Newspaper Page Text
When the bile i« not flowing freely
into the bowel*, it i* taken op; bj th<*
blood end is deposited in all parts of
the body. Erery important organ, in
fact, every tissue of the body even to
tho] skin layers, are affected, by the
poison laden bile. It saps the energy,
dolls the brain, weakens tbs lungs and
kidneys and invites disease genus. It
aSbets the heart, stomach bowels,
oaasing marked functional disturbances
tbatfmay result in disease A bilious
orjasndiced eopditlor of the system is
vsryjdangsron and should be connoted
at coo*. Bydale's Liver Tablets speedily
cure biliousness, They act- specially
on thefiver, Hie bladder, bile daet and
the bowels. They never fait to care
Levy Haves an old tiase slavery dar-
Economy is the
True Road to Wealth, j
e __ ^
An Interesting Marriage ana all The
Other News From There.
Our prices are spe-
cial-—we mean Espg-
■cially Low. BIBB
H you don't believ e
what we say. come
to see lor yourself.
k -; ' /
Prices that can’t
be duplicated:
Genuine Holland Shades fl;c
Feither Stitch Braid, fi jrd bunch....05c
Latest Style Pompadour Comb loc
50c Umbrellas. 7 35 c
House Ilroom, (3 string, metal cap,) a
file article for 1.19c
Goo<I Elastic Brogan Shoes .....qqc
Men's Buckle Brogans ,....«8c
Mosquito Bed Canopies, like every
body else'*, except the price
72-inch, large enough ior double
Iron bed •••••• </c
ll'i in for small oak beds 91.88
qo In for the lsrgnst beds,.,... 1.49
Muslin Underwear.
Corset Covers 10c and Stc
Skirts.. ..48c and 98c
Muslin Drawers iSc. 85c and tSc
Leap Year Sale.
Just as different from all
others in character as it is in
A name we use. for our gen
uine, bona fidti Clearance Sale.
(By H. C. Jordan)
Mr. Abe Foreman of Pavo was a vis
itor to oar city last Thursday, the guest
of Mrs. Lula B. McQueen.
Mrs. Abner Averitt of Fowltown and
her grand son John Roberta of Boston,
who have been spending some weeks at
Savannah, Tybee and other resorts ad
jacent to Savannah, returned to Boston
last Welnetday.
J. R. Uarson left list Thursday for
Rockton S. 0., to visit his "betterhalf,”,
who is sojourning with herparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bray
• Mrs. LnlsB. McQueen and son Ralph
who have been visiting friends nod rel
atives in Tallahassee Fla, Attapalgns
Gk'. and other points returned home last
T. A. Fambrongh a leading lumber
man of Barwiok and a member of the
firm of Walcott A Fambrouglr was vis
iting his brother Prof. W. B. Pam-
brougli lost Thursday.
S W. Brook's, wife and daughter and \ from the f^the earth.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor who have been spend-
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thohas County :
By virtue of an order granted by the
Ordinary of Fulton County, at the
Jnne term 1904 of the Court of Ordi
nary of said Fulton County, 1, a* guar
dian of the person and property of
Mamie Daniel Eubanks (formerly
Mamie I>*niel) a minor, will tell before
the Court house door in Thomasville,
Thomas County, -Georgia on the first
Tuesday in August I9O4, within the le
gal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described Real
Estate to wit; All that tract or parcel
of land being one Hundred (100) acres
in the northwest corner of lot No. 2T in
the 13th District of Tbfmas County
Georgia--commencing at the northwest
corner of said lot and rurning along a
line to a point equal distance the north
west corner and the northeast corner,
thence south to a stake 'in the branch,
thence west to the original land line,
thence back to to the starting point
he same being one Hundred (i00) acres.
Same being the propertv of said minor,
and of the undersigned as her guardian.
Said sale being had for the purpose of
m tintenaiice, education and support of
4 iid minor.
• C. H Tanner.
Gaurdian of the person a »d property ot
Mamie Daniel Eubanks. »-!-4t >
* Property pointed out by E M Maliette,
Agent, Thomasville, Ga.
a*5.P clock fr?c.
A . F.
& Co.
lug two week, at White Sulphur Springe
Fin. eanio home last Thnrfduy.
