Newspaper Page Text
Soutb Georgia (progress,
Now Residences and Mill at Melgs-
Other Events.
Social and Personal Newt from 4 Sec
tion Where Things Happen.
Mr. W. O. Johnson and Miss Nancy
Barrow Die Near Coolldge*
Everything and How it Happened Told
In Terse Terms.
Says He Won’t Take Second TarmTt
Elected* Strong Speech.
All the farmers iu this section are busy
polling fodder between showers.
Dillon base ball team is doing some
good work. They played Orell Saturday
nud defeated them by the look score of
13 to 1. Wheeler and Wheeler was the
'battery for Dillon and Ross and Alex
andria for the visitors.
The Vanderbilt and Hopkins lumber
company has bought tho Watson and
Gibson timber, and atrara'roadformov*
iug logs will soon bo completed. \
The Dillon and Pavo base ball teams
will cross bats at Dillon on August 12th.
Tho game is expectod to to a hard
(By H. U. Nesmith.) ,
The many friends of mayor J. O. Bell,
are glad (.to hear of his convaiesenco,
from an attack of fever.
Mr. Ira Dekle has moved to Ooolidge
and will assume control of the new cot
ton ginnery here. Tliis is au up-to-date
plant, and will prove of great benefit to
our farmers. t
The cotton crop, is not. uearly so good
ns people thought three weeks ago, it
having failed remarkably fast ill the
last few days.
The A. & fi. By. Co. are applying the
paintbrush to their four buildings. It
adds materially to the appearance of our
The very sad death of our fellow towns
man, Mr W. O. Johnston, occurred
here on July 29th. He was sink only a
few days, and but, few of our people had
learnod of his sicknoss before his death.
Hejleayoa a wife and seven children, who
wore dependent upon his daily labors for
sustenance. Interment was at Harmony
Church, iu Mitchell County.
On 3audr.y, July 81st., near here Miss
Nancy Barrow succumbed to an attack
of typhoid fever. She was au estim
able young Christian woman. Inter
ment was hero Monday, in the family
cemetery nfiar Big Creek Church.
The trustees of our public school have (
socured the services of Mr. Adrian Rob
inson, of Milan, to teach the fall term of
school here, which will open on Aug.
20th. Mr. Robinson is highly re
commended os being one ‘of the host
teachers in the suite.
(by J. ft. ftenrey.)
A lot of fine potatoes were brought in
lost Saturday by Mr. R, L. Taw. They
were large and sweet. They brought
$1. per bushel.
Mr. Edd Hurst of Cairo has the place
of bookkeeper for T. j. Willis.’ whole
sale house at this place.
Hou. H. D. Redfearn of Pavo was
hero *i few days. Mr. Redfearn is a can-
didate for coupty commissioner and
made the acquaintance of mauy o^ our
Mr. G. L. Daren is at tlie St. Louis
Mr. George Joiner and Bros, are
erecting u grist mill at this place. It is
situated at the foot of Marshall street,
below llio Atkinson ginnery. This will
supply a loug felt need in this vicinity.
The timber is being placed for the
erection of a rejM?*"? on the lot lately
purchased f>y Mr. J. R. Macon.
Surely three or four now dwellings
anil a grist mill at ouo time is not bad
for a one-horse town.
Misses Bertie Reagan and Josio Rooks
two very bright young ladies from Wil
liams; entered Pino Grove school lust
Monday. I could possibly make room
for twenty others of the same kind.
Mrs. Y. B. Jolly and her^Jittlo. sister
Sadie Deyorle of Montgomery, who
have spent soveral days with relatives
here loft Thursday morning for Boston.
Our town pet, Mr. A. K. Whitfield
.jcrupes tho dirt from his /acc with a
razor that he purchased fifty years ago
for fifty cents. Ho days it is an excel-
(By H. C. Jordan) *
' Mr. J. J. Cone, of Thomasville, was
here last week in the interest of his can-
didancy-for sheriff.
Miss Eunice Stone, of Thomasville,
was visiting relatives here since our last
epistle f
Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Harman, Mr. and
Mrs. Hi M. Myriek, Mrs. J. S. Norton
ana daughter Kate, feeling blue, Tithed
Blue Springs last week.
Mr. G. C. HaghOs, who ban beon ab
sent for somo time at Rock v Bridge, N.
C., his old borne, has returned to Boston.
Dr. M. R. Mallette, of Thomasville,
wan-Here last Thursday looking alter
J. D. McCallum and Jesse Joyner
have bought out the meat market of W.
