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The Franklin Life Insurance Cc,
Springfield, Illinois
Organized 1884, .
Below is given the rales for different forms of participating' policies of *the several
!companies deing business in this section. ■
Mr. J. S- Ward Jr. Writ** Another
Latter on the Subject.
EditorTntij8-E!<T*KPBi8Ri 1 do not
with to ooncometoo much of the epece
of jour paper in the diaouaaion of the
election of judges, bnt the question it
of to much importance that I do not
think it should be dropped at this stage
of the controversy. My plea for their
election by direct vote of the people
was a plea for Jeffersonian democracy
as taught by the fathers of this repub
Hand in hand goes republican gov
ernment and a free religion, by grace
nurtured Divine, and supported by the
free will offerings of its willing votaries.
Hand in hand goes monarchial gov
ernment au.l state religion, nurtured by
.the devil aud supported by the taxes of
its unwilling subjects.
1 need not use further argument to
convince the thinking man that a demo
cratic republic is the best form of gov
ernment. The mighty achievements
of this oatiou prove the assertion. Bad
as 1 sometimes think we are, compare
our citizenry with that of monarchies of
the Orient and the balauce will be in
our favor. Best in peace and most pa-
triotic in war, if we should be so unfor
tunate as toeogage in one.
In view of oar great achievements in
war and in peace, should we not go
; slow when we tread on gronnd that
leads from troe democracy, which is
choice by the people of their public
Election is the voice of the people
saving to tlie officials, "Von are our
servants.” Appointment is ths voice of
royalty, saying to the people, "Yon are
oar subjects." Now, Mr. Editor, mv
claim is, that if wn give the selection
of judges (the most important officer!)
into the hands of others, soon another,
and another will go, until we will lutve
nothing left of republicanism bnt the
name alone. Now, Mr. Editor,
glad we are nearer together than at the
start. I am ulso glad yon have the
courage of your convictions to oppose
that jiart of my letter that you do not
agree wirli. Every question has two
udeiy audit is this diametrical oppost
tion that yon speak of that brings
about a correct solntio" of the questions
involved In’the multitndeof eounsel
(here is safoty. You-are opposed to
oaclt circuit electing its judge because
of iutltiem-e that may be brought to
bear by its supporters that would
cause justice to miscarry. Grant that
this might some times be the ease; I
tliiuk tlte people will bo quick to seo it.
aud nothing will cause hint to loro his
place on the Beuclt us quickly as such
partiality. Therefore I am opposed to
long terms, as yon suggest. It is true
it costa something to hold elections bnt
It is worth tlte cost; tlte public servant
will be careful, because lie knows that
liis master cometii qnicklv. Now, don't
let any one imagine that wo are ever to
have a jierfect government on this
. earth by thuae imperfect beings, but
let’s uotiqnit and have anarchy because
of that face; neither let ns abolish the
election of our judges because of the
North Georgia disgrace, Mr, Editor, ms
you term it.
Nos, you say that the system geuer-
ally lias giveu satisfaction, bnt it was
in spite of tlte system, and not becanse
of tlte system. If out of the many cir
cuits in Georgia all but one have given
satisfaction, that is good enough lor
oontin ounce.
Now this boogy boo about the Judge
being against the mail that votes against
him, and for tlio man that votes for him
I think is 6intpiy a jacko’lantem light-,
«d by tlte ring politicians to load the
people from the plain right way of Jef
fersonian democracy, into the valleys
and marshes of federalism and central
ization. The fact is the politicians
hated to give np the old system that
had beon in vogue for a nnmborof years.
Bnt the people kept demanding a change
and for fear of losing the state and all,
that is proposed. You claim tliat justice
doubtless would be more justly admin
istered by having the judges serve where
they are not elected, because they
would have no friShds to reward nor
enemies to punish. This seem* to me
to be a pretty low estimate to pot on a
man intellectually able to be judge of onr
circuit courts, bnt for argument’s seise
giant that it ii true and.that all of them
are revengeful men. Their winking
game could be mnch more easily play
ed without being detected in a foreign
circuit than in their own. By a mutual
agreement, you punish my enemies and
Iwiilpnnislt yours, you reward my
friends and I’ll reward yours, &o. If
there is anything in it, the scheme could
be more successfully worked undec your
system and the people would have less
chance to get at the root of the trick
than they would by the home role plan.
Bat where will the logical conclusion of
this wheel in a wheel lead tutu? . Our
J. P's. are in a muoh smaller ^ territory
than our Judges aud aonbtlsss
know every man that is for or against
them. We have been electing them all
tho time, why haven’t some of these
politicians been rotating them? Bnt it
might be said the offloe is solittle. The
principle is tlte same.
