Newspaper Page Text
! W M Jones
-i-sr^Hnb South Georgia Iprogress.u
New Series, Vol XIV—Xo. 52.
| /rof-
Searcy's Story of the Week's
Hsppenflfgs in that City.
Tij* Baptist church lias received
'Tew white dross. It adds much to its
• appearauce.
All Her Friends Will be Entertained at
That Time According to Piers Made
by Joint Committees in Session Yes- Mr. E.M. Johnston left Sunday morn-
terday Afternoon* : ing for a sliort business trip to Middle
--- Georgia.
The joint N c.ciniuiitee appointed bj! Miss Foy Singletary, a very. popular
the vartoas orgxuizaiioiu in the city j »ud attrac tive youn; lady from Pine
met at the courthouse Friday after- i Part, is the guest of Misses Emmie and
noon, and proceeded to mate plans for
Thomasville's entertainment day 'with
mn enthcsiasm that promises much for
tire success of the occasion.
The meeting was attended by the
committeemen previously mentioned^
and by W P. Grantham and A. H.
Williams from the Woodmen of the
World, besides ‘•©Ternl citizens who had
been requested to be present. Organi
sation was effected by tho choice of
Dr. J. T. Culpepper for chairman, and
J. D. McCartney foMccretary.
The first business of the afternoon
k Was the choice of a date. September
33rd, was selected as a time best suited
to all. This day was-especially chosen
with reference to the convenience of
the country i**ople, all of whom will be
special guests of the occasion.
Resolutions favoring the appointment
of an executive committee were adapted.
This committee is to have complete
general supervision of the day, to ap
point sub-committees and in short to-
manage the whole affair. 'Hie chairman
of the ^committee was complimented
by a unanimous elcctiou from those as
sembled. He is the originator of the
affair, and the very man for the place,
Mr. C. T. Gaudy. The oilier members
nominated oy th^ir respective bodies are
from the Elks*. L. Steycrmiui; troni
the Masons, J. J. Stephens: from the
Woodmen, W. P. Grantham; from the
Odd Fellows, W. W. Linton; from the
Board of Ttade, C. M. Smith; frolh tho
citizens at large, Ralph Neel, from his
loving friends, Dr. J. T. Culpepper.
The lost nominated gentlediau was
urged by everyone present to serve, and
tho phrase preceding his name best
describes the method of his selection.
The K. of P. representative will lie
named later.
The executive committee will ap
A finance committee whose duty it
will Im to collect by public si^bscriptiou
moneys to be expended for the differ
ent needs of the committees and to vise
all accounts.
A committee on arrangement whoso
duties will be to prepare a place and
tables to hold the dinner and any other
matters tliat pertain to tho dinner. **
A committee on amusements whose
duty it will be to hlre,a band if thought
advisable, and faroish auy other amuse
ment they may think deniable
01 lie Rogers this week.
Muses Mabel Hall, of Newton, and
Pearie Taylor, of Camilla, will visit
Misses Leila and Bertie Pilcher near
Hansel l this week.
Mr. Jesso Lowe, of Tolbert county, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. R. Car
ter, on The Row.
The railroad trains have killed
quite a number of hogs and shoata in
paseitnr through this town during the
past few weeks. These mutilated car
cases lie in full view of passing citizens
uml near residences until the scavangers
from the sxies relieve the situation.
Some people perhaps do not like sul
phuretted hydrogenized pork. Then
the question arises whose duty it it to
remove the sickening stench: tlte rail
road, the town, the marshall, the man
to whom the stock belonged, or the
person in from of whose house it lies?
The ball boys, aecpinpaniod by some
youug ladies nnrt others from this place,
went down to Whigham last Thursday
and took another game from tho
Whighamites They say the Whigham
folks were awful nice to them and they
hated to beat them so they made it
as a compromise .’8 to 17.
Miss Maud Sultou, of Cairo, has been
a very pleasaut visitor iu this place for
the past teu days.
’ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, of Doe-
run, visited the family of Mr. IV. K.
Davis Saturday and Sunday,
Mrs. M. It. Elder, and her two son
are at home after several weeks spent in
Forsyth and Indian Springs.
