Newspaper Page Text
My pretty maid? rm going to Tybee, Sir, die Mid. And
thafathe place where thn people are going thia year to;
here a good time.
Witn iu many attraction., ita ins orchestra. iu splendid
bathing and ita excellent cnisine ia the moat popolar aeaaida
reaoat on the Sooth Atlantic Court. Katea *2.60 per day;
$13.00 and *15.00 per week.
The Pulaski House.
Ia the moet popolar place in Savannah and ahoald be jour
headquarter, when in the city. Write for Illustrated booklet.
CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.
We hare been eagerly watching for
the name of General Boeco, who eata
'em alive, alive. aUve/in the Jap war
dispatcher, bat aa yet he baa come forth
For *15.00, *30.00 and *30.00. Several hun
dred Disc, to .elect front; also a good selection of W§]
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Mnsic 10c. up' A W
No. 1 Gnitar for *1.73. Mandolins *3.00 np. ~
Banjos *3.60 up, ete., can'he found at
Tuttle’s Jewelry Store.
Thomasville. Georgia.
“Blakeslee 1
If they ever do find a boll weevil in
Georgia and Fort Arthur ever fella nor
credulity will hlneanm out again.
rumioaal districts writer
aof their great development
t gain of the eeeood district in pop-
I from 1800, 165,000, to 1000, *30,-
i wea 87j percent. Tlie gain in the
ct from 1890, 157,000, to
1*00,3*7,000, vraatij percent.
Shut have there two district, grown
from tboee with the least population to
the two with the largest population in
tha ttete.
This rate of inctease is exceeded in the
p tried from 1900 to 19M over 100 per
•sot. tingle crept of 150 acrei
atom ranging from SO to 100 acres, 6 to
' 90 acre crops common through the tog-
a -can* men. Small station, shipping
many barrel, of syrup per year.
Large areae devoted to fruit enh
fare, other lame areas to water melons
asd cantaloupes.
Hay raised iu bales and surplus ship-
ptdin many counties of the two dis
tricts. Increased interest in all clastts
of lira stock, increased quantity and
Improved quality. Pecan orchards com
ing in bearing, direreifleation of crops,
■ of cities increasing largely ia
i manufacturing and
Prosperity evident in better homes,
better ootbnildiogi, better teams, better
schools and new and beautiful Court
And yet thia fourteen years of pros
perity ii hot a commencement of a
movement which for the balance of the
present oenaua period will astonish even
participants in it when gathered in
tMteeofthn nest census.
Over n thousand miles of riven in
there tw8> districts have within their
■wampevaet ereeeof hardwoods of
most and!ess variety, suitable for furni
ture, for carriagea end wagooe, for plow
nod neper and mower frames, for han
dles to all ebwaea of tools. x >
The utilisation of the unsightly yel
low pine stump by dittiliatioo, end sale
of ite products, wood-alcohol,
line, craestiee, tar, chareoaf, cornea just
when It le needed to dear our fields and
thus permit the use of improved ma
chinery. The way is being pared for us
by the agricultural department to util
lee a rest source of wealth in our sweet-
potato crop converted into starch, into
alcohol money crepe. Georgia’s greet
ports must reap the benefit of this
wciderful growth largely. The surplus
must find a market through this gate
way to the world’s markets.
We are keeping pace with the growth
and development of the Booth whom
olireete is worth mere than her soil, and
whom soil is tailed for a vast and varied
Y —
An exchange says that the people who
need religion ere: The man who late
hie horse stand out in the cold all day
without a blanket on; the man who
growls like a wild beast when his wife
sake him for money; the woman who is
not what she ought to be; the minister
who is looking for an easier place and
higher salary; tiie man who walks the
•treats With his hands in Ida pockets
while his wife carries the baby; the
man who keeps live dogs and says he
can’t afford to take the home patter.
The Athena Banner says that there
were lota of south Georgians at the re
cent commencement, and that all of
them looked prosperous.
A Pennsylvania Judge baa decided
that a girl baa a perfect legal right to
•it in her lover’s lap. Now go get yon
a giri.
