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■W>A. It.
0. H. & B. H. Smith, General Agents, The Prndentit)
Ini. do. ot America. ThomasvlUe, Ga.
Dear Sin:
Without expenw to me and without committing mf
■elf to any action, will you tend me further infornuM
tionai to insurance policy on my life.
You can fopl some of the people all of the
time; you can fool all of the people some
of the time; but you cannot fool all of the
people all of the time. N
Mr. S, G. McLendon ha« returned
home after several weeks spent in At
lanta. He was warmly greeted by his
friends and neighbors yesterday, and
3$ yon had a nouse that brought you au income of $100 each year wouldn’t yod
insure it for $1,000? ,
You cetrtainly would, all good business men do.
v You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
hack one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
it you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in \ ,
Or that after a certain period, *f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid ilp for a rainy day or old age
' Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
.making application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
Oat this oat mi m it >
inmnwunniim • mmnti ti i »*. mini wti mi • i it mmmi it»i
c. M. & E. H. SMITH,
General Agents, Thomasville' Ga.
I was born on the‘....^
My oeonpation la
Years truly,
Address 1
We still have 75 pairs of extra summer
weight pants to close out at $1*00, $1*50,
$1*75,1.90, 2.00, 2*50, 2.90,3.50^ $4.-
Hr. And Un. W. H. Hammond will
lsave thia week for • montb’a ita, in
EhUmisoo, Mich.
Tim thanks of the walking pnblio an
do* to the Misery hotel for repair! to
tha sidewalk in front of I ha hotel.
Mrs. W. J. Onun haagooe to Iflohl-
gan to visit Hr. Oram’s father, Sba
will ba away the remainder of tho ram
Two piec.- crash and home-
spun, to go at prices never had
A few more wash suits to
close ont at ;.... $2.50
New Orleans linen suits
to close out
Screven's Patent Side
Elastic Seam Drawers,
thebest on the pike
50c. •
A full line of overalls from 50c to $1*
Our high art $1.25 shirts % going r "atl $ 1.00
while they are new at V
- k —
The Americas Timea Recorder brings
the news that Rer. J. P. Wardlaw is
conducting a-great camp meeting near
Hr. Jeff Denard, formerly with the
Comfort Trading Oo., of Boetoc, la
now with Hawn. Coleman & Adams on
Jackson street.
Hr. Oeoar Groover and wife who were
married in I«ke Oity, Fla., a few weak*
ago, have arrived in Thomasville after a
honeymoon tonr to St. Looia, and will
ihako their home hero.
The Atlantia Ooaet Line depot is so
near completion that Agent F. W,
Boyer and hia force are planning to
move in thia week. Their new quartern
will be neat andoommodions.
Rev. 8. L. McCarty left Monday af
ternoon for St. Lonis. Wliile in Mis
souri lie will visit his old home in Wes*
tern Missouri. Daring Iiib absence Mrs.
McCarty wiU be with Dr. J. Ij. Fos
ter's family.
Dr. diaries A. Merrill,of Birmingham
Ala. is visiting his mother here. Dr.
Merrill is Dean of the Birmingham
Dental College. He was bora and bred
in Tiibmas and is being heartily wel
corned by old friends.
Mr. Donglasa Harrell, who has been
clerk at the Stnart Home for several
months leaves on Snnday next for
Balnbridgc where he will go into the
mercantile bnainesa. Hia place will be
taken by Hr. Grover Ooohran formerly
of Camilla, who ix a brother of Messrs.
L. and H. B. Ooohran.
Mueh Qraatar In w*i ulna '.than Last
Yaar Wit Prleaa Lower.
The melon movement for 1904Jli a!<
most n thing of the pest. The' bright
galaxy of melon men and freight agtnts
who gladdened the hearts of telephone
and telegraph lints and hotel people,
have flitted northward, and all Js quiet
again. Tha number of ears handled
by the Atlantia Const Line from South
west Georgia, this year to date was 2301.
The entiie crop haa.not been moved and
bafore the season is entirely closed tho
amount wUl have increased to between
MOO and M00 card.
Last yaar the whole orop emanated to
1704 can* The increase this year will
bain round numbers-700 ears. Last
year was a year of phenomenal high
M. The prioe per car thia year av
erases perliaps $35, less than last, bat
the increase nude the amount ot money
tamed loose greater. The melons have
been inferior in stie and quality, os
average to those of 1906, hot on a whole
the season has bean satisfactory to grow
ers and broken both of whom have
made money. The cantaloupe orop
hoi required several hundred can to
move it, and lias been even more proUt-,
able than the watermelon*.
Dr. W. L. Moon, mayor of Tallahas
see, was in the city yesterday gather
ing statistics and information on the
prohibition question. Dr. Moore is lead
ing a prohibition fight in Leon conntv,
Florida, and although the colored
voten there outnumber the whites by
at least two to one, he holies to carry
the election. Mr. Moom was the guest
6f Doctor A. P. Taylor while In the
We Say
Yon may get some Bargains elsewnere
all the time; you may get many Baigains
elsewhere sometime; bnt you cannot get
many Bargains elsewhere all the time as
as you can do at the
Few of Many Specials:
E Fancy Percale, the kind you,pay ioc for .else-
£ where, our price . 7 i-jc yd.
E Fancy Dress Ginghams, cheap at 10c, onr
price 8 1-2C yd.
We have closed out a lot of nice toilet soap
ftom the maker, we give you benefit of our
purchase, a box of 4 cakes ioc
50c Galvanized Iron Tubs as staple at 50c as
a postage stamp at 2c, our special price ....... ,39c
just for Monday, t '~;
£j Our .Grocery Department offers special for Mon-
8~ day 24 pounds of good rice for . $1.00
§E If you are a Bargain Hunter as you should be, Don’t 3
*-■ miss this Golden Opportunity.
118- Broad Street. |
Alex S. Yeager, Manager. if
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