Rev E E. Rose was in town, Tuesday
on his way from Metcalfe to Fairville.
He will conduct revival services at tlie
latter {dace.
ltcv. J. J. Bonnet from Tiftou was iu
town Wednesday.
Mr. C. B. Quinn made a business trip
to Meigs Wednesday,
Mrs. D. H. Parker of Boston came to
visit relatives Wednesday.
Mr. Abe Simon came up from Mon-
ticeilo yesterday afternoon."
Mr. Z. E. Norton of Pelham was in
town Wednesday on business.
New Militia District .Urged. Town
Improvements. Othsr Items.
Merrillville, Oa., July 27th.—The
painters’ brush is being used to vory
telling effect on the depot.. The A. & B.
Co. is having their bnilding palmed the
standard colors of the system,
Miss Jennie Johnson of Upson county,
sister' of Mrs. J. H. G. Johnson, has ac
cepted the position us principal of our
school, which began Monday under
very flattering prospects'
of Moultrie spent a few days this week
Spl.ndicf Meeting Held Thursday.
Agent to be Employed. Object lb
Material and Moral Upbuilding of
Thomasville ond Thomas County,
I “
Tlte Young Mon’s Board of Trade met
Thursday to perfect permanent organ,
izatiou, and one of tho fint things done
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dyke and daughter! was to change the name to Thomatfdlle
BOard of Trade. The youug men will
the guests of his brother. Mr. J. M.juo longer be memoriaUzod*
Messrs. N. E. Tnruor. J B.. Floyd,
Thomas Evsus, and Mr. Dodson lent
their muscles to the erection of a
trough at the pnblio well for the con
venience of watering stock.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Baker of Thom-
Seville spent the day Friday the Chests
of Mr. and Mrs. Young. yf\
Miss Addle Craig, who has been vis
iting friends here for several weeks, left
Saturday afternoon for her home in
Moot trie.
Dr. D. C. Montgomery and Mr. J. J.
Toner visited Thomasville Monday on
Mrs. Lillie May Scarbrough of Thom-
asville spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr: and Mrs. A. Green.
’ A seriesoT meetings began at the Big
Creek church last Sale-day; services
conducted by the poster, Rev. No
Mn P. F. Dureu is spending a few
' . the three gentlemen especially named
days with her brotlier-iu law, Mr. KeqO
t for this purpose, and the president and
5 treasurer of the Board. This executive
Mrs. S. A. Pisrcejnade a fcorfmltteo was diluted last nigh*,*
The meeting was long bnt it waa
teeming oror with interest and grim
determination. Officers were elected
for six months as follows; President,
Jas. F. Evans; Vice President, 0. It.
Poole; Secretary, J. L. Turner; Treas
urer, Will Watt; Executive Committee,
E. M. Smith, W. M. Hardy, Lee Neel.
Although those gentlemen were nom
inated by a committee appointed soma
days ago for the sole purpoao of nom.
looting officers, they were pnt upon
their eleotlon individually. In every
ease the election was unanimous.
A constitution and a (nil set of by
laws was adopted after free dispntaiAn.
Among other things, a regular meeting
on the 2nd Mondhy in each month is
provided^ Any white male resldSutof
Thomas oonnty is eligible to member
ship, and by paying three months’ dues
inudvanco can seenre a certificate of
membership for that length of time.
The executive committee consists of
Mrs. Darden of Macon is on a visit to
A committee on programme whose ^ mns. J, J. Stephens.
duty it will hero make date* with
speakers for tliat day.
A committee on rates who shall get
pecial rates on all railroads for not
less than forty-eight lionrs.
A reception committee whose duty
it will be to meet and entertain ss near
as possible all visitors on that day.
A master of ceremonies who shall in.
trodnee speakgs and make an address
of welcome.
A committee on invitation who will
see that all friends have a cordial invi-
The Timet-Enterprise fells safe in
saying that no one will be .able to
complain of Thomatviile's hospitality
when the day is over,
Mr. David Comf ore, of Boston, tpen
Tuesday in town.
'O, P, Leach, of Boston, was among
the Tuesday visitors to town.
