Newspaper Page Text
In January last we bought a Thousand Dollar Stock of
Shoes at 65c on the Dollar. Summer Is waning and finds us
w. a good stock of Men's and Ladies’ Oxfords.
Odds and Ends accumulate all the time. Now, we are going
to offer all these shoes at a SACRIFICE PRICE. Qsst cuts
no Figure. If you need Shoes now or expect to wearrhsm in
future,- '• Vf <M vV vH sit i
Quitman team
Bigg.r anCBIggar.
Andrew Vann drare op to the
i-Enterprise oflloe Friday attar*
almost obacared from view bo-
Prospect* for Its I
on A. A B.
Alnx White who la with the rail-
aUanrvii-. wax here yeateiday
lie slraatiott In regard to
service on the At-
rmiugliam railroad. At
[h tho the train* . ran
(ternoou train for the
i ini unlit out- of Thomas-
• White raid there' la
little duubl hut that rite doohlo aerrlce
t onwiihtii "the near fntnrc.
ter 1-' D. Di.imikd lie* been
l on thi* muter for aomo time,
Was IFormally Nominated by Con-
• ventlon Hero Friday.
We Will Give Stop Dollars to Anton-;: Proving a Word op This An to be Other Than the Absolute Truth
The equatorial convention for the
seventh, aenatorial district met Fri
day morning at tho ofHoe of O. P. Han
tell on Broad street. The meeting was
called to order by M. Baum who waa
elected chairman of the convention. J.
L). McCartney was made aecrotary.
The principal boaineia of the conven
tion waa the formal nomination of Hon.
Stanleys, Bennett for senator trgm
this district. His name waa placed be
fore the convention in n-brief speech by
L. W. Branch, , Judge Aoguitin JH.
Hansoll seconded the nomination inj a
- : - few eloquent words. The chairman ap-
iu B.HUU olTorts towards llist pom(ed j ad((0 l W Branch
, ,J *'"* *" ,ud WO Snodgrass, to notify Mr Ben-
nett of his nomiuatioti. The conventiou
i* on lil<4 menus trip to tho
a ju»rit’u of 11»o claim in too
obvious ionic I urging. \
When this i-im-Trskm la granted by
•thegov-irumimt ihu tuati i-yatam Will be
practically portmi. Looking Duck to a
few yra'rssg -. -villi nmugle aorvioe oil
moat of (he loads, no free dollvory and
otlici-inoovoiiioiii eaii w n eocred of
.HKHigrotalaiioii to Tliomiuf-ille pooplo
-■ - 'i have been mode.
-. Sam Prlee waa treated to aerloua sur
prise Friday.
A epet-inf mwaloil of city court was
- held * eaierday. His honor the mayor
had several cases ueforo him. The
moat Important of lliesej was that of
, flam Price, the colored cliie.kflii vendor,
wh< Is well known to Thomaaville'a
popul - lion, white uiid blaok.
Tin- ci-Uriiice shop-ed that - Sam had
bn on .(rank, had Iwateu Ida wife, had
used •making prof.i'iity and had resist-
ed nr est by the mil era.
Judge Ho I loilbor/ ovldo itiy thought
there -vaa no tiv'ase for env of Ihero
;action , iw i no aud coats,
itOd.iys on the dial,igang and 60 daya
.-in th- comity j ait. sitin'* nttorueya,
. Mea« •» Tiled Titus aud W. Ii. Ham-
mont itely gave notice that
i-thty will carry the c ue to the Superior
■ Chart LMy Attorney W. O. Suodgrasi
.repre I'dol the city.
IK apt 'Aefern MarflH Buay
Two Quitman fl.-.iH a e going Jlirpngli
Iho li-iiikraiNcv marts. Tliey mad# Ref
eme.I. II Merrill's court looks ilka a
trausvivd slice of the Ruaao-Japaneee
war. Due of the case* waa that of I.
fltriekv and son, anil tlm referee rays it
la a w-vi-ma m.lti’i. Mr sk-riaky la am
able m <|»i.<k auv Kogliali aud rim pro-
ceedu ga were conducted by mesas of
en rater In the-person of I. Seri*-
kay'a en.
The Ollier Ihu* taking tlm act was
thit of levin and Cohen. Several
Qaittnait lawyers were engaged in each
Tim "itriiell I lie colored man who
niu* ti .tore en Jaokaou atreot, Frj-
dav v> ae arreted by deputy glugiotaty
mar mrgf ,,r -elH-ig I'qnnr. Tl» I. nnt
on boo I. aud uni case will enmo up for
trial before tbs Superior coart. The sl
iest was made at tlm instance of a well
known white man who claimed that
Tlm had told liie brother a bottle of
Impa. for which lie received a dollar,
and kept rim change which amonpted
to 85 cento
Tim rays lie gave the white mans
drink from hb£private stack, and hand
ol back the dollar refusing to accept
]my. The oonrt will decide the mat-
then adjourned. There were no repre
wmtatlvoi present from Coiqnittconnty
The Brooks county delegation uonsUted
of J W Edwards, L W Branch, M
Baam, D A Royul and G W Austin
Thomas county's six votes wore cast by
J T'Coipeppor, W G Snodgrass. J L
Bevorly, J S Montgomery, A U Uau
sell and J D MuCai tuer.
The following was the lettor scut to
Senator Bennett by tlie notification
Tliomnsville, Ga, July 8, lOM.-Hon.
