Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Hmsf Wlgl
II*ry Inspector Api
Entertain.* Sen
nted. Personals.
Is coming with
Tor you to save money on
everything from a pa
per of pins, to a
suit of clothes.
"We have mailed circulars
and price lists to pur
chasers all over this
and adjoining coun
ties, and aretOftfjdent
that this will £>e one"
of the biggest sales
ever held in Thomas-
ville, we know that
it will be one that will
save more money for
participants than ever -
held here or ?l§?ytm
K,J. Vnn ijltvlinsiwui.)
Alim Irene Mitehou/ot Pelham, iu*a
Mias Emna&Btnppeyl of Bettor, are ri«-
tttag Mrs. W. H. Searey this week.
Mrs. Butler, of Camilla. ia upending a
Yaw dsys witL Iv'ft daughter, Uxe. K. P.
Pavo Personals. | Application lor Guardianship, j Petition for Charter.
dBy CaryMcGraw) j GEORGIA—Thomas county., j \
Mias Din Benin of Moultrie is spend-1 To 1,11 T* 0 ™ * *"** concern:—Mw. j GEOKS£A _ Thomag conn,-
ixga few days in onranids^the gueatof [ ®‘ mm * J..GroouerlxavinB»iade applies-
Mies Bertha Home. ' ! tion forgoardiaiwinp of the persona and
1 [property of G. F_ Edna, Margaret tma
Jli** Lee Ivey ofnoar ThoraatviUe is.Katharine Groover, minor -children of
spending this week infifavo with friends G. D. Groover, late«f Brooke country,
ideceased, notice is hereby driven that
Mid application xrifc be heard at my of
£eoat ten o'clock «. on the fiwit
Monday in September, 1904.
'Tills July IS, 1904. Wm. M. .lone*-,
41~fc t. Ordinary
'Quite a loco.’ attention was attracted
by Site pxiibitkm of a fox ouoar street*
ast Saturday, ft was caught on Ray-
moad Sutton’nyiaoe, by Meson. Thom
ases, Johnson, Collins and others.
Col. J. R. Singletary is at home from
diis .duties as repeaentatire in the House
aotUs putting inaame campaign work
ithir .week, .bide-thought by many
that.John wiU lead the ticket in die
oooiftg primary.
Jap Chestnut, a negro working on die
turpentine farm of Mathews Bros., was the 11:14 passenger train on!
last Saturday and koeoked down, though'
not seriously hurt. Beam standing on
tlie Broad street’cnossingand appoarent-
iydidnot see the inarming Inin in
time to get entirely off .the track and
probab^r^twes Ilia life to ,|be foot that
the engineer saw him and applied tho
brakes, giving him a fraction more time
than ha would have otherwte'had.
A very large stalk of oottomof the big
bowl, rust paoof variety was on exhibi
tion at the stare.of Merritt A Op., a few
days ago. It was grown by G. T, Hurst
who claims that the liut will sell for 2o
per pound more than ordinary cotton.
Wilson M. Hardy, the genial editor of
the Time-Enterprise, was in our town a
few hours last Friday taking in tlie
Masonic picnic; We only got to shike
hiiAand,bnewearealwaysglad to see
W. T. Crswford and T. A. Powell re
turned from St. Louis Saturday. They
say they had the "time of their lives"
and that tho Pike is all yon are looking
J. M.^Millerjhas boon appointed Sani
tary Inspector for onr town. He will
look after the Sanitary condition of tlie
entire town and report to tho mayor any
nuisance that may exist on the premises
of any resident- The health of any
town depends largely on cleanliness and,
us a rule, our peoplo keep tiifilr premises
lnY el 7? ooa eoudition. The aiipoi Ul ,
of a Sanitary Inspector by hut city
fathers is mote of .a precautionary meas
ure than any thing elso.
Among those who went down to' Su-
yniinali on the exonrsion Wednesday
Were: Mstsrs- J. E. Sijjp, <?4
win, O. T. Davis, L. A. Free, W. H.
Collins, J. f. VaiiLandlughain tmfl L. A.
Miss Marr.HerrUlg roturuedfrom St.