Mr. A. E. Smith, formerly a teacher
of Meigs bat now a lawyer of Valdosta
Spent Tuesday in town.
Miss Cora Stephens iias gone to Tampa
for 4 mouth’s visit witli friends.
.Mr. S. W. Baker is ill with 'fever at
liia home on Bemington Axenne.
Mr. W. J. Cram and family.luve gone
to Ohio to visit relatives for several
weeks. I
B. L. Van Laodingham from Cairo
was among thorn who were in Thomas-
vilile Wednesday.
Mr. E, A. Smith, the naval stores
man of Meigs, was here Wednesday on
his way to Savannah.
Mrs. H. W. Hopkins and Miss Mae
Hopkins left Wedneday far several day’s
visit in Atlanta with Judge Hopkins.
Captain K. T. Maclean, as agent for
the Illinois life Insantnos Co. aanean-
oes that for quick payment of a policy
he about holds the record. He paid a
claim to the beneficiary of (he late Wm.
Smith exactly two weeks after foe
death of Mr. Smith.
Thomamrille Monday.
We are glad to have Mise Belle Daren
in our midst again, who has Just recov
ered' from a serious attack offerer. She
left Saturday for Moultrie, where site
will spend some time visiting awl re
cuperating tier health.
Oar town council will have on their
next regular meeting a very sad duty
to perform, that of electing some one to
fill the vacancy canted by die death of
Mr. P. F. Daren, who was a member of
The commissioners, who were
pointed by the county commissioners,
at tlieir last meeting, to lay off the
Merrillville district, met Steve Wednes
day and Friday and on both days were
disappointed by foe absence of the map
of the oonnty which failed to come.
Well, gentlemen, if we do not get
oar district in shape time enough for
tho coonty primary, there will bn {see.
erel candidates who will suffer the loss
of votes, for itis mist too far towalk to
Patten to vote.,
Mrs. M. J. Evans and family moved
Monday to Coolidge. We regret to |loeo
inch an estimable family bat Merrill-
ville'slots is Coolidge’sgain.
Treats* In Spley Fashion by Our Prof.
J-S. Searcy.
Mr. G. L. Dnren and wife spent a few
days at Cairo this week.
Airs. Enphcmus McRae, of Niles, is
spending some time with her sister, Mrs.
M. H. Atkinson, on Ms,shall street.
Col. A. E. Smith, of Valdosta, is here,
Ool. Smith is a ydung attorney bnt I
don’t think he is looking, particularly,
after easiness of a purely legal natnre.
Mr. Brownlee, a traveling man,
brother-in-law of Mr. G. L. Dwen, was
here on a visit Sunday:
Whigham’a second nine will play the
Meigs aejond tomorrow, (Thursday 211.)
look into tlie matter of selecting a paid
ageut, and of finding tlie expense at
tached to employing him.
Tlie regular membership dues were
placed at fil .00 per month. Tlie money
thus derived will be nsedtowgrd paying
the, salary of this agent, uud toward auy
other object which uuy show Uaelf
worthwhile. Tlie nnion picnic, for in
stance, is where some of it may be used.
A oommittee was appointed to meet
with the general picnic committees this
afternoon and to represent tho Board of
Trade at tliat meeting. Messrs W. B,
Cochran, C, W. Cooper and J. L. Tar-
uer constitute this committee.
Tlie committee appointed some days
ago to solicit members to the Board of
Trade was continued. Though they
reported 7A signed members last night,
theyjiave not by any means completed
their labors. Mr. C. M. Smith who
has ably presided over tin delibera
tions of the Board daring Its embryonlo
stage, was extended a vote of thanks.
To quote a pirotal phrase from the
constitution will snm np more eloquent-
ly than nbnndant words coaid do what
Tlie Board of Trade proposes to ac
complish. “The object fff the Thomas
ville Board of Trade shall be the ma-
torial and moral upbuilding of Thomas-
villa and Thomas county." That the
organization mast accomplish at toast
several steps on their Jacob’B ladder is
a foregone conclusion.
Everything that’s Said 'and Done as
(Hy H. C. Jordan)
Col. A. P, Jordan of Pnnta Gorda,
Fla., passed through here entente to his
home last Wednesday afternoon,
went to St Lonis as a delegate to tlie
National Democratic Convention nud
had tlie honor of casting his vote for
Judge Parker, oar next president.