Now Mr. Editor before we go anv
further in this rotation business, sup
pose we try it on a small scale. I will
try to prevail on my people and 8qnire
Norton and Judge Dixon and yon try
roar people and Jndges Mitchell and
Bibb, to swap for a time in order titat
we test this new way at once. I haven't
said a word to any J. P.' about it but 1
am satisfied I Will not have to argue
long to get them to agree to tlte rota
tion, H.-,, ucially if the oosts of .Thomas-
vtlle osirict rotate towards them. I
dun’. now how tills feature of tlte ques
tion would striko your J. P’s. for onless
they got a free pass or paid their fare
from their private income, they would
have to travel by private conveyance
or count erosstiea every time they lieiq
court. But doubtless from patriotio mo-
lives atoue you can get them to cltaug
in ordor titat justice may be magnified.
Now Ur. Editor litis rotary scheme is
bothering me. 1 wonder where it will
stop. 1 hud never thought of it anti!
your editorial suggested it. Since then
I have read J udge George Hiilyer’s inter
view in w hich lie suggested the rotary
system, lie is chairman of a legislative
committee of the Georgia Bar Associa
tion. He save that it is the opinion of
many that a bill repealing the law of
election by thepeoplu would fall. How
ever seuator MoUichael lias already in
troduced a bill providing for the supreme
court to elect them and for the election
of tho supreme court.
- Now if (lie Judge should bo taken
from home to get him away frum iufin-
euce iiow much 'more so should onr
sheriffs be retuovod from their friends
and enemies. It Is strange bat true that
the hardest fought political battles in
our state of late years are fought over
lids office. Tlie man with 30 motes in
liis eye is as big as the man with lOo in
tlie judge's eye. If tlie latter will wink
at justice with liis superior attainment
how much more will tlie former with
his lessor ones. On that theory of ret-
soniug he would make a way for escape
of his friends while lie would maltreat
hii enemies, chain them to tlie floor ard
sweep lice ou them like tiioy used to do
in Europe in tlie day .when monsrel y
had its most dospoiio sway, I refuse
to beliovs that any such conditions In ie
# Mho wn.v to got, rid of the despot’o
judge is to vote lorn out. However de
spotic we may bo in onrnatnre, we don’t
want it practiced on ourselves. We will
vote against the malt who is overbal
anced with tills trail, consequently we
catinot have any great degree of despot
ism, with a free and untraiumeled ballot.
As I said I think it is the ring politician
who has itad his business trimmed by
t lie present law that 1ms raised the hue
and cry against it and is using tho press
to take up tlte refrain. He is afraid to
risk his cause with an honest ballot.
Next to death, Astatic cholera or the
The Pistol Bill.
The official proceedings of tliej senate
contain the following paragraph of local
The bill of Mr, Johnson of Olinoh
passed by the honse at its last session,
prohibiting any one from carrying a
pistol, rifle or gtjn without taking out
a license to carry the ante and giving
bond, came np in tbe senate, with
favorable report of the committee.
*8enator H. W. Hopkins of tbe seventh
made a strong speech against the
measure, taking the position that tbe
provision! of the bill were unconstitu
tional, and that under it no one would
be able to enjoy any of the rights now
given him. The report of the commit
tee was voted down and the bill
Resolutions Adopted by the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy.
Whereas, It lias pleased oar loving
Heavenly Father to take from our midst
Mrs. Florida Mallaid Heath, of tlte
John B. Gordon Chapter, No. 883 of the
United Daughters of tlte Confederacy,
oat of love for the deceased and in re-
spect to iter memory, tlie chapter has
this day adopted tlie following reso
Resolved, First, Titat this chapter
saffere a heavy aud lasting loss in the
death of Mrs. Heath, in titat site af
forded ns inspiration in onr noble un
dertaking, in that she encouraged ns in
time of disappointment and straggle,
and in that ahe labored with os faith-
fully to Aooomplislt the purposes to
which we had aet our hand.
Resolved, Second, That this chapter
will miss her oheerfal words, her
kindly greetings and her gentle pres
ence; that we found in her all of those
graces and ideuls for which this organ
ization stands.
Resolved, Third, Titat we hereby ex
press to her stricken family oar ten-
dercsi ami deepest sympathy: and that
a copy of these resolutions be sent to
them, and a page ou onr minute l ook
be devoted to iter memory.
Miss Nell Pringle,
Mrs. K. T. McLean,
MiisSallie Hanscll,
Miss Etta Read,
franklin Life
New York Life
Mutual Life ...
Massachusetts Mutual.
Penn Mutual
Illinois Life
Hartford Life
Bqn Life, Canada
The date of the excursion to Jackson
ville, Fla, on A. O L. R. K. has been
changed from July 18th. to Joly 33th.
Tlte rate from Thomaevlllo will ho $3.60
for the roam] nip. For fall informa
tion addressT. J COl'TOMS, T. P. A.