B. Purisii, located iu the tqwn 1m l build
ing and they give the Bos
tonians the best meats that can be found
iu this section of country. We bespeak
for this firm a liberal fchare of patronage
as they intend to extort themselves to
the utmost Jo deserve it. *
W. B. Whipple, au old Boston boy.
bnt now one of the trusted employees of
the A. O. L. Railroad Company, nnjl
stationed at Montgomery, spent last
Sunday iu Bostou the guest of bis moth
er-, Mrs. A. J. Whipple, at her home on
West Jefferson St. ,
Mrs. Julian Jordan left last Friday a.
rn. tor Hoinerville, Ga. to visit her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. RegisterT re
turning Sunday. -*
J. II. Rolls, a quondam citizen of our
city aud a prominent railroad official,
with headquarters at Thomasville, was
In Boston last Friday transacting busi
** Mb £ Maggie • Blanton, of, Moultrie,
Miss Grille Roberson, of Palmetto, Flu.
und Miss Lena McOormac, of Boston,
Ga., were visitors last week to Mayview
and while there were the guests of Capt.
J, B. Way and Judge W. H. Geiger's
Mr. Mark A. Reaves, ouo of Lota’s
leading citizens and business men, was
transacting busicers in our city li\st F.i
Misses ^rankle and Mabel Folks, two
of U'ay cross’ most intelligent and charm
ing young ladies', and belonging to oue
of tho leading families in said «*ity, being
tlie daughters of Dr. W C. Folks, who
wbs ont o mayor and a leading physician
of the place, ore visiting Miss Essie Tay
lor at her home in uortlt Boston.
Miss Kstella Mills,
Esopns, N. Y, Aug 10, 1904 — Jadg*
Alton B. Parker was notified in official
form of his nomination for President
to day. The day dawned with a pour
ing rain storm, but in spite of , that fact
the program as previously arranged waft
carried out to the letter.
©ning. The entertainment was given in
tionor of Miss Pearl Harrison
of Dothan, ' one of Alabama’s
highly accomplished and refined
young ladies. Mr. Pate, of Tampa,
\Fla. and Mr. Lovett famished music
after which refreshments were served.
Regretful farewells after an evening of
so much enjoyment.
A crowd of young people enjoyed a
pleasant eveuing at Mr. J.T. Redfeari.’s
last Thursday. • ,
Morris of
The steamer
Sagamore arrived at the wharf at 1115
p. m. having on board 525 persons.
The notification committee, members
of the national committee and many
other^Democrats were guests of the oc
casion . Nearly every prominent Demo
crat in'reocli was invited, but some pre
ferred to go by train, as they could not
spare the time for the river ride. .. .
Hon. Champ Clark, chairman of the
committee of notification, delivered a
abort and very eloqaeiit address to Judge 1
Parker and waa frequently interrupted
by enthusiastic applause. ,
In reply Judge Parker spoke at length.
His words were , no disappointment to
those who nave learned to expect manly
straightforward Democratic dootrlno
from him.
He points out tho weakness and mis
takes of tlie Republican party.
He declares himself in favor of giving
independence to (he PI JUipines, repeats
his gold-stni dard declaration, condemns
militarism aud imperialCsm, and lion-
, dies the trusts witflbi/Pfear.
Perhaps the biggest surprise of the
speoch was. his closing statement “I
shall not be a candidate nor shall t ac
cept a renomination.” He gives as his
reason the high ground that ”1 am fully,
persuaded that no incumbent of that of-
fleo should ever bo placed in a situation
of possible temptation to consider what
the effect of notion taken by him in his,
administration on a matter of great im-
portance' 4 mighfc have upon his political
fortunes. 1 ’ / ’ '
Mr. Leon Fish and Mr.
Moultrie spent last Sunday in Pavo with
Miss Nellie Smith of ThomafcviUe who:
has been visiting friends and relatives
in and near tliis place ill return home
Wednesday. She will be accompanied by
Misses Leila atd Olivia Adams, Cary
and Hoz McGraw.
Mr. B. W. Mills who has been spend*
sng awhile with his parents at this place
leaves today for Tocooa, Ga. Hblplaco of
Mr. W. P. McGraw of Doeruu visited
lus parents Monday night. \
Miss Jeunie Edmonson of Tallokhs
Ga. and Miss Lucy Harvey of St. Peters
burg, Fla. will visit Thomasviilo Wed
Rev. J. P. Ryder, pastor of the Baptist
church at Bainbridge preached an able
sermon here Monday evening.
Mrs. Frony Dagger of near this place
passed away Monday. We extend our
heartfelt sympathy, to the bereaved
husband and relatives.