Miae Sue Lane who hue been vialtiug
her mother lire. Nancy B. Lane, at her
homepn EaaC Jefferaon street left for
Xaahv^lte Tenn. last week to re-enter
miaaionary work[for the M. E. church
Mra. Abner Averitt of Fowltown after
a abort visit to her daughter, ilre. J. B.
Robert* and Mra. Gridin left last Thurs
day for her liome.
Dr. J. T. Culpepper of Thomaavilto
Was hero last week visiting relatives and
friends and looking after baslneaa.
Col. W. H. Hammond, one of Thom-
aaville'a leading barristers, was here last
week on official bnalnesa.
Abner Averitt of Quincy Fla. and one
of that city’s leading yonng men, after
a very delightful visit to Ids sister, Mra.
J. B. Roberts audj Mra.[Griffin, left for
FowltoWu, Decatnrjconuty to visit other
relative* before returning homo.
Kissed Aiioe Easou and Maggie Bur-
uey two of our seloot.and pretty young
ladies visited Quitman last Friday. ^
Mrs. Lula B. MoQuoen had for her
guest hut Zhondsy;week Clinton (Irif
flu of Valdosta, bar cousin.
ZolUe Barker oi Jacksonville, a special
friend of H, B.-Neel was the nest of
Mr. and MraJ. C. Neel last>eek while
entente to the World's Fair.
E. Leon Neel who la .connected with
the So. Ex. Co. and stationed at Palat-
ka Fla. left for hit post of duty last
Martha Maliette of^ThommtvUle was
the guest of J. M.,Jonea*acd wife since
our last epistle.
Mrs. B. A Norton and Mist Bessie
Mae Norton who have Been visiting the
parents of the former at Haralson, Ga.
for severai^eeks returned home last
S. G. Oovingtou, a quondam basinets
man and clttxen of Boston bnt now if
Thomatvllle was visiting his daughter
Mrs. J. A. Horn last Saturday. This
scribe was pleased to meet him iu his
sanctum sanctorum.
Dr. G. B. Smithson ot Wei boro. Fla.
after spending a week very pleasantly
with his ooashu, Mrs. Massey and Mra.
J. 0. Adams, left for his home Saturday
hut. The doctor has been absent from
home viritinfQn Louisville Ky. and St.
Louis Mo. for a month.
Sheriff T. J. Might, wife and grand
son George Kingsley, came down last
Sonday and spent the day with their
daughter, Mrs, S. J. Kingsley at her
home on Adams street.
Mim Emma Daniel is visiting her aunt
Mrs. W. j. Smith ot Monttcello Fla.
who it very ill.
Miss Bama Daniel is in Savannah vis
iting her brother, J. B. Daniel and wife.
Miss Mary Horn who has been on an
extended visit of several weeks to Live
Oak, Hampton Springs and other placet
in Florida returned home last Bator-
Rev. D. H. Parker Oiled the pulpit "of
the Homerville Baptist church last Son-
day a. m. at 11:00 o'clock, preaching a
mo»t edifying sermon to a large and ap
preciative congregation.
..For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice is hereby given tbst the un
dersigned has applied to (he ordinary of
said county for lyave to selj the undivi
ded hail interest in land belonging to the
estate of W J Brooks, bis ward, for the
payment of debts. Said application 'will
be heard at lire regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in August I904. This
51b day of July 1904. J B Brooks, -
7-8-4t Guardian'Sf W J Brooks.
Thos J. Jordan )
vs Libel for Olvonce.
Julin B. Jordan I
It appearing that the defendant, Jalia
Brown Jordon iu not a resident ot Geor
gia, it is ordered that service be gierfec-
tod In accordance with sections 8488 and
4978 of the Civil Cod* of Georgia, and
that notice containing the names of the
parties plaintiff ana defendant, with
caption setting forth the codrt, the term
aud character of the action aud a notice
directed and addressed to the party to
be thns served who is Jnlia Brown Jor
dan, the defendant, commanding her to
be and appear at the next term of
Thomas Superior coirt, and bearing teat
in the name of the Jnnge of S. C. S. C.,
aim signed by the clerk The nmt to
be published to the Times-EnterpriHe
twice a montl, for two inontns. This
dtli day of Jnne, 1904.