Miss Mable Baum, one of Quitman's
most estimable yonng ladles, after spend
ing some days ’wifo her sister,
Mre. W. A. Taylor and Mrs. J. 3. Brooks,
left for her home lsst Wednesday week.
Mrs. W. B. Fambrongh who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Fam-
brongli at Elijay, Ga., for several weeks
returned home last week.
Miss Maggie Bilrney, one of Boston’s
best young ladies left last Thursday fer
Brunswick and St. Simons Islnud to
visit relatives. Miss Maggie will make
on extended visit ere site returns to the
D. M. Horn, who holds a very impor
tant and lucrative position at Bainbridgo
is at home on a short far^rngh. visiting
his family.
Miss Clara Mclntoeh, a very sweet
and attractive yonng lady of Lnraville
Fla. is visiting her coterie of friends
and relatives.
Mrs, J. L. Msnjrleu, nee Stephens of
Cairo! visited her* mother Mrs Stephens
since my last billet donx.
James G. Barney, ono of Boston’s
leading basinets men was called,to
Jacksonville last Thnreday. From
there lie goes to Brunswick, St. Simons
auitpth'er sna-sific reports, for vacation
rest nud rsenperation.
0. P..Dupree, of St. Andrews FJa,
spent last Snnday in Boston the gnest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Neel nt their rural
home in sonth-euc Boston. •
Mre. Dr. H. 0. Cook is visiting her
father at Tem^eGa, ,J
Matt,Staualand, a former Bostonian,
bnt now of Monltrie, was visiting Ids
parents, Mr. and Mre. Stanmiand this
- - - SHSCTa-
Will Probsly be Held at Boston In
The first courtnnon held by the Then .
HS ccuuty Sunday School Association in
many years will probably be lield: t
Boston on the 2?lh and 28th of Augm- .
The Thomas County Association w. >
reorganised last fall, and the orgautz ■
tioo ip still perfect. The hospital,-
people of Boston, ever ready to lead ;ii
religions matters aud lio.pltality, ha-.-
invited tile association to hold itafknni
al convention there, and at a meeting < V
the executive committee of the assor •
ation, to be held licit week, the invit:. ■
tion will most probably bo accepted.
Tlie fourth SuiMay iu August and tl e
Saturday priHoding, have been snggf.c
el ss convenient dates, and although
both the Methodist and tlie Baptists . t
Boston are acednlcd to hold servioes i (i
that Sunday they bate not only gener
ously offered to give way, bnt hav.-
urged that their houses of worfoip i -
need by the convention, Bach hoej ■
tality can hardly be passed by.
Wilson M. Hardy, one of the editors
and proprietors of foe Times-Enterprise
was in oar olty Tuesday in foe Interest
of his paper, and while here cave this
pencil pnalier a call which was very
much'onjoved. Come sgain.
W. W. Wade visited Pelham last
Snnday to see his best girl.
Ed Askew of Pidoook was ulronlatiug
among-hia nnmeroos friends here last
Only Two Gamas.
Atlanta won from Memphis in u|>-to-
date style—ten to one being tlie soore.
Nashville defeated Little Rock teu to
Many Attractions.
Manager O. L. Thompson of Tliomp-
aon’s Opera House announces a line of
nnuaily fine attractions for the com
ing season. The regular season will
open in October with Ah G. Field’s fa-
moos minstrels al the first attraction,
bnt several summer companies may ap
pear before that time.
Albany Received It Yesterday from
Colored Farmer.
The first Dale of new cotton in Geor-
gin was received in Albany yeeteiday.
The Herald brings the news that it ar
rived there shortly before noon yester
day. As nsnel Deal Jackson the fa
mous fir^t bale man brought the staple.
It was classed as good middling and
was of nnosoal fine quality, free from
trash, and of good color. It sold for 15
oents a pound and iu 337 pounds brought
its owner fi5S.CS. The cotton waa im
mediately sent to Savannah.
