Newspaper Page Text
How tho Convontion Nows got to
' Tnomaovlllo ovor tho Wiroo.
as a family plonio.
Pe-ru-na is a
A Nurse Saysi
Tonic of Efficiency.’
Mrs. Kata Taylor, a graduated
nurse of promSnence, glees her ex
perience with Parana la an open
; letter. Her position In society and
i professional standing combine to
give special prominence to her ut
iHIGAGO, ILL., 427 Monro* St.—
i “ Aa far aa I have observed Parana
man or woman
IS the flneat tonic any
can nae who la weak from the aftei
affects of any aeriona lllnoaa.
•* I have seen It used In a number ol
convalescent cssca, and have aeen sev
eral other tonlos used, hnt I fonnd that
thoee who need Parana had the quickest
"Parana seems to restore vitality,
Increase bodily vigor and renew bee Ilk
and strength la a wonderfully shoh
In view of the great multitude oi
women suffering from some form of fa*
male disease and yet unable to find any
ears, Dr. Hartman,Aha renowned spe
cialist on femals catarrhal diseases, has
announced his willingness to direct thr
treatment of as many cases as make
application to him daring the summei
months, without charge. Address Thr
Peruna Medlolne Co., Columbus >hlo.
. - . ■ , — : 7
; Ur. James O, car Grcover left at 8:10
for Lake City Fla. to be
to Miss Irenie Ophelia Irvine of
that city. The marriage will lake plane
da a very quiet manner at the home of
the bride's parents at eight o'clbck Toes
day morning. At 8:4i the bridal ooapte
left for St. Louts. They will
■peal a month at the Worlds Fair and
will also visit Chicago and other north-
-am cities. When they return to the
aonth they will come to Thom-sviUe
and will make their home here.
Mr. Groover lias lived all of his life in
ThomasviUe. He is a sou of Clerk.’.
W. Groover, and is a young man of
gil«asiug personality, who has tnauy
warm friends liere. They *11 accords
■hearty welcome to his young bride wliu
da said to have lu.iuy uluru,, both uf
person and diameter.
Supernumerary Chosen.
The.Buwid ot Education held a meet-
tug je.ter.iuy afternoon at their office
in tile Times Euterprh o building. Vise
Josephine Carroll was elected to the
jMsition of sn\>ernumernry teacher
made vacant by tho election -of Miss
Lucy Parker nan regular teacher. Miss
-Carvo.l is a daughter ot Mra. E. B. Car-
roll, atir. itie family recently moved
liere te in ike tins city their perm mem
dietne. Sna is a teacher uf eqierjeace
wad ability.
Delegates Laava*
St. Louts, Mo., July 11. IDCd —The
town is deM-iteil by the D- ne s-nitie liosss
They hove lift for tlielr I onics utter
momiuating Henry O. Itavis -of IVw*
Virginia for vice preside! t, and -endors-
Tliomnu Taggart tor ehairuian cf the
suuhnml isimmittee.
The Tlmee-Euterpriea baa received
many oomplimenta over the excellence
of tea news service during the Democrat,
is National convention noenttyCadiourn.
ad at St. Loots. The paper takes no small
degree of pride in the fact that ita re
ports were es foil end oomplete as those
of any paper its siae in Georgia. On
Mr. Hardy was at the convention hell
daring the proceeding!. Hit speoUls
and the regular newt service enablsd oa
to give our readers e detailed amount of
the convention up to midnight, the clos
ing boor of the telegraph office, each
The paper and Ite patrons are indebt
ed to the efficient service of the Wes
tern Union Telegraph Company and ita
courteous local manager, Mr F. O.
Nouree, for much of the excellence of
the report. The news came direct from
the convention hall to Atlanta and from
there here. Three minutes - after an
event took place in St. Louis we knew
it here.
But Mr. Nooree says this la slow work.
He lias a telegraph instrument at the
customer’s counter, and in eases of par
ticular baste ticks off the words aa they
fail from the customer’s Ups. Consider,
able trading on the New York exchange
is done In stocks and cotton by Thomas-
viUe people. He has wired an order,
more thau once to New York, and has
had it executed on the stock exchange
in 52 seconds by the dock. TheaunlhUa-
tiou of time aud space by the telegrai h
la almost complete.
