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If you had a house that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yon
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Woujd do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you haye paid for this insurance;
If your warnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in 7 ,
Or that after a certain period, <f you aie still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
ma&ing application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & B. H. SMITH,
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Oat thl* oat and mill to.
0. M. &E. H. Smith, General Agent*, The Prudential
In*. Oo. of America. ThomurUle, U*.
5 Dear Bln:
Without expenae tome and without committing my
self to any action, will yon tend me farther informa
tion^* to ltuarance policy on my life.
I wo* born on the of
My occupation in .^...
Toon truly,
Nome 1,
Address. tonic
A Rev seleiffllc Msceverf
Hr lie
Mayor 8. A. Boddenbery tried *eren<
>en oaaes in city court Monday after.
noon. The usualjqaata of disorderlies
| were on hand. One rather J nnasaol
co*e wo* that a negro preacher; who *o
far forgot the dignity appertaining to
hi* long tailed ooat and high offlee a* I to
engage in fitUonff*. Rer. J. F.|j H.
Bailey attaokedJRer. Jack£Yonog.
The evidence showed that pulpit ges
ture* make moacle and the *crap mast
^ure teen a daisy. Bailey plead guilty
and wa* lined tea dollar* and oost*. No
cose wo* mode against Yoang.
It purities the blood by eliminating' the-
waste matter and other Impurities and by
destroying the germs Of microbes that
Infest the blood. It bolide up tbe blood
by restoring and multiplying tbe red cow
puaclea, making tho blood rich and red*
It restores and stimulates tho nexvcew
causing a full free flow of nerve firms
throughout tho entire nerve system, ft-,
speedily curse unstrung nerves, nervous,
ness, nervous prostration and all disooneg.
Metcalfe Mentions.
Mrs. Murray, of Thomoarille, Is a
guest of her father Mr. A. F. Beiry.
Mr. Pierce Russell came up]from Tal
lahassee, Sunday, and Is stopping with
hi* brother, Mr. O. S. Russell.
Mrs. J. R. Stringer of Jacksonville,
Flo. is in oar midst visiting relative*
and friends.
After spending several days in Way-
cross among friends, Mr*. ;j. W. Moore
returned home tbe last of the week.
Mrs. Roaaell and Miss Laura Wylly
ran down aad spent Sunday at.
Floyd’s with their father Mr. James
RYD ALES TONIC Is a specific for sK
farms of Malaria. It ads on a new prim
riple. It kills the microbes that produce
Mklaria. The cause being removed the.
disease quickly disappear*. RYDALBS
TONIC Is guaranteed to cure the ro»;i
obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chill*,
and Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize *H-
Icolers handling oar remedies to refund 1
(he purchase price tor every boftlo ti
R YD ALES TONIC that does not gtve
Mr. J. B. Clordy, on employee of the
Swindell Lumber Co. Bainbridge, is
a guest of his brother Mr. J, T. Clordy
Mr. A. F. Berry one of on.- most hon
orable end best beloved citizens, return
ed from Thomasvilla Saturday after-
noon, after assist ting in oondacting the
examiaatioa for teachers. ■
Mr. T. E. Dixon, who till recently was
principal of onr school here, has given
ap teaching and is now in the insurance
business, representing the Illinois Life.
Mr. Lee Howard, acoompanied by his
I mother, drove np to Thomasville Mon-
Judge W. M. Jone* wee again
on Tuesday to exercise his oft i
privilege of welding the chain
men cannot break. Mr. Jessie Yi
Concord Florida and Miss ERle I
of Boston wen the happiness at
They were accompanied by tbe 1
father, Mr. Alex Frasier, an v estl
citrndh of the Box ton neighbarhooi
ter the chain woe welded In satii
iy style the young oouple left for
future home et Concord. Mrs.
New Open.
Tbe Mitehell House is now open and
entertaining gneets. The bos meets all
trains, and dinner woe served Mon
day ss tbe first meaL Messrs Reid End
Mitchell have made everything ss clsan
and bright ** a new pin, and the house
hoe good prospects far success.
SCOTTS EMULSION won’t auk* *
I lamp kadi itraijhbMlUur wilt It task*
n ilwH lon^a wft Ronv
l (mil dbcMt4 hwx gnd 1$ monj
O., me at the BrlgbSoo. They will jo-
muid there until hi* home on Col. J. H.
Wede’e place is finished, Mr. Bound
is (he general superintendent of the
Wad* property bee*.
M. Fslnbura will Build Residences at
Monroe ana Crawford.
Mr. B. Feurbnrg has bought the va
riant lot st the oorner of Monroe and
Crawford. Mr. Feinbarg has already
let the contract for a handsome new
residence, and material has been placed
on the groand for the building. Mr.
Henry Arnold lias the contract to build
the residence, and work will be poshed
rapidly. Mr. Feinbarg luu one of the
beet building rites in town. In addition
to his own residence he will baild three
honees for rearing purpose*. These im
provement* will greatly enluuice the
appearance |nd value of the property
Jurisdiction Extended.
The Atlantic Coast Line has extended
tbe jurisdiction of Kay, Bennett and
Conyers, their attorneys in the Brans-
wick division, over the Thomasville di
vision. This was formerly in the juris
diction of lota Jndge^D.H.Pope Tho new
attorneys form a law linn in Brans-
Suit Involving Valuable Internet In
Smith Estate. Out on Demurrer.