The Valdosta Times tells iu the fol
lowing interesting fashion of the early
days at melon growing.
The opening of the melon eeaeo
minded some old inhabitants yesterday
of the time, twenty-eight yean ago.
when the industry was first started.
B. Tally, of Ooaley, ia said to have beefc
♦he first real large grower of melons in
this section. Be planted so many more
than be could sell in the local market
that he pot them in an old-faidi
ootton proas and mashed the Juice oat of
thorn and used them for making syrup.
The next year be planted again and
lipped some to Savannah and received
fancy prices fur them, though the
freight was over twice what it is now.
A year or so later Oapc. George [B. Mc-
Bee shipped eqme to New York, though
it took them two weeks to reach their
deetijaliou. The earn had to be char
tered far the season, each shipper hav
ing hie car returned to him for urn.
Others began to raiae melons for ahip-
ent until the borinaa was largely
-erdooe. The shipments from Ooaley,
alone, reached thirty care a day and
Chough small fortunes had been made
out of the crop, much money was lost
when the market finally brok^from over
The territory for pleating melons wid
ened on til the shipments went np into
the hundreds. Attention waa paid too,
to developing a melon that would do to
•hip, the thick rind Kolb Gem being
product of that idea. Cantaloupe ship
ments started on a large scale only with
in the past three or four vein.
In the early shipments the me
were loaded in layere in tha cars, with
■traw between each layer, hot now they
are shipped without much regard for
It is mid that there will be about for-
ty oars of melons shipped from scat
oa the Valdosta Southern road, alone,
this season.
The Dublin Courier-Dispel oh has
lominated Hon. dark Howell for vice
president. Do yon mean it?
The “predicament of Petdicaria'
would make a good title for e book but
we hope he won’t write It.
We verily believe that if Judge Par
ker should (peak the jar woold knock
Port Arthur off ita perch.
If Bryan would only ^make that bolt
and put it ou his mouth.
The Times- Enterprise takes pleasure
la presenting to ita readers this morning
a home minion colnmn that will be a
regular weekly feature of the paper.
Every one knows that home missions
should be encouraged but every one does
■to know what a host of interesting
facts cluster around the subject. The
column ia bright. Interesting and well
worth reading.
“More taffy and leas epitaphy” strikes
us as a good motto.
Advertisements point the path to the
buy ways.
Progressive Dublin is planning auoth
er railroad from that city to McRae.
The weather man evidently doesu i
know how to take a joke about cool
I farmers do not believe in the
rot Hocking the door after the
bona is stolen. Committees represent
ing the agricultural societies of th
■take met recently in Atlanta. The pur-
paaeof the meeting waa to draftsulta-
* bln inmanna to prevent the introduc
tion of tlia boil weevil into this state.
’ A strong bill waa prepared.
The Atlantic and Btnningham rail-
- read is doing more for Fltogerald than
■ it is doing for any other town on its
Una, and will do much more if permit-
Missisaippi justified the proud predic
tions of her friends ana instructed for
Thomaavllla Dean.
; from the Atlanta Journal.;
Rev. W. A. Wray, pastor of the first
Baptist church of Wert Point ia being
assisted in a series of meetings by Rev.
AlexJW. Beeler of ThomasvlUe, Ga.
GreatVrowds are attending both morn
ing and evening services, and much
interest is being manifested.
Mr. Beider is a. pastor-evangelist ct
strong powers. He Micks closely to the
Bible end lias no clap-trap methods.
Wert Point has seldom beard a safer
evangelist. Thomarrille an donbt counts
herself fortunate in having a pastor af.
ter this fashion.
The Japs evidently have n good press
agent who wants to indace immigra
tion ot young men. Hear him:
In Japan the good wife is always
dressed before her husband in the morn
ing. Then, immaculate in attire and
kmillng in countenance, ahe most, if
there are not the Deceasesry servants,
perform the port of valet. First she
brings n trav with pipe, tobacco and
matohee; then later, still smiling, a cop
of toa and the morning paper to solace
her lord till time for him to diem for
breakfast. At his toilet the also assists,
and whan breakfast la over aba speeds
him, with mere smiles, on hit way to
offioe or shop.
