Newspaper Page Text
The World’s Famous Catarrh Remedy—Pe-ru-na.
Machine Works, made a business trip
to Decatur county Tuesday.
Messrs. W. H. Boswell, Linton Vick,
M. A.' Pilcher and Joe Collins went to
Thomasville this week.
2 Mrs. George Sweat, of Pinhook, Fla.,
accompanied by Miss Whiddon, is visit
ing the family of her parents, Mr. W.
A. Meigs
Dr. Morrison, of Pelham WJuTa visit
or here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ross will leave
Sunday for Cordele to attend the mar
riage of Mr. A. B. Bowers of that place
•to Miss Eula Thrailkill, of Atlanta.
Misses Alpha Braswell and Zoe Simp-
sou, accompanied by Messrs. Sam Sut
ton and Remer Braswell attended the
singing at Eureka Sunday,
Mr. A. S. Braswell loaded his first
of melons here on June 18. They were
the finest that I have ever seen shipped
from this place.
Mrs. Frances Wards worth, of Pleas
ant Grove, visited her soq» JVIr. John
Wordsworth, of this place during the
past two weeks Mrs. Wardsworthis
quite old, but she is still vigorous and
enjoys fine health
Miss Genie Stubbs, a popular teacher
in the college here, leaves Thursday for
Girard, Ga., to visit her sister, Mrs. W.
C. Glenn.
Senator W. V. Sullivan.
- United States Senator Sullivan from
Miaalaaippi writes the following en
dorsement of Pernna:
*1 desire to say that I have been taking
Pernna for some time for catarrh and
hare found it an excellent medicine,
giving me more relief than anything
1 have ever taken.”—W.V.SULLIVAN.
Gongreuman Romulus Z. IAnney,
Prom North Carolina, writes:
u My private aecretary has been
using Pernna for eatarrh. He bad
me bad a case as I ever saw, and since ho
haa taken one little ho sterna like a di
be without It. I cannot express the|
good it bss dono him.” I
John B. Clark, Kx-Canxressman, Peru nil.
Was ten years a member of Congress
from Missouri and for alx years Clerk
of National Honse of Representative.,
“ I paq. recommend your Pernna as a
good, anliatantlal tonlo and one of the
best remedies for catarrhal troubles.”
Ex .Congressman A. H. Coffroth,
Somerset, Pa., writes:
“X am assured and satisfied that Pe
rnna la a great catarrh euro, afflTT feel
that I can recommend it to those who
suiter from I hat disorder.”
Men of prominence nil over the
fetenz man. I don’t think any man .
who ta under a nervous strain should' UnlteJ hfjffii nee commending
•er forty members oi
Congress hove written their In
dorsement ot It Scores ot other
government offlclnlsspenk In high
prnlse of It. Thousnnds ot people
In the humbler wnlks of life rely
upon It ns a family medicine.
Send tor tree book ot testimonials.
If yon do notderive prompt and iatls-
factory results from the use of Pernna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
fall statement of yonr oaae, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmau, President ot
The Uartman8anltarium.G'olninbiu,0.
2X Tons of bar Iron, all sizes. 1 ton extra fine carriage and wagon
bolts, all sites. 2000 feet rubber and canvass belting, 2 to 12 inches.
20:X) feet piping, all sizes up to 2 inches. 1000 feet }i inch 6-8 Inoh
wire rope. 1 carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on the
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanks for syrup
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also I,og Carts, Lumber Trucks, farm
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm Implements. Bend In your
rrufsKtet T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga
I have 12 magnificent guaranteed porcelain bath tubs of
-whichjhe regular price is $35.00 each.