S. S. Bennett, Quitman Ga. Dear Sir:
The undersigned committee appointed
by the Democratic Convention of the
7th Senatorial District of Ueorgis,
wliloh this day convened in thi* oYty,
beg to notify yon iliat having foil con
fidence aud faitli in jonr capacity ahd
fitness in every way jo diacliarge tlm
dnties of Senator, tlm Convention
unanimously nominated you, us tlm
ouudidalu of tlm Democratic puny for
tlm oflice of Sedator from this district
fur tlm eusnlug term. *
, We assure yuu that we believe yenr
oleotieu by rim lawpie will be aa uuait-
imon* as your nomination by the con-
volition, aud unst that tlm Di.trict
and Party may bo honored by your -ac
ceptance of tlm nomination.
With sentiments of highest regard,
we bog to remain, Kgspeotfally,
Ang 11. Hansell, Chairman;
W. O Snodgrsn,
L W. Braucli,
Notification Oommlttee.
Those Costing at Wholesale tip to Si.75 are offered
during Shoe Sale at -
.... .> ! ..Pr.$U9
Tho:*: cording nt Wholesale up to lo $2.75 will lx:
clased out during sale —
Pr: $1.98
One Lot Boy’s and Men’s Shoes
odds and Lntla. Old Stack Etc., originally ivortli
up to $3.lo, all going.- ——
Pr. 85c
Childrens’ and Ladles’ Oxfords,
A Fen-Odds and Ends ..
All Ladles' Oxfords,
New Goods, previously setting as high as $1.49*.
godaring sate...
--Pr; 99c
Ladies’ Oxfords,
Worth up to $*.50, wc offer to done them out...
Pr. $149
ef the
variety and waa raised
Alexander* ptaoe 4 milet
It weight. 70 poande and
Vsnn rajathan wiU bt bigger can
It waa too bad about Quitman. Even
tlm heavens wept at her defeat; Tlm
game of hall Friday nfteruoou be
tween tlm home team and the Brooke
county boya resulted in a decided victo
ry for tlm former. It was a regular
Kuropatkitt affair.
Tlm TliomssvUio boy* took tlm lead
early in tlm game and when tlm aoora
was counted up it registered Thomaa-
rilla 18. Qnltmau *. Tim lattoi’a runs
were nfade in tlm nintli inniug.
The battery for ThomasviUe wnsWll-
Uams and Williams. Pitobar Williams
curve* kept his opponents poaslsd aui’
ouly one hit waa mads from his deliv
ery. Powell and Oglesby ofllctatod for
Qoitmsa aid Powell was eaiy for tho
home folks.
The featnre* of tlm game wore* the
batting of WiU Watt and Dodle Wil
liams, and a beokwerd ran and catch
hyUopkiuj, third basoman for Thom-
Aruu Patten allowed tlmt lie luul not
forgotten Imw tn play bill, and ,T. T.
Turnbull covered! Jahort well. The
whole .team playad epleodtd ball and
only ory: error waa made.
Remer Molntyre who waa loaned to
Quitman distinguished himself by •
doable play.
Mimms Ware of Qnitraan was the on
ly men who got a, hit. □ ArdiaS MoDon.
gaid got another laurel wreath for ids
reputation aa the bea&unpire
Sonth Georgia-
Each team has now Jsron taro games
and tha ftfth will be a hummer. The
boys are jabOant and ao waa tha crowd
of abontKO who sat in the rain to watch
the game. The little drape of water
pattered down daring meet of the game
bat noom'minded them.
Bainbrldge is next on the list.
Odds and Ends,
Ladies’ Shoes, offered to cloae.
Pr 69c
Men’s $2.00 to $3.00 Shoes, .
Mostly Clean, New Sfock, offerevl to give spice to
pr $1-40
Patent Leather. $3.50 Shoes,
Bouglit at Auction for Half Vzltte. clioice during
Sale '..J
, - pr- $1-98
Men’s NuIIifiers, pr. 75c
Elastic Brogans,...: pr- 97c
Buckle anif Tic Work Shoes. Jtr.r.5 i-.rticle for .
One Lot $2.50 Royal Purple Si'wes, just to liven
things n little: offered for $1.49
New Shoes,
Specially Iwoght for this Special Sale worth $1.50 '
now $1-12
Other Bargain Values from all classes of
goods will be placed on sale at special prices.
THE SALE LASTS FOR 15 DAYS, Closing Saturday Night, July 23rd.
We are na
A Prize or Premium for
^ ? , . _ . LNight, July Zitd. If you don’t
want to insult us, do not come in later and sa.y you canse to the Shoe Sale. We_are naming extraor
dinary cheap prices for a certain time. Come then :f you want these prices,
every customer trading $1.00 During Sale.
A. F. Churchwell & Co.,
Starke Comer,
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host, of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases In every form, tones up the
cured of BfliQirrs disease. , - whole system, and the diseases that have
ms.^^-S2 , . , ’»2{ m S:.S 0 i are kS , SEr , Ja , %?»'Wa8BK resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com-
I urged hr • f
has torn hkufUMssiis BB*'
other symptoms of Klduty troubl*. Mr friend, wero out
S* t **S?MuTwoluloSil'SoSKijo.tlan cradaTotBright's
having Bright’s Disease or Diabetes.
Tpo Sizes, 60 Cents and $1*00.