Master Earl Adams returned from
W.iito Springs, Fla. Monday evebiug
and reports a pleasant trip.
Lazarus Bros, liavo returned-from
Now York witli a nice lino of fall goods
and ask everybody to come and seo them
and get lowest prices.
Mr. A. H. Mills has accepted a posi
tion with Lazarus Bros.
Mr. H. J. Alderman w]io has been
holding a position with the Tiddor
Lumber Co. iu Florida, returned to
Pavo Monday p^m.
Miss Leona Homo will leave the
first of uoxt week for Jacksonville N.
C. to visit her old home. Her many
friends w is i for her a pleasant trip and
a speedy retnru.
Oapt. J. B. Rolierts was called to Val
dosta lost Saturday to look after some
business interests.
Sheriff Hight was hero last Monday
Attending to official business.
B. M. Comfort, president of the Com
fort Trading jCo., visited ThomasviUo
Inst Monday,
Col.JT. L. Clark, one of Montfcellos
leading citizens aud prominent attorney,
was in Bostou last Monday transacting
klisses Emma Dauiei and Hattie Par
ker, two/pf Boston’s choice young ladies,
left Iasi Sunday for White Springs Fla.
E. C. Milligan, Bbstou’s ex mayor and
one of her leading eitizeus and business
men, was called to the County Capitol
last'Tuesday to attend to bassness.
P. C. Ivor one ot our leading business
meu visited Cairo this week. .
Bob Brown, postmaster Fcltlinm’s as
sistant, boa hied himself off to White
Springs Fla to he'given a week or so
trying to recuperate his physical contour.
Prof. Rutherford,ono of Boston's High
School teachers, was here this week tak
ing in the situation rfrirt Aurrounding^
Our school will open this fall under tho
most flattering prospects and wo bespeak
for it a largo patronage, which it so rich*
A bettor school can’t be
Madison Fixed Ue Yesterday But Wait
Till this Afternoon.
The sad story told in these headlines
expresses the result of the baseball game
yesterday, and tho determination of the
home boys to win to-day. Translated
into figures tho score reads 0 to 2.
The weather man was kinder yester
day and tho daily damp oozed at 2:80
leaving the gamo unsprinkled. A largo
ladies wore
Seven Thousand Five Hundred Doltai
for State Board.
ly deserves,
fouud in South West Georgia.
Col. W. L. Phillips being called back
home on account of pressing engage-
raents.Joft last Sunday for his homo,
but expeots to return to Boston in two
Mrs. Laura'.T. Groover was] stricken
last Friday with a slight stroke of paral
ysis at her home, corner of Adams and
Green streets;
Atlanta, Ga.,Ang. 10,1904.—(Specha..
to Timbs-Entekpbisb) Tho Honso of
Representatives this morning parsed tho
bill approrintiug $7600 for the State
crown including many
prosont, and tho fair grounds were be
decked with every Variety ot vehicledom
from oxcarts to rubber tired traps.
Uozekiah Brown and his hard luck were
agaiu in tho box for Thomasville. He
has gone bock to Savannah laying- tlie
flattoring uncion to'his soul that it was
uot all his fault. Wild BUI Clark de
livered the goods for Madison, and the
nine meu on tho investigating commit
tee couldn’t find hizc,
Board of Health, Tho original bill for
$10,000 was reduced $2,000 by the House
but raised from that to $7,500 by the
Senate. The house this morning ooo-
enrred in the Senate’s action. The.
money will be osod by tlie board in fight
ing the spread of tubetctilosieR, small.pox.
and other contagions diseases.
Popular Dry Goods Firm Will Incorpo
rate and Enlarge Business.
We learn that sliq is
gettiug along as nicely as her friends
and relatives could wish nndcr the cir
cumstances and we hope to chronicle
her speedy recovery soou.
i Ed. 8. Baity in quite sick at bis home
on East Jefferson street, with a caso of
continued fever. Wo hopo by tlie aid of
hie M. D. and the nursing of his good
wife to see him at fii/s post of duty very
J. B. Evcritt, oue of Boston’s loading
citizens, fvas called to the County Capi
tol last Monday to attend to business.
An exchange says that tho drinking
man -is more'or less iu debt—True
O King.
J. M. Jones, wife, little Ohio and
George and J. W. Jones are at kvhite
Springs, Fla., recuperating and,resting.
Wo are gratified to report Mrs. W. C.
>riously sick
Barwick News Items.
[Ily It. L. Itedfottrn)
Mr Clyde Rountree is visiting in At
lanta this week.
Cotton is opening rapidly, and wo note
iu some cotton fields tlie cotton is dying
badly. S*a Island cotton, which Is
chiefly planted around Barwick is look
ing fine.