, For a short time I will sell these tubs at $25.50. This
is a close price and you probably never had such a tub bar
gain offered you before. Think of being able to
Seep Cool for $25.50
Other plumbing fixtures at cost. Come
’Phone at residence. v
Bltiotune**, Indtf c*ttoi*, ■:$
Jjy ®°H r Stomach, Headache, !•'»
CoIlc * «lc., and keep* the -:>f
aystem in perfect condition •:«
?,;■ by regulating the bowel*. i-VS
vy Ftea*ant to take, ai:d ».v
■ pleasant in remit*, act*
promptly without griping.
50 cent* a bottle at alt
drug stores.
HOG Jackson Street
Telephone Connection
* *01ES3E^ i~ iOT i A.. *
Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran ground together.
The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled afe
a milk and butter producer.
Just received a fresh car of this renowned feed tot H' rses
and Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bill* "aqwn."
Highly endorsed by all large feeders.
We have a big stock of fresh com, oats, hay, wheat,bian
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let us serve
you when in need of anything in the feed line.
Try a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Beer.
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and excellence.
The Thomasville Ice Company
Rev. Walker Lewis, the well-known
Methodist minister, write*: “I have
used Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir in my
family with very beneficial results. It u
an admirable medicine and excellent as
a tonic and liver regulator. ” ^
Our Meigs Department.
Hy T. S. -Searcy.
“kJ; *-*■: 0f . th0 Dy “°“ ftnd a* chickens. The billy is graz-
ing and practicing as a number of third
degree folks will be butted through on
to buy good, pure Drug*, if drugs you
must buy. When * ou arc ill it is very
dangerous to take unreliable, adulterat
ed Drugs into your system. Our Medi-
I cines are pure and iffe^pal.
of cvcty description may be found here.
And all kinds of Toilet Articles gieatly
ttoie Agent Jacobs Candies
Attorn ey-at-Low,
Office 104 Upstairs Bread Street.
Thomasville. . ■ Georgia.
iy Money to loan on Thomas County
Real Buie, at 7 peycni annum.
Dra. Morrison & O’Neal, Dontlata.
Offices at Pelham and Malga. Pat
ronage aellelted.
Tlio grape crop is ripening. The fruit
raised in this vicinity, withont doubt,
egeels that of Middle Georgia in qual
ity. The grapes are the finest flavored
to be had any where in the United
States. Owing to the high price and
scarcity of labor, a^d the lack of rail
road facilities, the grape industry is not
of more than half the importance that
it was live years ago. Many vineyards
have been entirely destroyed.
Miss Ethel Hand, formerly of this
place, returned to her work in Atlanta
Wednesday, after a wook’a stay with
her home folks.'
Mrs. W. H. and Mina Emma Boswell
of this place spent a day with relatives
at Letand this week.
Mr. and Mra. W. M. Singletary spent
last Sunday with relatives at Oolilocko-
Mr. h. J. Bond and the family of Mr.
A. F. Hand request me to_ offer their
heartfelt thanks to the people of Meigs
and of Moody, Fla., for the many kind
nesses bestowed npon them during their
nad bcreavment. in the death of Mrs.
Enlah Hand Bond,
The body of Mrs. EnlaH. Bond who
died a few days since at Moody, Fla.,
Was interred In the cemetery at Midway
chnrch last Sunday. The funeral rites
were said by Rev. A.*!’. Cone.
The school at Pine Grove, near town
opened with a line list of pnpils last
Monday. More than fifty were enrolled
the first day. >
Mrs. J. R. Anltman and Mrs. Emmet
Johnson left a few days since to visit
friends at Garden Valley and Reynolds.
Everybody knows that Bad Single-
tary is an ezoeilent liveryman and that
he isa gool lodge of horses, though no
one would mistake him for a good
farmer; bat a walk through Ills cotton
crop will prove that he is “np to anal!”
on cottou.
For the past week this town has been
enjoying the laxary of electric lights,
(withont eleotrioitv.) A gentleman sell
ing these lights, baa been here for sever
al days and has proven his lights to be
even better than electricity. One may
read the dial of hia watch 200 yards
W. H. Atkinson la having some excel
lent improvements made on bis ginnery,
and by the time the ginning season opens
he will have it in the bast poad Me order.