The Brunswick and Birmingham rail
road returned its franchise at *11,800
and ita entire property at *703,950.
Comptroller General Wright railed the
nmennient on the franchise to *35,190
and the aaeesament on the road bed and
track from *459,290 to *585,500, making
the total assessment placed on the prop
erty *844,550 or an increase ot *145,590
over the returns made by the road. Tax
es will be (aid ou thia amount.
Valdosta enjoyed the doubtful pleas
ures of a Puritan Sunday, day before
yesterday. Soda Trater men, news deal
ers, bootblacks and hackmou all were
off duty, owiug to a Sunday crusade
started oy the ministers of the city.
The Republicans will probably nomi
nate Senator Fairbanks of Indiana as a
running mate for President Roosevelt.
He doesn’t seem very pnxious to be yok
ed up with the Rough Rider tlio’.
Cordele had a dog-muzzling order but
■oon rescinded it. We shudder to tliink
what would happen if some one at
tempted to mnzsle Thomasyille cows. /
The south claims five of the first six
graduates at Wert Point.* Southern
boys are alright wherever yon put them.
Camilla will not hold a bood election
for her new jail, but will build it by one
year’s increase in taxation.
ine Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power.Purooses.
SIMPLICITY itself. Buy ■
BLAKESLEB and keep your re*
Hgioo. No profanity necessary.
Stationary, Portable, Mm
and Connection Oitfits.
You can see every movement. Nothing bidden or complicated about the
BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAK. Strictly high-grade.
Write for our cvs'ogoe aod prices.
-'-■.Birmingham, - - Ala.
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General Merchandise at Cairo must be sold
out at once. I have sold my store building and must give
possession by August, ist.
* Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, etc.
Less Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce aud it wilKpay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods.
Q. L. DUREN. H. W. Moncrief. M’g’r.
Cairo, . ... Georgia.
«v20-2tu w
Qua lot v Queer and Curious Salt Lake-
•The late Col John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There arc three uni
que citiei in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacie and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im*
raense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It bas, perhaps, more attractions,
to the square yard than any city in the
country. And its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort.,
where the water is “deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Se«u* n Palestine
2 is an attraction in itself that people
“ 7 °° r 3 come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by.
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs
Fishing and bunting can be had in every
direction. The trip from Denver to
Salt bake City and Ogden, via the Den-
•r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
«Vcstem. is one ot unsurpassed pleas
ure Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of
scenery. During the entire summet
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. VVrite S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-1-03-11 rnos.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find ,
good prescription
For mankind.
The 5-cent packet is enough for usual
occasions. The family bottle [60ots.|
contains a supply for a year. All drag-
gists sell them. 5-9
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
J. B. WATKINS. - - - Manx*
Office at William,’ Stable 22S W
season St.. Thomaivil le.Ga.
Thomasville Business College.
Now lathe rime to enter so ns to be
ready to accept a position in the fall.
Take a oonree in either the bookkeeping
or shorthand and typewriting depart-
I. For tenii, addrm or call on
Anson W. Bell, President. 1
For Men
who cannot come to the city
when iu need of clothes we
make a specialty of. fitting
you at yonr home. We
carry the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stout,
slim or short.
We Can Fit You.
Sola Agents for
For Ladies
who do not lind it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying au easy
task by seudiug to your
homes two or three styles of
garments to select from.
We carry
In Our Boys' Department
0 a n be had everything
and remember . We now have a large
Screw Cutting Lathe. So we can make
any kind of screw and turn np any
piece of sliafting—repair small machin
ery, insulators, ejectors. We are also
prepared to do all kiuds ot tempering.
Wertz & Son,
131 K Jackson htroes.
-L»on t Worry
about the children on the great Fourth.
I*t them be as noisily patriotic m they
Only be sur> to lajr in a stock of
Hazel, Cold Cream, etc., to help
bind np burned fingers properly.