Louis Monday and spent a few days
with relatives before returning to lior
homo at Cflvary.
Tuesday iast Mrs. Henry Wight on
and relatives.
Mrs-A. J. ToyJer'accompanied her
daughter to Jackaonv.illd.N. O. this week
ambuBiness. ,
Mr. W. L. Adame lott Tuesday for
California and other •nortli-westeru
,\Hh. A. L. Nesbet of -near this place
passed away early Monday morning.
She mas a Reese before site,married one
of tUs community's old.honored fain
lliea. We [all extend our i heart felt
sympadkEr to the bereamd cases.
Mr. A..R. Cromsrtie, W.8/. Hopson,
A. B. Cssnshaw, D. M. Adame, and Clif
ford'-Yates will take advantage of tlie
exennrioat to Savannah to *kap\ in the
breezes of Xybee and Thunderbolt.
Mr. E.[Aldennan and daughter, Mrs.
D. M. Adams and Miss Deary .Alder-
man returned Tuesday from s visit to
Sparks .Cecil and Adel.
Mr. D. D. Peacock, and family .left
Monday for. Indian Springs to attend
tHe’ Holiness Camp Meeting.
Miss ‘ Wisiie^Boberts has rstnowd
from an[exteuded trip to Plant City,
Fla, where ihejiraa ibecn visiting 1m*
irother Dr. John Roberts. She was ac
companied by Mr*. Dr. Doberts.
There were bales of cotton sold here
Wednesday at) 0 (cents. We wish to
impress everybody of the fact that there
is no better *qnipped ginnery In the
county tltW the one just finished at this
Mr. Duncan Ivey and Hex Roberts
spent last Snnday with the former’s
father, Mr. A. W. (vey of near Thom-
Mias Ada Perry of iQciilaqkonee was
oneoftlioac who .went to Savannah
Wednsiday. She will be tit* guest i f
her sister Mrs. Ed Garrison ter several
for Infants and Children.
B»s Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of <
Yes this is it!
Tho Asbcll Cany Striping knife
Pity's tor its sell in one duya Use. For
sale by all hardware dealers or the
Wertz Monufacturiug’.Co.
ThomasviUe, On,
$25.00 Reward.
A reward of twOUly-fivi Minis will
bo pain by th» fihtJotsdgrf’j'd for the ar-
re,t with proof VWiivlct any person
guilty Of a 'erfrhtt'al trespass on tho fol.
lowing tuMfa’ti Tliomascouuty Georgia,
tO-\vit; 'Isot a, 4, 6, 87, 38, 'Sil, 4a and
4J, In Via 17 district. Consult D.
Ga.E. \Y. Swift,
• tertaiued at hor beautiful country home,
We are- uot only going to dis- j ..i n( ,[ 0 ,|,j B n iu i IO nor ot her Mater, Mbs
pose of our summer goods, j Heim Boucltollo, aud Miss Anna Doss,
but are daily receiving j both of Thotnasviiie.
new goods, especially fo; J 1’im occifMt «W» h’i h'tdOok tea, j^^ociiiockouce,
this sale, I J and wltoVi trie tovy of young ladies **»- i’^olambas. Cta.,
tered tho’dining room tlioy wero re
quested to totteovor tholr places at ‘the
beautiful decorated tcto.a-tetn Wblea by
finding tlieir names, which \vere con.
coaled iu originally compiled verses put
at each place. After muoli laughter and
1 merriment each foetid her pluco, and
the refreshments were then brought
iu by the lioewis, assisted by lier charm-
1 iug little daughter. Margaret.
After feasting on tlie choice array of
We are preparing to save you
money. You should be
gin preparing to be
ou hand and save
for yourself.
A. F.
& Co.
Yes'. URjdafea Klixir ts usod iu
time: before too much of tho lung tissue
is involved. Tills modern seiontido
medieine removes all morbid irritation
aud inflammation from the lungs to the
surface mid expels them from the sys
tem. *t aids expectoration heals the
ulcerated surfaces, relieves tho cough
deUcHCiesjtlie young folks repaired to j aud mates breathing easy. Rydale’s
tludspeoiouB varauda, where they were j Klixir does uot dry the mucous Isurfaee
charmingly entertained by Miss lteua ] and thus stop the cough. Its action is
Boucliellc in recital of hor original i-just tho opposit«-it stimulates and
soothes.- It kill the germs that cause
negro dialect.