Considering that the crops hava had
nothing bat • few showers on them,
they are flag and well advanced. .They
araalao In fine condition.
Everybody in this section whether
bets a Mason or not is Interested is the
grand masonic rally that will occnz beta
on the 8th day of Joiy. Pntnpashoat
that day.
Messrs. J. J. Parish, Roy Sapp and
W. A. Sntton wentnp to Baconton Sun
day. There must have been some rough
weather in that section, us one of the
boys came home hatless.;But he declares
that lie left it with a young lady us a
memento of the very pleasant visit he
The regular services of the Baptist
oliuroh will occur next Saturday and
Prof. J. M. Buokalew of Moye, made
a short visit to this place last week ac
companied on returnjb.v his daugh
ter, Mrs. O. E. Boswell. She will re
main some days.
Prof. J, L. Collier of Cuff Head whb
hero a few days’ago ou his return from
the Teachers’Institute at Thomasville.
Many Sorvlcas at Oehlockonoe-Otlier
News of Interest.
Wha It 1> Free at Dandruff, It Grew*
Hair preparations and dandruff cures,
es a rule, are sticky or irritating affaire
that do no earthly good. Hair, when not
diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly.
Dandruff la the cause of nine-tenths at
all hair trouble, and dandruff Is earned
by a germ. The only way to cure dand
ruff it to kill the germ; and, so far, the
only hair preparation that will positively
destroy the germ la Newbro'a Herpjcide—
absolutely harmless, free from grease,
sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs.
It allays Itching Instantly; makes hair
glossy and soft as silk. "Destroy the
cause, you remove the effect" Sold by
leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps fox
sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit.
R. Thomas Jr. Special Agent.
A Ch'naman’a ‘‘Howdy.”
In China, the custom.-irv greeting is
“How is yourltvei?' II Rydale’t. Liver
Tablets were as well known there as in
some parts of America, the answer would
be; My liver is all right. I use Kydale’s .
Liver Tablets. The tablets cure consti-
stipation, biliousness and all liver troo-
Ochlockonee June 15.—Protracted ser
vices at Woodland Methodist church be
gan last night led by Rev. H. P. Stubbs
assisted by Rev. O. R. Jenkins and oth
ers. Quarterly conference next Sunday
at Woodland olmrch. Let’s have a fall
attendance of stewards and members.
Mr. B. H. Walker and Miss Bertba O
Mathis were married at the home of the
bride’s father, Mr. W. M. Mathis lsst
8r”i|ay morning at nine o'olock. Quite a
J wd of relatives and near friends ot
the happy pair wore in attendance.
Rev. E. J. Briggs of the Baptist
church is now assisting the pastor Rev,
J. B.Alligood in a series of revival meet
ings at Baptist chnroh. The day ser
vices are well attended and at night the
honse is filled with eager listeners. Let
everybody come. Yon will be amply
repaid for tho time you might consider
Mrs J G Taylor and three little girls
of Boston are in town, gnests of Mrs J
H Anderson.
Mr. Joe Bautin who for some time
past hat been in the employ of Mr. J.
R. Anderson, is in town taking his usu
al summer vacation, also Mr. Brown his
fellow worker is with him..
Mr Ryan of Pelham was in town
Monday looking after the Melon busi
ness. The melon business is opening np
sooner by several days than ut first ex
pected by our planters, several care
liaving been loaded already,
Mre F G Lucas and Miss Annie her
eldest daughter have been re eleotod to
fill thcirjsame places In the Oordele pub
lic school and will return in the early
autumn. Mrs. Lucas and Gladys are in
town stopping with Mre A W Logne.
A new rural free delivery ronte, or
“ronte No. 3” for Ochlockonee (is
among the latest things we know of jnst
now. There are a great many applicants
for the carrier of this ronte.
