for a
1 of this pe
tition in tb* newspapers in which urn
sheriff's advertisements an pobllsbsd.
In each of the counties through which
sold railway shall ran, otto* a week for
foor weeks (t j, baton the filing of thte
WHEREFORE, your petitioner* prey
that they any be incorporated coder
the prartekme of tb* laws and the con
stitution of the state of Georgia, with
all of the power* and pririlegs* incidsot
to snob oorponrioos, aador aad by vir
tue of the law* and the said constitntion
of aaid state.
Yoor (petitioners attach barato
Utter namaa and ruatdaaoaa ruspeotivaly,
aa follows, tosrit:
D..G. Purse, Chatham County Geer,
gin. *
John J. McDonough, Chatham Ooon-
W&tk , Chatham County, Goor-
D. G. Puna. Jr., Chatham Oounty,
P. M. Comae, M. D„ AppUng County
0. W. Dean, Appling Oouuty, Geor
P. L. Sweat, Coffee County, Georgia.
John McLean, Coffee County, Geor
W. J. Rogers, Benton County, Geor
1. W. Purdom, Berrien County, Geor
gia. 0-8-tt.
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Taorus Coctrrr:
By v its* of on order of (he court
or ordinary of said county will be sold
at pohlie outcry 00 the first Tuesday in
July lien, at the court boose in said
countv between the usnsl hours of sale,
tha following real estate Mutated in the
city'of Thomasriils, and county of
Thomas to-wit: Lot rommoaciitg at a
polar IIP feet (torn N. W. corner of Lee
aad Slovene streets, on tlw north side of
Lea street and running westerly along
Leo street 19 feet to land line of C. L.
Tbosaptoo. thence slang mid Thomp
son’s line parallel with Steven* street,
HI feel; thence northward tP ft to
Vicken Ift*'; thence eastward with
Ticker* line 70 feet: thence northward
along Vickers lint <7 ft. thence east
ward parallel with Stevens (tree* M ft
to line of lot peenpted by Lnoy Boiler,
known as tbe Bower lot, said point be-
in* S3 feet from Sierra* street; thence
along aid Bowen lot In eoatflerly di
rection to starting point oa North side
of Lro street. The sale -will condone
from day to day, between the nunc
hoots until all of (aid property Is sold
Terms ousli.
8. T. Hamilton,
Guardian of J Bt^ef Hamilton.
Application to Sell. “
GEORGIA—Tbomaa County.
To *U whom it may concern:
E. M. Smith and R. Thomas. Jr., Ex.
ecu ton of the last wilt and testament of
W. E. Davies, deoeased, bar* in doe
form applied to the undersigned tor
leave to sell the lands belonging to the
estate of said deoeased. and sold appli
cation will be heard on tlw first Monday
in July. 1904.
a. 10-4 W. M. Jones. Ordinary.
* Shorthand mnd Typewriting•
» Stenographic Work Neatly Kxe-
| ented.
Mlat Janie Alexander.
, M4dw Next door to TlnufuKiucrpri**. , r ,
bt ktXM who
dan, tbe dsfiradnnt, commanding her to
to aad appear at tb* next term of
Thomas, and bearing test
in tha aara* of tb* Jang* of 8. C. 8. G„
and termed by the elsrk. The same to
to pubHMied in the Timeu-Euterprtee
twin a mentfi for two ommUIm. This
•th day of June, 1901.
tot. G. MitchxiJ.
Judge Superior Coon Sou Circuit.
J. W. Groover,
CB.C. .
610 8
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas Connty:
Wm. McKay, Ir Executor of the last
will of A. W. Clisby, late of said County
deceased, having filed his petition for
discharge, this is to cite all pcnonx con
cerned to show cause against the gran
ting of this discharge at tbe regular term
of IheCourt of Ordinary of said County
held on the first Monday in July, 19 t
0-7-t W M. June*
Applictiaon For Administration.
GEORGIA—Thoma* Connty.
To Whom it May Concern; M
Fleetwood, (labile Administrator, lias
made application to me in term* of the
statute to be made administrator, de
boot* non, with wHl annexed, of the
tain of John N McKinunn, deoeased,
and that said application will he held
at the July term, 1904, of the Court of
Ordinary of Thomas oonnty, Georgia.
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
Application (or Dismission.
GEORGIA—THOttax Ooumtt:
John B. Everitt, guardian of Miaa
Blanche Ainsworth, baa applied to me
for a dtecliarge from his guardianship of
Mise Blanche Ainsworth, This is tliere-
fore to notify all persona concerned to
file thetr objections, it any they have,
oo or before the first Monday in July,
IIKM, else he will be discharged from his
gnanlUiiship a* applied for.
Wm. M. JoSi k.
0-10-4 Ordinary
World’s Fair St- Louis.
Tickets at low rates now ou aale. For
particulars apply to P, S. Hay, S. E. P.
...... j Ohio R. R. Montgomery,
Guess nearest our cash sales for this month qnd we will give you a 15 day
ticket to the World’s Fair. One guess with each dollar cash spent.
We are selling ladies Oxfords-at $i.m that were $2.50 and $3.00. Mens Oxfords at $2.49 that were
$3.50 and $4.00. Men’r Negligee Shirts at 75c that are good as $1.00 will buy anywhere else.
One lot of Oxford Ties in a box at the door. 75c. You never saw any thing like it for the money. W e
have made up another box, price price 99 cents, It’s like pulling eye teeth to let ’em go at the price, but the lots ar
mall and we want to clear em out.
Buy your summer shoes this month at about half price and maybe you’ll get
a vacation thrown in. '
Don’t hold out your guess too long send them in early.
Thomasville Shoe Company.
Petition for Charter.
r.EORGfA—Thomas County.