Miss Ida Hicks, ono of Moultrie’s at
tractive yonug ladies, after a woek’s
visit the guest of Miss Lois Rountiee
has returned home.
The Primitive Baptists held their regu
lar meeting at' Harmouy commencing
Friday and closing Sunday. The paster
Eider R. H. Barwick was not present on
acccuut of a' recent attack of fever.
Elders Head and Parrisl^fconducted the
Mr. Philip Orth, of Pidcock; yas a
'business caller fibre yester day. Mr. Orth
will put up a large, saw mill here iu tho
near future
Messrs. Henry Burney and Eugene
Eason, of SnmmeriJll community, were
among our visitors Sundur,
Mr’Walter Walcott, of Griffin, is
spending a frew days iu our town. He
i* visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fambrough
Mr. J. T. Barrett has the ginnery in
good repair, ready to accommodate the
Mr. B. F. Massey, one of Barwick’s
|>opnJar business men is spending this
week in Albany reenperatiug.
Messrs. Work and Tom Chastain were i
among the delegates to the annual meet- i
tog at Harmony,
Misses Eiien and Abbie Barrett visited 1
Thomasville Saturday.
' We regret to learn of the aeridos ill
ness of Mrs. J. B. Rountree. Mr. Roqn- 1 1
tree will arrive from Atlanta today. * <
of Whigbam, is
visiting tho family of Mr. aud Mrs. J.
C. Nieel at their snlmrban residence in
south cast Boston. ^ ^
Miss Carrie Harman left last week for
Catoosa Springs in North Georgia aud
extended visit be'foro
Turnbull, Wil
liams and Groovqr secured hits.
Tho fireworks started in theffirst
inning when Mudison made 2 runs.
They duplicated this performance in the
second, and mado one in the fifth aud
seventh. Linton scored in the fourth
and Groover iu tho sixth, for Thomas-
rille. The homo team made three hits
and five errors, wliile 8 of the boys saw
ed out.' Browu fanned 18 Madi&onians
while tlioy made 0 hits and 8 errors.
The game was interesting and well
played, and tho only reason that can bo
assigned for Thoraasvilio’s defeat is that
their opponents made more runs,
This afternoon the story should read
differently. Lige Maynard, Mercer’s fa
mous pitcher will be in tho box for }
Thomasville, Anderson for thp Flori
dians. Pate, anothor good oue will help
out’tl.e home team. All the men feel
that it is a case of do or die, and will
strain every nerve. -With the biggest
County Court Had a Busy Time DUhm..
ponslng Justlco,
County court conveued yesterday*
morning with Judge Henry Peeples of
Nashville presiding for Judge HanseU.
The visitor is-a big man of imiiosiug
prosonce and ho l^epfc tho lawyers hard
at work all day, The following cates ^
i were disposed of.
Allen and Mattie Junior, cruelty tp
animals, acquitted.,
Usury MiUor, larceny,
guilty, $80. or 8 mouths.
Milton Fioyd, larceny, $80 or ,
Jake McKinney, larceny, guilty, flOdf
• or 12 mouths. *
Alf Parish, aimingarm«,-uot guilty*
Henry Moore, gambling, $40 or ®;;)
Joe Hammond, gambling $49. or 6,
R. M. Wadsworth, profane laogm»go
in preseuce of fomaies, guilty, 60 hr 9k
T m hu t 'U, vagrancy, nor guilty. Y
Millard ^Holland. stoaUng ride oru
railroad train, not guilty. ^
Tom Allen, misdemeanor, $1. and.
will make quite ai
she returns home.
Miss Lucy Belle Mclutosh is£at Ellijay
Ga., visiting Dr. J. W. Fambrough aud
family and wilT bo absent some two
moutiis. v
Messrs.'’ Lazarus Bro’s., of Quitman,
verdict of
Griffip, who has been so
as convalescing.
Miss Mfirie Carter is at Patten, Ga.
visiting Mr; Adisou Way, Sr., her grand
.Mias Essie Barnes of Knoxville Ga. a
niece of Mrs. J. D. McCallum’sis visiting
frieuds and relatives at Patten, Ga.
Rev. H. C.*Jones, pastor of tlie Meth
odist church of Boston is carrying on a
protracted meeting at Grooverville as
sisted by Rev. Clark of the South Ga.
A “little boy*'appeared at the home
of Mr. and Jirs, W. A. Taylor this week
who is so well pleased witli the situation
and 'surroundings that be has decided
to make Uhls permanent home. This
scribe tenders congratulations.