Rout. G. Mrrcnr.Lt..
Judge Superior Court^Sou. Circuit.
J. W. Groover,
O. S. C.
n-10 n
Application will be made to the Hou.
Miss F. E. Foy who has been teach. R. G. M.tctiell, Judge of the Superior
. . ‘ ! Court Southern Circuit, at Chamber* id
ing for some time at Marietta, Oa. is nt ... .
* • . i Tliomniville, Ga., on the 10th day of
home to spend heryacatiou. She is one j AuiI „„ Wli ,,y 0j Kichardmu,
of the best teachers in tile state. | guardian for Oweu ,C. Richardson, to
Miss Myrtle Foy left last Thursday »e|l for reinvestment the following
for Pelham, Ga. to visit her sister, Mrs. ■ properly: Ail that tract of lund lying
A A Turn I aul ' *” Tl'omas eonutv. Georgia.
1 dosoril^d a* follows: bounded on the
The iirotrsctcd meetings at the Moth-j north by lands of Mrs. Ciarie Wnttius:
odist dlmrcli conducted by Rev. H. C. [oust, by lands of D. A, Groover; south,
Jones aid Ryder are growing iu inter- by lands of K. O. Nelms, and west, by
est and wncli good wo think is being
done for tile church and community.
Mrs Nettie Stacy, Mlstes Eva Stacy
aud Edna Glansier left last Wednesday
for Uacoutou.
Mra. George Feltliam left last Tuesday
for Indian Springa for restand recupera
tion as she has been iu bad health for
several mouths.
MrT S. D. Dopson loft last Sunday
for Kinder Lonj to be absent several
Misses Era Stacy, Edna Glansier,
Man Lovell and Burrell Willis spent
last Sunday at Ousley.
Henry Walton an old colored oitisen
and a well known, resident of Bostou
died last Monday and was buried at the
oolored cemetery Tuesday P. M. Uncle
Henry, aa he waa familiarly called, waa
a good darkey.
Mums Eva Stacy, Edna Glansier and
Fannie Willis and some bachelors wen
out last Monday night on a serenading
excursion and rendered some most ex
cellent music. Cult again as this scribe
surely enjoyed it. *
Should no unforeseen accldout Inter-,
vene and parental objeetion is not inter
posed, the quietude of our oity will be
disturbed not far in the dim future by
the consummation of several engage
ments now pending in Cupid's court.
Miss Mary Lovell and little sister Aline
left last Wednesday for Martinsville,
Virginia to spend the summer witli rela
Julian Ethridge Jordan of Bouton
having grown weary ot leading a life ot
celibacy, joined the ranks of the bene
dicts on Sunday a. m., July 17th, 1904,
by leading to the hymeneal altar Mist
Effle Evelyn Register of Homerville Ga*
daughter of Mr. B. W. Register, clerk
of the Superior court and one of the
best girls in Clinch county. Rev. D. H.
Parker pester of the Bsptist church of
Boston solemnised the bans in one of
the most impressive and beautiful cere
monies incident to such occasions. A
very Urge crowd ot the bride's admir
ers and friends were present to do hon
or to the occasion. This scribe and siro
tenders hi* coogratnUtions and wishes
for them a long and happy life fraught
with all the joys and pleasures to be bad
in this transitory life, and when life'*
battle* shall have been fought, may
they be garnered into the 8ainU' rest on
lauds of T. O. Statialand, mid in the
Thirteenth (llltli) district of wiid county
being n part
lot No. four hundred
Nolice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M.A. Fleetwood, Adror, > Petition for
Estate of W. A. liarr tt [ Injunction
* vs. ) and Relief
Thomas Su*
j perior Couit.
M. A. Fleet wool
Adm*\ Estate /
-W. A. Barrett.,
Whereas the two above stated cases,
involving in effect the same questions I
anti same property were referred to C.P.
Han sell to be tried by h»m as Auditor to
gether with any interventions, and
whereas same came on to be tned and
was after due notice tried by said Audi
tor. And whereas Lot No. 142 in the
17th District was that of the subject
matter of litigation and whereas
said Auditor in making up his report in
said cases did find that the Georgia
Loan Trust Co., is entitled to a
Jndgment*agaioft of W. A.