HELP WANTED.—A good reliable
colored yuan to work arouml iluiry. Ap
ply with .ference to Winter’s Dairy,
3!) a
been dashed to pieces npon the rock of
detpolisnr and centralization
Tlte question of free passes I do not
think a parallel one, as I Iioihi to show
in a faturo,article. In tho meantime
let ns guard well tlie fundamental prin
ciples npon which tlie fathers buildedso
wisely for ns, so that we may transmit
them to fntnro generations shlajngmoie
perfectly as I lie ages pass by
J. S. Witts, Jit.
Ochiocknee. Gs, J lv 4th. i!>■ u
Rates of our new 20 pay 40 percent. Guaranteed Dividend Policy—not written i,' 1
this exact form by an other company! ; ,
Age. Premiums.
21 — 27 15
22 — 27 Ufl
28 — 28 28
24 — 28 78
; 26 — 29 84
27 — 80 5t|
80 — 82 71
82 — 34 42 ,
. 83 — 87 25
Figures Talk.
In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE leads. A careful
selection of risks enables us to enjoy the; Most Favorable rate of mortality—the lc cation of
the company in the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than wonld he
possible in the eastern money centers. g
The rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over 5 1-2 percent, against an
average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as 3 1-2 white others-
are as much as 4 >-2 per cent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk.
Agepts Wanted—Best Contract. DAVID C4BARRQW, General Agent,
.For Southern Georgia, *>
Thomasville, Ga,
Free Samples
You Can Get Ono.
BLACK WEED, ths great vegctabls
remedy tor Rheumatism, Catarrh, and
Kidney and Bladder complaints, hat met
with almost instantaneous suooess be
cause it has made some noteworthy
cures of vory sevors cases.
Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire
Dept., writes:
" Par months I suffered with my kid
neys. I mado ovoty effort to get relief,
bat failed until I accidentally came In
possession of a bottle of Black Weed.
The relief obtained from it* use was so
great before half tlie first bottle had
been used, that I put aside all otlier
medicines and am now sound and well,
having been cured completely by Black
Wood. At the same time I had an ag
gravated case of Catarrh of the head
and throat. Black Weed lias completely
cured this, aud my hand if now as dear
is aboil.”
BLACK WEED la sold by all drug,
gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will rend
prepaid upon receipt of prloe.
Send Your Warners
a trial sample of this great remedy,
which will be sent absolutely free, to
gether with onr book ncntalnlng valua
ble information and endorsements.
Please mention this paper. Address,
Slack ' Weed Medicine Co.,
Atlanta, Ga. _____
Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran ground together.
The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled as
a milk and butter producer. -
Just received afresh cai of this renowned feed for Horses
and Millet. Keeps your stcck up and feed bills ‘‘down.”
Highlj endorsen by all large feedeis.
We have a big stock of fresh corn, oats, hay, wheat,bran
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let ns.serve
you when in need of anything in the feed line.
fry a case of our asserted Seda Water and R<5ot Beer,
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and xcel’ence.
The Thomasville Ice Company
It Will Bear Inspector!.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work’we Do. \
Why not have yonr work done no von will, not be liable to a case of typhoid feat-
ill yonr family? We know how to doji
and that is ail the kind we expeet to do. When in(iieed. of that kind oaUonnaj
We 8runrantee|a.ll new|work for lyenr.
d * 107 Madi«on;8treet. ’Phone
Will positively cure any case of Kidney
op Bladder disease not beyond the reach
of mediciaje. No medicine can do more.
they granted the present system. By, Bubonic plague does the ring politician
amending in the senate the bill that
provided tor eaclt circuit to choose its
Judge they provided tor his nomination
in the circuit and his election by the
whole state. Fartiianiam and not pa
triotism doubtless caused this amend
ment which wfil cause you to vote for
the north Georgia disgrace in October
to be true to your party obligations.
Now more aboat this .rotary system
dread the voice of an educated elector.
By this language I do not intend to con
vey the idea that every man that holds
or seek a office is a scoundrel.' There are
good men among aU parties that are wil
ling to trust the people aud who do not
look upon them as being their masters
but as their servants.
If if ware not tor this data I fear tbe
old ski* of state would ere long have
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whore system.
TWO SIZES 6O0 and $1.00
Psssfid Stem and Grav.l With Exorueiatlng Pain*
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes!
“I hive been afflicted with kidney end bladder trouble tor years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
give relief. After taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE the rerult was
surprising. A few doses started tbe brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain scrota my kidneys and I feel like a new mao.
FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE baa done me 91,000 worth of good.”
lo Otb.r Rimidy Can Compart With II
Thot. V. Carter, of Asbboro, N. C., bed Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
b^ssys there it no remedy tbit will compare with it.