Newspaper Page Text
Snin«rM^La^w life
•I§ life w«rth Urine?'* H, replied: "It
depend, upon til, liver.* Chauncejr wu
partially right, but ha might hara added
that It depended quite ae much upon Om
etomach and the manner In which it did
ft* work. The moment you put lard-
. c ending out a pressing Invitation for djrs-
• pepeia to call upoa you. This may sound
a exaggerated, but let ut reason it out.
Lard la made from hog fats. *TheT bog isn't the moat cleanly animal
in the world, aad why ehopidlard be any more digastibla thxnfrt
pork? Itjtn’t You are elmply taking chaneea when you use lard in.
cooking; if It doesn't barm you, you're lucky.
The beat shortening b the universe it Cottolene. It b made from
raSntd rage table oil and choice beef oust There's ix> bgradbnt about
it but what b puse. wholesome and digastibla No other shortening
will do the work of Cottolene. You must either use Cottolene or an
inferior product WWch art you going to do y
Ouard against substitutes. Cottolene cornea only In sealed tie
nails (three eizeet) with a rad label and band. In the center of the
label b eur trade mark-a eteer’e head in cotton plant wreath. Cot-
tolene b not open to contamination aa b bulk lard; the quality b
always uniform and guaranteed.
Ask year grocer tor a pall of Cottolene and start yourself on the
right road to successful cookery.
USX fi LESS. ■CotUIene being richer than either lard or cookmg
butter, one-ltlird less tie required.
FREE mg & gffOMJBl
rJQy "Hefts
• wnkyTi
Mafc-oolrby THB V. K. PAIRBA1IK COMPANY. DtpL 626
800 choice i
Star Brand Shoes
We can show yon almost any
style of Shoe yon nre looking for.
See our lino of Oxfords, the
Shoes you wont lor minuter wear,
mid you know Mini
“Star Brand Shoe?
T. J. & H. Megaliee,
The Drummers Livery Stable
Having just built anil equipped n mo lern Livery Feed tuxIl'nleeiSUbles'
With first.olnss Cnrriuets, lluggiesand saddle horses. New Moggies Car
riages and Drummers liigs Prompt aim! courteous attend m given all,
Orders foijtpiick services.
The) patronage of commercial travelers especially solicited. Kates
Veryjlieasoiiahle. Oonveniently located on Bryan street. Two minutes
Walk easy of depot near railroad. Oall on, write, 'phone or wire.
Cairo, Ga. . W. I). BARBER, Prop
Satisfaction llu.runtcrd.
The Portable Saw Mill Is the Coming Mill.
It is a portable mill that is-really portable? Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 6,000 feet per day.
Can be set and ready to saw In two hours.' Variable Fric-
lion Cable Feed. StatiOMry Mils, 'any capacity. Portable!
and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and F&toiy Supplies.
-ALBANY, GEORGIA.- - ^ - ■ - ■*=
■ I ~‘
The -ainy season Its* begun wild wiilt
it will cornu the inoMjuitoe*—if we don’t
watch out.
At many lionu N ill Thourinwllle the
buzzing me pquitn fa si most a stranger
from September to September: to the
residents of *09)1 paradises.we are not
talking jo*t now. But at other home*
"amos” consider* himself pater f 11 milius,
mater familias and the whole blessed
family, and ttoats all presumptuous hu
mans that invade his haunts us so ifmny
base intraders.
Now if there were no wars for as
LUiputians to light his honor "Ames”
the Times-Enterprise would he the last
to raise a kick'; hot ‘here is a way. aud
a way that bus been proved for w» long
that it is nu longer theoretical.
Kerosene oil will most iwm'iively kill
mosquitoes, and if every citizen of
Thomasville would bear this fact in
mind and overcome Ids summer inertia
sufficiently to m ike ali’tle practical me
Of (he knowledge, king "Amos” wonhl
he effectually dethroned.
The United States government lias
practiced the kerosene core very sue.
oessfulLy iu the motnj* i;o district* of
Chiba, and in fact Unde Sam stems to
have blessed the island through the use
of kerosene but little less than through
the use of his strong right arm.