Jackson has taken the first Georgia
bale to Albany each year for a long
time. Hia-dates were, July 27 in 1200,
August 5,1201, July 21 1202 and August
3,120$. The Herald asys he will have
another bale before anyone else in the
O.L. Frost a former citizen of Boston,
bnt now of Montioello, KlaJ, was trans
acting business here last Saturday.
Mre. Maggie L. Wade and daughter,
Lncy, are sojourning in the mountains
of North Georgia. The former goes to
recuperate her health, which has beeu
precarious for soma ^tme
Harry B. Neel a prominent employee
of the So. Exp. Co. with headquarters
at Jacksonville silent several days tills
week in our city the gnest of bis parents
Mr. and Mrs. J; O. NeeL
Miss Ona Neel will open on Angutt
1st at Mre. Massey’s old stand a milli
nery business in nil of its various rami
fications and would be glad to havo her
friends call on her.
B. F. McIntosh of Monltrie was here
a few days since visiting his brother,
J, H. McIntosh and other relatives.'
Mr. Clieeves, a noted lumber broker
and living at Valdosta was in our city
this week spying out tha land like Josh
ua and Caleb wifo a view of locating.
Rev. W. M. Blitch of Jakla is assist
ing Rev. H. O. Jones pastor of foe Meth
odist church in his-protracted meeting.
The services araf marked by good and at
tentive congregations ami much good
will redound to oar town, by foe meet
A oonnty convention of foe Thomas
Oonnty Sunday School Association will
be held in Boston on Snnday, Augtsr
98th and everyone having the interest, f
the cause at heart are cordially ,101111 d
to be prerent. Some noted speakers will
be present anl deliver addresses appro '
priate to the occasion.
J. M. Woinble of Jacksonville,. Fla*f>
has been in onr city for several dayq ex ■
hibiting two unique machines—one iJ
knotvn ns n striking machine or muscle
tester, nnd tlie others Inng testes. B,- h
are something new nnd have late y
been patented by Mr. Womble.
Miss Emma Daniel retained - ho: e
this week from Moaticsilo, Fla.,whit 1. r
sho had gOng^jh^yligr anqt, Mre.
Smith wtyo lawafienn vwty ilL She re
ports Mrs Smith slightly improved.
Tlie town improvement company * f
Boi ton some years ago sot about the t-. J
of trying to prevent the qoadrop- .
wearing horns from appearing upon
streets and inaugurating other measu re
of reform tending to odd to the b<2r. .-
of onr streets and homes, but we regret
to say tliat said organization has go,.-.
glimmering like the school boy’s tale.
Tax Receiver J. F. Howard was here
this week shaking hands ' with li t
J. F. Howard his pnrohaied of Dr.
T. Culpepper of Thomasville, part < f
Uifi old Evans plantation, one mils vc t
of Boston on the Boston and Tbomn.--
villeroad. ' <
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Groover vieiti d
Thomasville last Wednesday. *
W. B, Groover of Brooks oonnty m l
one of that comity's substantial dfoti- * '
and farmers, was In onr bug L.t
Wednesday transacting business.
Architect W. R. Foster and his a -
sUlanls are reraodelliig the interior *--f
the Brooks Bros, store and when ihe
work is completed It wiU add greatly
to Its appearauae and comfort) '- '
Mrs. Fannie Griffin, aister of Mrs,
J. B. Roberts, is wo rogret to say, qt. e
sick at the litters’ I tome on east. J.. ■
fcreon stleet. _ >
Thomasville Wine a Second Tin o
From Wayoroee.
Jmt to si low that it was no acoidii.t
Thomaaville won again from Waycr- -.s •’
yesterday. The boys from the crr.g i.,
roads had vowed vengeance and oou,'
arable money was wagered on foe gar. c.
Tho teams lined np as on yesterday, ,
with Will Hopkins oh the firing lii. -,
for Thomasville. He pitched a steely
game and had splendid support from :.ll
foe othere on the team. Tbs features i f
the game were the playing of TUrnbull
at sooond and Grooves- at short: Harry —
frame heavy work wifo the
ash and pounded out a home nut,
Thomasville has lost only to CUroa
Quitman this year, and foe boys i
tlieir friends ere proud of their