Newspaper Page Text
Uvar and Blood
—Syrup =
three-polo remedy Mr,intuit »
tkoillnoUtM. Mrtrrlk, UrtfMMdKIdMM ee.
Purifies the Blood.
Thousands have use* this reliable remedy 'with perfect confidence and
for f>2 years, because they know just what it contain*.
*“?£ ^ia of Sichu, Hydrangea, Mandrake,. Yellow Dock,
Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gcnliati, Senna and Iodide of I otassmm.
Anv doctor ordruggist will tell you that this is a scientific and reliable
combination of great merit for all diseases having their origin in the Liver,
Kidneys or Wood. After years of experience and patient expenment, Dr.
Thicker so ncrfccted the process of manufacture, that It never fails to bring
! expedtedrelief when taken aco *—
Thousands of sick ones to whom
fill letters of thanks. .. «r*«n, Mw.lMisn 1 o«L.IT i UM ;
"I have sultrml (
with loss of appetite.
the exticiHcii relief when taken according to directions, '
ThAnutids of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grated
Braun. Mississippi, Oct. 17,1908.
with lnd!g^*tlon, coiiRtlpntlon, *l*o a severe liYer tronble,
it was .
rSniSSl nn’orifting tn"thfcSrSng.
SiZILSSrSSlui, trial It will da. .Hall dr Elfernt. and *1.00.
Thacher Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
2# Ton* of bar iron, nil »iz?s. 1 ton extra fine carriage and wagon
bolt*, all alzcs. 20(io feet rubb.jr and canvass belting, 2 to 13 inches
2000 feet piping, all sizes up to 2 inolle*. 1000 feet # inch 5-8 inch
Wire ri>pe. I carry the best line of Cook HtoVea and Stoveware on the
market. I have tin* largest and host line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tank* for syrup
rooking by Htenm or otherwise Also Log Carts, Lumber Truck*, farm
and Lumber Wagon*, Huggk*» and farm implement*. Send in your
T.F.Dysoo, Meigs, Ga
. ^^rv^msnt ———I
Our Valentine.
fi’uwr 31
We furnish IT, oltlior ROUGH or DRESSED, mid tlist too of tlio VERY BEST
This you nlready know, the words wc spook nru surely TRUE. Wo era too
busy filling orders to look you up, but if you -wont tlio best of any tiling iu our
line qnlck, 'Rhone 304, mid tlio old rami will do tlio rest.
Out by tlio Crate Factory on Boston rend. Visitors are wolcome, day or night
Kirby Planing Mill.
Th9 Drummers Livery Stable
Having just built nnd equipped a modern l.ivery Feed and Sn’es Stable*'
with flretsilnse Gnnriiigts, Bngg e» mid wddle horses. Mew Buggies Our-
ringesand Drummers liigs l’rompt ami courteous atteution given all,
Orders for quick services.
{The (patronage of cotnmeiviid Irnvelers especially solicited, liutes
Very Reasonable. Conveniently locate,! oil Bryan street. Two minutes
witlit easy of depot near railroad. Call dp, write, ’phone or wire.
Cairo, a. W. D. liARBIiR, Prop.
Satisfaction tlaintd.
The Portable Saw Mill Is the Cominn Mill.
It is a portable mill that is really portable. Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 5.000 feet per day..
Can be set and rerfdy to saw ' two l ours. Variable Fric
tion Cable Feed. Stationary Wilis, any capacity. Portable
and Stationary Engines, Rnilv.v.;, Mill and Factory Supplies.
N.mes of Me.i Who Will H.lp Turn
Whirl, For Tho City.
Chairman Smith announced yesterday
afternoon the nfembership of (lie differ-
rent committees which the meeting of
the Board of Trade on Thursday night
authorized him to appoint.
Of tile committee to solicit members,
Mr. S. E, Robison is chairman and
Messrs O W. Cooper, J. L Turner,
Home: Williams, W, B. Cochran, Louis
Steyerman and Rev. A. W., Beater are
The committee on const itions and by-
j laws ci mists of W. M. Hunly, chair
man and Messrs A. P. Harley, W. O.
Snodgrass, Albert Dixon, Horace Coch
ran and Rev. G. S. Whitney.
Mr. R. H. Neel was made chairman
of the nominating committee and Messrs
Jos, H, Brown, Will Watt, an 1 Frank
Smith will work with him.
Those committees will proceed with
their work and as soon as it is complet
ed will report to s meeting of the or
ganization, to be caUed by chairman
Smith. The labors of the soUcittug
committee, particularly will necessarily
extend over several days and it wUl
therefore be at least one or two woeks
before the permanent organization can
be perfected.