In order for practical benefit 10 re
sult, each individual must recognize it
as a conscientious duty to pour a little
oil on every square inch of standing
water in nil his neighborhood. All that
is n quired is a quantity sufficient to
form a thin skim over tho surface. This
prevent* the mosquito from coming iu
oontact with the water, without which
he cannot propagate.
Lot the oity take up the work and re
quire the sauitary inspector to use the
oil can on exposed places. It can come
justly within the scope of his intended
duties. The matter is one of no small
importance, and deserves attention.
it costs you nothing to intestioate.
. There 1s no one who does not need
Liver Medicine occasionally.
The symptoms of Liver Complaint are
well known to every one, such as eonsti-
Misa Gibson and Messrs. Haatd end
•Perish Read Excellent Papers.
The teachers' institute of 1904 came
to acloae Thursday. Mr.Charles Lane,the
expert in charge, has proved that he is
no less able as a director of teachers in
stitutes than as. **. iSunorist. * He has
kept up everybody’*interest iu the work
and Iuis made them m»h the pleasant side
of Incur.
The pn{K*t£ read and the discussions
held through Hip wee!c have been of
unusual excellence. Tho statement of
Jir Lane that he did not remember ever
holding au institute where the standard
of intelligence was higher, lia» been sat
isfied. "Wisdom is justified of her ciul
mesa, heaaache, a tired feeling ui
man j others of s similar nature.
Thoneonde die annually by not heeding
the warning, of nature.
Many acquire eome chronic diecaae
from which they never recover.
Many of there could be spared for year,
of uMfulneM, by keeping in the home
eome reliable remedy.
We believe tint wu cen convince any
fair-minded person that then is no bet
ter remedy for the
Liter known, than
Dr. Thacber’a Liver and Blood Syrnp.
The formula is known, conflating of
Bnchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow
Mayor Meyers of Savannah is gaining
to himself a little notoiiety, if not fame,
for his advocacy of a system of state
roads running from Atlanta to Savannah
and Augusta to Columbus. The may
or hss struck an off tack,.but a bunch
of littlo folk* th rongh the state are jump
ing at hi* sclioine and ncrapping over
tlie'pc*es*ion of a bone that will never
roach the size of a respectable roosters
small toe joint.
Die day for "system” roads is past. Peo
ple dou't travel from Atlanta to Savan
nah by wagon these days. It costs
them immensely less to ship their wagon
and pay their own fare in a sleeping
oar. In fact, if the family is large, it
might provo a saving in the end to char
ter a special train.
We want government aid iu the build
ing of roads and we are willing for the
state to chip in, bat we want this money
spout whore it will do the farmer, and
not the millionaire nutouiobilist, the
most good. Where the farmer needs a
good road is between his farm house
aud the nearest town, aud not botween
two large cities.
Mayor Meyers might gniako* himself
solid with the automobile dub by get-
tiug his scheme through, hut he wonld
have to travel many loug days before
he would moot au emigrant travelirg
diwn his pile. Ir is not more roads,
bit b«-**er r arts, that we »»eod so bad
Tl.e A l inla end Birmingham turned
iu their fn * cldro t. x this year at
$215,000. Comptroller Wright raised
the figures to the same nied
last year, $inc> Hie year began the A,
ft B. ha*acquired the T. T. ft G. and
T. & N\ E. i.ud the i.ssessment cqvers
every thing. The report shows returns
by 1 he lord for some $100,(00 worth of
nw ruling sloth required siurc* the
pat< base of 1! c T. T. & G.
It looks like Judge Parker mut Prvst*
dout Roosevelt working together wtuld
hate saved up their pile by this time.
Some one has t-xi>revsed tl>«
that Bry n would be am, liable i«
It’s owii g to the reason.
The llamas county teacher* have
do** a good work, and they have hut ro
aft to receive. „
The world admires a man who has tl e
trength of his ctnvicUou*.
0|ieucd with a song by Alia institute.
Mr. Lane lead iu prayer. Teacher*
again re*pouded to roil call by giving
familiar quotation*. Minutes were road
aud approved
Mr. 8. L. Heald read a paper on
What the Study of Geography In
cludes ’■
Mbs Julia Gibson read an luteresiing
paper km "Moral Instruction.”
Mr. j^aiie commended Miss Gibson's
paper and oiscursed the question also.