Those present were: Misses Carrie
Wight, Mary Heading. Hattie and Lena
Mauldin, Jouuie and Kathryn Brown,
Mae Crawford, Dora Wood and Loala
Olowar, Mesdames F. M. Brannon and
C. K. Mauldin.
chronic tiiroat and lung diw-ase and
thus aids nature to restore these organs
to health. Trial size 25 cts. Large
sise 50 cts. The large size holds' 2 1-4
times the trial size. J. W. Peacock.
Mrs. J. E. Stephens aud Sir. and Mrs.
W. D. Sikes have returned to their
home -at Ochlockonee from a pleasant
trip ro Indian Springs Gft.
Mr. Joseph R, Maugham, one of the
i officials oi the A. * B., arrived in the
oitv yesterday and joined hia v ife at
, Edgewood where he will be the guest
I oi Oapt. Walter*' family for some time.
Ad 'Valorem Tax.
Constitutional Limit.
A proclamation:
By Sis,Excellency, loseph M. Terrell
Governor oi the Slate of Georgia.
Exudative Department, julv 27th 1094
Wheawa the General Assenvbiv, at
its setaioo in 1903, proposed an
meut to'tbe Constitution of this State, as
set forth do Act approved August 17th
1903.10 wit:
Section 1. iBe it enacted by the Geotr
al Assembly -of the State of Georgia,
That article j, section 1, oi the Constitu
tion of this State, be amended by
ding to said teation the following para
graph, as paragraph 2: Ihe levy oi
taxes on property tor any one year by
the General Assembly tor all purpose,,
except to provide tor repelling invasion
suppressing insurrection, or defending
-‘he Stale in time ot war,shall not exceed
five mills on each dollar oi the value oi
propery taxable in the State.
Section t. Be it further enacted, That
whenever the above proposed amend-
meat 10 the Constitution shall be agreed
to by two-thirds of the members elected
to each of the two houses of the Gen*
eral Assembly, and the same has been
entered on the Journal* with the yeas
and nays taken thereon, the Governor
shall, and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause said amendment to
be published in at least two newspaper,
in each congressional district in tin.
State for al least two mouths nest pre
ceding the lime lor bolding the nest
general election.
Section 3. Be it further enacted, 'I Itat
the above proposed amendment shall be
snbmttted for ratidcationlor rejcctioa to
thc^electors oi this State at the nex
general election to be held, after publi
cation as provided for in the second 1 sec
tion of this Act, in the several election
districts of this State, at wlnub election
every person shall be (jualiled to vote
i’Jjil entitled to vote for me.Tjbc.’S i f
th. General Assembly. All persons
vonng at said election in favor ol adopt
ing the proposed amendment to the
Constitution, shall have written of
printed on their ballots thee won!,;
‘Jtor ratification of tho aujtndmuut lo
Article f, sectlou I, ol the Constitution
ol this State, so as to limit the levy oi
taxes on properly'Cot IU-y one year by
the General Assembly to live- mills on
each dollar of the value ot the property
taxable in the Stale, except for lire pur
pose of repelling invasion, suppressing
insurrection, or defending Yfof Tea*, i
time of war"; and ait ipcWoWs opposed to
the adoption of baiii -kWiendment shall
have written "or printed on their ballot
the words 1 : “Against,the ratification of
the amendment to article 7, section t, of
'the‘Constitution o( this Stale, s;
limit the levy ot taxes on property lor
any one year by the Genctal Assembly
'to five mills on each dolhtr of the value
of the property taxable lh this State, ex
cept for tho purpose df repelling invas
ion, suppressing insurrection, or defend
ing the State vn-tiiue of war.” And if a
majority ot the electors qualified to vote
for members of tho General Assembly
voting thereon shall vote for said
amendment, then shall said amendment
become a part of the Constitution of this I
Now. therefore I loseph M. Terrell, i
Governor ot said State, do issue this my j
proclamation hereby declaring that the |
foregoing proposed amendment to the
Constitution is submitted lor ratihcaiton
or rejection to the voters of the State
qualified to vote tor members of the
General Assembly, at the general rlnc-
tion to be held on Wednesday. October
jth, 1904.