Mr E R Singletary is among the mel
on buyers that are in town today.
Excursion Rates to Eastern Cities
via Savannah and Steamships**
The Central of Georgin Railway and.
its connections sell excursion tickets to
Eastern Cities and return via Savannah
aud Ocean Steamship Company or Mer
chants and Miners Transportation Com
pany at greatly reduced rateB. Tickets
nclude meals and berth aboard ship.
For farther information apply to near>-
eat Ticket Agent or I C. Brinson, Com
mercial Agent, Albany, Ga.
Mr. R. E. Jones, buyer for Parker A
Bridget whose large deportment itoreq
are located at 9th and Penn. Ave Wash
ington, D. C., writes ander date of
April 14, ’04, as follows: Last Februa
ry, one year, while in New York on
bnsineis for my honse, I caught a se
vere cold, which laid me np for several
weeks uud left me weak and nervous.
I had little or no appetite, and my di
gestion Was very poor. My physioiana
could not get at the cause of my troub
le, as my digestion seemed so much im
paired. I decided to try Rydale’s Stom
ach Tablets, being assured by a friend,
they were a good dyspepsia medicine.
After nsing them for a few days, I be
gan to realize that I was getting bettor.
I gave up the doctor's prescription and
have gained 20 pounds while nsing two
boxes ot these tablets. I never felt bet
ter in my life, and accredit Rydale’a
Stomach Tablets with having oared ms.
I can recoommend them, most heartily,
to sufferers from nervous indigestion
and general run-down conditions of the
system. For sa o by J. W. Peacock.
Vo Parmer o„L a’iKkOMa
Fur farmers and slock owners, use
iClliu.i's Emuiriticd Oil Liniment—is the
best ever produced. You get a fult
half pint for 25c. and you'll find it a very
satisfactory liniment for use in the fam-,
ly aud on animals.
One of the greatest of rulers is the.
liver. It governs the human organism.
When the liver is oat of order the whale
system becomes diseased. Keep you
liver healthy by nsing Rydale’s Liver
Tablets. They care all liver troable.
They euro constipation, Yonr money
back if they do not give satisfaction.
For sale by J. W. Peacock.
Sick headache results from a disorder
ed stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
. For sale by J. W, Peacock, d.&w
Lightly of the important of
elegance in a wedding present,
In the month of June when
the flowers are in bloom you
are likely to be getting invi.
lations. Let us help you se
lect the response.
SoutlrGeorgia's Up-to-date Jew
dry Store.
Those who wish day board or pl«
ant rooms with board can be
dated. Everything clean, oomfortgMgac^f
and homelike, good and prompt aervfeo
given to all. , Phone 111.
Magury Hotel.
100 near Home.
Thomasville People Can See that
Freud Could Not be attempted.
Rcsidents'of Albany which is near
enough to Thomasville so that any at
tempt to deceive would be futile, de
dare that Doan's Kidney Pills cute kid
ney diseases and backache and tbey-
stand by wbat they say. It ia easy (or
anv Thomasville sufferer to .verify this
Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 1(7 Broad
street, Albanv, Ga., saya; "I nave de
rived a great benefit irom the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills, My back was
causing me almost continual misery.
The pain was right across the small of
it—a heavv. dull, bearing down pain
and a weakness. I used many different
medicines, without apparent result, and
also tried liniments, but the pain stilT
remained. I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills
advertised and got a box and gave them
a thorough trial, I am very much pleas
ed with the results. The pain has left
me and I teel very much better in every
way. You are welcome to use my name
sen reference.’
Emphatic endorsement cat, be had
right here in Thomasville, Drop into
R. Thomas Jr’e, drug store and ask what
s customers report,
Forsaie by all dealers. Fosior Mil-
bum Ca, Buffalo, N. Y. role agents lor.
die United Stale*.
Remember the name—Doan's- an/f-
Uke no other.