Notwithstanding nil thit. is done hv
ksosgiin-e, bcatiii and cha uah'v mchn d
g».-i-vm-.#lie death late ainoug . ait
children.* ary high duiing the hoi
ueatiici •» 4n -Uili' nontba in th-
iarge umv There is n»-i, mi
case .1* Isewe --.niiplnuit in a f.undid',
hoatver, skatceuhl not ne cand t>\ Hi.
vrirw . H.mi C- auibcrlain s Co It, e hoi
remand he I.iav. r r --a..
i’.C. Ciicrol'.
Thnn-usv ll- , ‘i .
Pia oi und urxati*.
Reprcs n’l r hi I P* & Caw Co
Attanr , Oro '•
sWeluway, Kuske, PlaaVirr H irdmsn. Ktsnk
tin, ilsvrlrxloa, Klmtml, bntir la-iM-u.
Kimball Read anc i»oe ivwnaNb.
O.Toi 101 Upstairs Broil f tract.
. - Georgia.
F*Money tq loin on Tl omi< County
Heal Estate at 7 per cent annum.
A Rev scfctime Discovers
lir tbe
H pasMaa tbe blood by eliminating tbs
waste nutter and other impurities and by
destroying the germ* br microbes that
tafeat the bloocL It builds up the blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor*
pae lus, making the blood rich and red,
R nature* and stimulates the nerves,
ranting a full tree flow of nerve force
, throughout the entire nerve system. It
-speedily cure* east rung nerves, nervoo>
lacee, -nervous prostration and all disceaM
*C die nervous system.
R YD ALES TONIC Is a specific for all
farms of Malaria. It sets on a new prin
ciple. It kills the microbe* that produce
Malaria. Tho causa being removed the
those quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC is guaranteed to care the most
sbetiaate caeca of Malarial Fever, Chills
and Fever, Ague, etc. W* authorize all
fasten handling our remedies to refund
tbe purchase pries far every bottle of
RYDALES TONIC that docs sot gin
Wat the Cry of tbs Excursionist cn
the A. dk B- Monday.
The Atlantlo A Birmingham carrii d
tilt peiseng.nto Macon aud Atlanta
Muuday. l’lie depot was a bnsy plate
with the crowd of excursionists who
weut to irarel aud the friends who went
to say farewell to them. A larger nnm*
her of wlittp people Hum common were
ou board, and some of Tiiomaavilla’s
moat prominent pestle wan bound for
Atlauia aud Macon, aud from there to resorts for a brisf vacation.
A uoug those who weut 'were:
To Mm-uu, Misses Caro aud Susie Da
vis, Mis June Mitchell, Miss Marion
Varuedorv, Miss Ethel Dekle, Mr. O. T.
Stuart. To Atlanta, Mr. Uansell Watt,
Mr. Hugh MacIntyre, Mrs. Thco Titus
aud family, Mrs. J. 8. Montgomery,
Mr. C. S. Parker, Mrs T.D. Winn, Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
R.E. Mcduna d, Mrs. W. M. Reepe,
Mr. 8. dampaou and family.
ft Meal IN (■*»
. ' HICKORY. H. C.
accidental death.
Jacob Pfslstsr Drowned Sunday at
Homatassa, Fla.
The sad news reached tile city yester
day ot the death of Ur. Jacob Pfelster
at Homaaaasa. Fla., on Snnday. Young
Pfelster was a son of Thomas county's
well known citizen Mr. William Pfelster
ani was a young man ot excellent
character whose tragic demise will
oante deep regret. He was working for
tb- A' antic Coast JJtro railroad -and
was one. f Cue bridge building force.
Details of his death have not yet Meu
_ Soon to Marry-
Mr. Samuel Desk Allison is to mar
ry Miss Anna Belle Carr at Paradise
Oklahoma, on Sunday July Slat Mr.
Allison is remembered as a former resi
dent of Thomasville. He was here sev
eral yean ago as agent for the Springer
Sewing Machine Company. He moved
to Oklahoma from tie re, and ie going to
Paradise come up to its nafae in
this important step.
Hit It Out-Soya!
Tbe ThomaavUle Shoe Company has
offered a fins three dollar Jefferson hat
to the member of the ThonusviU* base
ball club who flnt knocks a home ran.