By the Governor: Joseph M. Terrell,
Philip, Cook. -Governor.
Secretary of State.
Tn the Hon. the Superior Court of
said County.
Tljp petition of S. Stoyerinan, Edward
Longserg and Harry Steyerman, all of
said State, respectfully shows.
First. That they desire for Uiem*
selves, tl»lr associates, successors and
assigns, to become incorporated under
the name and style of “The Steyerman
Second. Hie term far which peti
tioners auk to bo incorporated is twenty
years with the privilege of renewal at
tile end of that -time':
Third. The-capita! stock* of the cor-
pooation la to he Fifteen Thousand Dol
lan. divided into shares of Oue Handled
Dollars each. Petitioners, however,
aak tlie privilege of increasing said
capital stock to no amount not exceed
ing Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Fourth. The whole of said capital
stock bee actually been paid in.
Fifth. The objeot of tlie proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its stock holders. Petitiorers pro
pose to carry on tlie business of general
merchants, dealing by wholesale and
retail in dry goods, notions, farmers
snpplies and provisions; bnying and
selling all-such goods as may be neces
sary for the proper conduct of said pro
posed business; to t»oy aud own real
estate; to borrow and|loan money, to
receive and hold and exeonte deeds and
mortgages as security, to sell and boy
live stock and other personal property;
to do all such things as may be neces
sary to carry on the business os pro
Sixtii. That the principal office and
place of business of tho proposed- cor
poration will bo in tho City of Thomas
viUe, said State and County.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to bo
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid,entitled to the righto,
privileges aud immunities and snbjcct
to the liabilities fixed by law.
Petitioners Attorne;
GEOUtHA—Tliomas County.
I,- J. W. Groover, Clerk Superior-
Court, Thornus County, do certify that
tho foregoing [is a true copy of tlie
original on file iu my office.
Witness my hand audj official signa
ture this 10th day of August, 1904.
41-12 4t. Clerk Snperior Court.
Executor’s Safe.'
(iEDH(4iA—l'lionias county.,/
By vlrture of an order of the Cou^t of
Ordinary hf said county, will be sold at
public oat cry, on the first Tuesday iu
September, 11)04, at the court house iu
said county, between the legal hours of
sale, the following real estato situated
in Thomas couutv, to-wit? A certain
lot in city of ThotnasviUe, lia., being on
west side of Craw ford street, between
$ruith Avo. and Flfctcher street, lying
between lets of Mrs. Ha^rockson sooth
» 3ULb. Msfchvy Y-b north, wdd lot hav
ing a frontage ou Crawford street of 79
feet* lietth side being 216 feet, so nth side
174 feet and real* line 50 feet, according
to UcSwain survey aud known in said
survey as lot No. 2, add having theieon
a 7 room dwelling. Terms cash.
This 1st of August, 1904.
{ • W. B. Webb,
Executor of will of Helen B. Foote.
Property poiutedoot by E. 3J. Mai-
late, Agt. 8-5" 1
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
ThomasviUe. . '* - Georgia.
Money to loan ou Thomas County
tar Real Elate at 7 per cent annum
/a the matterof laying out and defin
ing the new Militia District in Merrill-
▼ille, iu accordance with petition by
citizens of that community, the Chair
man of this Board was authorized to ap
point three commissioners,- residents of
tlie district or districts from which the
new one is to bo formed, and that said
commissioners be charged with that
duty. A. J. Way. *Tr., of Ways District,
W. Murphy, of Cooledge aud A. J.
Owens, of ThomasviUe District.
Report of Commissioners.
We the commissioners appointed to
lay out and define the boundaries of a
new MUitia District, to be known as the
Merrill ville District, do make this as our
report accompanied with the plat certi
fied to by the County Surveyor.