Barrett, deceased, for the sutn'df six
hundred and fifty dollars principal, with
interest at 8 per cent per annum irom
Dec. 1st, I893. and fortwenty-six dollars
principal, with interest at 8 per cent per
annnm from June 1st. (803. and twenty-
six dollars principal, with interest at 8
per cent from Dec. 1st, 1893, and !o per
cent on said principal and inttfest for
attorney's fees, and whereas said
auditor did fin 1 that the said Georgia
1-soan & Trust Company have a first
lien on ail of ^aid lot number one hun
dred and forty-two (No. 142) except
thirty (30) acres in the north-east corner
ot sitid lot, and whereas, said auditor did
nod that said M. A. Fleetwood, admin
istrator of the estate, who is also re
ceiver. should sell said lotx 142 except
3j acres in the north-east corner of said
lot, after advertising same for four
weeks, proceeds to be applied to said
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.]
To the Superior Court ofsaid county r
The petition of M. 3L Cooper, James
Gribben, Jas. H. Brown,' L. Stoyerman
F. W. Boyer, W. I MacIntyre* and W.
O. Snodgrass, all of said state and conn*
ty, respectfully shows;
1st. That they desire fer themselves-
and their associates, successors aud as-
tign* to became incorporated under the
name and style of the ThowasviUe Elk’s
2nd. The term for which petitioner*
ask to be incorporated for twenty year r
with tlie privilege of renewal at the end
of that time.
3rd. The capital stock of kite cor
poration is to be $5000 00 (Five Thous
and dollars) divided into shares of flUO.-
00 (Oue Hundred Dollars) each, payabld
in monthly installments of $2.00 (Two
Dollars) each. Petitioners however ask
the privilege of increasing the said cap
ital stock from time to time, not exceed
ing in the agregute $10000.00 (Ten
thousand Dollars.) •
’ 4th. Tint more than 10 pdr cent of
said capital stock of $5000,00 has al
ready been actually paid in.
5th. The object of the proposed eor-
l>oiu(iou is to promote the social inter
course of its members, and to build and
to oiuiutaiu an Elk's club in Thomas-
vilie, Gu. * Petitioners desire to exer
cise the usual powers, and to do till us
ual lavessary and proper* acts which
pertain to or may U< rouueoted with the
election and maintaining such iui insti
tution, u« herein S|>ecUlcd. To have oil
the rights and j>ower» provided iu sec-
judgment of the said Tee Georgia Loan
and Tru t Gompiny and. whereas, said Ron IMS of the civil node of 18D5 of
auditor's report was duly file*! and
nblice given as required by law, and,
whereas apart of said report to which
no exceptions we»e filed was coi firmed
June 9th, 1897, and whereas, the excep
tions tiled in said case, to said auditor's
eport, was dismissed and the auditor's
report confirmed and made the judg
ment o* the coum, Dec. 16th, 1900.
SjW. therefore, in obedience to said
and thirteen (418) and containing forty ! judgment, 1 here will be sold at public
(40) acres together with ail the rights
ami privileges thereunto belonging in
fee simple.
The said laud being the property of
the said Oweu C. Richardson.
The reason for said application being
that said guardian resides without the
limit of Thomas county aud is unable to
properly look after said property, and
that the expenses for keeping it np will
scon exceed the value of the property
if<e!f. v 7-I5-4t
tcry lor rash between the'legal (jours
of sale on the (ist) first Tuesday in
Georgia, and to have 1 lie rigid an i pow
er to borrow aud loan money and to ex
ecute all uaceifiary notes and mortgages
or security de«ri* and other instruments
of writing to evidence said loans aud to
secure the satin;.
Otli. Petitioners desire that, “their
persoi »1 liability uiav bo limited to the
amount, of each individuals unpaid stock
•abaoriptiou* if any.
7th. The principal office and place
August next, all of lot of land number of business of the proposeiK coqmmtion
(142) o e uundred and forty-two. except
30 acies in the north-east corner of said
lot. said laud lying and being in the
17th Di-tnct of Thomas County. Geor
gia. and containing twe hundred and
twei 1/(22c) acres,* in jre or less.
M. A. Fleetwood,
Recover and Administrator Estate of
W. A. Barrett. 8-1-4
Uiplication For Administration
GEORGIA—Thomas Conner.
