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-Hnb Soutb Georgia {progress.-
I Jlldl/d W VI t.ina
<TttOMAKVtLLK TIMER, t V u. * 1 JJno
New Series, Vol XIV-r-No, 52.
Thomasville Headed Pelham at Bali
Playing Monday-
Revenge is Bweet! It was easy; in fact,
a cinch. The Pelhamitea reni, vedi,
4 *ricid” cuce upon a time bat Monday
from the time Hopkins pitched his first
I .all until the long, tedions slaughter was
over the visitors were at the meioyof
Thomasville. From the size of the
score, a person who wasn’t “op” would
hardly suppose “mercy” a fitting term.
In order however that they might seem
children justified of charity, the locals
allowed the one run to be made. This
proves the Pelhamites are not wooden
men. all.
The team brought down yesterday
f^om Pelham was very much the same
one which defeated Thoms svillo in the
^sad scaled days of early July. On this
account the revenge is made, bat the
sweeter. Nobody will begrudge the
Thomasville players their statement that
Pelham’s last stage was better than her
first, “not that they played worse, but
that we played better” says Manager
-Grant—and Manager Grant is a truth-
ltd man.
The old stand-bys made up Thomas
ville’s team. Will Hopkins delivered the
goods. It is not amiss to state that
Dodie Williams had a chance to receive
most all that were delivered in his di
rection. He received them too; he
doesn’t know how to refuse. Will Bibb
.plajed first and ran bases 4iko
■chicken chases * June bugs. Pelham
wants to prosecute him for larceny after
trust. They trusted he could' uot get to
oecond an i ho stole home. All the boys
played ball like Colonels. Will Watt at
second, Groover at short,Linton nt third
and Palin. Flemming and Remer McIn
tyre in the field, hod hands like tar
buckets and bats lilio wagon tougues.
Mr. Ardis MoDoufcnld presided as am-
pir^, and there was no body who ques
tioned his fairness. The Pelliamites-
are clever boys, and Thomasville gives
them a glad hand, winning or losing.
New Millinery I Business to Open
Here Next Month.
The remains of Bliss Sarah Chastain
were laid to rest yesterday afternoon on
Laurel HilL
Miss Chastain wss the daughter of
Mrs. Hardy Chastain and a niece of Mr.
Juo. T. Chastain. 81>e has been an in
valid for many years,* and just four
weeks-ago she was'sent to the sani-
o&rium at Milledgeville, where she
ooold receive better attention. A can
cer, which had been steadily growing
for days and days aft last proved tstal,
and the spirit from a pitiful frail body
winged its way to the dim unknown just
at daybreak Monday morning
The body was sent home and arrived
here yesterday morning. Ik waa taken
to the undertaking par,ora of Herring &
Herring, and buried from there at three
o'clock in the afternoon.
Miss Chastain’s father died several
years ago, but she is survived by her
Mr. Artie Stuart went to Atlanta yes
Miss Jessie Ban tin retnrned to Och-
locknee Monday.
Mr. Rydon G. Mays is at home again
prepared for the busy season.
Mr. Sam Brook; came over from Bos
ton for a short while Monday.
Miss Blanche Carroll left yesterday
for a four weeks visit to Lumpkin,
Mr. Sam Lovell, of Boston, transacted
business in Thomasville on Tuesday.
Miss Mamie Bottoms and Mr. and
Mrs J. G. * Tuton left Monday for St.
Louis. Mr. and Mis. Tuton are from
Miss Laura Joues will reenter the
millinery business here about the mid
dle of September. She leaves this morn
ing for New York, wln>ie she will pur
chase a full stock of goods.
Miss Jones was in the millinery bus
iness in Thomasville for some years, op
to u'Short time since, and she is inti-
matfly familiar with tl»e needs of
Thomasville people. She will prepare
to cater exactly to their needs. Miss
Jones will occupy the store formerly
used by the South Georgia Progress,
and at present by Messrs. C. M. and E.