Tho boys an practtolng hatting and
soma one will have a fine new bonnet
Lingering, wasting coughs, may end
in -consnmption. Rydale’s Congh
Elixir will stop the oough aurF healths
diseased membrane of the throat and
longs. Hj dale's Elixir is the most ef-
fioactoni remedy ever discovered, for
all ohronlo throat and lung trouble and
-those debilitating, “ran down" condi
tions of the system, which stubbornly
resist treatment and which, if neglected
may end in fatal disease. Trial sire,
2fio. Large size, 00c. J. W. Peacock,
an the good old .summer time, wl en
bicycle throng thoroughfares, and faim
animals aud roadsters are all kept bnsy,
aooidents to man and beast are of fre
quent occuraucc. Elliott's Eraulii-.ed
Oil Liniment is the meat serviceable ac
cident and emerganoy liniment lu nae.
It relieves qniokly and heals speedily
cats, contusions braises, sprains, ate.
Yon get one-half pint for 20o., and von
get your money back if not satisfied.
For sale bv J. W. Peacock.
“I wish to say a lew words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Man e Bmgc
o( Martinsville, Vs. "1 suffered from
chronic diarrhoea for ten tears and dur
ing that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
Last summer one of my children was
taken with cholera morbus, and i pro-
cured s bottle of this remedy. Only two
doses were required to give her entire re
lief I thrn decided to try the nieuicine
ntyself. and did not use a I ot bottle
helore-l was well and I have n ver since
been troubi.d with tout complaint. One
cannot say too much in favor of that
wonderful medicine." This remedy it
or sole by J W Peacock. w '
through-the generosity of this popelar box, oontainitM
firm. Ij.WIPenco*.
When the bile is not flowing freely
into tlie bowels, it is token np by the
blood end is deposited in ell parte of
the bodf. Every important organ, in
fact, every tissue of tho body eren to
the akin layers, are affected by the
poison laden bile. It saps the energy,
dnlls the brain, weakens the lungs and
kidneys and invites disease germs. It
affects the, heart, stomach bowels,
causing marked functional disturbances
that may result in disease. A bilious
or Jaundiced condition of the system is
very dangerort and should be corrected
at once. Rydale’s Liver Tablets speedily
cars biliousness. They act; specially
on the liver, bile bladder, bile duct and
the bowels. They never (all to aura
liver and bowel troubles. Mm per
box, containing 00 tablets, » cents.
By T. S.
Meigs, Ga, July II, 1204.—Tho popu
lation of this town ordinarily will
hardly reach 700; bat on Wednesday
morning it waa swelled to mote, than
It was the oecarioo of the Masonic
rally. Old folks, young folks, married
folka and unmarried folks, people who
were well raised and people who were
simply brought np without talking.
For awhile it looked like everybody
wee coming.
.The Masons were happy, because they
knew by 10 o'clook their picnic would
be a success. They sniffed the delight
ful aroma of the Jnioy barbecued meats,
prepared by Tom Braswell, that veteran
harbecner, assisted by Emmett Bras
well and Jim Hughs.
At 11 o'clock the members of the
Masonic order present formed in line
and marched to tin college building,
where the speaking took plaee. Hun
dreds of people tever before law Masons
in uniform, and It made an nniqne
and impressive sight.
.Rev. W. W. Webb, of Hahlra, was
introduced by mayor E. E. Wilkee.
He made a flue exposition of the join-
clptea and good of the order. His speech
was well reeelveii.
Hon. James M. Griggs was next
Introduced, and mode a most entertain
ing and lnatruotive speech. ,It waa re
plete with beautiful rhetoric brilliant
thought, sparklingwit end pure English.
At this honr dinner was announced.
While there were about 2000 people
who forgot to Wrlnq dinner for their
oouains, there wee the greatest plenty
to feed the vest crowd that thronged
the table.
In the afternoon speeches were
made by Col. S. G. McLendon and Hon.
J. B. Way, both of which were well
received. All together it waa a red let-
ter day with the Masons.
Tbe last bat not the least interesting
feature of the occasion, was tha game
of ball between the Meigs end Pulliam
team*. It was witnessed by hundred*
of people, end it was pat dowa as one
of tbealiarpe”t contests that Was ever
witnessed on the diamond liere. The
aeon waa # to 0 for Meigs.
Miss Etnmey Slappsy of Bntler is the
guest of Mrs. Dr. Anltman.
Miss Lollle Henry of Cordate is the
charming guest of Mrs. T. E. Ross.
Mr. J. J. Parish who has been ctahler
of the bank here rinoe Its organisation
will leave today for Menlo, Ga , where
hq has accepted a position. Onr people
regret to lose Mr. Perish Although he
u quite a young men, he has msd*
himself vary useful, and has done mnch
for the pleat ore and benefit of the
town. Tbrooghbis effort* the town
hat maintained a cornet band for
longtime. He carries with him the
best wishes of the people of this town.