Every business man In the city wUl
be urged to join the Board of Trade and
thereby lend Ills influence toward the
mustering of organized strength for the
fighting of Thomssville's and Thomas
county's battles. There is no business
man in Thomasville so large that he 1s
independent of the town's prosperity
and there it no man so small at not to
be financially assisted by the town's ad
vancement. It Is purposed to make the
Yonng Mens' Board of Trade an organ
ization utterly free of cliques or selfish
purposes, and to direct ita entire ener
gies to the upbuilding of Thomaeville.
There hare been organizations of this
nature in Thomasville before, and wliUe
they have all died they have left for
themselves monuments of enduring
good. The late Retail Grocers Asso
ciation was directly responsible for tlio
lowering of ThomasvUlo’s freight rate,
a benefit which has meant thousands of
dollars to Die merchants of the city.
Many other things liave these leagnos
accomplished, and glorying in have died
With their deaths and the causes thereof
lying open before it, the Board of Trade
will he enabled to steer around tho
rocke and live perpetuelly.
The soliciting committee will receive
memberships from any business man of
Thomasville. A small membership fee
will be charged and will be directed
most probably toward the employment
of a secrotary. The committee on con
stitution and by-laws will investigato
the government of similar organiza
tions iu other cities aud model their re
port after the best of these. The nomi
nating committee will look into the
situation carefully aud nominate ofll-
for election by tho Board.
Who Assisted Judge Hansel) Hold
First Clinch Court Paesud Away-
J. C. Kirkland the oldest resident of
Homerville, died Wednesday. He ws»
jast SO years old, dieing on the anniver
sary of ilia birth.
Uncle Jack” ad* lie was familiarly
called was a person unique in his habile
in many ways.
He never ate any chicken in his life.
He never took a dose of doctor's medi-
icine. He never drank coffee, neither
did he smoke or chew tobacco, He,
however, wonld take a drink of liquor
when it suited his purpose.
Oliuch county was organized from
Wate and Lowndes in 1850 and the first
coart ever held in the county was held
iu tile woods near the residence of O. H.
North, about 1 mile from Dupont. Unole
Jack was clerk and Judge Hansell, who
is yet living, was Judge. After serving
aw Idle as clerk of the superior court he
was afterwards made county treasurer,
After the war lie was justice or the
peace for Homerville district for forty
years and was bailiff of the grand jury
nearly the same length of time.
Before the war in politics he was a
Whig, after the war a Democrat.
He leaves d great many children and
Younu Men's Board of Trade Organ-
llzed Thursday Night.'
Last Thursday night a number of
enthusiastic young men with their city’s
good at heart, met and arranged for a
business organization to be known ss
tlio Young Men's Board of Trade. Mr.
Chas. M. Smith was chairman of the
ineetiug. Committees were appointed
to solicit members, draw np a constitu
tion aud nominate officers. These com
mittee's will report at a later date. The
sole object of the body is to work for
ThomasriUe's advancement in every
way possible.
Young Man mat with Peculiar Acci
dent Causing Serious Injuries.
Late Wednesday night Mr. J. W.
Walker was brought to hie room at the
Brighton hotel in a semi-conscious con
dition. He had been the unfortunate
victim of a peculiar accident earlier in
the day.
While ont driving near Mr. J. C.
Morse's place he dropped the lines and
began to read a latter. He waa driving
a mettlesome horse belonging to Mr.
Oliarles Davis. The horse took, fright
and ran, throwing Mr. Walker from the
buggy to the roadside. He was stun-
ued by the shock and lay. there several
ours. He was finally discovered by a
colored man who [drives |for Parker’s
dairy. Though unable to make liimaelt
clearly understood, Mr. Walker was
brought back to town, and hie boarding
place found.
Dr. Rameey examined lum and found
tlireo ribs broken. He was resting easi
ly yesterday aud will recover rapidly
unless complications set in.
When the blood is in bad condition a bruise, cut,
scratch, or any slight injury to the flesh, is apt to become
an ujrrfy-looking sore or ulcer. Sometimes a boil, blister
or pimple is the beginning of a large eating ulcer or open,
discharging sore. Often the blood is naturally bad, and
is that way from birth, and such people suffer with vari
ous kinds of sores from infancy through old 'age. The
blood may become so weak comnlon boll r#d on th . ,»H or» right
and watery from the effects of limb. I used the simple home remedies but the
malarial sickness, debility or g}™e b % ^VSi'a mUA»»from
Some old chronic trouble, that ca if to ankle, end I then began 8. 8. S. «md X
the iniDtirilics break out in improved rapidly, but an attack of typhoid Teyar
uic inipuni.e. uru A out m v in the original aore, causing a backset. X
bad sores on the lower ex- beiranit»Kainaasoona«Iwasoverthft tf>ver,*na
tremities or other part of the was completely and permanently cured,
body. There is al ways some 0 „ tl6 , Pa . MBS K 214We.htnVton at.