Miss Nellie Priuglo charmed the in
stitute with eome well executed music.
Mr. Lane took up the subject of gram
mar and explained phrases and clauses.
Much interest was aroused.
Mr. Lane then'read a selection from
The Poet of the Sierras. ” •
After roll call Mr. J. 8. Searcy ex
plained why the portrait of Mr, J. E.
Baker had not arrived. He then took
he made quite interesting.
A list of words was selected and
spelled by the institute.
Mr. Lane then wrote a sentence on
(lie board to be read by the institute.
The roll was called and Mist Tempo
Cassidy cl 1 armed the institute with
beautiful music.
Adjourned to 9 a. m Friday.
W. W. LINTON, Sec.”
Since Monday . the following name*
have been abided to the roll; Messrs W.
H. Hudson, J L Burns, J, S. Searcy. O.
H Rice, W. H. Waldron, J. P. Swann,
M. Pope, B. O Reese and Misees Elia
Butler, Anna Ramsey, Belle 8helley,
Vallio Shelly aud Maggie Brown.
It was greatly regretted by the Times-
Enterprise Thursday that unfortunate
circumstances prevented the publishing
of the official mlnutee of Tueeday's
Old Officers Reelected at Meeting
The anSual election of officers of the
Thoitasville Golf Club was held
at l the club house Thursday
afternoon, and resulted in the re-eleotion
of the entire old oorpe; F. D. Dtanuke,
president; G. S. Cox, vioe-Preeident; J.
S. Hopkins, Secretary and Will Watt,
treasury. The board of governors con
sists of the above named gentlemen and
Messrs. G. S. Whitney, J. B. Jcmison,
J.H. Merrill and J. W. Peacock. The
club has had unsurpassed prosperity
under these officers and great satisfac
tion is expressed at their re election.
Arthur Povargne was elected instructor.
OirtdiMS In MaUnq Good Bread:
Um. one I. veled tenspooufnl
to a quart of sifted floor; add
• no gh sour milk Jo knead the
Whs n -cur milk is not used,
two parte of Cmim of Tarter nud
01 e of Snccem. Soda art the cor-
reel proportions.
Soma and Iodide
know just what yon are taking. How
many other formulas of a liver medicine
are published? Ask your druggist about
this. It Is already prepared and can be
taken immediately. 0
The strength is extrcted in the most
skillful manner, certainly superior to any
powdered preparation known. (We also
manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow
dered form, with which any druggist can
supply yon, but this, like ill other dry
Liver Medicines requires preparation.)
Dr. Thacker’s Liver ana Blood Syrup
Is pleasant to take, does not lose iu
strength, ss Liver Medicine in dry form,
and will keep in any climate.
Your doctor, however skillful, could
prescribe nothing better.
There is no opportunity for a doctor
b a mistake in writing a prescrip-
clerk to . mistake
the same, (beside* .
doctor's bill tn3 the cost of the medi
cine.) You cen be ebaoluteljr rare of the
proper proportion being in every doee.
Dr. Thecheri. Liver and Blood Syrup
hu been need with the greatest confi
dence end auceece in thouaands of homes
madst of 26 yeere’ experience,
rstore equipped with the most modern
appibnee. for the moat perfect ufety.
If sf«« do Ml understand your ease,
writs today for s From sample bottls and
••Dr, Thashsr’s Health Bosh.” aims
symptoms for admits. Wo simply ash that
y* 1> ll7<i < ** oapmoo, Ws know whoi
MO ((nil and $1,00,
Chattanooga, Tenia.
, BT TH*
Weekly Times-Enterprise.
Weekly Timea-Enterprise 1 year aud
a apiendid man of Georgia, the United
State, and the world, |1 00.
(Tlie map alone la worth the money.,
Weekly Times-Enterprise aud the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year (1 to.
Weekly Time.*Enterprise and the
- iNewi
Semi-Weekly Savannah Newa both one
yearll 60.
Weekly Timeo-Enterprlse and the
Three Timee-Week New York World,
both one year 41 60.
Weekly Time*.Enterprise and the
loaton Time,, both one year |I 26.
Weekly Timea-Enterpriae and tha
~ " * he Weekly Atlanta
Sonny South and the
Constitution, all one year $2 00.