To ail whom it may concern. D. G.
Vandergnff having,in proper form ap
plied to nioT for Permanent Letters of Ad
ministration, with the will annexed, on
the Estate of J. P. V and erg riff, late of
said county, this is to cite all and singu
lar the creditors and next of kin of J. P.
Vandergnff, to be and appeaf at my of
fice within the time allowed by law, and
show cause U any they can, why perma
nent Administration should not be
granted to D. G. Vandergnff on J. P.
Vandergnff ■ Estate.
Witness my band official signature,
this Kbit day of June lbo4.
Wm. M. Jones.
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Under and by virtue of an .order ot
the Court of Ordinary laid county regu
larly Vaased at the July term 1904 witl'
be sold at the coorthotue door in Thom-
aavilie. Ga , within legal hours of tale
foresail on the lint Tuesday in Ragout,
1904, the followinir property, to-
Vfit: Lot, 18,18 and 14. fronting on
Bt7*n it root; 1, 8.3, 4, 7, 8 and 9. front
ing Hopkioa Are.; 1, 8, 3, 4, 0 and 0,
fronting Letter St ;8,9,10, II, 18 and
18, fronting North Side Thomas St.;
17,18, 10, and 80, fronting Sooth Side
Thomaa St., and 87, fronting Wnght
St., according to plat reoorded Oct.
80. 1805 in Book D. D„ page 78f
Record* of Deeds Thorns, Oo., Ga. AP
of raid loti attested in Tliomaaville, Ga
E. M. Smith,
R. Thomaa, Jr.,*
Executor, Will of W. E.. Device,. De-
For Leave to Sell.
Notice ia hereby given that the under-
signed has applied to the Ordinary ol
said County for leave to tell real esute
belonging to the estate at Helen B.
Foote for the payment of bequests and
(or distribution. Said application will
be heard at the regular term ol the
Court o( Ordinary for aid County to he
held on the flrst Monday in August,
1904. This 1st day July 1904 W. B.
Webb Executor under the will of
Helen B. Foote. 7-8-4L
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas County :
■JMix Sarah Wyche Ha\es, adminis
tratrix upon the estate ot Robert T
Hayes, late of said county, deceased
•having filed her petition for discharge,
this is to cite all persons concerned \o
show cause against the granting of thh
discharge at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county* to he
held on the first Monday in August 1904.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
For Sale. '
Having bought the entire equipment
of the Kentucky .Stables, we have on
hand an excess of harness, phaeton*,
buggies, surreys etc. These we offer at
alow figure for cash These articles
are second-banded, jbnt with light re
pairs they will give splendid service.
Call At' Kentucky Stables,
ELDER and FOSCER. d-w-tf
$25.00 KewardT
A reward of twenty-five dollars will
be pain by the undersigned for tiro ai-
rest with proof to convict any perv n
guilty of a criminal trespass on the" fol
lowing lands in Thomas county Georgia,
to-wit: LotS,4, 5. 87, 38, 89, 43and
44, in the 17 district. Consult D. L.
Bulloch, Ochlockopee, Ga. E. W. Swift,
Columbus, Ga- 7-22-12m
will be L'hom'isvitle. Gs.
Wherefore petitioners pray r.» Jm made
a body corporate uuder the panto and
style aforesaid, eutltled to th< rights,
privileges and inmiqnttic* , .u<l sab jet
to tiro liabilities fixed by In w.
Cooper, James Gribben, Jas.
H. Brown. L. Steyerman. F. W. Boyer,
W I. MacIntyre, W. C.Snodgrass, peti
July 7, liKM
I certify the foregoi'U to be a true
copy of original now of il e in my office
J. W. Groover. O. 8. C.
.Tuly 7th 1904.
Lingering, wasriug couglw, may end
in consumption. Kydale's Cough
Elixir will stop the cough and .heal the
diseased nroiubrauo of the throat and
lungs. Rydale’s Elixir it the most ef
ficacious remedy ever discovered, for
nil chronic tiiroxt and Inug trouble and
those debilitating, “ran down" condi
tions of the system, which stubbornly
resist treatment and which, if neglected
may end in fatal disease. Trial size,
25c. Large size, 50c. J W. Peacock