Beginning at the southeast corner of
lot No. 198, of the 18th District and run
ning thence north to northeast, thence
east to southeast corner of No. 216,
thence north to Air Line public road,
thence northeasterly along said publie
road to where said road intersects the
east line of lot No. 261, thence north to
Big Greek, thence westerly along said
creek to where said creek* enters the
Orhlocknee river, thence southerly down
said nver to where said river crosses the
west line of lot No. 109, thence south to
the southwest corner of lot No. 106,
thence east to starting point.
A. J. Owens,
D. VV. Murphy,
A. Way, Jr.,
The report received andjtlie following'
resolutions adopted;
Whereas Ad Way Jr., A. J. Owens
and D. W. Murphy were appointed at
tlie July term of this court, commission
ers to lay out aud define the lines of the
new Militia District, known as the
MerriUrille District and to be composed
of a portion of Ways, ThomasviUe and
Murphy Districts, having filed their re
port, infcwhich the establishment of the
new District is recomii ended, said repost
liaving'becn approved by tho Board, it
i« the.efore ordered that said new Mili
tia District be establisbed aud a certified
trauscript of the proceedings iu reference
there to be at once transmitted to the
Governor of the State aud that proceed
ings be published in ThoniHHviUe Times
Enterprise for SO days as required by
J. S. Montgomery Sect.
8*19-4t E. M. Smith Clir.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
This branch of the business we make a specialty, being
equipped ‘.In every way to give you such service and workman
ship, which gives satisfaction, a trial is all that is necessary’.
Plain and fancy engrav ing is done by us,
C.’G. GOEHRING. i i Jawlar. i i taOtSoutti Broad S
Wood’s Seeds.
Crimson Clover
Sown at the last working
of the Corn or Cotton Crop,
can be plowed under the following
April or May in time to plant corn
or other crops the same season.
Crimson Clover prevents winter
leaching of the sou, is equal in fer*
tUizing value to a good application
of stable manure and wiu wonder
fully increase the yield and oual-
itv of corn or other crops which
follow it. It also makes aplendld
winter and spring grazing, fine
early green feed, or a good hay
crop* Even if the crop is cut on,
the action of the roots and stubble
improve the land to a marked de
T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,
WnTi DaacHfttv* M Catafaf. ready
•boat August l»t. teila all about Farm
asd Vegetable Seed* for Fall plant-
log. Mailed free on requeat.
(iuardian’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
By virtue of an orcerof the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be solu at
public outcry at the court bouse door in
the city of Thotnasviiie, Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in September, upA, be
tween the usual hours of sate, a one half
(J) interest in the following real estate,
situate in the town of Boston and county
of Thomas, towit:- -One lot on corner
of Mam and Jefferson Sts., Itonling on
Main Sr. 30.V/O feet with one story brick
store building thereon covering lot.
One lot fronting on Jefferson St., Bos
ton, Ga , contain ng ont* acre more or
tb \five (Ij room dwelling house
thereon, bonnded on the North by Jeffer
son St., on the East by E. R. Whaley,on
the South by Rev. D. H. Ba ker, on the
\Vc*t by W. R. Forster.
One lot fronting on Stephens St., Bos
ton, Ga.,Jconta»ning one acre more or
less, with a six (6) room dwelling house
thereon, with servants bouse, bounded
the Eastjby St-pluns St„ on the
South by H 1) Philips, on the West by
Baptist church lot. and on the North by
lacksoti Street.
One Boston, Ga., fronting on
Green Street and A. C* L. R’y contain
ing one-half (l^acre more or less, bound
ed on the West bv Green Street, on the
North by Levi Hayes, on the East by
Mrs, Missouri Horn, on the South by A.
C. L. right of way.
Also ten (lO)acresJofiland, Lot No. —
fronting on the TUcmasvillc and Boston
public road four (4) miles west of Bos
ton Ga, cleared but not under cultiva
The sale continue from day to day be
tween the same hours until all of said
property Is sold. Terms CASH.
This 2nd day of August 1904.
J B Brooks,
S-5-4t Guardian of W J Brooks.
Typewriter For Sale.
i A good Densmore Typewriter, nearly
1 new; used but little, a genuine bargain.
’ Parties- in need can get a first-class
| machine at half regular price. Apply
to A. W. Logon.
1 8 6* lm Ochlocknee, Ga*