A man said: “I see in tbs Thomas
rill* paper that yon all have a tooth
dentist it) Melga." “We shore have."
“Is he one of them painless 'fellow*!"
"I think eo; infant, 1 know it. I saw
him tried yesterday. He ate one-half
of a rattlesnake, and felt no pain after*
wsrds." The man appeared astonished'
aud was, perhaps ignorant of the fact
that the Hunt flavored “rattleenake"
melons in the world an raized in tbe
vicinity of this town:
It is anotabl* feet, although it ta
claimed by peopla who know, tliat no
less than a half dozen blind tigers ezist
in this place, there ^aa no drunken-
ness seen among the vast throng here
Wednesday. The crowd was as orderly
Mr. J. B. Macon went dqwn to Thom-
asviUe Tuesday.
Mr. A. B. Braswell who excurted tu
Atlanta, via tbs A. & B. a few days
ainoe has returned.
Mr. Jas. Vlok is on an extended visit
to Atlanta, Buffalo, St. Lout* and othsr
points of intdiest.
Mias Lilia Forest, who is teaching
dt Pine Hill school, visited homefoik* at
Boston Saturday.
Mrs. J. D. Nelson and Mrs. Vina Ra
tion, after a pleasant visit to Iron City
have returned home.
Mr. J. N. Hanooek and his son Mar
vin, left last Sunday for Whltesburg.
They have been here since January, and
have made everybody their friends. Our
people are sorry to loss them.
Mr. W. H. VanLandiogham hu been
eleeted cashier of Meigs Bank to suc
ceed cashier Parish. The directors
seem to have an inkling for the right
kind of men. , ■ i
Mines Lollie Henry and Emma Brat-
well (went to ThomasviUe shopping
Rev. Mr. Blltoh, of Jakln, is assisting
Rev. 0. R. Jenkins, in a protracted
meeting here this week.
Miu MoxeUe Griffin is the guest of
D.-. and Mrs. MoTyre this week.
Mist , Emma Rogers will open a private
school at Center HiU next Monday. She
was lately s pupil under this deponent,
and I do not hesitate to tav that ahe ie
thoroughly competent for the work she
wUl undertake.
Miu Marguerite Looney wu the gceet
of Misses Maggie and Stella Daren .wit
week. t
MU* Erie Hand left for Atlanta Sun
day to visit her sUter Miu Ethel Hand.
Miu Zeola Hand is visiting friends in
Thomasville thU week.
Messrs. W1U Dixon and W. J. Stubbs
of CamUla were litre Sunday.
Dr. J. F. O'Neal. Dentist, wiU be in
Oohlooknee every Monday. Office in
rear ot Bnntln'a.
Mr. A R. Bagg*. of Camilla was here
Sunday. He seems intent on bagging
some mighty fine game hereabont*.
Jim Vlok, Jr. who lias been away for
several months at some point in Florida,
U at home again.
Messrs W. A. and G. L. Duren Were
called to MerrillvUle a few days since to
visit their brother Mr. Pink Duren,
who U quite sick.
The school at Pine Grove near town
over which thU scribe has the pleasure
to preside, (s simply "chock (nil end
running over." The enrollment ie up
in the eighties, with quit* a numl er of
applications tor seat* on fi'e.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ramsey, of Dixie,
are expected to visit relatives here thli
Olarenoe Spence, son of Mr. A. B.
Spence, is occupying tbe position of
stenographer aud bookkeeper, for Mr.
T. J. WU1U, our wholesale- man.
8eoret Societies seem to be getting a
hold on our people. We have Maaobs,
K P's. Odd Fellows, aud now OttoCsr-
teF, Reiner Braswell, Henry Allen, War
oar Braswell. Pan! Searcy and I«o*
Wilkes have organised a lodge sf tl e
Coming Men of America, (C. M. A.)
Mr. B. L. Griffin of Valdosta waa tu
the city thU week. Mr. Griffin repre
sents Crutchfield aud Woolfolk, one of
the largest oommiasloa - firms' la Pitts-
burg, Pa. Mr. Griffin states that owing
to the lateneu of the season he wUl not
have opportunity to call personaUy on
aU the melon growers, bat that if they
will consign their shipment* to hi,
house lie wiU see that they are given
nis personal attention. 8* goes direct
ly from here to Pittsburg, where he will
be directly in charge of all oonrign-
menu from tnia teotioa. Tha melon
growere oan ship to CratofaflehUk Wool-
folk with perfect reliance. 74 It
Hope's banner is waving over the
Deaucnta one* mere.