H. Smith.
■ Miss Reddick to Marry.
Mrs. J. H. Reddick, proprietress* of
the Piney Woods hotel at Moultrie, has
sent out cords announcing the engage
ment of her daughter Miss Bessie tc
Mr. John Newton Onsley, of Mcrves
The wedding is to take place at Moultrie
at thn home of Mrs. Reddick on
evening ol August 10th. .
Miss Bessie Reddick has taught for
6evoral years in the Thomas county
schools and is one of the best known
and most popular of all the county’s
teachers. Mr. Ousley is a soil of the
former presiding elder of this district
and a splendid young man.
c. • •
Seven Foot Rattlesnake Put tq the
Lillies near Suelne.
Heard Shoots Crawford Near Merrill
ville. Other News.
.Executive Committee of Sunday
School Orders Convention.
A meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Thomas County Sunday School
Association was hold here yesterday in
the office of Chairman J. H. Merrill,
The committee accepted the iuvitatiou
of Boston to hold the annual convention
there on .Saturday and Sunday August
27th and 23th. plans were laid out for
making the convention a success in
every respect and a committee appointed
todraw upa program which will attract
people from far and near.
Each Sunday school in the county
will be entitled to one delegate, and for
additional 60 scholars over the first 26
one delogate additional will be i-eated,
Every Sunday school in the county,
whether under the jurisdiction of k
church or uot, Is urged to send
The program will be announced in a
few da; a.
Mr. R. L. VanLandingham, the,-
Enterprlee representative at Cairo, and
Major of the Syrup city, waa in town
Monday on bis way to Macon.
Bepreaentati.e John R. Singletary
who haa been repairing political fence,
in Cairo tor a few day., pawed through
the city Monday on bin way to the Cap
Mias Annie Pate of Albany ia the at
tractive goeat of Mile Marie Dokle.
Site waa a viaitor iu ThomasviUe laat
rammer and her many friends
pleased to «eo her again.
Miaa Lon E. McNiece, a luuidsome
young ladyof Camilla waa in. town for
several hours yetterday the guest of
Mils sfiUie Bottoms. Miaa McNiece
was on her way to Lake City, Florida.
Mr. T. 8. Vinson came home Mon
day. Hr. Vinson haa been away tor
several months. He attended the Con
federate Reunion at Nashville, and
afterwards passed a vacation in other
parts of Tennessee.
Jndge J. W. H. Mitchell heard a case
yesterday from Boston. A sleek look
ing, well fed negro named W. M. Lind-
say, was being prosecuted by a negro
woman for larceny after trust. There
seemed to be nothing in it, and Lindsay
wftl be permitted to roam the haunts
that know him nnmolestee.
(By S. M. Beach)
Mr. William Miller of Thomasvilte
came down Friday to fix some machin
ery at "Satina.”/
Peter Harris, a colored man driving
from Thomasville last Tuesday killed
a rattlesnake seven feet long near the
eleven mile post. The skin ia now -1)11
exhibition in Mr. 8. M. Beach’s store.
County Commissioners E. M. Bnutji,
W. A Pringle and H. C. Copajlgnd
went down to Hadley Ferry last Tnes- j
day to ^talk bridge with the Decatnr
commissioners. A thirty-six mile bog.
gy ride on a roasting iiot day is nc
pleasure, and although it was done iu
their line of duty to the county, they
undertook this work with the same seal
as if it were their own private business.
' Mr. J. M. Blue/.shear Jr., John and
Will Thomason returned from
week’a visit to Panacea Springs last
Mr. and Mrs E. , T . Dickey went to
Thomasville last Thursday.
Thursday evening one of Mr. A. H.
Mason!, valuable honnds'died suddenly.
Mr. J, B. Talbot, the overseer at "Susi
na,” was mystified by the suddenness of
the death, and suspected poison. ' He
carried the dog to 11 r^ J '-C. Schwencke,
the well known veterinary surgeon of
Thomasvilte, who made a postmortem
uxumiuullou, and pronounced the causi
of death gastro-enteritis.