Almoat any other combination yon
can want at a price to anit yon. If one
of theae combinations doesn't salt write
as what yon want.
Thomaavilla, Ga
Eggs For Sala.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sale. $1.01
per setting of 15. Address Mrs. J. (
Neel, Boston. Ga. X-24-6
Florida’s Famous
"Chicago ft Florida Limited. *
St. Augustine, Jacksonville to Ctitca-
ge. and St. Louis.
This train is operated over the MLort-
est line between St. Augustine, Jack
sonville, Chicago and St. Lpuis, and a
fords the quickest schedule by nearly
two hours.
This train i* the standard of perfeo
tion in passenger service, consisting of
Pullman Vestibuled Drawing Room,
Sleeping Compartment. Dining and
Observation Oars.
Leaves St. Augmtine 6.20 a. m., Jack
sonville 8.40a, m. Arrive Chicago 4:10
p. m., St. Louis 1*35 p. m.
VILLE. TENN.. MAY ia-18, 1903.
To Delegates and Their Frienas:-
Your attention is called to the offi
cial route, for the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Oarolina
and South Carolina has selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry, from Atlanta to Nashville a* the of
ficial route (ThC Batt'e Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:20 May 11th.
party in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May 10th. via the "Dixie
:r Rou
Flyer Route''; through sleepers Jack-
sale Mav 10th., lltb and 12th, returning
limited to ten days. Tickets can be ex
tended until June 6th, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rate
from vour city is one fare (first class)
plus 2$ cents.
Ask the Ticket 4gent to sell you a
ticket via the “Dixie Flyer Route/
* Fla. Pass. Ai
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
I)i,t. Passenger Agent.
TUB LADIBS favor painting their
churches, and therefore we urge every
Minister to remember we give a liberal
quantity of the Longman ft Martinez
Paint toward the psinting.
Wears and covers like gold.
Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when
you buy other paints in a can with a
paint label on it.
8 ft 6 makes 14, therefore when you
want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only
eight of L. ft M., and six gallons pure
Linseed Oil with it. and thus get paiot
at less than 51.20 per gallon.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of L. ft M. and three gal
lons of Linseed Oil mixtd therewith.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
O. W .Cochran, Thomasville, Ga
G. L. Duren, Meigs, Ga.
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
\ j From September |.’> until November
River and Northeastern j ^ Burlington make* very low
nne-tvAY colonist mips to GttlifnrnU
Railroad Co
Effective April 6, uyu.
Daily excupt Sunday.
Leave Pelham 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 p ui
Leave Ticknor 2:00pm
Arrive Pelham 4:10 pm
D. M. Rogers. Gen'l Supt.
one-Wav colonist rare* to California
Oregon, Wanliitigrnn. Id alio. Mouttu*
The reduction is fr»nu sSA to 40 |wr cent.
from the regular rates.
The Way to Go.
The Burlingtou, witli its atroug main
lines and free chair cars, best reaches
the West aud Northwest via Denver,
Billing* or St. Paul.
"The Burlington- Northern Pacific
Express” is' ae great daily through traiu
with chair cars and tourist sleepers via
Billings, Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermediate ;»oiuts.
I 25 Horse Power Boiler. Good as nev
Terms cusv.
W. P. Sparks,
I fi 10 4t Thomasville, Ga.
Homeseekers’ Excursions
These are run the first and riiird Tuf*,
Best and Cheapest.
Test your eyes!
Fit them with the!
proper glasses and
adjust the frames
f rates for the round trip.
It will be a pleasure for u* to give you
an accurate and informative reply to any
J. N. Merrill,Geu’l. Southern Agt.,
Atlanta, Georgia
h. W. Wakeley, Gen'l. Pas. Agt.,
St Louis. Mo
to your face properly. Goods and work
guaranteed by j.JS. Salter, proprietor
I A new revolution in SantDoningo la
i:kr* a new ohickan la aa incubator. '
of the Edipae Optical and Medicine
Company, Thomasville. Ga. Next to
Timea-Enterprise Madison street
Thoroughbred Leghorn Egp. $f.uD
ger eetttng._ Out fiUordere E by exprara
E. Leon Keel, Boston, Gs.