morbid, unhealthy matter in
the blood that keeps the sore discharging, and must be gotten out before it
will heal. Washes and salves, while cleansing, sooth
ing and helpful, will not do it, because they do not
reach the poisoned blood; but S. S. S. cleanses and
purifies the diseased blood, and when this is accom
plished the place heals. Where the health has been
impaired it restores strength and vigor to the system, improves the appetite
and digestion, and tones up the nerves. Purifying the blood is the surest
way to get rid of an old sore or ulcer. Medical advice is free.
“For what is worth in’anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”--Butler.
We desire to call attention of nur customers this week to a large
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We-liave combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
Or- Brown Returns From Vacation
But Not Alone.
Dr. W. S. Brown,one of Tiiomasville's
leading dentists returned from a vaca
tion trip to Alabama Thursday after
noon at 8:15. The Doctor's many friends
a re overwhelming him with congratu
lations, as he brought with him a bride.
Dr. Brown was married to Miss Ethel
Sells of ColliosTille, Ala., at Georgians,
Ala., Wednesday morning at ten o’clock.
They came to Montgomery, and from
thereon to Thomazvllle. They will
make their home in this city. Mrs.
Brown la a young lady of many charm,
of person and character. Dr. Brown,
though he luu been here but a few
months, is well known In the county,
and hat a wide circle of warm friends
to welcome hit wife.
We hnvo tho best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Von
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
We also carry a full lino of two horse riding and walking cultivatoii
and weeders.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Pindars
Remomber that wo give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket on-
titling you to a chance at tho beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
display in our window, which will ho given away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be'the
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.,
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and ■ White Wyandotte
EGOS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
Thomasville, Ga.
Fine Typewriter.
The Thomasville poetoffice was the
recipient yesterday of what is knovvu as
a postolfice special typewriter. It is a
machine larger titan the ordinary, and
especially adapted to tabulating work.
It iaf quipped with an automatic space
for’makmg out reports, aud is a great
convenience to the office. The machine
is one of the results of postmaster
Diamuke’s recent trip. He has a little
habit of getting things lor Thomasville.
Carried to Supreme Court*
J |T!»e Waycrosa Herald 'contains the
following account of a case iu which
Thomasville people are interested.
In the case of Mrs. Amelia Heidt vs.
the Southern Telephone and Telegraph
Ck). audAlieSatilla Mfg. Co. for dam
ages for the death of her hnsband, who
was killed by a “live wire” on Jane
street last year during a storm. Mo
tion for new trial was overruled, and
motion in arrest of judgment was sus
tained. The case will now be carried to
the Supreme court ou a writ of error.
Announcement of
Proprietors of Meigs Big Livery Stables
beg to iuform the public that they are
now fully fitted np aud prepared to Berve
all with very best accommodations.
Having recently bought out the Arm of
W. H. Hurst & Co., and iu combining
the two they will conduct a first-class
Livery, heed and Sales Stable. Best
turnonts, all kinds of new and up-to-date
vehicles, Drummers’ Rigs and Fine and
r &st Horses. Rates reasonable aud
satisfaction guaranteed, Calls answer-
ed promptly. Phone, wire or write.
Meigs, Georgia.
That’s what it means to to trade with us. We have
1 up-to-date stock of
J. S. Baldy was here from Coolidge
Postmaster Dlsmuke at Home.
Capt. F. D. Dismuke is at home again
after a three weeks tour of the northern
and eastern cities. He visited the
World's fair at St. Louis and many other
poiuts of interest. He looks well and
says he is glad to be at home again.
Mr. C. B. Thompson of New York . is
visiting his father here. Mr. Thompson
has not been home for six years and his
friends are giving him a hearty welcome
Bed room Suites, odd Dressers, Beds,
Tablts, Sideboards, Chairs,' Spring's,
Mattresses, Etc.
Wc also carry the
* kehiiui every one and if you
e are :,m king some specially I
ever sold in the So**th. Our guarantee i
needing a stove it will pay you to see us. \\
prices on
Matting, Rugs, Uce Curtains, Window Shades; Hammocks, Mos-
qu-tor Canopies and other Summer House Furnishings
Come to see us and we will make you, visit profitable. Yours for business
Oairo Furniture Company,
R. L. Von Landingham, Mgr. Cairo, Oa