Mr. uud Mrs. Joe Worrells of Cairo
eatiie over last Sunday to spend 'a. few
days with their daughter, .Mrs, George
Hall, who.recently became a bride,
Misses Annie Lon mid Hattie Black,
shear went to Thomasville last Tlturs.
day in response ,rv the so!lcitatio > i of
that city's merchants expressed iu their
advertisements in the Times-Enterprise
Miss Grace E. Beach Is spending a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Mitchell.
Mr. and Mn. A. R. Sessions went to
Thomasville last Thursday. .
Last Friday witnessed a mad dog
scarce here. One of Mr. J. M. Castle'
berry’s dogs had been acting strangely,
and finally began to ran aronnd biting
everything It met. Mr. Castleberry sat
np all night watchlDg for the dog to
some home, and in the early honrs of
the morning he came tato the yard, and
immediately Jumped on one of the docks.
Being satisfied that the dog was daugej
roos, Mr. Castleberry killed him and al
so hit other two doga, one of which had
been bitten.
Mr. Will Bannerman of Climax, Fla.,
and Mr. J. O. Harvlu came np from Ia-
moala last Sunday to call on friends.
Mr. Bannerman it in the employ of a
firm in C’.imax who have nix hundred
acres of shaded tobacco and three hun
dred acres of cane.
The Home Boys are Put to the Bed In
8low Geme.
The Monticello and ThomasviUe sece
ond teams played a game of ball yester
day. It ia called a gome by courtesy.
The ground was wet, that is, until the
ball soaked np all the moisture. Dur
ing a large part of the game it was ac
tually raining. Everything was soggy,
and tile playing particularly.
Monticello again got tire best of a bad
bargain. The youths with the “T” on
their shirts couldn’t score but ten times,
while the lads from. Florida made an
nnlncky thirteen. It looks like the
Monticello Juniors have the Thomas-
ville seconders hoodooed. It hasn't
been mnch more than a week since his
tory was mkde whicli yetterday repeat
ed Itself. Tbomaaville’s battery was
Walker and Jones and McIntyre.
By .) N I lent, I,Ison
On last Hnnday about noon, ont at
Dopbou & Co's., lumber mill about 2 1-2
miles Northeast of here, a shooting af
fray took place. Will Crawford was
shot by Will Heard. Crawford fell
asleep during the forenoon, and while
asleep someone tied both Ids feet togeth
er and when he awoke lie began to abnse
the one who had tied him. I^eard, be
ing angered by tiie vituperations of
Crawford, proenred a double-barrel
shotgun, and going to where Crawford
lay after being untied, fired upon him.
Five of the shots took effect iu Craw
ford's ankle and fleshy part of Ids toot.
The wonnded man was brought hero for
treatment. Dr. D. 0. Montgomery gave
the neceisorySnedicalattention.' Up to
' ids writing, wei have heard cl no ar
Merrillville continues to improve.
Messrs. Tusuer and Turner are having
their storo painted white. Who will be
tiie next to follow pit?
Miss Pattlo Gandy retnrned home
Tuesday afternoon after a week’s visit
with Miss Frankie Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lanier left Tues
day morning for Indian Springs where
they will spend a week or so resting and
Mrs. Lizzie Bassett of Trilby, Fla.
was tiie guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. J, W.
Wilson a few days last week.
Miss Mittie Gaudy cume np Wednes
day afternoon to.spond a week with rel
atives and friejjds, ^
The protracted services j»t Big Creek
cnurch still continue with a great deal
of interest. The ordinance of baptism
was administered to seven on last' Sun
day morning.
Mrs. Ran. Vann of near Patten is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Young. .
Mrs. 0. A. Alcorn spent the day In
Thomasville Saturday.
Mr. J. L. Green paid Thomasville a
basinets call Satnrday.
Mrs. P. F. Daren returned home to
day, after a visit to hor brother-in-law,
Mr. Reno Daren.
Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn of Bunaot wero
guests of Mrs O. A. Alcorn Sunday.
Mem. O. L. Daren of Meigs and T.
B. Daren, of ThomasviUe paid ns a bus
iness call today.
Mr. J. O. J. Lewis of Thomasville
was here one day laat week buying cat
Locale From the River Town. Who
Cornea and Goes.
(By A. W. Logtie)
Farmers are calling for cotton baskets,
and soon we shall he in the midst of tho
fleecy season.
Messrs. Bollock Bros, will be fully
equipped to handle all tile cotton that
may come to their ginnery just aa
soon as their brashes arrive, which they
are looking for every day.
Your correspondent has been away
for two weeks visiting bis father and
mother who ate residents of Ashbnrn.
We saw fields after fields of cotton that
was Inst beginning to bloom and a good
deal tliat had not bloomed yet. We saw
one twenty-five acre field of cotton witli
fully one fifili dead from black rot.
Rev. C. R. Jenkins assisted by Revs.
A. J. Quuttlebaum and W. H. Massey
have just closed a two weeks revival
meeting ut tho Methodist church.
Mitchell Bollock, yoongest son of Mr.
G. M Bollock, is visiting here this
Mrs. 0. F. Singletary who has been
quite sick for tiie past week is rapidly
Rev. J. P. McCann of Barwick was a
visitor here last Sunday.
Mr. J. H. Anderson is spending the Nashville transacting impor
tant business, while hit family oro visit
ing the fdinily of Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Anderson of the Rose Hill settlement.
Mr. Emory Palmer of Camilla was the
guost of Mr. J. H. Anderson yesterday.
A special meeting of tho Ochlockonce
school board was called Saturday after
noon and tho old question of a now
school building was again resurrected.
A petition wag drawn np and signed by
a number of citizens asking the city
council to donate $150.00 towards the
Miss Johnnio Connell of Metcalfe re
tnrned home Monday after having spent
a few days with Miss Beatrice Hay.
The yonng ladies had a delightful sea
son and were lothe to separate.
Misses Mablo and Hilda Stephens will
leave this week for a visit to Dothan,
Ala, and Brinson, Ga.
Well Informed Teacher Olsons tea the
Matter. Barwick News,
Fodder palling and ootton picking will
entertain the fanners now for a season.
On next Sunday there will be regular
■errioesat the Methodist church. The
meetiogs may continue daring the fol
lowing week.
Old Coeat Line Depot Will 8oon be
V .To Vashtl Home.
Ano3pAittl6 girl, twelve years of | Gouge and Tnmboll did the sending
age, has beeq taken into the Vashti and receiving for the visitors. '
Home—Rosa Kalianowitz from St. * —
Lonis. These little onee come to us with Mr. W. M. Quinn, Whigliam’s post
little wearing appaiel. Ont of yotr, one of the most prominent
bundance make a free will offering io men of the town, is visiting his brother,
these little one# in His name, <*• ®- •W® 1 )
Tiie last remains V tiie old Coast Line
depot are being removed today. The
new depot is almost entirely finished,
and a large force of liands was at work
yesterday on the destruction of the old
(and mark. By night only the remnants
of a shell were left, attesting tiie “el
oqnence of decay."
tween the track now farthest east and
the platform of the new depot. / As soon
as these side tracks are completed, even
the old platform will be torn swFy, and
the lost vestige of an eyesore will be
Mr. T. J. Brandon, a well known gen
tleman from the Miccosukle neighbor
hood, waa » Wednesday visitor.'
Mrs. W. M. Reynolds left today for
Dawson where she will spend a few
days with her sister.
Mr. Cy Heeth Hat Wedded Mlse Eva
Mallard. /
A story of great luterert became pub
lic yesterday, It waa that Mite Eva
Butler Mallifd and Mr. Oy Heeth had
been quietly married nt the home of the
bride in .Spartanburg, 8. U., on last
Mr. Heeth left Thomasville for
Spartanburg a week ago yesterday, and
before leaving lie confided to a few In
timate friends that he wss leaving on a
pleasant mission, bnt few of them
thought him serious. It developed yes
terday though that he made good his
word on the very next day and tliat he
took his bride at once to Asheville on a
bridal trip.