To Jacksonville, Fla., from Mont
gomery nod all intermediate points to
Waycro*'. via Atlantic Coast Line,
Monday, Jnly 18th.
Further particulars later.
T J. Bottoms, T. P. A.,
TltomaavUle, 'Ga.
For Infanta and Children.
Til Kind Yn Han Always Bought
Bears the
When bilious take aambcrlaia'f
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Sale
J W Peacock.
The Cairo Column.
(By K. L. Vanlandtagham.)
Wo hear no one complaining of dry
weather now.
Mrs. Clias. Evans and two chUdren of
Jacksonville, Fla. are visiting W. Y,
Bryan end sister on Bryan street.
MiasLllah Gainey, the IS year old
daughter of Robt Gainey, died Thur*-'
day night, the 7lh but. at the sanitarium
after an illness of only a few days.
Hinton Evans is erecting a nice 0 room
residence on the corner of Mock and Ar.
line streets. ' ,
A number of 00 foot telephone poles
have been placed on Brood at prepara
tory to raising the wires, whioh, hereto*
'lore, have boon entirely too low. Mr. ’
J. W. Southall, tho proprietor of tho lo-
oal exchange, is doing much to improve
the system.
Mrs. M. G. MoManeous, who ha* baqu
in poor health fora long time, left for
Panacea Springs a few days ago.
Tha two brick store* ot Jno. L. Ponlk
and Poulk Brea, are nearing completion
and wiU be ready for occupancy about
August 10th.
Miss Charlie May Evans of Troy, Ala.
is visitiug the family of Mr. Z. R. Jonea.
W. L. Poulk who has been spending d
quite a while witli friends and relativea,
has returned to Ins home at Kissimmee,
Dr. W. A. Walker made a profession,
at visit to Climax one day this week.
About 120 oars of melons have been -
billed from here to date and the prloee
remain fairly good. Borne sold yester-
day for $00.
Mrs. Hinton and daughter of Thomas
viUe visited the famUy of tho writer this
Quite a pleaeaut social was given by
Miss Lottie Jons* last Monday evening
in honor of her gnest, Mia* Evans of
Troy, Ala.
J. L. Mauldin of the firm of Mauldin
Bros, went to Camilla Wednesday ou a
business visit.
I Postmaster Crawford, who haa boon
in Whigbam several day* looking after
tbs gathering and ebipping of bis Le.
Conte pear crop, nas 'returned and re
port! the yield 70 per' cent better then
he expected.
The Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Roseau of JackeonvUle, Fla., wa*buried
here Saturday last.'
Elder W. H. Goodwin's eon, RUeyt
Is at Dr. Walks,'s Sanitarium, where
he underwent an extensive operation oh
.Monday. Hi* oonditlon is quite critical
but tha doctors an hopeful of his ra-
Hundreds of ThomaavUle Readers Know
What It Means.
The kidneys en overtaxed i
Have too mnch to do.
They te.l about it in manyjachae and
Backset e, sideache, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney ill*.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright's
Disease follow.
/A respected man tells here a certain
U. Sweat, Justice of the Pesos end
Notary Public, residing at 02 Thomas
street, Weycroas, Ga, says: “Ineed
Doan’s Kidney Pill* and oan recom
mend them very highly. I took them
for backache and kidney trouble from
which I suffered for e number of yean.
There we* a severe pain across the
small of my hack, constant, dnU, hear- -
lug down pain, and the secretions from
tb* kidneys were dan and foU of sedi- *
ment. Since using Doan’s Kidney Pills
my back is stronger and the pain baa
left me. I think Dosm's Kidney Fills
are a very reliable and a very effective
relnedy. They proved to be so in my
case after Iliad failed to ges any relief
from the use ot several other remedies."
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in ThomaavUle. Drop into
R. Thomas Jr's drag store andaek what
hi* customer* report.
For sal* by aU dealers. Foeter-MU-
burn Co.,Buffalo’N. Y., sol* agents for
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan's—and taka no other.
Registration Notice.
Registration for County Primary wiU
oloss August the Mb. Office at court
house ThomasviUe. Georgia. Respect-
folly, . • " P- ~ ~
LW »st