Monday morning In Superior coart,
Judge Reagan, dismissed on demurrer,
one of the most important oases that
has been before a Thomas court in a
long time. Judge Reagan was presid
ing for Judge Bobt. G. Mitchell who
was an attorney in the salt.
Tbe case involved a one-sixth interest
in the estate of Alex Smith. This es
tate owes the Piney Woods hotel and
much valuable land and residence prop-
in Thomeeville. It was brought by Mrs
Cora Oossels, et. el. against Mrs. Lillian
E. Finn, widow of Capt. John Finn.
Those Who Wont (Away ffrom Home
At 8:80 Monday morning quite a
crowd of people were st tire A. A B.
depot to see the excanrion for Brans-
wiok poll oat. The new rod coaches
worn well filled, and gnat crowds wen
picked np along the rente, at tbe various
Fifty tickets were sold from Thorns*,
ville. Many of them were toprofei
atonal excursion growers of the colored
race who never miss a clisnce to ride
A number of well known Thomasville
people took the opportunity to visit ret
Capt Finn’s first wife wo* Mrs. Susie ] stives and friends in the seaside city, to
Smith Finn, a sister of Mrs. Cossets. At* take a dip in old Ocean, and to enjoy
Mr. J. J. Foreman i(Pavo Gets Good
Mr. J. J. Foreman of Psvo has been
made a clerk under Paymaster M. B.
-Carry of the United States army. He
1 will go totbe Philippines very soon with
the rank of ssoond lien tenant.
Mr. Carry, ander whose direction
My. Foreman will be, is a son of the
lots J. L. N. Carry, one of the greatest
Georgians of modem times.
Mr. Foreman is originally from Psvo,
but for the post year he has been clerk
at tbe Aragon hotel in Atlanta, a most
excellent position itself. Be has many
friends and relatives in this ooanty who
will learn with great pleasure of his
splendid advancement.
We never knew before that on ele-
phant rode so hard behind—or maybe
tlay are all afraid of vrhevsTedfslt will
•drive him from the saddle seat 1
her dealb the property went to her has-
band, and at his decease was transferred
to his second wife, who snrrives him,
Mrs. Lillian E. Finn.
Mrs Cassells alleged that It was the
intention of her sitter to have herself
and her children come in possession of
the property. The esse lias been in lit
igation for several yeonsnd on account
of the large amoont of property involved
lias been of much interest— The case as
above stated, was dismissed on Mrs.
Finn’s demurrer and did not come to
The attorneys for the plaintiff were
Denmark, Ashley and Smith of Valdos
ta and S. A. Roddenbery. Mrs. Finn’s
lawyers were W. M. Hammond and R.
G. and J.F. Mitchell.
Mathews Can’t Come.
Mr. 0. B. Mathews, of Elberton, who
was, on Saturday night, elected as prin
cipal of tbe ThomosviUe High School,
has accepted a position in the Griffin
schools at a salary of 11300 a year, 8300
more than the Thomasville place pays.
Accordingly he will not oome hero.
the other pleasures of the seasliom in
tho slimmer time. Among those who
went were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Baker,
Mrs. Tom Mallard, Mr. B. W. Mallard,
Mr. Walter Bnroh, Mr. Henry Aflkold
and family, Miss Mary Hargrave, Miss
Kate Simmons, Miss Isabella Kemps.
At eight forty five tho A. 0. L. sent
110 exoniirionist* to Momgomety.
Among the prominent people who wont
to the Alabama capital were Mn. R.
Wolff who goes to tee her broiher;Mis*
Val and Mr, AlexCassel* who will
be the gnesta of their brother Mr. Sam
Oossels, and MrtJames Williams.
Destructive Fir* st Psvo.
William Sherrod, a prominent farmer
and mill man of Psvo, lost his home
and barn Saturday by fire. The fire oooar
rod In midday and awept with such fury
that much of Jthe contents of the home
and nearly everything in the barn was
destroyed Included in the loss was
about SOO bushels jof corn and a very
fine horse. ' w
Well Known. Character Became a
Benedict Monday.
The phrase “a marriage of
interest” is a oommon one among
paper people, bat one took place
day, that canoniy be described in
manner. At ten o’clock In the morning
Judge W. M. Jonas, ordinary of the
county, joined in matrimony’s golden
ohmins, Mr. Ben ben B. Prim and Mr*
Elizabeth Smith. The marriage took
place In the ordinary’s office and was
witnessed by a good sized crowd of speo-
"UncleReuben” ai he iz known to
everybody, if 78 yean of age. He iz
hole and hearty and says he la good
for many yean yet. His bride is origin-
ally from Kentucky but lie met her in
Florida. She is just half hit age. They
will live at his home in the Oairo dis
trict. This latest ubapter in the check
eredanreerof one of Thoms* coantr’s
best known charocten will be a matter
of wide spread, interest.
A Car to the Acre.
Mr. A. S. Braswell a very successful
grower of melons at Meigs, reports that
from hi* 38 sere* lie shipped 8 con last
week, and expects to probably ship os
many as 18 more. For the fintoarhe
received 4130. Mr. Braswell soys that
if a good shower of rain will only coma
he will moke a cor load to the acre. The
crop is panning oat much better than It
waa expected to do.
AtVaahtl Home.
Mi«« Irene Worley from Marietta,
Go., came here Monday and is at the
Vashti home. There are now eight
girls at the homo.