Bftrwick, Ga., Aug. 3., 1904.
Messrs J. A Barrow and B. C. Keaton
spent Sunday in Wliito Springs. They
report a p easant trip.
The old saying ‘.‘if it rains the ffiri t
dog day, ic will rain every day dories'
tiie forty days” is being tested and m
far hits proveti^truH. The rain was very
iieavy at Barwtok yesterday and Sun
Miss Essie Blitcii of Tifton was the
charming guest of Miss Ellen , Barrel -
Saturday and Sunday.
Barwick and Pavo played a game f t
ball here Suturdav. The score was Si
to 20 in favor of ihe home boys. Til l \
Favo youths took the, defeat pleasantly.
Miss Stella Jones of Camilla i» spend-/ '
ing this week with her sister, Mrs. B. V
Messrs. J. W. Thornhill and W. M.
Robertson and Mrs- J. B. Rountree
went up to Doeruu Saturday to attend
the annual meeting of the Primitive
Baptist clmreh. They''returned Mon-
Cotton is oponing and tho busy season
will soou be here. ‘
Messrs. T. A. Famhrougli and Joe
Walcott returned Saturday from Hamp
ton Springs after a ten day s outing.
Mr. Editor, we endorse all you said'
tn Sunday's Issue in regard to tho pub
lic school system. It- is generally admit
ted tliat oar public school system can be
greatly improve*"} However, no one.
realizes the ueed of a batter system as
tltf the teachers iu the common schools.
The law once provided for quarterly
payments. Under tliat law the teaohere
were paid quarterly. The legislature la*
tbr thought the teachers needed prompt
er payment titan that, and inlpursuance
ol their desire to help tho teachore, on
acted a law to pay the teachers month
ly. This law lias never been In force.
It had the effect, however, of stopping
quarterly payments and since tijen the
state promises to pay the the teaoliere
when the money becomes available.
Consequently tiie teachers get one ball
daring the first six months of the year
and the other half in' February of the
following year. So it is-this yean
Teachers who worked faithfully during
the public term of five month* last
spring have received SO per cent, of their
salary and the remaining SO per oent.
Will he paid in February IV f. Now to
remedy this oondition will require only
on increase in the appropriation of the
pablio school fond. The law is alright
it the state had the money. _
' \
Money to ba Turned Loose by Col. O.
H. Payne.
Mr. H. N. Stanton hoe begad the
execution of a contract for baildiug some
important additions to the main resi
dence of Col. U. H. Payne at Greenwood.
The additions will be of briok and wil
afford employment for a considerable
force of men for several months. Tim
servants’ dining room is to be enlarged,
a bay window to be one of tin:
main rooms and other tilings of more or
As Miss Eva Mallard, Mrs. Heeth has less importance are to be done,' The
frequently yislted Thomasville. and has, addition will extend to the second story . /
re. She is a daughter I * n< I needless to say will be well
hosts of friends here. She is a daughter |
of the late Mr. and Mrr. O. W. Mallard. built,
and a niece of the ThomasviUe branch
of tiie family. She made her home
witli her grandmother, Mrs. Butler in
Mr. Heeth is the son of Tax
P. S. Heeth, and a more highly
ed and honorable boy woe- never
in Thomasville. It is probable that the
young people will make their homd
Mrs. J. E. Royal with her eon
is the guest of her father, Mr.:
. Mr. B. A. Alderman, of Pine
visited ills son and grandson'
either in Atlanta or Spartanbuig,
Mr*. Burts and children ^ who have
been the guests of Mrr, O. C. Hall, have
eft for their home in Columbus.
■hife-i. j! .
Boston yesterday to
of the Sunday