To tbe Superior Court oiteid -county:
The petition of W. II. Brandon,
M. Hardy, M. R. Mellette. I. II. Merrill.
S. A. Roddcnbery, Alex W. ‘Healer
James Watt. G. S. Whitney. Chns. S.
Het-ard.all ol said county, respcctlaily
rhowvih that they de.ire to be incorpor
ated under the nine end style oi the
--Trustees ol tb* Young Men’s Christian
Association of Thooia«viile. Georgia.’
said corporation to continue for twenty,
yean, with privilege ol renewal, ana to
have power by a majority vote to fill the
vacancies in it* bodytruo themembersbip
of soot* of tbe Evangelical churches in
Tboma*ville,providea that not more than
foot shall at any time be (rom the same
denomination nod all future presidents
of tbe "Younk Mux’* Christian Associ
ation of Thomasville Geoegia" shall be
while la office members ex officio of said
board of trustees, except ia case where
the office of president office ol tbe *>so-
elation shall be conferred upon a mem-
berof said board when tbe Dauber seal!
consist of q.
A number of penooshaving subscrib
ed aad agreed to donate a large fund,
amounting in the aggregate to about
87.ooq.OA wr the pa-pose o( providing n
house (or tbe Young Men’s Cnnsiinu As-
sociation o< Thomasville. Gcoraia. and
to carry on ibe work ol said association,
and more than half of it being actually
paid in, and said subscribers to said
fun-1 having chosen and appointed your
petitioners as Trustees to lake charge of
asul <L>)lrct raid fund and t-< sec that the
purposes lor which it was subscribed and
donated are f.roperIv carried out; and
to that rad the -aid subscribers having
directed your ue it One* to cause them
selves to be mao. a cornoranon upon the
levin*, stipulations, and restrictions ex-
r rased in this p-it-non. the same is Bled
’ r the purpose ol actiu* under said
appointment and instructions.
The object and particular business of
said corporation will therefore, "c to
oollect and receive said fund heretofore
subscribed, "r such property as may be
donated to it oygilt int-rvjros, ora will,
or any natural increase from rrn's. in
terest or otherwise on their investments,
and to purchase and to hold such real
estate nr may be accessary for ihe
purpose intended, and to erect thereon
such building or buildings as mar •>*
deemed a visabl-, to be used and oc
cupied by the said Young Man's Chris-
tiu Association of Thomasville G*.
where it shall carry on tb* business and
the work or said association, a* indicat
ed in its charter and by-laws, and to pay
to ram association tbe amount author
trad In the heading of raid subscription*.
pt.tatiwi, 1 navi lull p wer jn
carrying o*t the chj-i't* n»r wi.ich •' is
created, as ahrv expr..—d, l pur-
eha.-, re.-ei*’-, and hold an, and all
pe pert' leal -r personal. * I'U h - a> bo-
acquir d by l\ an-t to c*i» I- i 1 c itrcl
alt rents, ts-uvs and prodts tr.ireof. for
the purpo— cf -nrrsinff - ui ih- trust
cmiri tcd to it; and after pa- ing all taxer,
iwn-ttir, insurance, t cl expc ses
nec sen a d inctdeyi 10 the preserva-
iicr. and saivmv nuilding or build
ings. 10 par over any -nrpius 10 the
tressur-rof the Young M-n* Christian
Association of Thomasville, Ga. Tbe
teal estate uud other properly he’d by ,
raid corporatioe shall never be liable
fot any debt, contract orobhgvtion of
the Young Mm’s Christian Association
of Thomasville, Georgia, i’s officer, or
committees, except tn« *iid trustees,
shall have the riubt. after baring ex-
toasted the subscription now in. hand
and which may here*ft-r be secured dar
ing the construction of the building, to-
plcdire said property by mortage or
security deed for such sum (not exceed
ing Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1400) an
may be nooessary to Complete said bolld-
TIm corporation to be created under
tbi« petition in to be and remain a eopa*
rate and distinct bodr corporate and
person in law from said Christian Asso
ciation. The said corporation to be
created in accwianok with this petition
is never to have power to encumber the
whole or any part of the property held
by it except aa above »tatcd.
No intoxicating liquors are ever to bo
sold aad. and no game of chance per
mitted upon any property purchased
with • be funds herein referred to, or held
by said corporation.
Said corporation shall have power t»
contract and be contracted with, to sue
and be sued, and have all other powers,
rights, aad franchises necessary and In
cident to the objects of said corporation;
and the same being in all respects elee
mosynary in its character, and. not for
personal gain or profit to tha member*,
it is to have no capital stock, and the
cootrarta of the corporation are to bind
ing on it in it« corporate capacity alone
and not in any sense or manner upon
tbe members individually.
Your petitioners pray the granting of
an order investing theta and their suc
cessors to be appointed as heretofore
provided, with the corporate power*
aforesaid, and creating <* body corporate
upon tbe terms herein oxpress-d.
j. H. Merrill.
Petitioners Atty.
GEORGIA- Thomas County:
O-erk Office Superior Court.
1 hereby certify that the foregoing ia
a true copy of tne original uow on file
in my office.
May 2$ IftM. J. W. Oboovkr.
6 3 4t
I ——
Account the fact we offered |
dependable merchandise at such |
low prices-you as well as we re- %
member the success of our Black |
Friday Sale, Mill End Sale, 9 cent 1
Sate, etc. We made this bigger, 5
bettf-r and more successiul than |
g any for (our customers and our- |
selves. Why shouldn't we? We
are here with the goods and will |j
givejjthe prices.
Thomasville, JJJJ" - Georgia 3
U:.:. ffSole lAgents \ I
]‘1 i.]
iuiuiuiuiuuuuuiiuuiiuiui uiuiuiuuuamiiuuiuuuiup: I